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以生态工业园为例,探讨了工业生态系统的生态机理,论述了工业生态系统的生态系统原则,即循环性、进化性、多样性和地域性,分析了生态工业园存在的生态问题,通过工业园区企业的生态机理、多样性分析以及关键种企业的建立,构建良好的闭环系统,有效提升生态工业园系统的稳定性.  相似文献   

基于(火用)分析法的煤炭工业生态链物质能量流动研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从工业生态学角度研究了矿区工业生态系统的工业代谢和工业生态链,建立了矿区物质循环与能量流动分析和效率模型。根据生态效率的理念,矿区发展需要5项关键支撑技术,为合理选择煤炭的产业链延伸途径打下理论基础,促进了矿区的可持续发展。  相似文献   

作者根据生态学原理,讨论了如何在城市生态系统中合理安排工业结构的问题。文章指出:城市生态系统在物质循环和能量流动方面与自然生态系统很类似,在自然生态系统中,生物间通过各种食物链的交叉结合,形成了复杂的食物网络结构。在这个网状结构中,物质的利用率极高,没有“有用物”和“废物”之分。因此,也就不会产生环境污染。而在城市生态系统中,例如在我国工业内部的物质循环多半是链状的,各种物质间依赖性大,资源浪费大,给环境造成污染。要改变这种状况,首先要在工业内部形成一个整体的物质循环网络结构。网络结  相似文献   

前言干旱区绿洲大农业生态系统是在原有的自然绿洲及荒漠戈壁上,经过人类开垦和长期的灌溉耕作形成的。绿洲农业在我国已有二、三千年以上的历史,随着历史上经济的发展,已逐步建立了较完整的、自给自足的、较为封闭的绿洲农业生态系统。在历史上,这种生态系统对繁荣丝绸之路的经济,起到了不可估量的作用。在工业发达的现代,由于外界能量的加人,绿洲农业又得到了进一步发展,但也带来了一些新问题。本文在对绿洲农业生态系统的特点加以探讨基础上,试对草地农业,也即农区畜牧业在该系统中的地位及作用加以讨论。l绿洲大农业生态系统…  相似文献   

建国以来,北京市的工业建设取得了很大的成绩。但是,由于过去我们对工业发展和城市建设可能给城市生态系统带来的影响认识不足,没有采取相应的防治对策,以致产生了一系列的环境问题。如城市规模过大,人口过多,工业密集,能源缺乏,“三废”污染,噪声扰民等。这种状况与首都的地位极不相称,与国  相似文献   

每一个物种的灭绝,都是无法弥补的损失,都使地球生态系统失去了本应具有的一部分。地球生态系统现在已经千疮百孔了,如果物种大规模灭绝的趋势得不到控制,地球生态系统将会崩溃,人类也将处于灾难之中。在我们生活的这个大千世界里,动物也是一个重要角色。它们是我们的世界、我们的国家和我们的生活中的一个重要组成部分。但是,工业的突飞猛进,破坏了动物们原本的家园。从而导致某些动物不适应而濒临死亡或已绝种。  相似文献   

基于塔里木河流域生态系统特征,分析塔里木河流域生态系统管理面临的主要问题.①农业开发大量挤占生态用水,威胁流域生态系统安全;②流域农药使用量增长1.78倍,化肥使用量增长2.06倍,工业SO2排放量增长5.93倍,城镇污水量增长0.23倍,下游水质严重超标;③水资源利用效率仅为6.79元/m3,远低于新疆平均水平;④人口和种植规模年均增长11%以上,突破流域水资源承载力.从综合生态管理体制、生态资源市场交易机制、生态立法三方面提出塔里木河流域生态系统管理新方向.  相似文献   

酸雨是污染环境的公害之一,早在五十年代就引起了世界一些国家的注意,出于近代工业的发展,污染源的增加,酸雨对生态系统等的危害愈加严重,因此近年来世界各国对酸雨的防治研究等愈加重  相似文献   

工业文明以来,环境危机的大范围爆发,一些西方学者开始反思工业文明时期经济发展的模式和运行机制,重新审视人类与自然、生物个体与生态系统整体、当代人与后代人之间的伦理关系,提出了不同的学术主张,形成了风格相异的环境伦理学思潮和流派。这些流派具有不同的学术渊源。本期将介绍西方主要学术流派,以期使读者对西方环境伦理领域有客观的了解。  相似文献   

一、工业结构与环境质量的关系模型工业生产对环境质量的影响是多方面的。工业生产过程所排出的各种污染物对化学环境、物理环境以及生物环境大影响是显著的。而工业发展造成的水资源紧张、人口密度增大、交通运输量增大以及城市生态系统可能发生的不良变化等环境问题已越来越为人  相似文献   

在生态文明建设理念的指导下,从南四湖流域的自身特点与现状出发,在总结和借鉴国内外产业生态发展主要经验的基础上,结合南四湖流域自身特点,从管理机制、财政政策、价格税收、技术创新、投资取向、政绩考核等多角度出发,构建了南四湖流域的产业生态政策体系,并从实施目标责任考核、建立流域产业布局规划的协调制度、完善产业结构调整优化的法律法规制度、增强生态产业的科技创新能力、建立流域的政府信息共享与公开机制、建立健全流域水环境执法机构六个方面提出了相应的生态保障措施。  相似文献   

1987年曲格平同志为中国环境管理干部学院(以下简称学院)提出"团结、严谨、求实、创新"的院训,其中团结是前提,严谨是基础,求实是关键,创新是灵魂。20多年来,全院师生员工践行院训精神,加强团结,严谨治学,求实进取,开拓创新,促进了学院的建设与发展,培养了大批人才,积累了丰硕的教学科研成果。  相似文献   

在“五位一体”总体布局内,生态环保法律体系通过内外协调,进入以生态文明理念为指导的全面升级时期。绿色、循环、低碳要求的统筹协调和集成创新不断加强,明确了一些流域或区域的综合保护立法。对照生态文明体制改革要求,协同推进降碳、减污、扩绿、增长的法制建设不足,山水林田湖草沙一体化保护和系统治理的法制建设不足,一些改革措施并未写入法律法规,一些概念和部门的职责并不清晰,一些特殊区域和流域缺乏综合性保护专门立法,影响绿色、循环、低碳发展的综合绩效。建议全面开展法制梳理,提升降碳、减污、扩绿、增长类法律法规的衔接性和互助性,促进山水林田湖草沙各要素法律法规的兼容性和协同性,针对特定流域和区域的保护、重点行业的绿色、循环、低碳发展及国土空间规划、自然资源资产管理等领域开展专门立法;界定有争议的概念,区分相关监管和监测职责;加强一般立法与流域、区域保护立法的衔接。  相似文献   

Utilization of natural resources has multiplied globally, resulting in serious environmental deterioration and impeding the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). For the harmonious development of human nourishment and the balance of nature, it is vital to evaluate environmental segments' resource usage, transformation, and residue, referred to as ‘footprint,’ in order to highlight carrying capacity and sustainability. This analysis highlights the Environmental Footprint (EF) of India per state from 2010 to 2020 in terms of hectares per capita. This study evaluates India's biological, hydrological, energy, ecological, and pollution footprints, carrying capacity, environmental pressure, and environmental deficit using 17 distinct parameters categorized under the themes of biological resource, hydrological resource, energy resource, and pollution concentration. We proposed a reoriented methodology and EF concepts that determine India's footprint, carrying capacity, nature of sustainability, environmental pressure index, and its consequential links to the 2030 SDGs. As a result, the biological resources contributed to ~50% of the environmental footprint, while hydrological, energy, and pollutants made up the remaining. Between 2010 and 2020, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and West Bengal had the highest EF, while Jammu and Kashmir and the north-eastern provinces had the lowest. During the research period, the ecological deficit in India has increased overall. India impedes the 2030 SDGs; therefore, the study provides a picture of resource consumption, waste generation, economic growth, and societal changes, enabling academics and policymakers to redefine or document policy for a more sustainable future.  相似文献   

Effects of placer mining on the hydrology and water quality of several interior Alaska streams were studied as part of a project on the impacts of placer mining on stream ecosystems. Surface and subsurface waters were analyzed in the field for conductivity, pH, temperature, alkalinity, total and calcium hardnesses, iron, copper, manganese, ammonia-N, nitrate-N, nitrite-N, settleable solids, and turbidity. Total, nonfiltrable, and filtrable residues were determined in the laboratory. In the streams placer mining increased turbidity, settleable solids, nonfiltrable and filtrable residues and total iron. Surface and subsurface water levels, as measured in wells driven in the stream beds, were correlated with stream flow. Fine sediment deposited on stream beds in mined drainages reduced the hydraulic contact between the surface and subsurface waters of the stream and caused the piezometric water level to be below the surface water level of the mined streams. This resulted in higher specific conductance and significantly lower dissolved oxygen concentrations in the subsurface waters of mined streams compared to their surface waters. No significant differences were found for any water quality characteristics comparing surface to subsurface waters for the unmined streams.  相似文献   

Trace and minor element concentrations differ in animal tissues as the result of the surrounding environment (feeding plants, soil contaminated with food and drinking water) and animal absorption of these elements. Concentrations of Ag, Au, Ca, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, and Zn were determined from different tissues of camel (inter-costal, scapula, sirloin, flank, front knuckle and front limb) from the semi-arid areas of the Aswan desert (Wadi El-Allaqi) and from Aswan city, Egypt. The study included an assessment of these same elements in the desert and city plants used as food by the camels and in soils from the study areas. The results reveal that camel tissues from the desert areas exhibited higher concentrations of Na, Mg, K, Au, Ag, Cu, Co and Zn than in those of the city camels. These higher levels of element are because of the high concentrations of the same elements in the desert plants and soil of the desert area. This, in turn, depends upon the geological formation differences between the desert area and the city area. Camel tissues appear to concentrate high levels of Mn, Ni, Co and Mg in the scapula while flank portions concentrate high levels of Mg and K. The levels of elements in the camel tissues under study were within the recommended safety baseline levels for camel health and human use, as well as within the appropriate limits in the desert and city plants for camel use.  相似文献   

阐述了堆肥技术背景与基本原理。通过对国内示范项目运行情况的研究分析,提出了堆肥处理处置中应注意的工艺选择、处理规模、通风除臭、自动化与可靠性、减量化与稳定化,以及重金属、POPs、经营风险等问题。分析了堆肥处理处置全过程的经济成本,得出了该技术的参考运行成本;给出了该技术的适用条件和发展趋势。  相似文献   

Urban Domestic Gardens (XIV): The Characteristics of Gardens in Five Cities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Domestic gardens make substantial contributions to the provision of green space in urban areas. However, the ecological functions provided by such gardens depend critically on their configuration and composition. Here, we present the first detailed analysis of variation in the composition of urban gardens, in relation to housing characteristics and the nature of the surrounding landscape, across different cities in the United Kingdom. In all five cities studied (Belfast, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Leicester, and Oxford), garden size had an overwhelming influence on garden composition. Larger gardens supported more of the land-use types recorded, in greater extents, and were more likely to contain particular features, including tall trees and mature shrubs, areas of unmown grass and uncultivated land, vegetable patches, ponds, and composting sites. The proportional contribution of non-vegetated land-uses decreased as garden area increased. House age was less significant in determining the land-use within gardens, although older houses, which were more likely to be found further from the urban edge of the city, contained fewer hedges and greater areas of vegetation canopy >2 m in height. Current UK government planning recommendations will ultimately reduce the area of individual gardens and are thus predicted to result in fewer tall trees and, in particular, less vegetation canopy >2 m. This might be detrimental from ecological, aesthetic, social, and economic stand points.  相似文献   

验证污染减排成效,创建污染物排放量、浓度与环境质量的相关性,分析污染物减排与环境质量之间复杂的交互关系,研究二者之间的作用响应机制;引入定义减排率与浓度降低率,创建相关性,更能真实反映减排成效。对加强环境管理、削减污染物排放、治理污染、调整产业结构、制定环境保护政策具有现实和重要的指导作用。  相似文献   

当前,生态产品价值实现探索实践中面临生态系统服务度量难、核算难、货币化难、交易难等基础性难题,导致生态产品价值核算体系不统一、生态产品市场交易机制不完善、各类生态产品交易平台不规范、绿色金融滞后、绿色发展市场化激励机制不足等问题。本文从最关键的生态产品价值理论出发,梳理生态产品价值实现困境的根源和理论基础,并尝试提出可能的多元核算方法与热力学、景感学、经济学相结合的实践解决路径,形成不同单位的统一核算标的物。通过探索利用区块链、大数据等科技赋能生态产品价值实现,提出构建生态资产加密数字货币化的可能性,并进一步形成不同生态产品的价格形成机制、成本监审制度和价格调整机制,完善生态产品市场交易机制,建立统一的生态产品交易平台,促进绿色金融发展,推动自然资源管理能力现代化。  相似文献   

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