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Environmental protection is a topical and controversial issue of contemporary Third World development. As a result of the growing crisis of environment and development as well as issues of global environmental balance, divergent views and proposals have been put forward by external governments, international agencies, and environmental groups in resolving the environmental degradation problems of the developing world. However, very little appraisal has been made of the efforts by indigenous Third World governments in facing up to their environmental conservation issues. This article examines the role of past and recent government environmental control policies and programs in Nigeria. The article analyzes three aspects of environmental protection: (1) the theoretical economic bases of environmental protection and the Nigerian approach to environmental protection, including traditional values and modern institutional control measures, the latter embracing nature conservation efforts; (2) environmental considerations in national development plans; and (3) the evolution of a federal environmental protection agency and a national policy on environment. Finally, the article discusses the future challenges and directions for environmental policy.  相似文献   

中国作为世界上最大的发展中国家,正经历着越发严重的农业污染问题;对农业污染防控的制度性约束因素进行深入分析,是实现有效污染防控的前提,具有积极的理论和现实意义。对中国农业污染防控的制度约束分析研究表明:农业污染及其防控涉及的利益主体关系及相关制度设计,对各利益主体形成了污染防控负激励,加重了农业污染;城乡"二元"结构及其衍生的一系列体制问题,导致"三农"在农业环境治理、农村公共物品提供等方面被严重边缘化,进而直接制约了农业污染防控;此外,高度分散的小规模农户经营模式也不利于农业污染防控。最后,针对中国农业污染防控的制度性约束因素,提出了有针对性的农业污染防控政策建议。  相似文献   

Nigeria has abundant deposits of oil and natural gas and their exploitation has improved the economy substantially, but with serious environmental costs. Severe ecological damage has occurred in the Niger Delta area where most of the oil industries are based. Statutory rules and regulations for environmental protection applicable to the oil industry in Nigeria appear to be generally inadequate and ineffective. So far, air pollution has not been properly addressed. Natural gas is still being flared from many oil wells, with serious air pollution problems and a waste of this resource. The legal control of air pollution in the light of the ongoing operations of liquified natural gas (LNG) and compressed natural gas (CNG) projects is advised along with other measures for environmental quality, control and the conservation of resources.  相似文献   

随着我国社会经济的发展,土壤污染问题逐渐显露。而且我国土壤环境问题及污染防治工作在相当长时间内没有得到应有的重视,土壤污染问题逐渐暴露。加强土壤环境管理是我国土壤环境保护的一项基础性工作,具有十分重要的意义。本文研究分析我国与国外土壤环境问题的差异,总结美国、荷兰、日本三个国家土壤环境管理的经验及其借鉴意义,综合考虑我国发展国情、土壤环境问题特征及土壤环境管理基础,确定我国土壤环境管理要依靠"行政推动和法律监管相结合",提出一个涵盖土壤环境法律法规、标准、技术和装备能力建设(监测、监管、监理、风险管控)、人员队伍建设的适应我国土壤环境问题特征的综合环境管理体系。  相似文献   

中国改革开放的40年也是生态环境保护管理体制不断改革和飞跃的40年。自1972年开展生态环境保护工作起,围绕着解决不同发展阶段突出环境问题的需要,每10年左右实现一次环境管理体制改革"大跨跃",不断改革、创新和发展了具有中国特色的生态环境保护治理体系与模式。坚持在发展中解决环境问题,以改善生态环境质量为核心,逐步构建了符合不同发展阶段特征的生态环境保护管理体系,包括完备的生态环境规划政策体系、完善的生态环境治理体系、完整的生态环境保护法律体系。在新时代中国特色社会主义建设过程中,应瞄准建设美丽中国的战略目标,立足中国、放眼世界,坚持绿色发展,做好顶层设计,构建生态环境管理体系新格局,共建清洁美丽世界。  相似文献   

随着工业文明的发展,环境污染成为了一个世界性问题。环境公益诉讼从制度层面上找寻出了解决环境案件的措施,在实践中已经得到了欧美等发达国家的验证,然而我国并没有建立环境公益诉讼制度。首先对环境公益诉讼制度进行了全面的概述,对其概念及特征进行了分析;其次介绍了国外有关环境公益诉讼的规定,以此来完善我国法律中有关环境公益诉讼的规定,弥补环境公益诉讼制度的缺失。  相似文献   

经过长期努力,我国环境污染加剧趋势得到基本控制,部分地区和城市环境质量有所改善,但污染物排放总量依然很大,环境污染依然很严重,防治的任务仍很艰巨;生态保护工作得到加强,但生态恶化的趋势尚未有效遏制,部分地区生态破坏程度还在加剧;放射性污染存在风险;传统的环境问题尚未有效解决,新的环境问题又不断出现;全球环境问题压力不断加大.总之,我国环境保护工作取得很大成绩,但环境形势仍很严峻,而且随着经济高速发展,人民生活水平不断提高,环保工作压力越来越大.新世纪初我国环保总体战略为"总体控制,重点改善,严防灾害,保障安全".  相似文献   

Over the next decade the management of water quality will be one of the outstanding issues relating to the protection and conservation of the national stock of water. In the past, particularly in countries well-endowed with water resources, this has been considered to be a relatively negligible problem. However, the rapid growth of population in major urban centres, industrialization and the heavy dependence on chemical products in the agricultural sector are leading to a serious deterioration of water quality.
This paper reviews the nature of the pollution issue, the institutional requirements to deal with the problem in an effective and comprehensive manner and the near-term actions which governments should take to protect their existing water resources.  相似文献   

The emergence of problems such as nitrate pollution has drawn attention to the need for integrated management of land and water resources. Integrated management approaches require appropriate institutional arrangements. Unfortunately, in many countries, land and water resources are managed on a sectoral basis and institutions were not designed to deal with complex environmental problems. Institutional arrangements for management of nitrate pollution are evaluated on the basis of seven criteria. Results indicate that some progress was made after 1985 regarding inter-agency co-ordination, public participation, the mix of strategies and adaptive capacity. Nevertheless, key substantive issues involving equity, efficiency and effectiveness were not adequately resolved. Policy referral, catchment management planning, bargaining and negotiation are recommended as key processes and mechanisms for improved management of the nitrate problem.  相似文献   

Coal is not only an important energy source in China but also a major source of air pollution. Because of this, China’s national sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions have been the highest in the world for many years, and since the 1990s, the territory of China’s south and southwest has become the third largest acid-rain-prone region in the world. In order to control SO2 emissions, the Chinese government has formulated and promulgated a series of policies and regulations, but it faces great difficulties in putting them into practice. In this retrospective look at the history of SO2 control in China, we found that Chinese SO2 control policies have become increasingly strict and rigid. We also found that the environmental policies and regulations are more effective when central officials consistently give environmental protection top priority. Achieving China’s environmental goals, however, has been made difficult by China’s economic growth. Part of this is due to the practice of environmental protection appearing in the form of an ideological “campaign” or “storm” that lacks effective economic measures. More recently, better enforcement of environmental laws and regulations has been achieved by adding environmental quality to the performance assessment metrics for leaders at all levels. To continue making advances, China needs to reinforce the economic and environmental assessments for pollution control projects and work harder to integrate economic measures into environmental protection. Nonetheless, China has a long way to go before economic growth and environmental protection are balanced.  相似文献   

农村生态环境破坏机理初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农村生态环境的破坏已成为制约我国农村经济健康发展的因素之一。在概述我国农村生态环境主要问题的基础上,着重分析了导致生态环境恶化的原因,主要包括工业污染、农业污染、政府行为、城市化建设、农民的环境意识淡薄、环保基础设施薄弱等,并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

多中心治理下公众参与大气污染防治路径探析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
动员全社会力量保护环境,积极推动公众参与环保工作,是解决环境保护问题的根本途径。运用多中心治理理论分析,发现政府治污理念陈旧、制度不健全、公众责任意识淡漠、环保社会组织弱小等,是我国大气污染治理中公众参与度低的主要原因,因此提出转变观念、完善机制、加强教育、支持和引导环保社会组织,促进公众参与的多元治理模式的形成,真正推动大气环境质量的改善。  相似文献   

Throughout the world, human use of water, and bad planning have led to drier and polluted rivers, lakes, and groundwater resources with dramatic effects on the natural ecosystems. Nigeria's vast freshwater resources are among those most affected by environmental stress imposed by human population growth, urbanization, and industrialization. Disposal and management of wastes in Nigeria present serious environmental problems. The usual methods of waste disposal in the country are: land filling, dumpsites, land spreads, water disposal, and incineration. Each of these methods has serious environmental implications because of their potential to pollute and contaminate underground and surface water bodies in the country. Major cities in Nigeria face serious water pollution crises, in which lack of environmental control of water-dependent activities (including domestic, agricultural, and industrial) play an important part. Fish and marine resources in the country face total collapse or extinction, due to over-fishing and destruction of marine life and natural habitats by pollution of water bodies. Unregulated and excessive use of pesticides for fishing and the deliberate disposal and dumping of toxic and hazardous wastes into water bodies are significant causes of massive fish kills and loss of aquatic life and habitats in the country. The protection of water quality and aquatic ecosystem as a vulnerable resource, essential to sustain life, development and environment is of utmost importance to prevent further pollution and degradation of Nigeria's freshwater resources. Integrating operational measures for safeguarding adequate levels of protection of endemic habitats remains a major challenge. There is therefore a need to examine in tandem the entire range of uses to which freshwater is put, and to design services which neither squander precious resources nor fail to respect other, competing and complementary water needs.This paper attempts to provide an overview of the Nigerian freshwater resources, to assess the pollution status of inland waters, identify the sources of pollution, and infer the consequent effect on fisheries resource. Recommendations were proffered on the strategies to employ to ensure that Nigerian fishery resources are adequately managed in order to address the issue of food security.  相似文献   

Summary In Nigeria, an increased level of consciousness is observable with regard to the complex relationship that exists between development and the quality of the environment. However, there remains much to be done by way of actually developing the mechanism and legislative backing for reconciling environmental imperatives with developmental goals. Nigeria, like many other developing countries, is beset with such environmental problems as desertification, deterioration of urban physical quality, land degradation, deforestation, soil erosion, and flooding. It has been established that these problems emanate mainly from human activities created in the quest to achieve a higher level of development. The implication is that sufficient precautions have not been taken to balance development objectives against the need to maintain desirable environmental quality.The policy responses that have so far resulted from these problems include: the establishment of a Federal Ministry which is charged solely with the responsibility for environment related issues, the institution of a War Against Indiscipline (WAI) campaign with environmental sanitation as one of its key components, the initiation and sponsorship of national conferences on issues related to the environment, the establishment of the Federal Environmental Protection Agency, and the launching of a National Policy on the Environment.While it can be conceded that a start has been made towards the attainment of sustainable development, Nigeria presently needs the necessary technical, administrative and legislative back-up for more effective integration of environmental concems with national and local development policies.Dr Layi Egunjobi is a Senior Lecturer in the Centre for Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria.  相似文献   

生态文明进入党的全国代表大会报告的十年   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
党的十七大、十八大和十九大报告均对生态文明建设作了阐述。本文系统梳理了党的十七大以来我国生态文明推进工作的历程和成就,数据显示我国在水环境保护、大气环境保护、生态环境保护方面取得了成绩。我国通过健全立法、调整结构、联防联控、专项督查等手段应对突出的大气污染、水体污染、土壤污染和生态保护等问题,其中健全党内法规和环保立法、实行党政同责与一岗双责、开展中央环境保护督察与专项环保督查以及统筹优化区域资源是关键的手段。党的十九大对生态文明建设作出了新的判断,提出两步走的战略,并作出行动部署,为美好中国的目标提供了体制和制度保障。  相似文献   

我国农村环保工作起步晚、基础差、保障不足,主要表现为政策标准体系尚需完善、农业农村污染治理责任仍未充分落实、适应农村社会经济特点的环境监管机制亟待建立、农业农村污染治理模式欠缺以及农村环境保护技术帮扶和宣传教育任重道远。针对这些问题,结合国内外实践经验,本文提出几点建议:一是要建立全面协调的农村生态环境管理政策体系;二是要夯实各级政府和部门的农村环保责任;三是要构建适应农村特点的环境监管体系;四是要探索便捷有效的农村环境治理模式;五是要完善农村环境教育和帮扶体系。  相似文献   

Lake Taihu is the third largest freshwater lake in China. It serves many social, economic, and ecological purposes in the drainage basin. Unfortunately, the water has been heavily polluted due to rapid industrialization and urbanization during the last two decades. Notwithstanding great efforts made so far to improve the water quality, the environmental situation is still far from being optimistic. The basin and the lake are facing a range of severe environmental challenges: rapid socio-economic development continues to place great pressures on the environment, current pollution control projects have many problems from the viewpoint of effectiveness and efficiency of their implementations, and the non-point sources of pollution such as agricultural fields, for which control is more difficult than for industrial point sources, have become the main contributors to serious eutrophication of the lake. Considering the characteristics of the environmental challenges and problems confronting the basin and the lake, we focus on integrated environmental management (IEM) as a promising and effective approach to overcome these predicaments. Current practices and problems of environmental management in the basin are examined, and potential future developments are discussed. Three aspects of the IEM are emphasized: institutional cooperation, public participation, and internalization of environmental externalities. We think these are the most critical for not only the basin but also for the whole of China to achieve a sustainable society.  相似文献   

Rural industries and water pollution in China   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Water pollution from small rural industries is a serious problem throughout China. Over half of all river sections monitored for water quality are rated as being unsafe for human contact, and this pollution is estimated to cost several per cent of GDP. While China has some of the toughest environmental protection laws in the world, the implementation of these laws in rural areas is not effective. This paper explains the reasons for this implementation gap. It argues that the factors that have underpinned the economic success of rural industry are precisely the same factors that cause water pollution from rural industry to remain such a serious problem in China. This means that the control of rural water pollution is not simply a technical problem of designing a more appropriate governance system, or finding better policy instruments or more funding. Instead, solutions lie in changes in the model that underpins rural development in China.  相似文献   

李静  杜群 《中国环境管理》2019,11(1):117-122
我国南海渔业活动及其以外的人类活动产生的环境问题,严重污染了南海海域的水质,威胁着南海渔业资源的可持续发展。我国南海海域渔业环境保护法律体系已形成,提供了较为合理的制度安排。但仍存在一些法律问题,其中以环境影响评价制度、海洋环境监测制度和海水养殖污染防治制度等方面的问题较为突出。因此本文提出以下法律对策:明确渔业部门在环境影响评价制度中的法律地位,加强渔业海域环境监测的协调机制和完善海水养殖污染防治制度,以期依靠法治的力量保护南海渔业资源的可持续发展。  相似文献   

为顺利推进省以下环保机构监测监察执法垂直管理制度改革工作进程,本文围绕垂直管理制度改革的方向与主线,对涉及垂直管理改革的环保责任清单、环境监察、环境监测、环境执法、市(地)级派出县级环保分局和省级对市(地)级环保局的双重管理等六个方面的主要改革任务,从改革方案的基本考虑、基本方向和具体实施路径进行系统解读,为下一步试点省份实施垂直管理制度改革提供可操作性的政策指引。  相似文献   

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