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我国银杏种植业开发前景分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文根据我国银杏种植业的发展现状,分析了我国银杏种植业的开发前景  相似文献   

银杏科 银杏 银杏,俗称白果,公孙树。最早出现于3.45亿年前的石炭纪,曾广泛分布于北半球的欧、亚、美洲,与动物界的恐龙一样称王称霸于世,至50万年前,发生了第四纪冰川运动,地球突然变冷,绝大多数银杏类植物濒于绝种,唯有我国自然条件优越,才奇迹般的保存下来。所以,科学家称它为“活化石”,“植物界的熊猫”。  相似文献   

植物界的活化石银杏属银杏科,俗称白果,公孙树。最早出现于3.45亿年前的石炭纪,曾广泛分布于北半球的欧、亚、美洲,与动物界的恐龙一样  相似文献   

银杏(Ginkgo biloba)是大家十分熟悉的绿化树种,在植物学上属银杏它是种子植物中最古老的孑遗植物,最早出现于3.45亿年前的石炭纪,曾广第四纪冰川以后.中欧及北美等地银杏全部灭绝,只在中国还生存着一种,的活化石之一(另外两个为中国发现的水杉和美国仅存的红杉)。  相似文献   

银杏叶内酯的提取工艺   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
银杏树(GinkgoBiboba)又名白果树,为我国特有植物,素有“活化石”之称。银杏叶中含有的银杏苦内酯A、B、C(Ginkgolides)均系二萜类物质,其共同特征是含有多个五元环、三个内酯环和一个特丁基。近10年来,国外学者对银杏内酯的药理作用进行了广泛深人的研究,发现其对血小板活化因子(简称PAF)具有特殊的拮抗作用,而PAF是许多疾病发病的重要介质,因此,银杏苦内酯对治疗哮喘、心脑血管疾病和多种炎症有特殊的作用[1.2」。由于银杏叶中内酯含量极低,内酯的提取一直是一项较困难的工作。鉴于桂北地区是我国较大的银杏产地,为…  相似文献   

银杏叶资源的开发利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
银杏叶资源的开发利用吴荭银杏(Gi,;hobiolaba)又名白果、公孙树,为裸子植物亚门银杏纲、银杏科单种属植物。该树为我国东部特有,现有天然分布仅见于浙江天目山及鄂西神龙架,1984年被正式列入国家二级保护植物。银杏树具有挺拔、深洒的树势和千年不...  相似文献   

涪陵地区地处长江和乌江流域经济开发区,广阔的丘陵山地和立体气候特点,适宜多种常绿果树和落叶果树的生长发育,是全省果树资源最集中、最丰富的地区之一,开发前景十分广阔。1987年以来,该地区农委组织动员了地、县(市)有关部门的科技人员1800多名(次),经过4年的辛勤工作,先后开展了柑桔、猕猴桃、荔枝、龙眼、香(芭)蕉、李、桃、枇杷、核桃、板栗、枣、银杏、樱  相似文献   

山东郯城县号称“中国银杏第一县”,种植银杏已有几千年的历史.全县种植面积近13333hm2,银杏叶产量约7000多t,以lt干叶计算,行情好时,每吨干叶的出口价格达1000多美元,深加工成药用制剂可达10万美元.  相似文献   

正在中国,有这么一个工业园区,这里绿化点成景、线成荫、面成林、环成带。这里有选择性地种植了楠木、香樟、银杏和桂花、蜡梅等各种乔灌木165万余株,草木花卉9万余盆,形成一道道绿色屏障,将办公区、生产区、生活区巧妙区隔。整个园区绿化面积达到2平方公里,绿化率达98.5%,绿化覆盖率达47.4%。每个绿化小区均模拟自然生态系统的模式,上层分布银杏、雪松、楠木、榕树、柳树等高大喜光的乔木,中下层是喜  相似文献   

刘莺 《环境教育》2009,(11):75-75
从银杏挺拔的姿态和苍劲的体魄,可以感知其洒脱的人生态度和不屈的进取精神。树干直上云天,叶片翩翩而舞,整个树形是那么优美俊逸,有一种独特清奇的风骨,让人爱慕不已。  相似文献   

对银杏叶内生真菌球壳孢科菌株A114和胶孢炭疽菌菌株05—27的液体培养特性的初步研究得出:两种菌株均在马铃薯葡萄糖液体培养基中生长最好、菌丝产量最高,在pH4.0-8.5的马丁氏液体培养基中均能生长。A114菌株和05—27菌株的最佳氮、碳源分别为酵母粉和葡萄糖,A114菌株最适pH为6.6,05—27菌株最适pH为6.9。  相似文献   

Trace and minor element concentrations differ in animal tissues as the result of the surrounding environment (feeding plants, soil contaminated with food and drinking water) and animal absorption of these elements. Concentrations of Ag, Au, Ca, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, and Zn were determined from different tissues of camel (inter-costal, scapula, sirloin, flank, front knuckle and front limb) from the semi-arid areas of the Aswan desert (Wadi El-Allaqi) and from Aswan city, Egypt. The study included an assessment of these same elements in the desert and city plants used as food by the camels and in soils from the study areas. The results reveal that camel tissues from the desert areas exhibited higher concentrations of Na, Mg, K, Au, Ag, Cu, Co and Zn than in those of the city camels. These higher levels of element are because of the high concentrations of the same elements in the desert plants and soil of the desert area. This, in turn, depends upon the geological formation differences between the desert area and the city area. Camel tissues appear to concentrate high levels of Mn, Ni, Co and Mg in the scapula while flank portions concentrate high levels of Mg and K. The levels of elements in the camel tissues under study were within the recommended safety baseline levels for camel health and human use, as well as within the appropriate limits in the desert and city plants for camel use.  相似文献   

生态文明体制全面改革的“四然”问题   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
生态文明体制改革的问题导向性、目标适应性、统筹兼顾性,既是现实的环境问题所迫,也是生态文明理论和建设目标的内在要求。近两年来,为了促进生态文明体制的全面改革,中央发布了《关于加快推进生态文明建设的意见》、《生态文明体制改革总体方案》等系列文件。其中,《生态文明体制改革总体方案》因对生态文明体制改革作出全面部署,理论性和实践性相结合,科学性和民主性相结合,制度规范与考核评价相结合,成为统帅生态文明体制改革的纲领性文件。系列改革文件在治理理念、治理策略、治理主体、治理结构、治理依据、治理方法、治理功能和治理体系的运转方面,逻辑自洽,提出了自己的历史使命。"十三五"时期,要使改革的措施和要求落地生根,须在营造氛围和措施的具体推进方面,开展相关的工作。  相似文献   

This assessment of the environmental protection regulatory system for the $2.2 billion iron and steel plant, oil refinery, and thermal generating station composing the core of the greenfield Nanticoke industrial complex is based upon: the use of governmental and industrial research in project management; technology and institutional arrangements for environmental protection; evidence of environmental changes to date; analysis of government and industrial approval files; and interviews with government, industry, and interest group representatives. Planning, regulation, and management have been reasonably efficient and effective to the beginning of the operational stage for all three major industries as of spring 1980. Of major future concern, however, is management of the cumulative and synergistic impacts of the industries and associated development on air quality as well as the lands, waters, and sensitive ecosystems of the nearby Lake Erie coast. Continuous monitoring, more comprehensive research, and better overall coordination of government, industrial, and public interests are required if Nanticoke benefits are to be achieved without undue cost to pre-project resource users within and outside the Haldimand-Norfolk region.  相似文献   

随着全球工业化和城市化的快速发展,野生动物及其栖息地保护面临着前所未有的挑战。本文识别了我国的野生动物保护存在的主要问题:(1)现行《野生动物保护法》对野生动物保护范围界定过窄,资源利用主导思维干扰了野生动物保护,缺乏对生态系统与生物安全的足够重视。(2)由于现行野生动物保护立法、执法和管理制度不健全甚至缺失,导致野生动物驯养繁殖交易市场长期混乱,甚至成为非法野生动物交易的"洗白工具"。(3)社会公众群体尊重和保护野生动物意识淡薄,全民参与和监督举报机制不健全。本文认为,我国应该实施最严格的野生动物保护制度,实现人与野生动物平等、文明、和谐相处,建议:(1)树立尊重野生动物物种生存权、人与野生动物文明和谐相处的理念,摒弃野生动物资源利用观,重构人与野生动物平等共存关系。(2)清晰界定野生动物法律定义,扩大野生动物保护范围,围绕捕猎、繁育、运输、储存、转让、食用等环节,全面、科学、精准地构建最严格的野生动物保护制度。(3)立足于全面保护野生动物,严格禁止滥食滥用野生动物和过度商业化利用,实行野生动物保护利用特许制度,并大幅提高标准严格控制交易和利用,建立职责清晰的执法监管和惩治体系。(4)建立最严格的野生动物保护公众参与和司法治理体系,实施野生动物非法贸易、猎杀的行政公益诉讼制度,引导公众建立爱护保护野生动物、不食不用野生动物的文明行为,最终实现人类社会与野生动物的文明和谐共处。  相似文献   

Science and technology cannot control entirely the causes of natural hazards. However, by using multifaceted programs to modify the physical and human use systems, the potential losses from disasters can effectively be minized. Predicting, identifying, monitoring, and forecasting extreme meteorological events are the preliminary actions towards mitigating the cyclone-loss potential of coastal inhabitants, but without the successful dissemination of forecasts and relevant information, and without appropriate responses by the potential victims, the loss potential would probably remain the same. This study examines the process through which warning of the impending disastrous cyclone of April 1991 was received by the local communities and disseminated throughout the coastal regions of Bangladesh. It is found that identification of the threatening condition due to atmospheric disturbance, monitoring of the hazard event, and dissemination of the cyclone warning were each very successful. However, due to a number of socioeconomic and cognitive factors, the reactions and responses of coastal inhabitants to the warning were in general passive, resulting in a colossal loss, both at the individual and national level. The study recommends that the hazard mitigation policies should be integrated with national economic development plans and programs. Specifically, it is suggested that, in order to attain its goals, the cyclone warning system should regard the aspects of human response to warnings as a constituent part and accommodate human dimensions in its operational design.  相似文献   

底泥的氮、磷释放及其微生物影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张恒军  吴群河 《环境技术》2003,41(Z1):20-23
氮和磷在自然界的循环已经引起了人们的关注,一方面因为氮和磷是生态系统中必不可少的营养元素,另一方面过剩的氮和磷会导致水域的富营养化 ,从而使生态平衡遭受破坏.本文综述了水体沉积物中氮和磷受微生物作用进行释放的影响,以及国内外的研究历史和现状.总结了氮磷微生物代谢的特点,并阐述了与传统认识相区别的最新发现和思想.本文试图从理论上说明微生物的氮磷释放机理,通过生物化学和分子动力的角度解释了细菌对氮磷的吸收和释放,即质子动势理论和Pho调控理论.目前,这一领域研究的热点是为了特殊的使用用途对于高效微生物的分离鉴别和组合培养,和对氮磷代谢的影响因素.  相似文献   

郑军  刘婷 《中国环境管理》2023,15(4):18-25,43
气候变化问题是人类社会共同面临的重大挑战,关系到人类生存和各国利益。推进碳达峰碳中和是中国的一项重大战略决策,是负责任大国对国际社会的庄严承诺,也是推动高质量发展的内在要求。本文归纳分析欧盟、美国、日本、韩国、德国、英国等主要发达经济体碳达峰的经济社会特征、碳中和的路径共识,系统梳理推动实现碳达峰碳中和的经验举措,对比分析中国国内进展和差距,并提出重点借鉴的国际经验与启示。研究发现,中国已经逐步具备实现碳达峰国家的基本特征,但相比发达国家,在降碳效果核算评估、低碳安全高效能源系统构建、碳价格传导机制设计、低碳技术创新和新业态模式打造、法规制度系统化构建等方面仍有差距,仍需加强政策驱动和重点国际经验借鉴,进一步优化“双碳”目标评估指标体系,将构建清洁、低碳、安全、高效能源系统作为能源生产和消费革命的主要目标,有序推进碳排放权交易市场建设和能源资源市场化价格调控,强化绿色低碳技术的研发创新,加快构建形成系统性推动“双碳”目标的法规体系。  相似文献   

The paper provides a review of available information on the impact of recreation and tourism on environments, particularly on vegetation and soil, in Australia, with an emphasis on forests. Efforts have been made to compare the current research and development situation in Australia with some overseas countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom. While many documents reveal that Australia has been experiencing an increasingly high level of recreation and tourism use in its environments, only limited studies of environmental impacts of recreation and tourism have been published. Compared with other developed countries, particularly the United Kingdom and the United States, Australia lags behind in undertaking research in this area. The results of these limited studies and some observations indicate that the most common recreational and tourist activities (such as bush walking, camping, horse-riding) can, if not well managed, adversely affect the values of Australian natural and semi-natural resources. Overall, they can affect the vegetation and other recreational sites physically and biologically. Physical effects include track formation, soil loss and/or compaction and an increase in fire frequency. Littering and water pollution are also seen as impacts associated with bush walking and camping. Biological effects include causing damage to vegetation, increasing risk of myrtle wilt disease and the spread of the soil pathogen,Phytophthora cinnamomi, as well as assisting weed dispersal. Based on the information reviewed, the authors suggest the following areas as priorities for future research into the environmental impact of recreation and tourism in Australia: determine the type of natural features that attract recreation use; determine the quantitative relationship between the impact and the level of recreation and tourism use for different activities within major vegetation habitats; ascertain site carrying capacity or environment thresholds for major vegetation habitats and recreation activities; and determine the impacts of recreation and tourism for major regions and major vegetation habitats where there have been considerable nature-based recreation and tourism activities.1998 Academic Press  相似文献   

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