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日本相对丰富的促进可持续消费经验对我国正在大力推动绿色生活方式的形成有较好的参考价值。本文介绍了日本循环社会法律框架下循环再生利用法和绿色采购促进法对促进可持续消费的作用,以及可持续消费的最新实践活动,并从循环再生利用法律法规建立、深化公共绿色采购评估、发布面向普通消费者产品清单、建立消费者发声通道、提升消费者意识、促进消费者导向管理等方面提出对我国推动绿色消费的启示。  相似文献   

绿色消费,伴随可持续发展战略的产生而逐步体现在居民日常生活中。消费什么主要由消费者自行决定,政府难以强求;是否消费绿色产品,受到收入、受教育程度、追求品质的动机等要素影响,购买消费品时还受认知过程、情绪过程、意志过程制约。绿色消费不仅要满足人体健康和社会需求,还要体现资源节约和环境保护基本国策要求,以实现消费品生产、流通、消费以及包装物回收利用全生命周期的环境影响最小化。政府可以通过政策激励、宣传教育、率先垂范等途径引导公众更多的消费绿色产品。  相似文献   

<正>今年世界环境日主题为"可持续消费和生产",口号为"七十亿人的梦想:一个星球关爱型消费"。环境保护部公布了2015年"环境日""践行绿色生活"主题。该主题旨在增强全民环境意识、节约意识、生态意识,选择低碳、节俭的绿色生活方式和消费模式,形成人人、事事、时时崇尚生态文明的社会新风尚,为生态文明建设奠定坚实的社会和群众基础。中共中央审议通过的《关于加快推进生态文明建设的意见》提出,必须加快推动生活方式绿色化,实现生活方式和消费模式向勤俭节约、绿色低碳、文明健康的方向转变。新《环境保护法》也明确规定:"公民应当增强环境保护意识,采取低  相似文献   

走出绿色消费误区   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环顾四周,我们的身边出现了越来越多的"绿色消费者",他们热衷于吃绿色食品、穿天然原料服装、到原始森林旅游……其实,他们不知道的是,这并不是在践行绿色消费,而是在消费绿色。"绿盲症"待扫"80后"周锡大学时一直是学校环保协会的热心组织者。街头发  相似文献   

要倡导"低碳化生存"。通过宣传教育和经济激励,引导消费者行为,建立低碳的生活方式和节约能源资源的消费习惯,尝试使用产品生命周期的碳排放标签制度,促进居民选择使用绿色、低碳产品。  相似文献   

3.15如期而至,每年此时,仿似一场消费者维护自己权益的盛会。回顾过去的一年,由于食品安全问题而引发的消费案件不胜枚举。从由此引发的维权案例上,一方面提醒消费者在选择日益繁多的消费品中擦亮眼睛;另一方面,在倡导和谐社会和绿色消费的今天,消费者很有必要从自身出发,为了健康主动选择绿色消费,同时更加有力的捍卫自己的消费权益。  相似文献   

绿色消费是环保时代一种全新的消费模式,生产者、消费者、管理者要建立新的理念,3方面形成合力,驱动绿色消费的发展。  相似文献   

文章基于文献分析,提出了消费价值差模型,并以此结合量表和结构方程模型来检验消费价值差对消费者绿色商品的消费意向与市场需求的影响。研究结果说明,消费价值差越大,绿色消费行为意向和市场需求程度越低,其中效用价值差与环境价值差的反向影响最大。鉴于上述结论,政府及企业在制定相关政策及设计推广绿色商品时,应重视消费者的认知和情感需求,并针对不同群体开展具有差异性的环保宣教工作。  相似文献   

绿色消费观,就是倡导消费者在与自然协调发展的基础上, 从事科学合理的生活消费,提倡健康适度的消费心理,弘扬高尚的消费道德及行为规范,并通过改变消费方式来引导生产模式发生重大变革,进而调整产业经济结构,促进生态产业发展的消费理念。中国自古以来形成了人与自然同存共荣,"天人合一"的自然观,在这一点上,儒、释、道、墨大都一致并各有不少论述,尤其是儒家"赞天地之化育"(《中  相似文献   

绿色消费,现在已经有一定的需求了,比如有机食品,已经到了大家宁愿多花点钱也想买到真正绿色食品的时候了,因为这关系到消费者自身的健康问题。但遗憾的是,我们至今无法拿出有说服力的认证体系,这就说明,我国的绿色消费不是简单地卡在生活水平和经济发展水平上,而是卡在认证体系缺乏公信力上。  相似文献   

我国绿色物流的发展现状和应对措施   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
所谓绿色物流,就是以降低对环境的污染、减少资源消耗为目标的物流活动。但是,绿色物流的理念才刚刚传入我国,对政府和企业而言都还是一个全新的话题,不少企业对其重要性还缺乏认识。对此,政府应该根据5R原则对企业进行规制与政策激励,加强企业的环境自律和消费者的绿色理念宣传,把绿色理念的传播贯穿全社会。  相似文献   

Our growing demand for meat and dairy food products is unsustainable. It is hard to imagine that this global issue can be solved solely by more efficient technologies. Lowering our meat consumption seems inescapable. Yet, the question is whether modern consumers can be considered as reliable allies to achieve this shift in meat consumption pattern. Is there not a yawning gap between our responsible intentions as citizens and our hedonic desires as consumers? We will argue that consumers can and should be considered as partners that must be involved in realizing new ways of protein consumption that contribute to a more sustainable world. In particular the large food consumer group of flexitarians offer promising opportunities for transforming our meat consumption patterns. We propose a pragmatic approach that explicitly goes beyond the standard suggestion of persuasion strategies and suggests different routes of change, coined sustainability by stealth, moderate involvement, and cultural change respectively. The recognition of more routes of change to a more plant-based diet implies that the ethical debate on meat should not only associate consumer change with rational persuasion strategies and food citizens that instantiate “strong” sustainable consumption. Such a focus narrows the debate on sustainable protein consumption and easily results in disappointment about consumers’ participation. A more wide-ranging concept of ethical consumption can leave the negative verdict behind that consumers are mainly an obstacle for sustainability and lead to a more optimistic view on modern consumers as allies and agents of change.  相似文献   

Food consumption has been identified as a realm of key importance for progressing the world towards more sustainable consumption overall. Consumers have the option to choose organic food as a visible product of more ecologically integrated farming methods and, in general, more carefully produced food. This study aims to investigate the choice for organic from a cultural–historical perspective and aims to reveal the food philosophy of current organic consumers in The Netherlands. A concise history of the organic food movement is provided going back to the German Lebensreform and the American Natural Foods Movement. We discuss themes such as the wish to return to a more natural lifestyle, distancing from materialistic lifestyles, and reverting to a more meaningful moral life. Based on a number of in-depth interviews, the study illustrates that these themes are still of influence among current organic consumers who additionally raised the importance of connectedness to nature, awareness, and purity. We argue that their values are shared by a much larger part of Dutch society than those currently shopping for organic food. Strengthening these cultural values in the context of more sustainable food choices may help to expand the amount of organic consumers and hereby aid a transition towards more sustainable consumption.  相似文献   

“十四五”推动绿色消费和生活方式的政策研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
当前,中国消费规模持续快速扩张,居民消费已从温饱向小康转型升级,消费对中国经济增长的贡献率快速提升,成为驱动经济增长的重要引擎。前期研究表明,消费领域的绿色转型有助于引导和倒逼生产的绿色化,促进形成绿色生产生活方式,带动公众积极践行绿色理念,改善社会绿色转型的治理体系,将对中国整体绿色转型和高质量发展发挥决定性作用。在此基础上,本文研究提出了中国“十四五”时期推动绿色消费的总体目标、指标体系和重点领域,认为中国政府应将绿色消费放在更加突出的战略位置,通过“十四五”规划全面推动相关实践,按照供给侧与需求侧共同发力、激励约束并举、政府企业消费者共建共治共享的原则,构建绿色消费政策体系,并针对建筑、汽车、电力、物流等重点行业提出了具体的政策建议。  相似文献   

工业兴市是一个区域经济发展的必然选择,而建设一个绿色生态化工城又是葫芦岛市发展的必由之路.以人为本、科技领先、加强环境保护、推进循环经济发展,以提高城市品位,力争全面达到创建"国家环保模范城"标准,营造一个最适宜人类居住的绿色生态城市.  相似文献   

北京市大学生绿色消费行为特征研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
当前资源短缺、环境污染等问题较为严重,从生态、环保的角度出发,人们应该选择绿色、可持续的消费行为。绿色消费作为一种全新的消费方式,正在以一种崭新的道德观、人生观和价值观融入人们的生活。与普通民众相比,大学生具有更高的知识水平和接受新生事物的能力,因此对大学生绿色消费行为特征的研究尤为必要。通过对国内外大学生绿色消费行为特征问题相关研究成果的梳理,探究影响大学生绿色消费行为特征的主要因素,并据此设计问卷对北京市大学生的绿色消费行为特征进行实证调研,通过对调查结果的分析,发现当前大学生在进行绿色消费时存在以下典型特征问题:对绿色产品或者绿色消费概念欠了解、超前消费和过度消费现象突出、具有从众消费和攀比消费心理、社交消费支出逐渐增大等问题。针对存在的特征问题建议大学生从加强自我管理、养成理财习惯、抵制非绿色消费行为、引导绿色消费时尚等方面进行改进。  相似文献   

中国绿色转型测度与绿色消费贡献研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
本文通过构建综合性绿色转型指标和指数体系,测度了中国2004—2018年绿色转型进展。从计算结果看,2004—2008年,绿色转型指数逐年大幅提高;2009—2015年,绿色转型指数上升趋势减缓;2016年以来,绿色转型指数出现略微下降,其中,生产领域绿色转型指数的增大对整体绿色转型程度的提高起着关键支撑作用,但生产领域绿色转型增速开始放缓,消费领域绿色转型指数下滑趋势明显。为进一步推动中国绿色转型,针对消费领域亟待构建形成绿色消费政策体系,强化绿色消费激励约束机制,使得绿色消费成为促进生态环境质量改善的新抓手和推动经济高质量发展的新动能。  相似文献   

An active ethically conscious consumer has been acclaimed as the new hero and hope for an ethically improved capitalism. Through consumers’ “voting” at the checkout, corporations are supposed to be held accountable for their conduct. In the literature on political consumerism, this has mainly been approached as political participation and governance. In this article, we do a critical review of this literature. We do so by questioning the existence of what we call a “generic active consumer model.” At the core of this position, there is a belief that the active consumer is a universal entity, available across nations and time. Instead we call for an approach that takes accord of the ways consumers and consumer roles are framed in interactive processes in markets, governance structures, and everyday life. Consumers in different countries assess their responsibilities and their powers as consumers differently due to different institutionalizations within distinctive contexts. We also must take into account how the inertia of ordinary consumption and the moral complexities of everyday life restrict the adoption of an active consumerist role. Hence, the debate on political consumerism should make for a more realistic notion of ethical consumer-sovereignty and its role in improving the workings of capitalism. In our view, these findings have severe implications for understanding both theories of political consumption and the dynamics of political consumption per se.  相似文献   

Eco-labelling was identified in Agenda 21 as a way of encouraging consumers to alter their consumption patterns and to make wiser use of resources and energy in the drive for sustainable development into the next century. A European-wide eco-labelling scheme was introduced by the European Commission (EC) in 1992 as part of its fifth and most recent Environmental Action Plan, the focus of which is also sustainability. The EC eco-labelling scheme aims to promote products with reduced environmental impacts throughout their life cycle and to provide consumers with better information about the environmental impact of products. This paper assesses whether eco-labelling is an effective means of improving the environment, using the eco-labelling of paper products as a case study. Paper products are examined because the development of their ecolabelling criteria has been a particularly complex and contentious issue. Moreover, although criteria have now been adopted for three groups of paper products, controversy has dominated the criteria-setting process and debate continues about the relevance of the selected criteria. It is concluded that while the concept of eco-labelling is good, the practical application of the concept is not straightforward. Furthermore, at present, there is little evidence of eco-labelling benefitting the environment.  相似文献   

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