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王文川  闫静 《四川环境》2010,29(5):66-72
本文针对我国进入家用电器报废淘汰高峰期的现状,简析了电子废物对环境和人体健康造成的危害,着重分析了我国青岛市及德国、瑞士、日本等发达国家电子废物处理处置的现状。针对我国出现的问题,提出对电子废物处置行业加强监管,采取实施生产者责任延伸制度等措施,学习借鉴欧洲、日本等国政府所采用的电子废弃物管理措施及处置技术,切实防止电子废物对环境造成的污染。  相似文献   

随着《电子废物污染环境防治管理办法》和《废弃电器电子产品处理基金征收使用管理办法》等法规的相继实施,电子废物的回收处理工作又一次成为社会关注的焦点。其中,《电子废物污染环境防治管理办法》第14条(电子电器产品、电子电气设备的生产者应当依据国家有关法律、行政法规或者规章的规定,限制或者淘汰有毒有害物质在产品或者设备中的使用……电子电器产品、电子电气设备的生产者、进口者和销售者,应当依据国家有关规定建立回收系统,回收废弃产品或者设备,并负责以环境无害化方式贮存、利用或者处置)和《废弃电器电子产品处理基金征收使用管理办法》第4条(电器电子产品生产者、进口电器电子产品的收货人或者其代理人应当按照本办法的规定履行基金缴纳义务)分别规定了电子产品生产商的回收处置责任,由此可以看出国家试图通过“生产者责任延伸制度”的贯彻来规范我国电子废物回收处理市场。  相似文献   

烟台绿环再生资源有限公司成立于2004年3月,注册资本10,127万元,占地面积46万m2,是集普通废物资源化利用、电子废物拆解处置、危险废物无害化处置为一体的循环经济型企业。公司现已建成了危险废物处置中心、废弃电器电子产品回收处置中心、山东省固体废物资源化研发中心等,形成产学研为一体,功能区完善的加工利用基地。年综合处理能力达50万吨,处置电子废物300万台(套),处置和资源  相似文献   

日益增加的固体废弃物和工业废弃物已成为主要的社会问题。回收服务相对来说还很不足,导致很多废弃物只能进行简单的填埋、焚烧处理。这将导致严重的环境污染。借鉴国外一些发达国家废物管理领域的政策趋势,我国近年来出台了一系列关于电子废弃物管理的政策法规,但也暴露出正规的废物处理企业无法取得规模收益,入不敷出,电子废弃物处理基金的征收及补贴对象不明确等诸多问题。引入生产者责任延伸制将外部影响内部化,在理念和功能等方面适应了电子废弃物管理的需要。  相似文献   

各省、自治区、直辖市环境保护局(厅):随着我国经济的快速发展,社会消费水平的不断提高,电子电气设备废弃量迅速增长,已经成为不可忽视的环境污染源。近年来,个别地区使用简陋设备和落后工艺回收利用废弃电子电气设备(以下简称电子废物),对当地环境造成了严重污染。为加强电子废物的环境管理,防止污染环境,促进以环境无害化方式回收利用和处置电子废物,变废为宝,化害为利,根据《固体废物污染环境防治法》有关规定,现公告如下:一、产生电子废物的单位,包括电子电气设备制造企业、电子电气设备维修服务企业和大量使用电子电气设备的企事业单位…  相似文献   

电子废弃物已成为城市环境的新压力。本文从加强立法、生产者负责制以及建立健康绿色的废旧电子回收体系三方面分析电子废物变废为宝的绿色途径,从而推动电子废物资源化、无害化发展。  相似文献   

论电子废物管理中的延伸生产者责任原则   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
介绍了近年来发达国家在废物管制政策中引入的延伸生产者责任原则的概念和实践经验,着重分析对比了其在各国电子废物管理中的具体应用,结合我国电子产业和再生资源产业发展的现状,探讨了这一原则对我国电子废物管理立法的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

为了规范医院内部医疗废物收集监管,避免人工方式造成的弊端,采用信息化手段建立针对医院内部的医疗废物管理系统,从信息管理、电子联单管理、交接管理、追溯分析管理、报警管理五个方面进行设计。其中作为系统主要部分的交接管理包含有收集监管、院内交接、暂存处交接三部分,实现了医疗废物交接登记、收集过程、暂存处监控等智能化、数字化的全方位监管,提升了医院内部医疗废物的监管能力,规范了医疗废物的源头管理,真正实现传统人工处理向现代智能管理的跨越。  相似文献   

指出电子废物具有商品性、外部性、公共物品三个经济学属性,以及在市场条件下上述属性所带来的市场失灵问题。研究了延伸生产者责任的理念、框架和种类,总结了电子废物延伸生产者责任制度的两种执行方式。借鉴国外先进经验、针对我国实际现状,提出了分阶段完善我国电子废物管理体制的政策建议。  相似文献   

近年来,西安市医疗废物产量不断增加,给目前的医疗废物监控管理工作带来极大的不便。为了加强医疗废物处置监管力度,提高相关部门的工作效率,文章以西安市医疗废物监控管理的需求出发,从医疗废物信息管理、交接登记、电子联单管理、电子转运卡管理、转移监管、电子地图、视频监控、处置监控、台账管理、信息查询、统计分析等方面进行分析,应用互联网技术,构建了一套信息化的医疗废物管理信息系统。该系统对西安市医疗废物存储、转移和处置的监控和管理具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

随着手机用户的增加,每年会产生大量的废旧手机。废旧手机一方面对环境构成潜在危害,一方面又具有回收利用的价值。本文针对我国目前废旧手机回收利用的现状,提出手机回收利用的措施,以有效应对电子垃圾污染,并实现资源的循环利用。  相似文献   

王建信  李义久  倪亚明 《四川环境》2003,22(3):42-44,56
介绍了可持续水资源管理的概念,阐述了实施可持续水资源管理的必要性。介绍了废水资源化的概念、意义及其发展历史与现状,论述了废水资源化是可持续水资源管理的必然要求。认为废水资源化管理必须充分考虑到其自身的特点。比较了废水资源化管理与普通的水资源管理的异同。  相似文献   

本文围绕以手机为主的电子类生活垃圾回收环节,基于EPR电子生活垃圾回收实验及目前电子类生活垃圾的回收激励政策和效果,运用典型相关分析方法确定激励政策及政策效果的主要影响变量,研究以手机为主的电子类生活垃圾回收的激励政策与政策效果之间的关系,强化电子类生活垃圾回收的政策措施,扩大政策效果,促进资源的回收及再利用。本文设定的回收激励政策包括政府对废旧手机回收率的最低要求、优惠力度以及获得高优惠的最低回收率要求,政策效果包括废旧手机实际回收率、销售市场营业额以及生产者补贴总额等方面。研究结果表明,电子类生活垃圾回收激励政策与政策效果之间存在着显著的相关关系,其中,获得高优惠的最低回收率对废旧手机实际回收率有显著抑制作用,废旧手机回收率的最低要求对销售市场营业额有显著抑制作用。本文在此基础上给出了政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the findings of a survey (256 participants) conducted to determine the attitude of the Israeli urban public towards various urban water reuse options. Israel is known for its long and successful agricultural water reuse scheme, but to date no large-scale urban reuse projects have been implemented. The survey included 21 reuse options, which were clustered into three reuse categories, namely: low, medium, and high contact levels. Results show that a high proportion of the participants supported medium contact reuse options such as sidewalk landscaping (95%), domestic WC flushing (85%) and firefighting (96%). Higher contact reuse options such as domestic laundry (38%), preserved food (13%), and potable aquifer recharge (11%) found much lesser support. Less than expected support was found for low contact reuse options with 86% for field crop irrigation, 62% for aquifer recharge for agricultural irrigation, and as low as 49% for orchard irrigation. This low support is surprising, since all three options have been practiced on a large scale for over three decades in Israel without any adverse effects to the public. No correlation was found between any biographical characteristic examined (education, gender, income, marital status, having young children, and age) and support for medium contact options. For the medium contact options, the results suggest that perceived financial gain (individual and/or communal) and positive public opinion enhances support, while perceived health effects negatively affects the degree of support. Technology, trust in authorities and awareness of water and environmental issues were found to not have a significant effect on support for medium contact reuse options. Analyzing the four possible reasons for support given by participants who identified themselves as supporters of wastewater reuse revealed that the most important reason for support was "water saving", followed by "minimization of importing water from abroad". These were followed by "infrastructure cost saving" together with "environmental improvement".  相似文献   

膜生物反应器(MBR)在中水回用中具有无可比拟的优势。通过分析我国中水回用的现状,指出中水回用的必要性,介绍了MBR在污水处理中的研究及应用,对膜生物反应器的环境效益和经济效益做了分析,并指出了今后膜生物反应器中水处理的应用前景。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper examines a rapidly expanding area of water supplies, specifically water reclamation and reuse, and provides a comprehensive planning methodology for developing and evaluating water reuse alternatives. The methodology uses five phases: goal setting, identification of reuse opportunities, development and evaluation of planning alternatives, assessment of water reuse linkages, and making decisions and recommendations. A tool called “input-output modeling” is used in the third phase to present numerical data and choices. The methodology seeks to integrate the hydrologic and socio-economic aspects of water resources planning in the area of study. Water reuse may satisfy some of the increasing demands for water in the world, but water quality, economics, public attitudes, and legal and institutional constraints may impose limits on the extent to which it can be employed. The challenge in planning systems is to maximize the utilization of water reuse in the fact of these constraints. The importance of multidisciplinary collaboration cannot be overemphasized. This paper assesses the potential for water reclamation and reuse in developing countries by considering the relationships among the pertinent technical, social, economic, and environmental parameters. Generally, the planning process for water reuse has focused on specific technological processes, but in order to ensure the efficient transfer of waste water reuse technology into the society, the methodology seeks to provide a conceptual model which integrates the hydrologic and socioeconomic aspects of water resources planning and water reuse within the study area. (KEY WORDS: water reuse; water reclamation; planning; methodology; model; reuse technology; socio-hydrologic systems; socioeconomic systems.)  相似文献   

随着我国油气田勘探开发力度加大和新环保法的实施,油田开采过程中耗水量大和污水处理问题是我国油气田企业面临的共同难题。从污水余热回收、污水回注、压裂液重复利用、钻井废水再利用四个方面,介绍了国内油田产出水再利用技术研究进展与应用现状,指出目前存在的污水余热再利用应用范围不广、回注污水利用不合理、化工原料未回收利用等主要问题。并通过文献调研,展望了油田污水再利用技术的发展方向,指出需从污染源头防控入手,研发更加经济环保的液体配方,并深入研究从污水中取热、取水及取化工原料的循环再利用技术,因地制宜制定相应的水质及污水配伍性实验评价标准,实现从源头至末端治理相结合的油田污水清洁生产。  相似文献   

The water reuse applications are becoming increasingly important in Turkey due to fresh water scarcity problems. However, the success of reuse practices depends on the public's acceptance. Therefore, this study was designed to determine the public awareness, and the potential for acceptance, of reuse applications in Turkey by way of a survey carried out for this purpose. 500 questionnaires were sent to different regions of Turkey and 375 of them were returned. The study indicated that both women and men have concerns about usage of wastewater, especially regarding the use of treated wastewater as drinking water. Results also showed that the area of greatest concern among the public is the health risks associated with recycled water. Respondents of both genders felt that treated wastewater reuse for applications not involving close personal contact was acceptable, due to reduced health risk concerns. On the other hand, the cost of reclamation is another major public concern.  相似文献   

Devising effective strategies to facilitate waste reuse depends on the solid understanding of reuse behaviors. However, previous studies of reuse behavior have been limited in scope, focusing mostly on household recycling behaviors or very limited types of industrial wastes. To gain a better understanding of the business reuse behaviors, this study examined the impact of various factors in technical, economic, regulatory, and behavioral categories in the case of coal ash generated in the United States. The results of fixed effect models for fly ash and bottom ash particularly showed the significance role of the behavioral factor. In both models, a proxy variable, which represents knowledge sharing among the power plants or the utility's decision-making, turned out to be statistically significant and had the largest coefficient estimates among a group of variables. This finding may imply that the characteristics of waste reuse behavior are determined more by business decision-making behaviors than by market or institutional factors. However, the role of the behavioral variable was stronger in the bottom ash models than in the fly ash models. While the reuse of bottom ash was determined primarily by the behavioral variable, fly ash reuse was determined by more diverse factors including economic and regulatory variables. This could be explained by material characteristics in relation to competing resources and the nature of reuse applications.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This work begins by defining rational water use, and then discusses important factors that most strongly influence it. A general model is then developed to enable factories to quantify the ratio of rational industrial water reuse based on the least cost method. The model is established to minimize the cost of water with reference to gross water use and three subsystems ‐ the intake, reuse, and discharge of industrial water. Discharge cost is determined using data from a 1997 survey of 38 factories, and reuse costs are ranked and expressed by a step function. The model is verified using data from a typical semiconductor factory in northern Taiwan's Hsinchu Science Based Industrial Park, whose effective rational water reuse ratio is about 38 percent. A sensitivity analysis shows that improving water reuse technology is the most important factor in determining the rational water reuse ratio, and the price of water is the second most important. When water costs over NT$30 (New Taiwan Dollar, US$1 = NT$34) per cubic meter, increasing reuse becomes significant. The model provides a step towards the scientific management of industrial water.  相似文献   

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