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陈燕  李阳 《环境技术》2012,(4):56-60
RTCA/DO-160F、GJB151A/152A-97和GJB181-86都涉及了电压尖峰(或电源线尖峰信号传导敏感度)试验项目。在对设备电源部分性能的考核中,电压尖峰(或电源线尖峰信号传导敏感度)试验是重点验证项目。比较分析这三个标准对该项目在测试条件、测试对象和测试方法上的差异,对于机载设备的电压尖峰(或电源线尖峰信号传导敏感度)试验,由于这三个标准的使用范围和适用对象不同,其要求也不尽相同。RTCA/DO-160F根据设备使用场合的保护等级不同而将设备进行分类,要求较为灵活;GJB151A/152A-97则主要是针对机载设备的使用平台提出要求,是军用机载设备基础性的要求;而GJB181-86则主要适用于飞机供电系统与用电设备之间的协调,针对性强,要求较高。  相似文献   

对GJB 150.12-1986《军用设备环境试验方法砂尘试验》、GJB 150.12A-2009《军用装备实验室环境试验方法第12部分:砂尘试验》和RTCA/DO-160E《机载设备的环境条件和测试过程》进行了详尽的对比,分析了不同砂尘试验的操作技术,提出了必须严格控制砂尘试验条件和过程的建议,并表达了砂尘试验不同标准或不同的试验程序结果不能进行比较的观点。  相似文献   

温度环境试验及其标准综述(二)典型温度试验程序   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
温度试验一般包括高、低温贮存试验,高、低温工作和短时工作试验,温度冲击试验和温度变化试验。GJB 150/150A、HB 6167/6167A、GB/T 2423等系列环境试验标准中的主要温度试验程序如表1所示。上述三个系列标准对应的国外标准是810C/810F,RTCA DO160B/160F和IEC 68号出版物。表1中还说明了各种试验程序的目的和模拟的环境。  相似文献   

本文基于GJB 150.13A-2009、GJB 150.13-1986、RTCA/D O160G-2010(第九章)对爆炸性大气试验方法中"在爆炸性大气中工作"试验程序进行了对比分析,分析了不同标准对试验设备、试验参数及实施程序上的要求与区别,并对标准实施方法进行了明确与分析,可为后续开展机载设备爆炸性大气试验提供参考与指导。  相似文献   

标准 标准号 标准名称 1 GJB 1 172一91 军用设备气侯极值 2 GB/T 19000.3一94 质量管理和质量保证标准第三部分:GB/T19001一1509001 在软件开发、供应和维护中的使用指南 3 GJB 150.5一86 军用设备环境试验方法温度冲击试验 4 GJB 150.6一86 军用设备环境试验方法温度一高度试验 5 GJB 1 50.7一86 军用设备环境试验方法太阳辐射试验 6 GJB 150.8一86 军用设备环境试验方法淋雨试验 7 GJB 150.9一86 军用设备环境试验方法湿热试验 8 GJB 150.10一86 军用设备环境试验方法霉菌试验 9 GJB 150.11一86 军用设备环境试验方法盐雾试…  相似文献   

军用整车为了验证是否达到研制总要求规定的可靠性指标要求,通常需要进行道路行驶可靠性试验,平均故障间隔里程(MMBF)是整车道路行驶可靠性试验传统的主要评价指标。本文研究一种选用GJB 899A-2009《可靠性鉴定和验收试验》中的定时截尾的可靠性鉴定试验方案进行军用整车道路行驶可靠性的新试验方法,相比传统道路行驶可靠性试验方法,使用GJB 899A-2009定时截尾方法对军用整车进行道路行驶可靠性考核,可以事先规定试验结束时间,MTBF值可客观体现车辆的固有可靠性,且通过对试验数据计算可以得出整车的可靠性水平。但该方法仍存在不足,需要对相关标准进行完善。  相似文献   

铁路作为国民经济大动脉、国家重要基础设施和大众化交通工具,在国民经济和社会生活中的作用至关重要。电连接器是铁路车辆设备的关键器件之一,有着很高的安全性和可靠性要求。着重分析了轨道交通电连接器标准中的电性能、机械性能和环境适应性的试验方法,并对这些标准进行了对比总结。经分析发现,更新版本的标准比被替换的标准增加了试验项目,细化了试验条件。然而,目前国内轨道交通电连接器的标准版本相对落后,仅GB/T 25022和GB/T 25023为2010年发布实施。亟需新的标准或试验方法以指导轨道交通电连接器的质量检测和认证。  相似文献   

为了深入理解淋雨试验的国家军用标准,为了正确制定小尺寸室外设备的淋雨试验大纲,对GJB150.8A-2009和GJB361A-2001中的淋雨试验条件、试验方法、试验判据进行对比、研究和总结,并分析出标准中未明确说明的试验要求,有助于提高淋雨试验的可操作性和试验结论准确性。  相似文献   

基于机载设备在运输、存贮和使用工作中的环境条件,军用标准GJB 150和民用标准DO-160、HB 6167和HB5830均对其给出了试验规范和要求,试验项目主要分为力学类、气候类、电磁类和综合环境类。针对气候类试验,从军用标准和民用标准两个角度对其进行对比分析,最后针对分析结果进行了归纳总结,得出各个标准之间的差别和共同点,为机载设备气候类试验标准及测试方法的选取提供参考意见。  相似文献   

对GJB 150.10-1986《军用设备环境试验方法霉菌试验》、GJB 150.10A-2009《军用装备实验室环境试验方法第10部分:霉菌试验》、和GB 2423.16-2008《电工电子产品环境试验第2部分:试验方法试验J及导则:长霉》进行了详尽的对比,分析了不同霉菌试验的操作技术,提出了必须严格控制霉菌试验条件和过程的建议,并表达了霉菌试验不同标准或不同的试验程序结果不能进行比较的观点。  相似文献   

Zimbabwean provincial plans were instituted to help in the achievement of the national goal of the creation of an egalitarian, socialist and integrated society. The national goal itself was adopted as an antithesis to the dualist society characterised by spatial, economic, social, politican and technological inequalities that Zimbabwe inherited from colonialism. This meant that provincial plans had to play both a functional (or growth allocating/distribution) and a territorial (or redistribution) role.

This paper reviews their role in achieving the national goal by examining their functions, content, structure and methodology. The paper concludes that because of their nature, provincial plans are not suitable tools for the achievement of the national goal.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Sustained interest in and concern about the health status of the aquatic environment has resulted in extensive research focused on (1) effects of pollution on survival, growth, and reproduction of resource species at all life stages; (2) diseases of fish and shellfish, as they may be related to pollution and as they may serve as indicators of environmental stress; and (3) contaminant body burdens in fish and shellfish - their effects on the aquatic animals and their potential effects on humans. Effects, lethal and sublethal, of pollutants on life history stages of fish and shellfish have been documented, as have impacts on local stocks in badly degraded habitats, but as yet there has been no adequate quantitative demonstration of effects on entire aquatic species - probably because of the difficulty in sorting out relative effects of the many environmental factors that influence abundance. Sublethal effects, especially those that result in disease, have been examined intensively, and some diseases and disease syndromes have been associated statistically with pollution. Other pollution indicators (biochemical, physiological, genetic, behavioral, and ecological) have also received some attention, as have body burdens of contaminants in aquatic species. Research, especially that conducted during the past decade, has done much to clarify the many pathways and toxic effects of contaminants on aquatic animals, and has also helped to identify mechanisms for survival of fish and shellfish in the presence of environmental changes caused by human activities.  相似文献   

Mapped environmental classifications are defined using various procedures, but there has been little evaluation of the differences in their ability to discriminate variation in independent ecological characteristics. We tested the performance of environmental classifications of the streams and rivers of France that had been defined from the same environmental data using geographic regionalization and numerical classification of individual river valley segments. Test data comprised invertebrate assemblages, water chemistry, and hydrological indexes obtained from sites throughout France. Classification performance was measured by analysis of similarity (ANOSIM). Geometric regions defined by a regular grid and without regard to environmental variables and a posteriori classifications based on clustering the test datasets defined lower and upper bounds of performance for a given number of classes. Differences in classification performances were generally small. The ANOSIM statistics for the a posteriori classifications were around twice that of all environmental classifications, including geometrically defined regions. The hydro-ecoregions performed slightly better for the invertebrate data and the network classification performed slightly better for the chemistry and hydrological data. Our results indicate that environmental classifications that are defined using different procedures can be comparable in terms of their ability to discriminate variation of ecological characteristics and that alleged differences in performance arising from different classification procedures can be small relative to unexplained variation. We conclude that definition procedures might have little effect on the performance of large-scale environmental classifications and decisions over which procedures to use should be based primarily on pragmatic considerations.  相似文献   

All major journalism ethical codes explicitly state that journalists should protect editorial copy from undue influence by outside sources. However, much of the previous research on agricultural information has concentrated on what information various media communicate (gatekeeping studies) or communication's role in increasing innovation adoption (diffusion studies). Few studies have concentrated specifically on organizational and structural constraints that might adversely affect agricultural journalists' ethical standards; those that have, focus largely on farm magazines. A study of newspaper reporters who cover agricultural news found that the most pressing ethical concern is the effect of advertiser (agri-business) pressure on editorial copy, and that their concerns in general parallel those of farm magazine writers and editors. The majority reported being in situations in which they might be exposed to advertiser pressure, including pressures to change or withhold editorial copy. Large minorities suggested that advertising pressures affect the overall environment in which agricultural journalists work, and more than one in ten said they allow advertiser pressures to influence editorial decisions. The newspaper reporters who cover agricultural beats showed slightly more resistance to advertiser pressure than did farm magazine editors in a parallel study.  相似文献   

This paper explains how the well-accepted concept of improved stakeholder participation during mineral policy development leads to a national mineral policy that accommodates the diverging views and interests that allows wide acceptance of decisions, enhancing the success of implementation and, ultimately, national benefits. This process is based on lessons learnt during the South African experience and has been successfully applied in the development of the Namibian and Malawian national minerals policies. An effective policy in the SADC will engineer the delicate balance between poverty reduction and an internationally competitive minerals sector. This balance enhances the possibility of long-term economic growth and development in the SADC region. The overriding advantage of this strategy is that it generates ‘home-grown’ policy instruments and implementation of mineral law with which stakeholders can identify. This process presents a new challenge to traditional policy formulation strategies in emerging economies and the bottom-up approach, linked to wide political support, allows the potential realisation of national objectives.  相似文献   

Biodegradation of [A‐ring 14C] Estrone (E1), 17β‐estradiol (E2), and 17α‐ethinylestradiol (EE2) to 14CO2 was investigated under light and dark conditions in microcosms containing epilithon or sediment collected from Boulder Creek, Colorado. Mineralization of the estrogen A‐ring was observed in all sediment treatments, but not epilithon treatments. No difference in net mineralization between light and dark treatments was observed for 14C‐E2. Net mineralization of 14C‐E1 and 14C‐EE2 was enhanced in light treatments. Extents of 14CO2 accumulation and rates of mineralization were significantly greater for E2 than E1 under dark conditions, but were comparable under light conditions. These results indicate substantial differences in the uptake and metabolism of E1 and E2 in the environment and suggest biorecalcitrance of E1 relative to E2 in light‐limited environments. The extent of 14CO2 accumulation and rate of mineralization for EE2 in dark treatments were less than half of that observed for E2 and generally lower than for E1, consistent with previous reports of EE2 biorecalcitrance. However, 14CO2 accumulation and rates of mineralization were comparable for EE2, E2, and E1 under light conditions. These results indicate photoactivation and/or phototransformation/photodegradation processes can substantially enhance heterotrophic biodegradation of estrogens in sunlit environments and may play an important role in estrogen transport and attenuation.  相似文献   


Sustainable ecosystems can be designed to eliminate environmental toxins and reduce pathogen loads through the direct and indirect consequences of plant and microbial activities. We present an approach to the bioremediation of disturbed environments, focusing on petroleum hydrocarbon (PHC) contaminants. Treatment consists of incorporating a plant-based amendment to enhance ecosystem productivity and physiochemical degradation followed by the establishment of plants to serve as oxidizers and foundations for microbial communities. Promising amendments for widespread use are entire plants of the water fern Azolla and seed meal of Brassica napus (rapeseed). An inexpensive byproduct from the manufacture of biodiesel and lubricants, rapeseed meal is high in nitrogen (6% wt/wt), stimulates >100-fold increases in populations of resident Streptomyces species, and suppresses fungal infection of roots subsequently cultivated in the amended soil. Synergistic enzymatic and chemical activities of plant and microbial metabolism in root zones transform and degrade soil contaminants. Emphasis is given to mechanisms that enable PHC functionalization via reactive molecular species.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A distributed watershed model was developed to mathematically simulate overland and channel flow for a single-event storm. The modeled watersheds in the study were subdivided into rectangular grid elements. All hydrologically significant parameters, such as land slope, rainfall and precipitation excess, were assumed to be uniform within each element. The Green-Ampt method was adopted to generate precipitation excess for each element during the simulation period. A two-dimensional diffusion wave model was used for overland flow routing and an iterative Alternative Direction Implicit scheme was used to solve the simultaneous overland flow equations. Once the overland flow became inflow to the channel, a one-dimensional dynamic wave flood routing technique, based on a four-point, implicit, non-linear finite difference solution of the St. Venant equation of unsteady flow, was applied. A limited number of comparisons were made between simulated and observed hydrographs for areas of about one square mile. Given the appropriate parameters, the model was able to accurately simulate runoff for single-event storms. This paper describes a distributed watershed model developed to simulate overland and channel flow. Comparisons were made between simulated and observed hydrographs for three watersheds. The model was able to accurately simulate the runoff for single-event storms using 61-m by 61-m (200 ft by 200 ft) watershed grid elements.  相似文献   

The present article, based on a study of five village ecosystems, assesses the energy efficiency of rain-fed agriculture in a dry tropical environment and the impact of agricultural activity on the surrounding natural ecosystems. Agronomic yield is insufficient to meet the food requirement of the human population, hence 11.5%–49.7% of the required amount of food grains are imported from the market. Energy requirements of five studied agroecosystems are subsidized considerably by the surrounding forest in the form of fodder and firewood. Natural ecosystems supply about 80%–95% of fodder needs and 81%–100% of fuelwood needs. The output-input ratio of agriculture indicated that, on average, 4.1 units of energy are expended to obtain one unit of agronomic energy. Of this, 3.9 units are supplied by the natural ecosystem. In addition, 38% of the extracted firewood is marketed. The illegal felling and lopping of trees result in ever-increasing concentric circles of forest destruction around the villages and together with excessive grazing results in savannization. The forests can be conserved by encouraging fuelwood plantations (0.7 ha/ha cultivated land) and developing village pastures (1.6 ha/ha cultivated land) and reducing the livestock numbers. Agricultural production in the region can be stabilized by introducing improved dry farming techniques such as intercropping, planned rainwater management, and adequate use of fertilizers.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Improving water management to meet future global needs will certainly require technical advances, but the main challenge is to integrate the viewpoints of diverse societal interests into decisions about allocation of water resources. The integration cannot be done solely by the market because it requires a balancing among interests which do not respond well to market forces, nor by the state alone because of institutional problems. The concept of “integrated water resources management” has been developed to provide the framework for the required balancing of interests, and, like similar concepts in industries other than water, it has a dual purpose - to link stakeholders and apply best practices to management actions. To clarify the process of integrated water management, the paper focuses on two questions: who should lead integrated water resources management and who should pay for it? Several examples are given to illustrate a range of situations. The paper concludes with a call to improve paradigms of integrated water management, a proposition that water organizations should accept and budget for their external responsibilities as well as their direct missions, affirmation of the need for state and federal agencies to be involved with local interests, a call for better scientific and public information, and identification of the need for continued work to improve the process of integrated water management.  相似文献   

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