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通过长期对环境试验箱制冷系统冷热旁通调节与设计,说明了环境试验箱制冷系统运行的稳定性和经济性要求。详细介绍了制冷系统冷热旁通调节的系统设计,冷热旁通卸载系统的选型方法和计算过程。根据制冷系统稳定性、经济性来选择更适合于环境试验箱制冷系统的冷热旁通调节方式,并给出合理的建议和需要注意的问题。  相似文献   

研究了一款环境适应性太阳能广告牌系统,利用阶梯形光伏电板为LED广告牌供电,综合电源感应切换系统、环境亮度感应调节系统及相关环境适应性设计,使得该装置能够在太阳能蓄电池供电与城市供电合理切换,自动调节广告牌亮度,并能防生物侵害、防潮防腐蚀等满足环境适应性要求。理论研究结果表明,系统具有智能化、人性化、经济节能、工况稳定等特点,值得推广应用。  相似文献   

黄菊文  赵修华  李光明 《四川环境》2006,25(2):35-39,44
本文对上海申达纺织股份有限公司高浓度有机废气燃烧过程的自动控制、系统运行安全联锁以及工艺参数巡回检测的设计进行研究,自动控制调节主要采用常规PID调节规律进行调节。经安装、调试及运行表明,整个系统稳定、安全,废气处理和余热回用效率高,达到了预期的目标,实现了废气燃烧过程的自动控制。  相似文献   

本文主要论述探讨复迭式制冷系统的工作原理、结构、系统调节控制、故障分析等。并阐明了设备管理及其合理使用的重要性。  相似文献   

阐述了生活垃圾分选分类设备在垃圾资源化处理中的目的与意义,介绍了国内外垃圾分选分类设备,分析了国内外垃圾分选分类的优势特点,对国内类似设备的发展现状进行了综合阐述。  相似文献   

为提高非金属材料的回收利用率以及减少对环境的危害,使用直线型无空振动筛对报废汽车中两种典型非金属颗粒橡胶和塑料进行筛分。通过设置筛板的各项运动参数(倾角、振动频率、振幅、振动方向角等)使得两种颗粒在振动面板上沿相反面向运动,从而实现分选。为提高分选效率,通过添加一定风速和方向的气流辅助分选,对分选过程进行EDEM-FLUENT耦合模拟,进行多组实验仿真,得到最大的分选效率。  相似文献   

对我国城市生活垃圾特性及处理现状进行了分析,并提出解决我国城市生活垃圾问题的根本是处理技术,同时对将成为垃圾处理技术重要发展趋势的分选技术进行介绍及可行性分析,举出垃圾分选技术的一个成功案例——“水力机械前部全分选技术”。  相似文献   

由唐山市神州机械有限公司开发的复合式干法选煤成套设备,适用于各种煤炭排除矸石、硫铁矿,降低灰分、硫分,提高发热量。主要技术内容一、基本原理该技术是新型动力煤选煤方法,集多种分选原理于一体:1)物料在螺旋运动中的分选作用;2)自生介质的分选作用;3)离析作用和风力作用的综合作用。根据以上原理,对分选床面的形状、振动形式、  相似文献   

对目前风机盘管加新风空调系统在设计中的一些不合理应用进行了分析,并提出了合理的解决方案。  相似文献   

本研究项目设计了小型立式环型风洞系统和流场模拟两套实验装置。用工程流体力学实验的方法,对系统内气体压力、流量变化的调节控制方法、通风机的能量消耗,以及在检测平台系统工作段形成均匀流动流场的设计方法等工程实际问题,进行了一系列的试验研究。在试验研究的基础上确定了检测平台系统的设计方案。  相似文献   

邵伟恒  邹伟 《环境技术》2016,(5):132-135
针对传统工业生产过程配料系统精度差、效率低、维修量大、人机界面不友好、成本高等问题,将总线控制技术、分时复用技术和精确称重技术相结合,设计了一套基于Labview的自动混配料控制系统。给出了系统的通讯设计,软件设计及硬件设计。现场应用结果证明,该系统能够自动、快捷、友好、精确可靠的完成配料生产。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In May 1993, a single-family home and adjoining information center opened to the public at the Desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix, Arizona. Desert House is designed as an example of what can be achieved today using available technology to improve residential water and energy efficiency. The home is expected to reduce water and energy use by 40 percent compared with that for the typical three-bedroom, single-family residence in the Phoenix area. Water-conserving features include: landscape design employing low-water use plants, minimum turf area, mulch around plants to reduce evaporation, and drip irrigation system; spa cover for evaporation reduction; rainwater harvesting; low-flow shower heads, faucets, and toilets; and graywater reuse system. The home will be occupied by a family and monitored for water and energy use by computer. Visitors are able to access real time water and energy use data about the home, as well as tour the information center, technical exhibits, surrounding landscape, and the home when it is open (one afternoon a week).  相似文献   

余强  李元东  余鹏  严磊  王亮 《四川环境》2021,(1):198-202
车载环境γ能谱测量系统探测器是环境γ能谱测量技术领域研究热点。为提高探测效率,缩短测量时间,针对车载环境γ能谱测量系统设计了双NaI(Tl)晶体探测器,并测试了探测器主要性能指标。研究表明,探测器能量分辨率为6.73%,计数稳定性优于4.2%,可识别238U、232Th、40K等核素,可清晰分辨152Eu各能量峰,温度稳定性优于2.93%。可见,该探测器性能优异,具有较强的能量分辨和稳定性,为车载γ能谱测量系统的设计提供了技术基础,也为大体积探测器的设计提供了实验基础,有望在辐射环境监测等领域推广应用。  相似文献   

带压作业是在保持井筒内一定压力,不压井、不放压的情况下进行起下管柱的一种先进井下作业技术。相较于传统井下作业,带压作业的优势在于它能够最大限度的实现对油气层和环境的保护,有利于油气水井修复后的稳产和提高注水效率。带压作业技术在国外已经广泛应用,开发出了系列带压作业装置,并形成了较为完善的配套技术体系。目前国内也开展了相应的研究,逐步推广应用,并取得一定成果,但仍存在着较多问题。文章通过借鉴国外的先进经验,找出国内技术现存问题,并提出应当把管柱内堵塞技术、短冲程带压作业装置的完善及长冲程带压作业装置的引进和研发作为切入点,希望对国内带压作业技术的发展有所促进。  相似文献   

排污权与碳排放权系包含关系,对碳排放权属性的定位主要集中在许可证论、用益物权论以及环境权论三个方面。通过对碳排放权初始分配公平问题的必要性分析,探析初始分配效率、分配模式的内在缺陷和行政权介入对初始分配公平的影响。从加强制度衔接、确定总量目标、主体资格审查和提高监测技术等方面予以完善,以实现初始分配公平。  相似文献   

本文介绍了对垃圾渗滤液采用强化复合厌氧生物床反应器(ECAB) 好氧反应器(复合式SBR) 混凝后处理 超滤 纳滤的生物化集成处理的技术路线,工艺系统运行稳定,对有机物及总氮的去除效果良好,处理出水达到《生活垃圾填埋污染控制标准》(GB16889-1997)一级标准,且处理成本较低。文章并对存在的问题进行了分析。  相似文献   

董晶  梁佳斌 《四川环境》2014,(1):154-158
土工管袋应用于污泥脱水是一种新型实用的方法,目前国内应用经验较少。为了推广该新型工艺在污泥、淤泥上的应用,通过多次的小试、中试及工程的实施,总结了土工管袋应用于污泥脱水工程的多方面经验,包括项目实施前的准备工作、材料药剂的筛选方法、管袋充填操作中的安全事项、系统的设置及操作注意事项等等,并对如何实现管袋脱水系统的整体运行稳定性、高效性、经济性做了阐述。  相似文献   

刘西茹 《四川环境》2014,(1):144-149
人工湿地系统具有高效、节能、基建和运行费用低、操作与维护简单等优点,是一种高效的污水生态处理技术,其去除机理错综复杂。本文综述了人工湿地的系统构造、分类和净化机理,并通过其影响因素的分析,提出了人工湿地污水处理系统在设计、建设和运行管理中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

The appropriate design and evaluation of a rainwater harvesting (RWH) system is necessary to improve system performance and the stability of the water supply. The main design parameters (DPs) of an RWH system are rainfall, catchment area, collection efficiency, tank volume and water demand. Its operational parameters (OPs) include rainwater use efficiency (RUE), water saving efficiency (WSE) and cycle number (CN). The sensitivity analysis of a rooftop RWH system's DPs to its OPs reveals that the ratio of tank volume to catchment area (V/A) for an RWH system in Seoul, South Korea is recommended between 0.03 and 0.08 in terms of rate of change in RUE. The appropriate design value of V/A is varied with D/A. The extra tank volume up to V/A of 0.15~0.2 is also available, if necessary to secure more water. Accordingly, we should figure out suitable value or range of DPs based on the sensitivity analysis to optimize design of an RWH system or improve operation efficiency. The operational data employed in this study, which was carried out to validate the design and evaluation method of an RWH system, were obtained from the system in use at a dormitory complex at Seoul National University (SNU) in Korea. The results of these operational data are in good agreement with those used in the initial simulation. The proposed method and the results of this research will be useful in evaluating and comparing the performance of RWH systems. It is found that RUE can be increased by expanding the variety of rainwater uses, particularly in the high rainfall season.  相似文献   

The current sanitation technology in developed countries is based on diluting human excreta with large volumes of centrally provided potable water. This approach is a poor use of water resources and is also inefficient, expensive, and energy intensive. The goal of this study was to compare the standard sanitation technology (Scenario 1) with alternative technologies that require less or no potable water use in toilets. The alternative technologies considered were high efficiency toilets flushed with potable water (Scenario 2), standard toilets flushed with rainwater (Scenario 3), high efficiency toilets flushed with rainwater (Scenario 4), and composting toilets (Scenario 5). Cost, energy, and carbon implications of these five design scenarios were studied using two existing University of Toledo buildings. The results showed that alternative systems modeled in Scenarios 2, 4, and 5 were viable options both from an investment and an environmental performance perspective. High efficiency fixtures that use potable water (Scenario 2) is often the most preferred method in high efficiency buildings due to reduced water use and associated reductions in annual water and wastewater costs. However, the cost, energy, and CO(2)EE analyses all showed that Scenarios 4 and 5 were preferable over Scenario 2. Cost payback periods of scenarios 2, 4 and 5 were less than 10 years; in the future, increase in water and wastewater services would further decrease the payback periods. The centralized water and wastewater services have high carbon footprints; therefore if carbon footprint reduction is a primary goal of a building complex, alternative technologies that require less potable water and generate less wastewater can largely reduce the carbon footprint. High efficiency fixtures flushed with rainwater (Scenario 4) and composting toilets (Scenario 5) required considerably less energy than direct energy demands of buildings. However, the annual carbon footprint of these technologies was comparable to the annual carbon footprint from space heating. Similarly, the carbon savings that could be achieved from Scenario 4 or 5 were comparable to a recycling program that can be implemented in buildings.  相似文献   

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