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本文根据本地区主要农业自然灾害发生情况及其基本规律,试就二者之间的关系,以及如何采取措施保护生态环境,尽可能防治自然灾害问题,作一些初步的探讨。  相似文献   

澳大利亚是一个幅员辽阔的国家,气候和地理条件复杂,因此,各种各样的自然灾害也非常频繁。在应对自然灾害的过程中,澳大利亚人非常重视科技手段的应用。尽管澳大利亚四周大洋环绕,但它却是一个少雨干旱的国家。加之全球气候变暖,澳大利亚变得越来越干燥,这让该国的农业安全受到了严重威胁。为了确保农业生产不受旱灾影响,  相似文献   

水资源的短缺,严重制约衣业和国民经济的发展,因此防御旱灾在农业发展中具有举足轻重的作用。针对干旱给陕西省农业发展所带来的威协和损失,对干旱的成因进行了分析,论述了气候资源合理利用干旱形成的主要原因,并提出了相应之对策。  相似文献   

农业可持续发展在很大程度上依赖于农业自然资源的可持续利用。利用系统分析法讨论了怀化实施农业可持续发展战略面临的一系列问题,包括观念落后、自然资源利用率低、浪费严重、农业生态环境恶化和自然灾害频繁等,提出了可行的对策,指出农业可持续发展应从自然、经济和社会再生产过程中消除影响农业可持续发展的不利因素,积极发展中国的生态农业。  相似文献   

根据1985—2005年的统计年鉴数据,基于ArcGIS及SPSS软件平台,分析了近20年来陕西省耕地面积的总体变化趋势、空间区域差异变化;利用相关分析与主成分方法分析了驱动因子;运用相关模型,科学预测出2015年、2020年、2025年、2025年耕地的数量,提出了实现陕西省耕地可持续发展的相关对策。结果表明,近20年来,陕西省耕地数量总体上呈下降趋势,其中人口增长、社会经济发展和农业科学技术进步是主要驱动因子。  相似文献   

现代农业是一种发达、先进、高效的新型农业生产方式和产业体系,是世界农业发展之所向。建设和发展现代农业是大幅度提高农产品产量、产值与质量,增强农业素质、效益和竞争力,抗御自然灾害与市场风险能力,保障农产品有效供给和全球粮食安全的根本途径。但现代农业也绝非是完美无瑕和万能的,其对农业农村生态环境的影响和破坏更是显而易见和难以避免的,乃至一定程度地障碍、制约或威胁农业的持续发展。文章深入分析和阐释了现代农业集约化、专业化、化学化、水利化、机械化、设施化和生物化等生产方式和产业技术体系对农业农村生态环境产生的诸多负面影响和危害,并指出应正确看待、理性认识、深入探究和积极应对系列相关问题,力促和确保现代农业的健康、科学、可持续发展,人与自然的和谐共荣以及资源节药型、环境友好型社会建设和生态文明建设的顺利推进。  相似文献   

党的十二大确定农业为开创社会主义现代化建设新局面的战略重点之一,并明确指出“农业是我国国民经济的基础,只要农业上去了,其他事情就比较好办了。”为了解决农业的劳动生产率和商品率低的问题,为了提高抗御自然灾害的能力,“今后必须在坚决控制人口增长、坚决保护各种农业资源、保持生态平衡的同时,加强农业基本建设,改善农业生产条件”。这一重要论断,是符合自然规律的,应成为今后农业建设的方向。  相似文献   

引草入田,发展新疆的草地农业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
引草入田,发展新疆的草地农业王博,于振田,安瑞麟(新疆畜牧科学院草原研究所乌鲁木齐830000)我国农业面临着进入以调整结构、提高效益为主要特征的新阶段“’,而技术进步则是迈上新台阶最重要的手段。引草入田,发展新疆的草地农业应是推进农业产业技术进步的...  相似文献   

基于生态文明建设视域,分析了河北沿海地区湿地农业发展现状,指出目前存在天然湿地面积逐年减少、抵御自然灾害能力降低、水资源及环境条件恶化、湿地功能发挥受到限制等主要问题,阐释了湿地农业发展转型的必要性,提出实现湿地农业持续发展,必须推动其增长方式向依靠科学技术和科学管理转型,生产方式向依靠基础设施和技术装备转型,经营方式向适度规模经营转型,农产品向多品种、高品质转型,发展方式向多次产业融合转型。  相似文献   

7月3日,来自我国中西部地区的50多位省、市、县级领导和来自全世界各国学府、金融贸易、研究机构以及中央各部委的200多位负责人,聚会北京钓鱼台国宾馆,参加了由国家中西部网、中国国情调查研究中心等6家单位联合举办的“中国西部农业发展论坛”。会上,陕西省农垦农工商联合总公司总经理杨浩民、国务院稽察特派员刘吉、国家农业部原副部长刘培植等分别作了“中国西部农业发展回顾与论述”、“发展鸵鸟养殖是西部农业的新希望”等专题发言。全国人大常委会副委员长铁木尔·达瓦买提、全国政协原副主席马文瑞、国家农业部原部长何…  相似文献   

In the final analysis, sustainable agriculture must derive from applied ecology, especially the principle of the regulation of the abundance and distribution of species (and, secondarily, their activities) in space and time. Interspecific competition in natural ecosystems has its counterparts in agriculture, designed to divert greater amounts of energy, nutrients, and water into crops. Whereas natural ecosystems select for a diversity of species in communities, recent agriculture has minimized diversity in favour of vulnerable monocultures. Such systems show intrinsically less stability and resilience to perturbations. Some kinds of crop rotation resemble ecological succession in that one crop prepares the land for successive crop production. Such rotations enhance soil organic processes such as decomposition and material cycling, build a nutrient capital to sustain later crop growth, and reduce the intensity of pest buildup. Species in natural communities occur at discrete points along the r-K continuum of reproductive maturity. Clearing forested land for agriculture, rotational burning practices, and replacing perennial grassland communities by cereal monocultures moves the agricultural community towards the r extreme. Plant breeders select for varieties which yield at an earlier age and lower plant biomass, effectively moving a variety towards the r type. Features of more natural landscapes, such as hedgerows, may act as physical and biological adjuncts to agricultural production. They should exist as networks in agricultural lands to be most effective. Soil is of major importance in agroecosystems, and maintaining, deliberately, its vitality and resilience to agricultural perturbations is the very basis of sustainable land use.  相似文献   

Agroecology is the application of ecological concepts and principles to the design and management of sustainable agricultural systems. An agroecological approach to agriculture has special importance in the humid tropics where agricultural development and the preservation of tropical forests are most often in direct conflict. It is proposed that a more sustainable approach to development is needed, where agroecosystems depend on low external inputs, function more on the use of locally available and renewable resources, have benign impacts on the environment, and are based on the knowledge and culture of the local inhabitants. Examples of traditional agroecosystem management in Mesoamerica that can provide this basis are presented. The preservation of both biological and cultural diversity are integral to the long-term sustainable management of natural resources in the tropics.  相似文献   

The Green Revolution in India which was heralded in the 1960‘s was a mixed blessing. Ambitious use of agro-chemicals boosted food production but also destroyed the agricultural ecosystem. Of late Indian farmers and agricultural scientists have realized this and are anxious to find alternatives – perhaps a non-chemical agriculture – and have even revived their age-old traditional techniques of natural farming. Scientists are working to find economically cheaper and ecologically safer alternatives to agro-chemicals. Blue-Green Algae Biofertilizers, Earthworm Vermicomposts (Vermiculture), biological control of pests and herbal biopesticides are showing promise. Saline agriculture and sewage farming are also being promoted in India to augment food production in the face of water scarcity. There is a move to search for alternative foods, which are more nutritious, cheaper and have shorter harvest cycles. Farm and food policy in India has to change its outlook before there can be a second green revolution. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Although the notion of natural behavior occurs in many policy-making and legal documents on animal welfare, no consensus has been reached concerning its definition. This paper argues that one reason why the notion resists unanimously accepted definition is that natural behavior is not properly a biological concept, although it aspires to be one, but rather a philosophical tendency to perceive animal behavior in accordance with certain dichotomies between nature and culture, animal and human, original orders and invented artifacts. The paper scrutinizes the philosophy of natural behavior as it developed in the organic movement in response to a perceived contrast between industrialized and traditional agriculture. There are two reasons for focusing on the organic movement: (i) the emphasis on “the natural” is most accentuated there and has a long history, (ii) everyday life on organic farms presupposes human/animal interplay, which conflicts with the philosophical tendency to separate nature from culture. This mismatch between theory and practice helps us see why, and how, the philosophy of natural behavior needs to be reconsidered. The paper proposes that we understand farms as local human/animal cultures, and asks what we can mean my natural behavior in such contexts. Since domestic animals adapt to agricultural environments via interaction with caretakers, such interplay is analyzed as “hub” in these animals’ natural behavior.  相似文献   

Watershed management program on Santiago Island,Cape Verde   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Watershed Management Program (WMP) was put into operation in early 1985 on Santiago Island, Cape Verde, with the stated purpose, “to develop and protect the soil and water resources of the Program-designated watersheds … to stabilize the natural environment and increase agricultural production potential in the Program area.” The approach to soil and water conservation in the program has been to build erosion and flood control structures (engineering approach) and plant trees (biological approach) to decrease rill and gully erosion, trap sediment behind control structures, provide flood protection, increase infiltration, increase fuelwood and fodder production, and increase water supplies for irrigation. There have been many successes resulting from specific management activities, but flawed approach or implementation in a few key areas has acted to impede the program's complete success, including lack of a scientific basis for evaluating its impact on soil and water conservation; poor design, placement, and maintenance of some major hydraulic structures; inadequate intervention in stabilizing farmlands or education of farmers and landowners in the need for and benefits of agroforestry; and incomplete integration of engineering and biological approaches.  相似文献   

By suppressing pest populations, natural enemies provide an important ecosystem service that maintains the stability of agricultural ecosystems systems and potentially mitigates producers' pest control costs. Integrating natural control services into decisions about pesticide-based control has the potential to significantly improve the economic efficiency of pesticide use, with socially desirable outcomes. Two gaps have hindered the incorporation of natural enemies into pest management decision rules: (1) insufficient knowledge of pest and predator population dynamics and (2) lack of a decision framework for the economic tradeoffs among pest control options. Using a new intra-seasonal, dynamic bioeconomic optimization model, this study assesses how predation by natural enemies contributes to profit-maximizing pest management strategies. The model is applied to the management of the invasive soybean aphid, the most significant serious insect threat to soybean production in North America. The resulting lower bound estimate of the value of natural pest control ecosystem services was estimated at $84 million for the states of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan and Minnesota in 2005.  相似文献   

How to control the growth of agricultural carbon emissions while developing tourism has become the primary issue that needs addressing in the development of rural China. This paper explores the impact of tourism on agricultural carbon emissions and further analyses the mediating effect of labor transfer in this relationship. The analysis is evaluated using provincial panel data from 31 provinces in China from 2007 to 2019 with a sequential regression model. The results show that tourism development increases agricultural carbon emissions, which is more pronounced in areas with advanced economies or higher education levels. Second, labor transfer to nonfarming industries suppresses the increase in agricultural carbon emissions caused by tourism. Finally, (i) the impact of tourism on labor transfer in less developed and less educated regions is limited, and (ii) there is the expectation of large-scale use of agricultural machinery due to labor transfer in economically developed or highly educated areas. The heterogeneity test shows these two reasons lead to a mediating effect of labor transfer on agricultural carbon emissions in different regions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Integrated watershed management in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Plain (Delta) requires blending federal, state, and local authority. The federal government has preeminent authority over interstate navigable waters. Conversely, state and local governments have authority vital for comprehensive watershed management. In the Delta, integrating three broad legal and administrative regimes: (1) flood control, (2) agricultural watershed management, and (3) natural resources and environmental management, is vital for comprehensive intrastate watershed, and interstate river basin management. Federal Mississippi River flood control projects incorporated previous state and local efforts. Similarly, federal agricultural programs in the River's tributary headwaters adopted watershed management and were integrated into flood control efforts. These legal and administrative regimes implement national policy largely in cooperation with and through technical and financial assistance to local agencies such as levee commissions and soil and water conservation districts. This administrative infrastructure could address new national concerns such as nonpoint source pollution which require a watershed scale management approach. However, the natural resources and environmental management regime lacks a local administrative infrastructure. Many governmental and non governmental coordinating organizations have recently formed to address this shortcoming in the Delta. With federal and state leadership and support, these organizations could provide mechanisms to better integrate natural resources and environmental issues into the Delta's existing local administrative infrastructure.  相似文献   

陆咸尧 《四川环境》1993,12(3):29-35
我国是发展中的国家,农业在国民经济中占有十分重要的地位,环境污染和生态破坏是农业潜伏着的生态危机,也是农业发展过程中亟待解决的重大问题。如何从我国农业环境问题的特点和农业经济现状出发,制定出与农业经济发展相适应遥农业环境保护战略,是我国农业发展和环境保护工作中的一项重要任务。本文就我国农业环境保护的战略地位和作用、指导思想和方针、目标和重点、措施等一系列战略问题,进行初步探讨。  相似文献   

Water quality and stream habitat in agricultural watersheds are under greater scrutiny as hydrologic pathways are altered to increase crop production. Ditches have been traditionally constructed to remove water from agricultural lands. Little attention has been placed on alternative ditch designs that are more stable and provide greater habitat diversity for wildlife and aquatic species. In 2009, 1.89 km of a conventional drainage ditch in Mower County, Minnesota, was converted to a two‐stage ditch (TSD) with small, adjacent floodplains to mimic a natural system. Cross section surveys, conducted pre‐ and post‐construction, generally indicate a stable channel with minor adjustments over time. Vegetation surveys showed differences in species composition and biomass between the slopes and the benches, with changes ongoing. Longitudinal surveys demonstrated a 12‐fold increase in depth variability. Fish habitat quality improved with well‐sorted gravel riffles and deeper pool habitat. The biological response to improved habitat quality was investigated using a Fish Index of Biological Integrity (FIBI). Our results show higher FIBI scores post‐construction with scores more similar to natural streams. In summary, the TSD demonstrated improvements in riparian and instream habitat quality and fish communities, which showed greater fish species richness, higher percentages of gravel spawning fish, and better FIBI scores. This type of management tool could benefit ditches in other regions where gradient and geology allow.  相似文献   

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