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尹强  崔琼  庞勇 《四川环境》2007,26(4):69-71,118
在室内空气质量各单项评价指标的基础上,应用运筹学的决策理论,建立室内空气质量评价模型。并通过实例应用此模型对室内空气品质进行了评价研究,取得了满意的结果。与其他评价方法相比,该评价模型结构严谨、计算简便、结果合理、分辨率高。为室内空气质量评价提供了一种简单而适用的评价方法。  相似文献   

鲍士海 《青海环境》2013,23(1):21-22,33
通过对锦州市大型公共场所室内空气质量近1a的监测与分析,找出了锦州市大型公共场所室内空气的首要污染物,揭示了影响大型公共场所室内空气质量状况的因素,提出了具体的解决办法和措施.  相似文献   

我国室内空气污染控制对策研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
室内空气污染严重影响着人们的生活质量,因此必须加强我国对室内空气污染的控制力度。从发挥政府管理职能、采取污染控制措施以及引导市场消费3方面进行阐述,探讨当前我国室内空气污染控制应采取的对策。  相似文献   

从家用清洁剂、燃料、化妆品到胶水,都少不了使用具有污染作用的分子(物质)。法国室内控制质量观察所最近公布了一份调查报告。报告指出,在所调查的80幢房屋和9所学校内,存在3种有毒物质:苯、四氯乙烯和三氯乙烯。该观察所的人员发现,这些房屋和学校室内空气中的这三种有毒物质的含量远远高于室外空气中这三种有毒物质的含量。可能的罪魁祸首是家用清洁剂(如清洗剂或去污剂)和装修用料(如粘合剂)。为了对付这种长期以来被低估的污染,化学工作者们想出了一些办法。但不幸的是,成本问题仍对人们广泛采取这些办法起着限制作用…  相似文献   

各省、自治区、直辖市环境保护局(厅):2003年4月22日我局曾下发《关于加大对医院医疗废水、医疗垃圾的监管力度的紧急通知[2003]71号》,现将有关具体问题通知如下:一、加大对“非典”期间医疗废水、医疗废物监管力度的主要对象是接治“非典”和疑似“非典”病人的医院。二、要重点监督接治“非典”和疑似“非典”病人的医疗单位是否有医疗废水处理装置和处理能力是否充足。对无处理装置或处理能力不足的,要尽快协助其建立和完善。可以临时增设医疗废水处理罐和处理箱,通过加氯机进行加氯,达到消毒灭菌效果,其他指标可暂不考核。三、接治“非典”和疑似“非典”病人的医疗单位排放的医疗废物要尽可能在医院内部进行焚烧处理,对产生的烟尘暂不考核;对无处理处置设施的医  相似文献   

室内空气污染净化研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴文继  孙亚兵 《四川环境》2005,24(1):109-114
介绍了室内空气污染的现状、特点及其危害,指出了室内空气污染的主要污染源和污染物。综述了各种室内空气污染净化技术,并介绍了各种技术的优缺点。本文最后对室内空气污染净化的发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

姜山 《环境教育》2008,(12):75-75
冬季是北风呼呼地刮,雪花飘飘洒洒的季节,加上植被凋零,氧气置换不足,使得整个冬季的空气质量都低于春夏两季;客观的寒冷又促使人们主观开窗换气的几率大大减少,加上冬季干燥,室内空气的质量再打折扣。因此,如何让室内空气保持清新,利于人们身心健康成为广大市民关注的热点。  相似文献   

为了应对目前我国发生的非典型肺炎受感人群及治疗过程产生污水对环境的污染,根据目前我国同类污水处理技术水平、设备水平制定本方案。本方案适合于接收非典人员诊疗的医院、疗养场所、研究机构、临时监护场等产生污水的处理。一、非典人员产生污水污染控制原则1.加强污染源管理,严防污染扩散对非典病人产生的排泄物(粪便、尿、呕吐物等)必须采用专用的容器(传染病专用的塑料袋)收集,进行单独的消毒处理,不得排入污水处理系统。收纳非典病人的医院产生的污水应加强消毒处理。对于已设有污水处理设施的医院应加强管理,对于未设有污水处理设…  相似文献   

装修污染你该怎么做   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘闺臣 《环境教育》2009,(10):35-37
近年来室内装修中使用的材料越来越多、越来越复杂,导致与装修材料相伴随的有害物质也随之增加。而人一生中的绝大部分时间要在室内环境中度过,所以室内空气质量的好坏与我们的健康密切相关。一项科研成果表明,室内空气的污染程度一般要比室外严重2~5倍,在特殊情况下可达到100倍,室内空气污染已被认定为危害公共健康的5类环境因素之一。室内装修污染物,主要包括各种装修材料散发的甲醛、苯、TVOC、甲苯、二甲苯、氨气、氡气等。  相似文献   

国家环境保护总局办公厅于4月27日向各省、自治区、直辖市环境保护局(厅)发出通知。通知内容如下:2003年4月22日我局曾下发《关于加大对医院医疗废水、医疗垃圾的监管力度的紧急通知犤2003犦71号》,现将有关具体问题通知如下:一、加大对“非典”期间医疗废水、医疗废物监管力度的主要对象是接治“非典”和疑似“非典”病人的医院。二、要重点监督接治“非典”和疑似“非典”病人的医疗单位是否有医疗废水处理装置和处理能力是否充足。对无处理装置或处理能力不足的,要尽快协助其建立和完善。可以临时增设医疗废水处理罐和处理箱,通过加氯机…  相似文献   

室内空气品质评价   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
介绍国内外有关室内空气品质的评价方法,着重介绍CFD和多区域两类模拟方法。  相似文献   

我国公共场所卫生监督监测中存在的主要问题与对策分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张菊英  文雯  马骁  赵梅 《四川环境》2004,23(6):114-117
公共场所的卫生状况自非典型性肺炎的爆发以来,受到人们的普遍关注。而提高公共场所的卫生质量还应依赖于对公共场所的卫生监督。该文通过文献复习与现场定性调查对我国公共场所卫生监督监测存在的主要问题作综合分析,并提出对策建议。以期使公共场所的卫生监督工作更有成效。  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐市医院污水处理水平现状分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
乌鲁木齐地区共有29家大中型医院,建立污水处理设施的共有15家,占51.7%,其中处理后达标排放的占31.6%。从处理方法及效果来看,经一级处理的医院排水,主要监测指标仍有不同程度的超标,采用二级处理的效果则比较显著。为确保2000年达标排放,有关部门应采用相应的措施督促大中型医院尽早用二级处理方法处理其排水。  相似文献   

姚小宁 《四川环境》2005,24(5):57-59,63
本文针对传染病医院建筑给排水的设计进行研究.从实例出发,分析了传染病院的功能特点及不同类型传染病所采取的措施要点,从有利于洁净及防止二次污染、污水处理及消防给水设计等几个方面提出自己的看法及相应的技术措施.  相似文献   

通过对江苏油田6套生活污水2套医院污水处理设施进行调查,针对其工艺流程、建设投资、处理能力、运行费用、运行状况及处理效果,分析了现有处理方法存在的问题,并提出了解决办法,对今后处理设施的管理、改进和处理技术有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

经济的快速增长和不合理的经济活动,造成了我国“环境透支”和“事态赤字”的“生态环境泡沫经济”恶性发展,诸多人地系统脆弱区生态经济结构失衡,生态贫困、经济贫困、知识贫困交织重叠,大大加重了生态灾难的危害。因此,必需加快资源节约型和环境友好型社会建设,实现整个社会的生态化,推进人与自然的和谐。  相似文献   

This study investigated the hospital waste management practices used by eight randomly selected hospitals located in Damanhour City of El-Beheira Governorate and determined the total daily generation rate of their wastes. Physico-chemical characteristics of hospital wastes were determined according to standard methods. A survey was conducted using a questionnaire to collect information about the practices related to waste segregation, collection procedures, the type of temporary storage containers, on-site transport and central storage area, treatment of wastes, off-site transport, and final disposal options. This study indicated that the quantity of medical waste generated by these hospitals was 1.249 tons/day. Almost two-thirds was waste similar to domestic waste. The remainder (38.9%) was considered to be hazardous waste. The survey results showed that segregation of all wastes was not conducted according to consistent rules and standards where some quantity of medical waste was disposed of with domestic wastes. The most frequently used treatment method for solid medical waste was incineration which is not accepted at the current time due to the risks associated with it. Only one of the hospitals was equipped with an incinerator which is devoid of any air pollution control system. Autoclaving was also used in only one of the selected hospitals. As for the liquid medical waste, the survey results indicated that nearly all of the surveyed hospitals were discharging it in the municipal sewerage system without any treatment. It was concluded that the inadequacies in the current hospital waste management practices in Damanhour City were mainly related to ineffective segregation at the source, inappropriate collection methods, unsafe storage of waste, insufficient financial and human resources for proper management, and poor control of waste disposal. The other issues that need to be considered are a lack of appropriate protective equipment and lack of training and clear lines of responsibilities between the departments involved in hospital waste management. Effective medical waste management programs are multisectoral and require cooperation between all levels of implementation, from national and local governments to hospital staff and private businesses.  相似文献   

The Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) is a newly emerged infection in humans affecting the Arabian Peninsula, Europe, and North Africa. The source and persistence of the infection in humans remains unknown. The aim of this paper was to apply a risk analysis approach to the epidemiology of MERS-CoV and to understand the source of ongoing infections. The epidemiology of MERS-CoV was reviewed and compared to SARS. Each observed feature of MERS-CoV epidemiology was summarized and fitted to either an epidemic or one of two sporadic scenarios (either animal or deliberate release). As of May 2014, MERS-CoV has infected over 681 people and killed a further 204 over 2 years. In contrast, there were 8,273 cases and 775 deaths from SARS within 8 months. MERS-CoV has a more sporadic pattern unlike the clear epidemic pattern seen with SARS, and an unusual concentration of cases in the Middle East, without epidemics in other countries to which it has spread. SARS, with a higher reproductive number (R0), was eliminated from humans within 8 months of emerging, yet MERS-CoV, with a low R0 has persisted in humans over a far more prolonged period. This is at odds with the expected behavior of a virus with a low R0, which theoretically should not persist unless there are ongoing introductions of infection into humans, and poses the question “what is the source of continuing infections in humans?” A hospital outbreak in Al Ahsa, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), had a classic epidemic pattern with some human-to-human transmission. However, 3 different strains were identified in that outbreak, an unexpected and unexplained finding for what appears to be a single source outbreak. Since this outbreak in April 2013, there has been a large increase in new cases, mainly in KSA in April and May 2014, with no corresponding epidemics in other countries. Yet MERS-CoV was present in KSA over several mass gatherings (which predispose to epidemics), including the Hajj pilgrimage, without an epidemic arising. Furthermore, although the virus has been identified in bats and camels, the mode of ongoing transmission to humans remains uncertain. Although some cases appear to be transmitted from human to human, and a few have animal or camel exposure, many cases have no history of contact with either animals or human cases. A high proportion of asymptomatic or otherwise undetected cases have been postulated as an explanation for the unusual epidemiology, yet active surveillance does not support this. When the observed data were fitted to different disease patterns, the features of MERS-CoV fit better with a sporadic pattern, with evidence for either deliberate release or an animal source. There are many discrepancies in the observed epidemiology of MERS-CoV, which better fits a sporadic than an epidemic pattern. Possible explanations of the unusual features of the epidemiology include human-to-human transmission with a large proportion of undetected cases; or sporadic ongoing infections from a non-human source; or a combination of both. Possible sources of ongoing sporadic infection in humans include animals (camels appear the most likely source), or deliberate release. The latter could explain 3 strains being present in a single hospital outbreak. Genetic testing should be conducted to determine whether the virus is evolving to be more transmissible. Better ascertainment of mild or asymptomatic cases is also needed. Finally, the discrepant epidemiology warrants critical analysis of all possible explanations, and involvement of all stakeholders in biosecurity, and deliberate release must be seriously considered and at least acknowledged as a possibility.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to show some aspects of the practical use of economic measures in the fight against water pollution in France. Twenty years ago, these economic measures were first implemented, and it may be interesting to draw some lessons from the experience. First, the paper presents the principles of water quality management in France established by the Law on Water of 16 December 1964. Second, some examples of factories and local communities facing the problem of fighting water pollution are discussed. Finally, general results and some reflections conclude the paper.  相似文献   

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