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已系统地分析了玉龙喀什河山前平原地下水中氟元素的来源及迁移特征。指出了氟形成的地质,地球化学及自然地理条件,迁移富集的水文地球化学环境和水化学成分特征。通过大量的统计分析,总结和明确了水中含氟量与水环境的碱性特征(总碱度及PH值)、水中各宏量组分(常规离子)及矿化度的相关性,相关程度,并求得了氟与它们的相关系数,从而明确了氟形成及迁移的水文地球化学特征及相关变化规律。  相似文献   

将四川省作为旅游目的地,以旅游人数为指标,运用季节性强度指数、季节指数以及数理统计方法比较分析了四川省入境游客流与国内游客流的时间分布特征,主要从年际变化特征与月变化特征两个方面进行研究。依据四川省主要旅游景点季节性强度指数的时间变化特征,从旅游主体、旅游客体和旅游媒体三方面分别探讨了游客流时间变化的成因,重点研究了旅游客体类型、知名度、区位等因素对游客流时间分布特征的影响。  相似文献   

本文分析了衡阳地区地表水资源特征和地下类型与特征,并根据工农业生产的发展,需水与供水间的矛盾及旱涝灾害等情况,对水的开发利用途径进行了探讨。  相似文献   

王继武 《新疆环境保护》1995,17(1):23-34,37
已系统地分析了玉龙喀什河山前平原地下水中氟元素的来源及迁移特征。指出了氟形成的地质,地球化学及自然地理条件,迁移富集的水文地球化学环境和水化学成分特征。通过大量的统计分析,总结和明确了水中含氟量与水环境的碱性特征(总碱度及PH值)、水中各宏量组分(常规离子)及矿化度的相关性,相关程度,并求得了氟与它们的相关系数,从而明确了氟形成及迁移的水文地球化学特征及相关变化规律。  相似文献   

本文论述了洞庭湖区资源环境特征,分析了与农业开发有关的区域生态经济问题,推出了农业综合开发的战略与途径。  相似文献   

本文运用区域旅游开发理论,研究了河口县旅游资源的类型与特征,在分析该县旅游功能区划与旅游开发条件的基础上,提出了旅游开发构想.  相似文献   

本文根据福州市环保产业发展现状、特征与存在问题,提出了加快发展福州市环保产业的建议与对策。  相似文献   

记述了唐古拉山东段高寒灌丛的分布,组成,结构,生长,演替,主要类型及其与当地畜牧业的关系,探讨了生态特征,稳定原因和价值,提出了经营利用建议。  相似文献   

一个研究街道峡谷流场及浓度场特征的三维数值模式   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目前,研究街道峡谷内流场及机动车排放污染物的扩散行为特征所采用的主要方法为:采用野外测试法和物理模拟法,而采用三维数值模拟方法研究此问题的工作很少。本文创建了一个研究微尺度街道峡谷内流场及机动车排放污染物扩散特征的三维数值模式,即首次采用伪不定常方法,利用K——E闭合方案,建立了一个模拟城市街道峡谷内流场及污染物扩散特征与街道峡谷风场、街道几何结构及两侧建筑物高度对称性之间的复杂关系的三维数值模式。经过与实际监测资料及风洞实验对比,结果表明此三维模式具有较好的模拟精度,能够很好模拟峡谷内的风场及街谷几何结构对街道峡谷内流场及浓度场特征的影响,有很强的实用性。  相似文献   

以非物质文化遗产为研究对象,对其进行初步的旅游资源归类。通过对比分析发现,非物质文化旅游资源具有地域性与,可移动性并存、观赏性与无季节性并存、综合性与非永续性并存的特征,并依据这些特征,提出此类旅游资源的开发途径。  相似文献   

秦皇岛市水环境现状与恢复   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦皇岛地区原始自然环境优越,多年来,不正当的人为活动、环境恶化趋势明显,也直接干扰与影响着水的良性循环。现状水环境:河流基流渐小,并季节性断流,坑塘减少,湿地萎缩水土流失,洪径增大。地下水位下降,水量减少,承压水无序开采,污净比失衡,河流承栽力降低。地下水垂直污染面扩大,点、面、垃圾污染源趋重。联通青一洋、石一起,实施水资源再分配。优化配置城乡用水。重视地下水源地建设,联合调度地表、地下水源。谨慎开发承压水。植树造林、涵养水分。注重防风林带建设,改善田间小气候。严控地下水采量,防止土壤旱化。搞好坑塘建设,解决乡镇污水出路与净化。保护湿地,促进水的良性循环。深度处理废污水.使之资源化。从源头抓好城市三大水源地污染源.察勘储备新地下水源地。改良恢复水环境,保障水资源循环利用。  相似文献   

饮用水水源地与人民的生命安全和社会经济的稳定发展联系非常密切,突发水污染事故严重威胁着水源地饮用水安全。突发水污染事故具有不确定性和模糊性,对不同类型的水源地影响侧重点不同;引发突发水污染事故的因素可以分为人为因素和非人为因素,突发水污染事故多为人为因素所引发;评价方法分为3种类型,分析了分别适用于大尺度河流型的体系构建法和小尺度湖库型的模型模拟法,指出体系构建法综合宏观的特点,以及模型模拟法微观量化的评价方式,综合评价法则结合了这2种方法的优点;分析了评价方法的不足并对发展趋势做出展望,以期为水源地保护工作者提供对水源地突发水污染事故选择评价方法的思路。  相似文献   

The quantities of water are not distributed uniformly in space and time. Greece compared to some other Mediterranean countries is found in advantageous position regarding the availability of water resources. However, there are regions with great in quantity water reserves and others with intense deficiencies. The management of water resources in Greece is concentrated in the systematic spatiotemporal monitoring and forecast of two basic multidimensional parameters, the availability of water resources and the water demand, as well as, in the implementation of necessary measures for the satisfaction of needs, regarding the fields of economy and environment. This work describes and analyses the existing status of water resources in Greece, as well as, the framework of applied policy. Furthermore, measures and actions for the management of water resources are proposed.  相似文献   

In the hard rock areas of India, overdraft of groundwater has led to negative externalities. It increased costs of groundwater irrigation and caused welfare losses. At the same time informal groundwater markets are slowly emerging and are believed to improve water distribution and to increase water use efficiency in the irrigation sector. These claims are evaluated in this study. For this purpose data was collected from a sample containing three different groups of water users: water sellers, water buyers and a control group of non-traders. First the socio-economic characteristics of these groups are compared. Then the efficiency of water use of the three groups is studied using Data Envelopment Analysis. The results indicate that groundwater markets provide resource poor farmers access to irrigation water, giving them the opportunity to raise their productivity. Water buyers are furthermore shown to be most efficient in their water use, while water sellers are also shown to be more efficient than the control group. The differences in efficiency between the groups are statistically significant. The demonstrated potential of groundwater markets to improve the efficiency of water use and to increase equity in resource access should be taken into account by the Indian government when deciding on their attitude towards the emerging groundwater markets.  相似文献   

雨水收集设施等水工程日益得到应用,需要解决雨水收集设施等水工程设施收集的水资源的所有权。因大气降水是一种自由资源,不属于《宪法》中的"水流"或《水法》中的"水资源"的范畴,雨水收集设施等水工程设施收集的水资源所有权不能适用《宪法》、《水法》的规定,而是取决于雨水收集设施等水工程设施的所有权。雨水收集设施等水工程设施不是土地的组成部分,所有权包括国家所有、集体所有、其他组织和个人所有等形式,因此,雨水收集设施等水工程设施收集的水资源所有权自然包括国家所有、集体所有、其他组织和个人所有。但水工程设施不是公益性、大中型的水利设施,允许其他投资主体投资,其所有权应以集体、个人所有为主要形式  相似文献   

河流水污染和水资源短缺是楚雄市面临的两大水环境问题。本文将楚雄市社会经济发展、水污染控制和水资源开发利用纳入一个系统,在掌握水环境问题现状和变化趋势及其成因的基础上,探讨河流水质目标和排污控制目标,从宏观协调对策和水污染控制措施两个层次上进行水环境对策的设计和多目标优选,并得到最佳水污染控制实施计划。  相似文献   

The Ogallala Aquifer is depleting faster than it is being replenished. Interpretation of well data suggests that the water table in some counties is not declining, or not as much as might be expected in view of the amount of land being irrigated. As the Ogallala Aquifer in the Texas Panhandle receives almost no recharge, a possible explanation is that the current method of using well data for estimating the quantity of water remaining in the aquifer is underestimating water in storage. This study used an agronomic water mass balance approach to estimate how much water has been used for irrigation compared to amounts estimated by well data. The major finding was in counties where irrigation well capacities have declined significantly but irrigation is continuing, there is likely more water in storage than presently estimated, but the amounts of water being used for irrigation in those counties are greater than estimated changes of water in storage. The proposed hypothesis for this difference is there are mounds of water between wells that are not being accounted for and data are presented and discussed to support this conjecture.  相似文献   

我国华北平原分布有大小不等、形状各异的地下热水矿床;赋存于石灰岩地层形成的地质构造凸起部位的地下热水富水性好,井产水量大,自喷能力强,水质好,矿化度低,温度高,具有较高的开发利用价值。华北平原地下热水的热源与第三纪侵入的火成岩无关。地下热水的补给来源是山区大气降水渗入地下经过较大的构造断裂带和碳酸盐岩地层岩溶溶洞、断裂裂隙深循环以后形成的。地下热水的温度主要取决于水循环的深度。  相似文献   

论成都的环境用水和水生态环境建设   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
瞿伦强 《四川环境》1997,16(1):51-55
本文首次提出环境用水概念,指出水质、水量、水面是环境用水的基本要素。阐述了环境用水对成都城市发展的重要意义。就成都环境用水目前存在的问题提出了解决途径。结合府南河综合整治工程,就成都的水生态环境建设提出建议。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Statutory and case law at the state level provide critical legal frameworks for water management. As many state governments struggle to improve efficiency in water management and resolve conflicts over water usage, they must continually assess the efficacy of their state water law. Most states have water laws that are disconnected and overlapping. This article presents a methodology to assess state water law and take first steps toward a comprehensive state water resources act. The methodology is driven by issues and conflicts in water management. It synthesizes management and legal analyses into a process that incorporates the diverse perspectives of state water stakeholders. The results of the analysis are identification of management issues, profiles of state water law, and explorations of legal options that are available to the state government. Illinois is provided as a case study for this methodology.  相似文献   

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