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通过植树造林增加"碳汇"是针对气候变化问题的一项重要应对措施,与节能减排相比,具有成本低、易操作、可持续等优点。近年来,世界各国就林业碳汇问题不断达成共识,国际与国内碳汇市场发展迅速。开展碳汇造林不仅有助于我国实现既定的碳减排目标,同时顺应森林生态效益市场化趋势,有望让造林者通过清洁发展机制实现经济收益。为了让读者更全面深入地了解"碳汇造林",本刊特邀请有关专家对森林碳汇的产生背景、作用机制以及在我国开展碳汇造林工作的意义和前景进行分析解读。  相似文献   

台湾行政院长张俊雄 3月 8日在行政院新闻局举行的记者会上宣布,政府将以 8100亿元 (新台币,下同 ),朝建设"绿色台湾"、"活力台湾"、"速度台湾"、"优质台湾"及"魅力台湾"等五大方针,全面启动台湾建设的新方向,开创台湾的新世纪。   一、绿色台湾:建立土地保护系统,保护生态敏感、环境脆弱的土地,致力维护台湾的生物多样性,在这个绿色大伞下,全力推展生态文化旅游,深化环境教育,以保证台湾的永续发展。从 2001年开始,政府将要──推动高山保育,加强造林及维护抚育森林永续经营 (8亿元 );推动平地造林,普遍推动农地造林、…  相似文献   

<正>近几年来,白城市委、市政府开展"万人大造林""海绵城市""旧城改造"以及"清洁城市,美丽家园"等活动,标志着白城生态建设已全面启动,环境保护已开启新的篇章。生态环境是关系党的使命、宗旨的重大政治问题,也是关系民生的重大社会问题。近些年来,吉林省白城市深入学习贯彻习近平生态文明思想和中央生态环境保护决策部署,全力落实省委、省政府有关精神,举全市之力,千军万马齐上阵,  相似文献   

常规的人工林不同宽度带状混交造林方法主要使用不规则块状补植技术进行整地处理,易受林木覆盖度影响,导致造林效果不理想,因此需要设计一种全新的人工绿化造林工程不同宽度带状混交造林方法,即进行苗木选择与精细整地处理,优化混交造林栽植抚育过程,从而完成人工林不同宽度带状混交造林。实例分析结果表明,设计的人工绿化造林工程不同宽度带状混交造林方法在不同带状混交林宽度下的林木生长量、成活率、保存率均较高,证明设计的混交造林方法的造林效果较好,具有可靠性,有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

<正>20年来,为了上山栽树,高文毓家的三轮车就报废了6辆。据初步统计,高文毓一家共绿化荒山8300余亩,栽植油松、侧柏、刺槐、核桃、仁用杏等树木180余万株。他是一名退休干部,退而不休,壮心不已,20年坚持带领家人矢志荒山造林换来家乡满山翠绿。他是一名水保专家,因"山"制宜,科学造林,利用专业知识初步恢复了虎庙山的绿色生态系统。他是一名共产党员,信念坚定,久久为功,以"愚  相似文献   

李锋,男,1958年出生,1976年参加工作,现任广西国有高峰林场场长、党委副书记。1996年8月至2009年4月担任广西国有博白林场场长、党委书记,2009年4月至2012年11月任广西国有七坡林场场长、党委副书记。李锋同志长期战斗在造林绿化第一线,他先后荣获了"全国绿化奖章"、"全国林业系统劳动模范"、"全国十大国有林场管理奖"、"全国  相似文献   

吴志文 《四川环境》1999,18(2):42-45
运用川北广元历年飞播成效调查以及固定标准地观测的结果,结合笔者从事飞播造林技术与管理工作的经验,得出:飞播造林是速度快、省劳力、投资少、成本低、效益高的造林方式,推广飞机播种造林是绿化川北山地,迅速治理流域生态环境和实现山区经济可持续发展的有效措施  相似文献   

正八步沙林场地处河西走廊东端、腾格里沙漠南的甘肃省古浪县。昔日这里风沙肆虐,侵蚀周围村庄和农田,严重影响群众生产生活。为保护家国,上世纪80年代初,郭朝明、贺发林、石满、罗元奎、程海、张润元6位村民,义无反顾挺进八步沙,以联产承包形式组建集体林场,承包治理7.5万亩流沙。38年来,以"六老汉"为代表的八步沙林场三代职工,矢志不渝、拼搏奉献,科学治波、绿色发展,持之以恒推进治沙造林事业,至今完成治沙造林21.7万亩,管护封沙育林草面积37.6万亩,  相似文献   

春天,是绿化造林的黄金季节。经过一场数十年未遇的雪灾后,绿化林地惨遭毁坏。今年的绿化造林任务尤为艰巨。然而,我们在大力开展造林绿化的投资与劳作中,须防备一种不良造林绿化“怪圈”影响造林复绿工程。  相似文献   

在新疆荒漠地区造林营林成败的关键,在于运用生态学的观点,因地制宜地采用抗旱造林系列配套技术,即改良林地、良种壮苗、适时灌溉和加强抚育等项技术措施,达到造林营林优质高效。  相似文献   

重庆市主要生态环境问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘颖  陈海堰  吴文娟 《四川环境》2004,23(1):28-30,41
本文以重庆市近几年生态环境现状为基础,对重庆市水土流失、土地退化、森林质量下降、水污染问题、自然灾害频繁、农村环境质量问题、库区淹没区环境质量等一系列生态环境问题逐一进行了剖析,同时从经济保障体系、政策保障体系和技术保障体系等方面提出了:强化管理、认真执法、实施重点工程、协调人口、资源、环境、发展区域经济等对策,以维护和建设重庆市生态环境。  相似文献   

Mountainous forest areas are vitally important for water supply in dryland regions which suffer from high erosion risk and severe water shortage. Massive afforestation, mainly for erosion control, may reduce the water yield and threaten local water supply security. Moreover, many over‐dense forests due to a strict logging ban policy have produced remarkably negative impacts for both forests (e.g., low timber quality, restricted natural regeneration, and high stand instability) and water yield. To satisfy the rapidly increasing demands on water supply and other services, a practical approach for managing forest stands in a multifunctional way, which particularly addresses water yielding, is urgently required. For this purpose, we integrated the existing knowledge and experience, designed an “ideal” stand structure to represent multifunctional forest (MFF) and determined its key parameters (a ground coverage of >0.7, a canopy density around 0.7, and an H/DBH ratio (tree height [m] to the diameter at breast height [cm]) of <0.7). Moreover, a decision process for MFF stand management was recommended as: (1) investigating the site quality; (2) identifying the site‐specific main forest functions; (3) quantifying the stand structure; (4) diagnosing the stand structure by comparing with the “ideal” one; and (5) arranging the functions/structure‐oriented management measures. In this way, the water‐yielding function can be improved and meanwhile other forest functions can be promoted.  相似文献   

试论灌草在水土保持林中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多年的生产实践和调查研究发现:水保林中的灌草对改良土壤、提高肥力、截持径流、保水保土等都有重要作用,因此在生态建设中要实行保护原有灌草植被、乔灌草混交等有利于保持水土、提高土地产出率的技术措施,使灌草的生态作用充分发挥出来。  相似文献   

Jamaica is a small island that is losing its forest cover at a rapid rate. Due to the dependency of its largely poor population on the many services and functions its forests provide, this loss threatens to have substantial socioeconomic and ecological consequences for the country. Despite these basic facts, the problem of Jamaican deforestation has received very little attention from the scientific community. This article presents results of an island-wide, satellite-based study of forest change for Jamaica for the period 1987–1992, which was supplemented by a field trip to the island in 1999 to assess the overall accuracy of the estimate. Landsat MSS images, which are available only up until 1992, have proved to be an invaluable and cost-effective resource for mapping forest change in the tropics, particularly in large areas. A supervised classification indicates that Jamaica experienced an average annual deforestation rate of 3.9% for this period, a figure higher than existing estimates based on partial ground surveys but lower than the FAO's 1990 Tropical Forest Assessment of 5.3% for 1981–1990. Deforestation estimates for Jamaica's 14 parishes are also presented, based on the integration of satellite-derived forest classification maps with a parish administrative boundaries map of the island in a GIS. A correlation analysis between parish deforestation estimates and socioeconomic and land use/quality indicators derived from official sources suggests that deforestation is occurring most rapidly in highly populated areas possessing large numbers of small farmers who live and work under resource-poor conditions. By providing a sense of the magnitude of and main forest loss hotspots, it is hoped that these national and subnational level forest estimates will draw scientific attention to the problem of deforestation on the island. In addition, the socioeconomic analysis may provide policy-makers and planners with some sense of the relative contribution of underlying driving process in this deforestation as a first step toward the creation of effective social programs to combat the problem.  相似文献   

喀纳斯湖是我国最深的淡水湖,湖水面积40km2,湖水里生物量很可观,现已知有9种鱼,濒于灭绝的“哲罗鲑”(大红鱼)确实存在。1968年喀纳斯湖被列为国家级自然景观保护区,主要保护湖泊,森林和野生动物。  相似文献   

Moore, R.D. (Dan), J.W. Trubilowicz, and J.M. Buttle, 2011. Prediction of Streamflow Regime and Annual Runoff for Ungauged Basins Using a Distributed Monthly Water Balance Model. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 48(1): 32‐42. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2011.00595.x Abstract: Prediction of streamflow in ungauged basins is a global challenge, but is particularly an issue in physiographically complex regions like British Columbia (BC), Canada. The objective of this study was to assess the accuracy of a simple water balance model that can be run using existing spatial datasets. The model was developed by modifying an existing monthly water balance model to account for interception loss from forest canopy, glacier melt, and evaporation from lakes. The model was run using monthly climate normals from the ClimateBC application, which have a horizontal resolution of 400 m. Each ClimateBC grid cell was classified as forest, open land, glacier or water surface based on provincial scale digital maps of biogeoclimatic zones, glaciers, and water. The output was monthly mean runoff from each grid cell. These values were integrated within the catchment boundaries for streams gauged by the Water Survey of Canada. Annual runoff was predicted with modest accuracy: after updating the predicted runoff by interpolating errors from neighboring gauged streams, the mean absolute error was 25.4% of the gauged value, and 52% of the streams had errors less than 20%. However, the model appears to be quite robust in distinguishing between pluvial, hybrid, and melt‐dominated hydroclimatic regimes, and therefore has promise as a tool for catchment classification.  相似文献   

The tradeoffs between the regulation of soil erosion, provision of fresh water, and climate regulation associated with new Pinus radiata forests in New Zealand are explored using national models. These three ecosystem services for which there is strong demand are monetised as commodities (avoided soil erosion is NZ $1 per tonne; water is NZ $1 per cubic metre; and sequestered carbon is assumed to be NZ?$73 per tonne). This permits their summation on a spatial basis to produce a national map of the net benefit of these ecosystem services. Net benefit is spatially variable depending primarily on the relative mix of forest growth rates and demand for irrigation water. New P.?radiata forests (once mature) generally reduce mass-movement erosion by an order of magnitude. This provides significant benefits for erosion control where there are high natural rates of erosion. Benefits are especially large in catchments where high sedimentation is increasing flood risk and degrading aquatic ecosystems. The generally high growth rates of P.?radiata in New Zealand (8.5 tonnesCha(-1)yr(-1) on average for existing forest) add significant environmental benefits of carbon sinks to climate regulation. However, the reduction of water yield associated with new forests (between 30% and 50%) can neutralise these benefits in catchments where there is demand for irrigation water, such as the eastern foothills of the Southern Alps and the tussock grasslands in the South Island.  相似文献   

油田采出水处理技术现状及展望   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
综述了国内油田水处理技术的发展现状,并在广泛调研分析的基础上指出了当前油田采出水处理技术中所存在的问题,指明了今后油田采出水处理技术的发展趋势。  相似文献   

陆地生态系统CO_2与水热通量的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陆地生态系统CO2和水热通量研究,一直是全球气候变化研究的热点与难点问题。它对认识生态系统变化规律,预测全球气候变化趋势,评价生态系统的碳固定具有重要的科学意义。涡度相关法被认为是目前测定CO2、水热通量的最可靠方法。国外学者应用此方法解决了均匀下垫面假设下不同类型生态系统的CO2、水热通量的计算问题。在查阅前人研究成果的基础上,分析了陆地生态系统用涡度相关法在能量通量研究中的地位和重要性,评述了生态系统水热平衡的研究意义,总结了我国包括森林、草地、荒漠、农田等不同类型生态系统CO2、水热通量方面最新的研究进展,并对我国生态系统通量未来的研究策略及数据管理提出了建议和展望。  相似文献   

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