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经过近30年的发展,德阳市已经初步形成了环境质量、重点污染源、应急监测等环境监测网络。通过对德阳市环境监测网络现状进行分析,总结存在的问题和不足。按照适度超前,分步实施的思路,从建立和完善环境质量监测网络、污染源自动监测网络、环境应急监测网络、农村环境监测网络、环境监测信息网络5个方面对德阳市全域监测网络建设进行论述,并结合德阳市经济社会发展水平和工业布局,对如何提高监测网络运行效率,形成区域监测合力提出有针对性的建议。  相似文献   

浅论现代环境监测建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境监测是环境保护工作的基础,在防治环境污染,解决现存的或潜在的环境问题,实现环境与经济的协调发展中具有重要作用。文章介绍了国内外环境监测现状,指出环境监测在社会生活中的作用,强调现代环境监测需完善环境建设管理机制和加强监测质量全过程管理,展望了现代环境监测建设的发展方向,并对环境监测建设提出建议。  相似文献   

环境监测网络体系建设及管理探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对在环境监测体制改革完成的情况下,如何建立适合我国国情的,满足各种监测需要功能的环境监测管理体系和环境监测网络进行了探讨.  相似文献   

环境监测是保护环境的重要手段。随着科技发展,监测数据的处理与分析也有了很大的进步,为人类的生活提供了有力的保障。本文从数据获取出发,从多个角度对环境监测数据处理进行分析和研究,同时探讨新型方法在监测数据领域的应用。  相似文献   

本文就加强综合分析工作做了详细的阐述,从综合分析的内涵和特点,以及综合分析的地位、作用、现状、途径等诸方面做了系统详尽的论述.  相似文献   

李宏奇  陈小宁 《青海环境》1998,8(4):156-158
从青海环境监测的定位、环境监测站的发展现状、目前存在的主要问题以及加强环境监测站规范化建设,提高环境监测的科学水平和整体实力方面,提出了设想和建议,以期达到更好地为环境管理提供技术支持、技术监督和技术服务的目的  相似文献   

对福建省地市级环境监测系统职工队伍思想状况进行了调查,指出地市级环境监测站是我国环境监测系统中最关键的一个环节,他们承担着繁重的例行监测工作,为环境管理在竣工验收监测、污染事故应急监测、污染纠纷监测和科研监测等方面提供技术保障、技术支持和技术服务。文章提出了地市级环境监测站管理工作的新思路。  相似文献   

李艳凤 《青海环境》2011,21(3):130-131,138
环境监测是环境保护工作得以开展的前提和基础,也是保障经济和社会发展成果的重要技术支持。青海省"生态立省"战略的提出,又为当前的环境监测水平和环境监测能力提出了新的要求和挑战。笔者认为,从制度、机制等层面入手,优化人才队伍建设,促进青海省环境监测事业发展,是保障生态立省战略实施的重要途径。  相似文献   

任杰 《青海环境》2010,20(4):162-164
"十二五"规划期是全省环境监测体系建设和升级发展的机遇期,应当理清思路和目标,抓住重点,加快发展,突出环境质量监测、污染源监测、应急监测、生态监测四个方面,以项目带能力,以技术上水平,以能力促服务,实现监测体系和预警体系有机结合全面发展。  相似文献   

针对胜利油田环境监测管理的特点,以监测工作为技术依据,讨论了采用Internet技术进行环境监测的信息化管理,重点对采用Browser/server模式进行专业数据库系统的设计、开发和实现进行了讨论。通过实践表明:该系统利用局域网环境,用户可以通过浏览器完成监测原始数据和月报表的输入,计算、审核、汇总、统计、保存、查询及打印工作。  相似文献   

结合全国以及福建省环境管理信息化的实践经验,提出了狭义的云概念和面向全省各级环境主管部门的基于云平台的信息化建设思路。将新一代信息技术充分融入到环境综合管理应用中去,并从架构、技术应用及效益几个方面进行了分析,是“十二五”期间福建省环境信息化大踏步迈进的有力探索。  相似文献   

As the U.S. auto industry tries to remain competitive in the face of evolving environmental rules, the new administration is presented with the opportunity to achieve environmental and economic goals through an industry-government partnership. The authors suggest a policy of total environmental quality as a starting point.  相似文献   

The majority of environmental effects monitoring (EEM) frameworks that have been proposed compare selected indicator variables as a means of assessing whether significant changes in stressed ecosystems have occurred. Most are deterministic in nature and do not appropriately account for the natural variability and dynamics within the systems being comapred. This suggests that the comparative procedures should be statistically based and immediately raises the issue of whether the selected comparative procedures are to be used as decision-making tools or conclusive procedures. Conclusive procedures require a significant body of evidence before rejecting the postulated null hypothesis. The costs and time involved in environmental data collection accordingly bias action toward the maintenance of a status quo approach to environmental management. if, however, EEM is treated as a decision-making procedure, risk functions that include consideration of type I and II statistical error may be developed and combined with costs to select a minimum expected loss strategy for environemental management. Examples of the interpretative difficulties and conclusion reversal phenomena caused when EEM is used as a conclusive procedure are presented. In addition, risk functions appropriate for environmental management within an EEM context are constructed and applied. Only when such tools are fully developed and applied can EEM expect to have significant impacts on minimizing environmental degradation.  相似文献   

After a critical analysis of the strategies for conservation of the environment in Latin America and of large-scale development projects (agriculture and livestock raising, mining and electrical power plants) in the Amazon region of Brazil, this paper deals with the use of high-resolution satellite imagery for environmental monitoring. Two areas were considered in the study, Tucurui and Altamira. Spot/XS and Landsat/TM multispectral images were used, together with color aerial photographs of these areas. A computer-assisted visual interpretation procedure was employed to analyze images, and linear multispectral transformation was applied in selected subscenes in order to improve information extraction. The results indicate that high-resolution satellite imagery is generally compatible with the scale of the environmental problems in Amazonia and is a very efficient source of detailed information at a local scale on many aspects of the environment, in particular for monitoring changes over time in selected areas. Therefore, commercial satellite imagery, processed by specialized software, can accommodate a variety of analysis needs for decision makers and can also be an effective means of verification of international agreements on conservation of the environment in Amazonia.  相似文献   

为了保护和合理利用海洋,必须对海洋环境进行长期连续、多要素、多维空间的立体监控。海洋环境立体监测系统技术摒弃了传统将水样带回实验室预处理、存放再进行后期分析的低效方法,极大地提高了数据的采集效率,减轻了海洋监测工作者的劳动强度,节省了人力、物力和财力。本文介绍了海洋环境立体监测技术中的系统集成及数据分析平台等。  相似文献   

A process is described for making comparative valuations of a wide range of environmental management activities when the combined social, economic, managerial, and political benefits of some (but not all) of these activities cannot be adequately described in economic terms and when budgetary constraints do not permit funding of all activities under consideration. The process accounts for subjective judgment and contains a formal rigorous decision strategy that takes the place of intuition when quantitative and qualitative values of environmental activities need to be evaluated.  相似文献   

Biological monitoring and environmental assessment: a conceptual framework   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Direct biological monitoring is essential for effective assessment efforts. Past approaches to biomonitoring are too simplistic (for example, toxicity testing, indicator species) or conceptually invalid (diversity indexes). Assessments that use ecological guilds use ecological principles in a more integrative fashion. The best long-term approach is development of suites of metrics, like those used in the index of biotic integrity (IBI), to reflect individual, population, community, and ecosystem attributes in an integrative framework. Efforts to use the conceptual content of IBI in a wider diversity of habitats should be encouraged and followed up with effective control actions.  相似文献   

创建国家环保模范城市是提高城市管理水平,改善城市环境质量,实施城市经济可持续发展的重要举措,本文结合秦皇岛市创建国家环保工作的当前进展,客观分析总结了创建工作存在的差距和面临的任务,对下步工作提出了意见和建议。  相似文献   

本文介绍了环境应急监测的性质和特点,阐述了环境安全预警和应急监测网络体系的建设情况,从制度、人员、仪器装备建设方面来加强环境安全预警和应急监测能力建设,并做好应急监测的日常准备工作,提高应急监测能力,构建良好的应急监测体系。  相似文献   

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