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秋天,正是石榴成熟的季节。沉甸甸的石榴将枝头压得下垂,皮皱嘴裂露出一排排鲜艳的籽实,粒粒晶莹玉润,酸甜可口。石榴属浆果类,是一种营养丰富的保健食品。石榴含有多种营养成分,其中维生素 C 的含量比苹果、梨高1~2倍,还含有钙、磷、铁等微量元素,果汁含量占总重量的36~61%。石榴以生食为主,还可以酿酒、制醋以及制作上等清凉饮料等。石榴自古就是良药。它的花内服治吐血,外用治中耳炎;叶可洗眼,又治急性肠炎;根能驱虫;石榴皮抑制伤寒杆菌居400  相似文献   

研究了攀西地区铬污染土壤和正常土壤铬含量分布及其石榴样品铬污染情况。结果表明攀枝花大田石榴基地土壤铬含量在23.1—504mg/kg,平均值高达184mg/kg,超标率为26%,而对该基地的石榴果实进行两年连续监测结果表明,铬含量在0.0012—0.067mg/kg之间,平均为0.016mg/kg,大大低于相应产品标准(0.5mg/kg),超标率为0%;会理石榴基地土壤铬含量在34.5—99.1mg/kg,平均值为69.0mg/kg,超标率为0%,该基地的石榴果实铬含量在0.0075—0.104mg/kg之间,平均为0.024mg/kg,大大低于相应产品标准(0.5mg/kg),超标率为0%。形态分析表明土壤中铬99%以上都是以不被植物利用的残渣态存在,因此土壤总铬再高,其被植物可吸收部分却很少,这就导致了受铬污染的土壤却不一定能生产出污染石榴的原因。  相似文献   

杨定清  周娅  雷绍荣  段文霞 《四川环境》2009,28(6):18-19,23
根据各水果、蔬菜基地的分区定点采样结果的对比分析,研究了四川省攀西地区主要蔬菜和水果基地土壤中Zn含量。结果表明,该区土壤Zn平均值范围在75.0~160mg/kg之间。各基地土壤平均锌含量顺序为:撒莲蔬菜基地〉攀莲蔬菜基地〉会理石榴基地〉大田石榴基地〉西区芒果、桂圆基地〉仁和芒果基地〉盐边芒果、枇杷基地。7个基地中有3个基地的土壤锌含量不同程度超过土壤环境质量Ⅱ级标准,其中以大田石榴基地超标最高(16%),平均值却是两个蔬菜基地最高。  相似文献   

正昔日,这里是风沙肆虐的世界,如今,这里被誉为"皮亚曼"甜石榴之乡。伴随着315国道和喀和铁路的全线通车、喀和高速公路的建设,皮亚勒玛乡这座小乡镇被越来越多的人所知晓。如今走在皮亚勒玛乡的巷道,路边整齐划一的葡萄架,房前屋后的石榴精品园以及高大的白杨林带,都给人们留下了美好的印象。  相似文献   

鸿儿 《绿色视野》2009,(10):57-58
第一次听当涂民歌是在民歌会上,五河民歌《摘石榴》唱得人旖旎婉转的当儿,当涂民歌《勤嫂子》、《打麦歌》登场了,明快的旋律阳光般地袭过来,让人耳朵一亮。不知怎么的,就想起电影《九九艳阳天》的一些画面:翻滚的麦浪、和煦的春风,快乐的劳动者在阳光下欢畅地笑闹……  相似文献   

家兔拉稀是养兔专业户经常遇到的头痛事,小病不除,后患莫测。治疗家兔拉稀土法有五: 1.将土砖烧热(以不烫手为宜),放在兔肚皮下; 2.辣椒籽炒焦研成细末拌入饲料内; 3.木炭末拌入饲料内,连喂3天; 4.把石榴叶、车前草切碎,拌入饲料内; 5.将少许高梁面炒熟拌入饲料,连服3天。  相似文献   

阳台:应选择喜光,耐热的种类。如肉质多浆植物,安石榴、茉莉、杜鹃、月季、桂花、米兰、含笑等木本花卉和太阳花、五彩椒等草本花卉。若要种些要求湿润环境的花卉,如茶花、白蝉、兰花等,可以在西北面种些金银花、使君子、牵牛花、茑萝、五爪金龙等攀缘植物,以挡阳光、隔热、降温。庭院:适宜种耐湿性,抵抗性较强的植物。如玉簪、萱草、秋海棠、含笑、万年青、蕨类等。如光照充足,则可栽种红杏、月季、杜鹃、红芭蕉、佛肚竹、罗汉松等。  相似文献   

我家居住的这片平房,论年龄,也当数近半个世纪了。它坐落在北京东郊三环路东侧,一排排高大的白杨,一行行婀娜的垂柳,一棵棵洋槐,一片片梧桐,还有各家自己栽植的香椿、石榴、海棠等交汇而成的浓重而浩瀚的绿色,掩映着这片平房的百户人家。当然这里各家各户的门前屋后还有的种植牡丹、月季,有的种植翠竹,有的栽植果树,桃、李、杏、梅、松、竹、兰、菊等各种花草树木可谓应有尽有。别看这片平房显得陈旧,但它却充满着田园诗般的生活情趣,是大都市里难以寻觅到的一块神圣的“世外桃园”。  相似文献   

试论安徽农业资源开发的“下游拉动”战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
安徽省位于华东地区西部,西面和南面环山,长江、淮河横贯全省,四周依次与江苏、浙江、江西、湖北、河南、山东省为邻。安徽是一个农业大省,境内农业资源丰富,并已形成以黄山毛峰、三潭批把清山酥梨、怀远石榴、明光绿豆、符离集烧鸡等为代表的名牌农副特产品。1994年农业从业人员1922万人,占全省从业人员的61.6%,高于全国同一比例;同年农业产值比例为22.6%,也高于全国的21%,农民人均纯收入973.20元,低于全国平均数的1221元。因此,安徽的农业具有比重大、投入高、效益低的特征,其主要原因在于种养业结构不尽合理,“三高…  相似文献   

百香果是新近从国外引进的珍稀名贵水果,属多年生植物,叶形奇特,花色鲜艳,四季常有,营养丰富,“有果汁之王”的美称.其果实可散发石榴、香蕉、草莓、柠檬、芒果、酸梅等10多种水果的浓郁香味,且含有丰富的蛋白质、脂肪、维生素以及磷、钙、钾等165种化合物和17种氨基酸.用它作原料加工制成的果汁、果露、果酱、果冻,风味独特、营养丰富、滋补健身,市场供不应求.百香果的种籽含油量达25%,油质可与葵花籽油媲美,可作食用油;果皮可作饲料和提取果胶;根、茎、叶均可人药,有消炎止痛、活血强身、滋阴补一肾、降脂降压等疗效。在庭院种植百香果,…  相似文献   

搞好大学生思想政治工作对促进学校的建设工作意义重大.针对当前我院迎评促建工作中的学生思想上存在的误区,应进一步加强宣传、加强思想政治工作队伍建设以及不断总结过去和创新现在,根据当前迎评促建工作的实际,采取一定措施.  相似文献   


Smart and eco-cities have become important notions for thinking about urban futures. This article contributes to these ongoing debates about smart and eco-urbanism by focussing on recent urbanisation initiatives in Asia. Our study of India’s Smart Cities Mission launched under the administration of Narendra Modi and China’s All-In-One eco-cities project initiated by Xi Jinpin unfolds in two corresponding narratives. Roy and Ong’s [2011. Worlding Cities: Asian Experiments and the Art of Being Global. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell] “worlding cities” serves as the theoretical backdrop of our analysis. Based on a careful review of a diverse set of academic literature, policy and other sources we identify five process-dimensions for analysing the respective urban approaches. We show how the specific features of China’s and India’s urban focus, organisation, implementation, governance and embedding manifest both nations’ approaches to smart and eco-urbanism. We argue that India’s Smart City Mission and China’s All-in-One project are firmly anchored in broader agendas of change that are set out to transform the nation and extend into time. The Indian Smart City Mission is part of a broader ambition to transform the nation enabling her “smart incarnation” in modernity. Smart technologies are seen as the key drivers of change. In China the framework of ecological civilisation continues a 5000-year historical tradition of civilisation excellence. By explicitly linking eco-urbanism to the framework, eco-cities become a means to enact ecological civilisation on the (urban) ground.  相似文献   

宋玉银 《四川环境》1992,11(4):64-67
城市固体废弃物是人们在工业生产活动、生活活动及商业活动中所产生的固体废物,这种废物随着国民经济的发展、人口的增长、人民生活水平的提高,数量不断增加。它破坏了市容,污染环境,给人民健康带来了极大的危害,因此,需加以处置和处理。本文将系统地介绍现阶段国内外城市固体废弃物的现状及处理技术,并针对我国国情,提出合理化的处理方案。  相似文献   

This paper reflects on two controversial resource projects – the Bellanaboy gas refinery (Ireland) and the Barvas Moor wind farm (Scotland) – and critical arguments made by key local actors. Although risk, health, environment and development dominated the official decision-making processes, these actors articulated views which cut across or existed beyond such orthodox ideas and framings. Focusing on these, I show that the Gaelic concepts of dùthchas and deoraíocht, summarised as place and exile, help to explain why some residents decided to protest. This paper illustrates the role that history, culture and language can play in conflicts, emphasises the need for greater sensitivity to these and suggests that place and exile can inform alternative visions of sustainability.  相似文献   

文章分析了油气能源现状、油气开发与环境的关系、油气开发与环境安全的关系,油气开发中的环境保护对策与环境监理。得出:油气开发既要做到和谐生产,又要保护环境;在油气开发中,对环境有影响的应加大修复力度,采取相应的环境保护措施,确保有效、长效的环境保护目标。  相似文献   

The use of the theoretical tools provided by proximity economics to address environmental questions, and the emergence of analyses revitalising the role of the spatial dimension in environmental problems, date from the late 1990s. This paper first aims to provide a review of the research conducted in this field and second to suggest some future research directions concerning the respective roles of geographical proximity and organised proximity in the production and management of environmental problems. First, it deals with the topic of ‘geographical proximity and land-use conflicts’, a topic that is currently the most researched in this field. This is followed by a discussion of the role of organised proximity in the regulation of environmental problems. The paper then explores the relation between the uncertainty associated with environmental issues and relations of organised proximity. Next it outlines a few possible research directions, focusing more particularly on the roles of geographical proximity as a mode of regulation of environmental problems, and on the possible role of organised proximity in their production. The concluding section draws an overview of the departures and extensions that have resulted from taking into account environmental issues in the paradigm of proximity economics.  相似文献   

秦皇岛区域是气象灾害频发地区,危害最大的有冰雹、暴雨、干旱、洪涝等。通过对秦皇岛地区48年来比较典型的极端天气事件和气候灾害的统计分析,找出极端天气和气候灾害的演变规律,为建立有效的气象灾害监测、预警系统,完善、提高防灾减灾体系提供参考,对提高当地社会和经济,抵御气象灾害的能力,减轻气象灾害具有重要意义。  相似文献   

通过对哈密市40余家砖厂的调查和监测,分析了红砖生产对土地资源的破坏以及对大气环境造成的污染问题,就加强建设项目环境影响评价审批制度和排污申报登记、污染源监督监测工作,实行环境保护目标责任制,积极进行砖厂复坑复垦提出了必要的防治措施  相似文献   

The use of organic farming technologies has certain advantages in some situations and for certain crops such as maize; however, with other crops such as vegetables and fruits, yields under organic production may be substantially reduced compared with conventional production. In most cases, the use of organic technologies requires higher labor inputs than conventional technologies. Some major advantages of organic production are the conservation of soil and water resources and the effective recycling of livestock wastes when they are available.  相似文献   

Indirect, unpriced environmental and social costs of human activities in the United States amount to several trillion dollars each year. By accounting for these costs and shifting some of the tax burden from work to waste, it would be possible to protect the environment and benefit society and the economy.  相似文献   

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