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定量分析了高硫石油焦燃烧中SO2排放浓度以及必需的脱硫深度,指出石油焦与煤在循环流化床锅炉中混烧是适合我国国情的方案。  相似文献   

长庆油田矿区服务事业部各生活小区锅炉90%的能源用于小区采暖供热,锅炉供热能耗大,效率低。为降低供热能耗,2012年1月对庆城基地锅炉系统中的SZL14--1.0/95/70型号锅炉使用固硫节煤剂的应用效果进行了现场试验对比。试验证明:通过添加新型固硫节煤剂能改善炉膛燃烧氛围、促进燃烧完全,降低炉渣含碳量,提高热效率7%,节煤率12%。同时,固硫效果明显,烟尘排放CO、SO2明显减少。  相似文献   

通过对固硫剂输送、喷射设施的优化及不同Ca/S摩尔比、不同喷射方式下锅炉SO2的削减量,证实了DCL型燃煤固硫剂是一种投资少、占地小、效率同的新技术,可在220t/h高压煤粉锅炉使用。  相似文献   

高硫煤中有机硫赋存状态与微生物脱硫机理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据中国工业面临的煤炭脱硫形势,阐述现有煤炭脱硫方法与效果、高硫煤中有机硫赋存状态与微生物脱硫原理,并指出煤炭脱硫技术存在的问题及开发研究方向。  相似文献   

煤中砷及燃煤固砷技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王凌青 《四川环境》2006,25(3):86-89
对煤中砷的含量、分布、赋存状态等地球化学特征进行了综述,分析了煤炭燃烧过程中砷的迁移转化行为与释放特性,指出煤中砷的燃烧释放不仅与砷的物理化学性质有关,更取决于煤中的浓度、赋存状态及燃烧工况等因素。进一步讨论了天然钙基材料燃煤固砷技术及燃煤砷污染控制的研究现状。  相似文献   

由河北中科环保有限公司开发,河北省环境保护局推荐的AL煤脱硫助燃材料,适用于各种工业锅炉、电站锅炉燃煤过程中二氧化硫的脱除。主要技术内容一、基本原理“煤脱硫助燃材料”内含有钙、镁和催化剂,煤炭燃烧时,产生的二氧化硫、三氧化硫与钙化合成亚硫酸钙、硫酸钙,固定在灰渣中。“煤脱硫助燃材料”内的活性金属氧化物,除了和二氧化硫发生化学反应之外,还起到助燃和催化燃烧的作用,改变了原来燃烧不充分的状况。脱硫粉内还有相当数量的单质金属高能燃料,燃烧时和强氧化剂发生反应释放出大量的热能,使燃烧温度提高50℃~10…  相似文献   

低浓度Fe(Ⅱ)和Mn(Ⅱ)催化氧化脱除烟气中SO2的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
许丽  苏仕军 《四川环境》2005,24(2):27-31
生物法烟气脱硫是一种新的脱硫工艺,不仅可以较好地解决SO2废气对环境的污染问题,而且将烟气脱硫与单质硫的生产联系在一起,能带来一定的经济效益。将生物法烟气脱硫过程分成两个阶段:SO2的吸收过程和含硫吸收液的生物脱硫过程。本文重点研究了第一阶段的SO2吸收过程。考察了温度、pH值对SO2的吸收的影响,水溶液中低浓度的Fe(Ⅱ)和Mn(Ⅱ)对SO2的催化氧化,以及低浓度的Fe(Ⅱ)和Mn(Ⅱ)协同催化氧化SO2,并初探了引入甲醇和亚纳米SiO2颗粒作为添加剂对脱硫的影响及其机理。  相似文献   

我国每年民用耗煤量达1.5亿吨,其中80%采用原煤散烧方式,成型煤仅古20%,在民用成型煤中添加固硫剂的则更少。当前我国城市大气污染主要是煤烟型污染,从我国的国情出发,解决大气污染的有效途径是合理使用煤炭,如对民用成型煤添加固硫剂等。  相似文献   

常见的空气污染物有总悬浮颗粒物、二氧化硫、氮氧化物、氧化碳和苯并芘等.它们在一定条件下还可形成二次污染,造成更严重危害.燃烧是烟尘和SO2的主要排放源.为此,本文对北京5个城区74块煤中硫和灰分的含量进行了测定.测定结果如下蜂窝煤中水分含量为3.4%~10.6%,超标者6.8%,其余含水量正常;全硫含量为0.2%~0.4%,北京市地方标准DB 11/097-1998<低硫优质煤及制品中规定煤中的全硫值≤0.5%,说明符合标准;灰分含量为25%~35%(无规定标准).1个月中燃煤含硫量的连续测定值为0.2%~0.4%,表明北京地区对高硫煤的控制卓有成效.在煤样中添加一定量的秸秆粉、CaCO3粉和粘合剂,含硫量平均值为0.18~0.28%,灰分为25.5~27.4%.实验表明固硫效果显著.  相似文献   

细粒煤黄铁矿浮选脱硫新工艺与方法的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着高硫煤和难选煤的开采及其产量的增加和环保要求越来越严格,煤炭洗选加工的比重将逐年增加.浮选在煤炭的细粒分选方面,尤其是在脱除煤中极细粒嵌布的黄铁矿方面发挥着越来越重要作用.本文在煤炭深度脱硫降灰新工艺的基础上,利用自制开发的对煤中微细黄铁矿具有选择性脱除的XW抑制剂,对新汶张庄煤矿中的原煤泥、浮选精煤、最终精煤进行了脱硫试验研究,脱除了用传统的选煤方法不能脱除的煤黄铁矿硫,并有效地降低了精煤的灰分.  相似文献   

Increased emphasis on reduction of mercury emissions from coal fired electric power plants has resulted in environmental regulations that may in the future require application of activated carbons as mercury sorbents for mercury removal. At the same time, the quantity of poultry manure generated each year is large and technologies that take advantage of the material should be explored. The purpose of the work was to obtain preliminary data to investigate if activated chars made from different poultry manures could adsorb mercury from simulated flue gas. In laboratory experiments, activated chars made from chicken cake and litter removed mercury from the gas as well as a commercial alternative. It was also found that acid-washing these chars after activation may improve pore structure but does not influence the mercury removal efficiency. Activated chars were also made from turkey cake and litter. These raw materials produced activated chars with similar pore structure as those made from chicken manure, but they did not adsorb mercury as well. Acid-washing the turkey manure-based chars improved their performance, but this step would add to the cost of production. Preliminary evaluations suggest that unwashed activated chars may cost as little as $0.95/kg to produce.  相似文献   

乌市大气 SO_2年日均值为0.207mg/m~3,超过国家二级标准39%,冬季含量是国标的2.47倍。SO_2巳上升为冬季大气的主要污染物。乌鲁木齐市年耗煤量510万吨,全年通过燃煤排放的 SO_2达7万吨以上,占全市 SO_2总排放量的80%以上,燃煤排放是 SO 主要的排放源。冬季燃煤排放 SO_24.6万吨,占全市排放量的65%以上。因此从现在开始着眼于乌市大气 SO_2的防治是改善乌市大气环境质量的战略措施。治理的途径一是改变燃料结构,大量推广使用无烟煤型煤,二是在防止二次污染,提高水的重复利用率前提下因地制宜地推广湿式除烟尘、除硫技术。  相似文献   

The thief process for mercury removal from flue gas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Thief Process is a cost-effective variation to activated carbon injection (ACI) for removal of mercury from flue gas. In this scheme, partially combusted coal from the furnace of a pulverized coal power generation plant is extracted by a lance and then re-injected into the ductwork downstream of the air preheater. Recent results on a 500-lb/h pilot-scale combustion facility show similar removals of mercury for both the Thief Process and ACI. The tests conducted to date at laboratory, bench, and pilot-scales demonstrate that the Thief sorbents exhibit capacities for mercury from flue gas streams that are comparable to those exhibited by commercially available activated carbons. A patent for the process was issued in February 2003. The Thief sorbents are cheaper than commercially-available activated carbons; exhibit excellent capacities for mercury; and the overall process holds great potential for reducing the cost of mercury removal from flue gas. The Thief Process was licensed to Mobotec USA, Inc. in May of 2005.  相似文献   

脉冲电晕等离子法烟气脱硫脱硝的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱联锡  卢红 《四川环境》1993,12(4):13-16
本文探讨了脉冲电晕等离子法脱硫脱硝的基本原理,较系统地研究了影响脉冲电晕等离子烟气脱硫脱硝的主要因素,进行了加NH3脱硝的探索试验。实验表明:该法能有效地去除烟气中的SO2,但脱硝效果不明显,加NH3后可大量提高脱硝的效率;湿度对脱硫影响较大,湿度越高,脱硫效率也越高,当相对湿度达80%时,脱硫率基本达到最大,而湿度对脱硝的影响不如脱硫明显;脉冲电压越高,功率越大,脱硫脱硝效率越高;增加放电极长度  相似文献   

The emission of fossil fuel carbon dioxide (CO2) to the atmosphere is implicated as the predominant cause of global climate change; therefore, advanced CO2 capture technologies are of the utmost importance. In this study, innovative amine-multilayered sorbents were fabricated using layer-by-layer (LbL) nanoassembly technology via alternate deposition of a CO2-adsorbing amine polymer (e.g. polyethylenimine or PEI) and an oppositely-charged polymer (e.g. polystyrene sulfonate or PSS). We found that the developed sorbents could be used for CO2 capture and that LbL nanoassembly allows us to engineer their CO2 capture performance through the fabrication variables (e.g. deposition polymers, deposition media, and number of bilayers). PEI/PSS was found to be the best polymer combination for developing sorbents with relatively high CO2 capture capacity. The amine-multilayered solid sorbents possessed fine microstructures and may have similar polymer deposition within and on the surface of solid sorbents. These amine-multilayered sorbents had much faster CO2 desorption rates compared to sorbents prepared using the current PEI-impregnation approach. Such fast CO2 desorption could make sorbents a good option for CO2 removal from power plants and even the atmosphere.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to desulfurize coals by bacterial means. A strain of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans has been found effective in removing pyritic sulfur and sulfate sulfur from coal. The removal of organic sulfur depends on the sulfur containing organic compounds present in coal. Assuming presence of thiophene in coal, a mixed bacterial culture was isolated from soil using dibenzothiophene as the sole source of carbon. These strains proved effective in removing organic sulfur from coal in addition to some pyritic and sulfate sulfur.Coal treated with bacteria shows an improvement in quality. Apart from the reduction of the sulfur contents, the ash contents of the bacteria treated coals are substantially reduced. The coking property remains unaffected by the bacterial treatment.  相似文献   

我国煤中微量元素的赋存及开发利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
煤中微量元素的赋存规律和综合利用工艺的研究和开发,对于资源的合理利用具有重要意义。在综合国内煤中微量元素研究文献的基础上,分析了煤中微量元素的来源可分为原生、次生和后生,赋存状态主要与有机质的吸附和络合作用有关;开发利用的现状较为落后,表现为研究区域少、研究手段和技术水平差。指出,必须深入对煤中微量元素的赋存规律和综合利用工艺进行深入研究,合理利用资源,使矿区实现可持续发展。  相似文献   

研究絮凝剂硫酸铝Al2(SO4)3与助凝剂聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)联合处理生活污水的效果。研究表明:Al2(SO4)3与PAM联用比单独用Al2(SO4)3处理生活污水效果更好;Al2(SO4)3 PAM对生活污水CODCr和浊度具有良好的去除能力;当投加1:1的50mg/L的Al2(SO4)3 0.5mg/L的PAM,调节水体pH=7时,处理效果最理想,CODCr去除率可达95.8%,浊度去除率可达97.5%。为复合絮凝剂Al2(SO4)3 PAM处理生活污水的应用提供了有价值的参考依据。  相似文献   

Air pollution has become a serious problem in China as a result of that country's efforts in the last 30 years to become a great industrial power. The burning of coal, which currently provides over 70% of all China's energy needs, is a major source of air pollution. Because Chinese coal is high in sulfur and ash content and because most combustion devices in China have low efficiencies, SO2 and particulate emissions are a serious problem and are comparable to or exceed those found in many countries that are much more industrialized. Although most coal is burned in North China, acid precipitation is most severe in South China because of the lack of buffering loess dust found in the former region.The Chinese government has already taken major steps to mitigate air pollution, such as relocating polluting industries, supplying coal with lower sulfur content, using gas instead of coal for residential heating, and levying fines on industries that exceed pollution standards. Atmospheric environmental impact assessment (AEIA) is also required for all major new projects. This article describes three types of mathematical diffusion models and field and wind-tunnel experiments that are used in such assessments.The Chinese authorities believe that a range of technological, managerial, locational, and behavioral changes must be effected before the air of Chinese cities can be significantly improved.  相似文献   

分析了锅炉燃烧排出的危害人类健康的污染物烟尘及SO2超标的成因,以及长庆油田燃煤锅炉烟道气的监测结果。提出了控制锅炉烟尘排放浓度的对策及消烟措施。例如:推行煤炭洗选,改进燃料结构,限制烟尘超标的锅炉产品制造、安装,改进燃烧方式,强化炉内燃烧,改造除尘器。  相似文献   

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