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膦基聚羧酸与其他水处理剂的协同效应研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
利用水处理剂复配体系之间的协同效应,可以提高现有水处理剂的使用效率。对次膦酸基聚丙烯酸(PCA)分别与HEDP和PAA复配后的阻垢及缓蚀性能试验结果表明,将60%的PcA与40%的HEDP、以及将80%的PCA与20%的HEDP分别复配后,在阻碳酸钙与阻硫酸钙垢作用方面均具有协同效应,将PCA与PAA复配后,在阻碳酸钙与硫酸钙垢作用方面不存在协同效应。任意质量分数的PCA与HEDP复配后均具有缓蚀协同效应,PCA与PAA复配后不存在缓蚀协同效应。  相似文献   

大牛地气田采气污水处理流程的高温部位结垢严重,利用Davis-Stiff饱和指数法、Ryznar稳定指数法与硫酸钙结垢指数法预测污水结垢趋势。结果表明,当采气污水温度超过50℃时,CaCO_3结垢严重,且随着温度升高,CaCO_3结垢趋势加剧,XRD分析结果表明,此结垢产物为不同晶型的CaCO_3混合物。污水处理过程中加入60~80mg/L阻垢剂453,阻垢率达到85%以上,可以有效抑制结垢。  相似文献   

采用马来酸酐与氨水进行溶液聚合的方法制备聚天冬氨酸,利用静态阻垢法评价了聚天冬氨酸的阻垢性能。结果表明:聚天冬氨酸对ρ(Ca2+)=300mg/L,ρ(HCO3-)=300mg/L的水样阻垢率可以达到90%以上;在ρ(HCO3-)低于400mg/L时,药剂的阻垢率可达到100%;当ρ(HCO3-)大于400mg/L后,药剂阻垢性能降低明显。聚天冬氨酸具有良好的生物降解性,生物降解率可以达到70%。  相似文献   

让纳若尔油田采出水处理汽提脱硫工艺,高温工况下结垢严重,筛选合适的阻垢剂并对其进行应用评价,使脱硫塔达到良好的运行效果。文章分析了汽提脱硫装置结垢原因,进行了常规阻垢剂筛选评价、新型合成阻垢剂性能评价、化学平衡防垢技术的研究。结果表明:现场试运行实验投加有机复合酸离子调整剂A40mg/L、新型合成阻垢剂G-3为30mg/L,作为适合本工程的阻垢剂。  相似文献   

在防垢剂防垢性能测评中,对适于弱碱性条件下的防垢剂进行了实验研究。研究结果表明,在pH值为8时,有机膦酸、膦羧酸类防垢剂均具有很好的防垢性能;加入量为5mg/L时,对碳酸钙的防垢率可达95%以上。在pH值为9时,复配防垢剂有较好的防垢效果。例如FG-01与HPAA按1∶1复配后,加入量为5mg/L时,防垢率可达71.3%;加入量为10mg/L时,防垢率可达78.1%。  相似文献   

以油酸基咪唑啉与除氧剂联氨进行复配形成新的复配缓蚀体系。使用静态挂片法及电化学分析法评价其对P110钢的缓蚀性能,实验结果表明,当缓蚀剂与除氧剂用量比为11,浓度为300mg/L时缓蚀率可达到87.24%。同时通过预膜处理的方法对该缓蚀体系的缓蚀性能进行评价,预膜油溶助剂以5倍常规加注量为宜,缓蚀剂以10倍常规加注量为最好,缓蚀率可达到87.77%。  相似文献   

采用一级两段的混床EDI膜堆,模拟了Ni2+电镀废水为处理对象,考察了膜反应器在树脂比例的膜堆废水出水水质的影响。实验结果表明,在处理原水进水流量为20L/h、含Ni2+约52mg/L的NiSO4溶液时,随着阴/阳树脂比例的增加,膜堆废水内部水解离加剧,发生沉淀现象,废水出水pH值增高;当阴/阳树脂比例为2:3时处理效果最佳,废水中Ni2+离子的浓度降至0.6mg/L,去除率达到97.9%,不发生结垢现象。  相似文献   

以正丙醇、氯气和硫脲合成了2-氨基-5-甲基噻唑,将上述产物作为碱组分,与苯甲醛和苯乙酮反应得到曼尼希碱,最后采用溴代十二烷作为季铵化试剂,制得目标产物溴代2-氨基(1,4-二苯基-3-氧代丁基)-5-甲基噻唑铵(QADT)。静态失重法表明,QADT缓蚀效果显著。当温度为50℃,QADT的用量在200 mg/L时,缓蚀率达到95%以上。  相似文献   

为验证菌株所产生的表面活性剂的乳化增效作用,以菌株Da-6产生的表面活性剂BH为研究对象,采用薄层层析(TLC)分析确定BH为脂肽类物质。对BH、鼠李糖脂、吐温80和SDS的临界胶束浓度(CMC)、乳化性能、排油能力和洗脱效果进行了对比实验;并研究温度、NaCl浓度以及pH值对BH表面活性的影响。实验结果表明:BH的CMC为25 mg/L;在72 h内乳化指数仍保持在70%,乳化性能较稳定;同一浓度下,排油直径最大为81.0 mm,均优于其他3种表面活性剂,排油能力较强;并且在12 h时达到最大洗脱率(90.23%),对油泥洗脱效果优异;在温度10~80℃、NaCl浓度0~16%、pH值4~13,BH仍保持较高表面活性,表面张力保持约26 mN/m,具有良好的稳定性。  相似文献   

廖中举 《中国环境管理》2018,10(1):56-59,104
生态创新是促进经济绿色增长、应对气候变化的重要手段与核心工具,但目前关于生态创新的测量量表相对缺乏。通过对国内外生态创新的文献的系统梳理,结合开放式问卷调查和内容分析,本研究初步构建了由16项条款构成的初始测量量表。运用探索性和验证性因子分析,确定了由11项条款构成的生态创新测量量表,包含生态管理创新、生态工艺创新和生态产品创新三维度。本研究识别了生态创新的内部构成与确定了其测量量表,为深入研究生态创新的前置因素、生态创新与企业绩效之间的关系奠定了良好的基础,同时也为评价与比较不同企业的生态创新水平提供了支撑。  相似文献   

The dwindling global reserves of extractable phosphorus (P) and its growing demand to produce the required food for a burgeoning global population (the global P crisis) necessitate the sustainable use of this crucial resource. To advert the crisis requires informed policy decisions which can only be obtained by a better understanding of the nature and magnitude of P flow through different systems at different geographical scales. Through a systematic and in-depth review of twenty one recent substance flow analyses of P, we have assessed the key P inflows, outflows, stocks, internal flows, and recycling flows at the city, regional, and country scales. The assessment has revealed, the main inflow and outflow of P at the city scale occurs through food and wastewater respectively, while the main stock of P occurs in landfill. At the regional scale, mineral ore is the main P inflow and chemical P fertilizer is the main outflow particularly in the regions that have P fertilizer production sector. In contrast, either chemical P fertilizer or animal feed is the key inflow and either food and agricultural products or soil losses (erosion, runoff, and/or leaching) is the major outflow especially in the regions without P fertilizer production sector. At the country scale, the key P inflow occurs either through mineral ore or chemical P fertilizer and the key outflow takes place either as food and agricultural products, waste (both solid and liquid), or soil losses (erosion, runoff, and/or leaching). The main stock of P both at the regional and country scales occurs in the soil of the agricultural production sector. As identified in this assessment, the key unproductive outflows and stocks at different geographical scales indicate that there is a potential scope to improve P management through the increased P recovery and recycling, and by the utilization of available soil P stocks. In many of the studies at all the geographical scales, P recycling flow has been found to be less than 20% of the total inflow, and even in some studies at the country scale, P recycling has been found to be entirely absent, which is a clear indication of poor P management. This study has also identified, there is a clear knowledge gap in relation to understanding the P flow over multiple years at the regional scale. The information about the key flows and stocks at different geographical scales as we identified can be utilized to make better P policy and management decisions for a city, region, or country. The information can also be used to guide future research that aims to analyze P flow at the city, regional, and country scales.  相似文献   

This article analyses the question: do attitudes towards risk influence participation in small‐scale gold mining, a hazardous activity that generates uncertain income? This question is examined by measuring and comparing the risk attitudes of gold miners and non‐mining community members in the rainforest of Suriname, South America. The author presents a multivariate model to predict the duration of work in mining areas as a function of risk tolerance, age, education, and household demographics. The results suggest that a greater tolerance to risk increases the duration of a person's mining career. However, attitudes explain only a fraction of the variation in occupational choices. Qualitative data suggest that these choices are primarily shaped by local barriers to human capital development and by national economic volatility. Given their marginal position in society and the multitude of mining risk mitigation strategies, it is questionable whether gold mining exposes Suriname forest peoples to greater risks than other subsistence alternatives. The author argues that sensitivity to local historical and cultural conditions would improve the efficiency of policies aimed at developing a more sustainable mining industry. By zooming in on the daily lives of miners, anthropology can complement macro‐scale analyses and contribute to policy interventions in the small‐scale mining sector.  相似文献   

This paper reports a meta-analysis of studies using the New Environmental Paradigm (NEP) Scale over the last 30 years. A review of 69 studies from 36 countries (including 58,279 participants from 139 samples) shows that there is considerable variation in the way the NEP Scale is used, particularly with regards to the number of items used and the number of points on the Likert scale employed. Results from weighted regression analyses reveals that variations in sample type and scale length have a significant effect on NEP scores. In particular, environmentalist and white-collar samples scored significantly higher on the NEP Scale than nationally or regionally representative samples, while blue-collar samples scored significantly lower; and participants scored higher on 6-item versions of the scale than on the revised 15-item version, and lower on versions of the scale containing 5, 7, 8 or 10 items. Implications of this research for the comparability of previous studies using the NEP Scale are discussed and guidelines for future research are presented.  相似文献   

对江苏油田王龙庄污水处理站结垢机理及影响因素进行了分析研究,找出了目前防垢杀菌措施存在的不足。在此基础上,对引进变频式微电脑水处理器的先导性试验结果进行了分析。监测结果表明,其阻垢率达到83.3%以上。该处理器不仅具有很好的防垢、除垢功能,还具有很好的杀菌作用。处理后的污水中固体含量、颗粒总数、含油量、TGB、铁细菌等均有较大幅度的下降,同时还大幅度减少了药剂成本、维修费用等,投入产出比为1∶7,取得了较好的经济效益。  相似文献   

聚天冬氨酸作为油田阻垢剂的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前国内油田注水管线清洗需要性能更佳的阻垢剂。经过对比研究,选择聚天冬氨酸作为油田阻垢清洗剂。同传统的阻垢剂相比,它的阻垢效果好,而且生物降解性极佳。分析了合成条件、相对分子量对合成的聚天冬氨酸阻垢性能的影响,确定了最佳的合成条件,并提出了聚天冬氨酸在其他领域的应用和今后的发展方向。  相似文献   

This article attempts to study both returns to scale and optimal size of production. Specifically, the authors estimate a ray-homothetic production function which allows the returns to scale to vary with ouput size and input mix. The production model is estimated using data from the Welsh coal industry for the period 1961–1976. Findings showed that, first, the Welsh coal industry suffers from a level of production which is either too small or below its optimal level and, second, this discrepancy between actual and optimal production worsened over the period considered.  相似文献   

近年来,我国生猪养殖市场产生了剧烈波动,也催生了对生猪养殖适度规模问题的思考。本文基于8省份1484份生猪养殖户的调查数据,采用Translog生产函数和C-D生产函数,从产出、效益和环境三个维度对生猪养殖规模效应进行实证研究。研究表明:生猪养殖规模与环境污染之间存在倒“U”形关系;综合考虑产出、效益和环境三个方面,适度规模应为年出栏1000~1999头;养殖经验对生猪养殖的产出和效益影响显著,环保认知和参加培训状况对环境污染影响显著。基于此,积极引导养殖户合理科学扩大养殖规模、增强环境意识,提升生猪养殖从业人员长期经营的驱动力,对促进养殖行业绿色发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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