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我国地膜覆盖和残留污染特点与防控技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地膜覆盖技术已成为我国农业应用最为广泛的农艺技术之一,但同时地膜残留污染也成为影响农业可持续发展的一个重大问题,系统分析梳理地膜覆盖种植技术、地膜残留污染的特点及防控技术对于该技术合理利用具有重要意义。本文在已有工作基础上,系统分析了我国地膜覆盖种植技术应用情况、地膜残留污染特点和防治技术。结果表明,20世纪80年代以来,我国地膜用量及覆盖面积一直呈大幅度上升态势,年增长率在8%左右,1991—2011年20年间,地膜使用强度增加了3~10倍,但存在明显区域差异。总体上,北方省区的地膜使用强度大,增长幅度快。地膜覆盖应用作物也从经济作物扩大到粮食作物,应用面积最大作物依次为玉米、蔬菜、棉花、烟草和花生等。地膜覆盖技术的应用产生了巨大效益,但同时也带来了一系列污染危害。长期覆膜农田土壤中都存在程度不同的残膜污染,残留量一般在71.9-259.1kg·hm-2。西北地区是残膜污染最严重的地区,土壤中残膜量远远高于华北和西南地区。残留地膜大小和形态多种多样,主要有片状、蜷缩圆筒状和球状等,在土壤中呈水平、垂直和倾斜状分布。目前,我国地膜残留污染防治技术滞后,人工回收是普遍和主要的回收形式,其他防治技术如机械回收、节约型地膜应用、生物降解地膜尚未较大规模应用。当前,为防止地膜残留污染进一步加剧,急需修订完善地膜标准和加强质量监管,提高可回收性;推广节约型地膜使用技术和残膜回收技术;开展地膜覆盖技术适应性研究,促进技术合理利用。  相似文献   

重视残膜污染,保护绿洲土地   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
重视残膜污染 保护绿洲土地文启凯,肖明,蒋平安,李叙勇,石书兵,潘静娴(新疆农业大学农学系乌鲁木齐830052)我国从70年代开始引进推广地膜栽培技术,1991年约40余种作物,覆膜面积达4000hm2。新疆1993年达83.33×104hm2,其中...  相似文献   

针对农田塑料残膜污染的现状,本文提出在农用塑料地膜废弃物管理中引入生产者责任延伸制,通过确立残膜回收处置的责任主体,解决农田"白色污染".针对塑料地膜的特性,以及影响生产者责任延伸制绩效的一些因素,本文提出通过明晰责任主体和责任边界,以及合理的制度建设,将生产者责任延伸制这一先进理念转化为先进制度,使其在农用地膜废弃物管理中发挥积极作用.  相似文献   

棉花地地膜残留及其对策的试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
种植地膜棉可提高产量,增加效益,已被人们所公认。但种植地膜棉地膜在土壤中的残留和污染,也引起人们所关注。为了了解喀什地区地膜在土壤中的残留和污染情况,我们在岳普湖县岳普湖镇对地膜棉地膜残留情况进行了调查。在调查中发现棉花地膜污染严重,当我们提出灌头水前揭膜措施时,不少乡镇领导耽心头水前揭膜会影响地温和土壤含水量,怕影响棉花产量。为此,我们在岳普湖县进行了棉花头水前揭膜与不揭膜对土壤温度、含水量和棉花产量影响的对比试验。现将试验研究结果简要初析如下,供领导指挥生产参考和同行探讨。l棉花地地膜残留调…  相似文献   

通过对通渭县的调查,初步探讨了通渭县农用地膜的污染状况及其与居民文化程度、年龄的相关性。结果表明,半数以上受访者知道残膜有害并可以被回收,而对于文化程度较高的受访者,随着年龄的增长,该种意识呈上升趋势。通渭县目前的农用残膜处理方式大体上表现为:转卖残膜〉用残膜引火〉扔掉残膜。在此基础上,针对通渭县农用地膜的污染现状,从"政策、法规保障与支持"、"科技创新,实现工业共生"、"强化管理,高效回收"和"环境保护的宣传"方面提出了农膜污染防治对策。  相似文献   

根据有关部门的调查资料,目前国外发展有色地膜的势头日益强劲,已占农用地膜总量的1/3,尤其是黑色农用地膜已占有色地膜的90%左右。黑色农用地膜具有很多优点,不仅可以提高地温,保温保墒,而且可以防止土壤板结。其最大的特点是几乎不透阳光,被覆盖的田块,由...  相似文献   

农田塑料地膜污染及防治   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
肖军  赵景波 《四川环境》2005,24(1):102-105
分析了农田塑料地膜污染现状及残留对土壤产生的不良影响:降低土壤渗透性、减少土壤含水量、削弱耕地抗旱能力,造成农作物减产,破坏自然景观和造成环境污染。提出了防治措施:加强环保宣传教育,制定奖惩政策,加大残留地膜的回收力度;制定农膜残留和厚度标准;推广可降解塑料薄膜;采用适时揭膜技术;制定经济政策,加强残留地膜回收后的利用。  相似文献   

采用“A+(A/O)n+MBR”复合工艺,在次临界通量条件下,考察了膜污染发展及清洗特性。试验发现,膜污染随运行时间的变化呈现出阶段性上升的特征,即经过初期缓慢发展和中期较快发展后,出现了膜污染的急剧增加。电镜及能谱分析表明,膜面污染物主要包括沉积于膜面的大量污泥絮体、附着于膜面的致密凝胶层和一些由Ca^2+、Mg^2+等离子形成的堵塞和吸附于膜孔的无机垢粒。膜清洗及阻力表明,自来水冲洗可使泥饼层大部分脱落,泥饼层对膜污染阻力贡献最大,达到60.71%;NaClO清洗对凝胶层的去除效果显著,有机污染对膜污染阻力为31.44%;HCl清洗去除的无机垢粒对膜污染贡献率仅为7.85%。  相似文献   

新疆阿瓦提县废旧地膜回收利用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阿瓦提县地膜的过量使用使当地土壤环境逐渐恶化,严重污染了农村环境,并影响了农机作业质量的提高。通过分析2011年阿瓦提县地膜使用相关数据及地膜回收利用情况,提出了阿瓦提县地膜回收利用的优化对策:加大对"白色污染"危害性的宣传,提升广大农民群众的生态文明意识;发展废旧地膜回收利用企业,拓宽回收渠道;制定优惠政策,加大支持力度,促进废旧地膜回收利用;从农艺上防治和减少地膜残留;采取人工和机械回收相结合的措施,加大残留地膜回收力度。  相似文献   

宋伟  杨平  周利 《资源开发与市场》2007,23(4):289-291,295
简述了膜污染的过程,指出膜孔堵塞是膜污染中的重要一环,并对膜堵塞的形成过程和机理做了详细的阐述。在此基础上对引起膜孔堵塞的因素如膜、溶质、处理液、操作方式的影响进行了深入的研究,介绍和总结了目前在加MBR中为防治膜孔堵塞所采用的主要方法,提出了今后膜孔堵塞研究的重点。  相似文献   

通过文献调研、问卷调查和典型样点采集的方法对吉林省3种主要覆膜作物的地膜残留情况进行调查分析,结果表明:地膜残留量与覆膜年限、地膜回收方式以及种植作物种类密切相关。随覆膜时间的延长地膜残留量有增加的趋势。3种模式地膜残留量由高到低为:瓜菜模式〉玉米连作模式〉花生连作模式,连续覆膜10年,3种模式的地膜残留量分别为30、28.35 kg·hm^-2和15.9kg·hm^-2。以一级污染水平作为标准(75 kg·hm^-2),覆膜量每年按75~150 kg·hm^-2、年残留率按1.2%~4.02%计,估算吉林省安全使用地膜的年限约为12~83年。  相似文献   

A numerical model for predicting the fate and transport of biodegradable polyester residues in soil, following successive applications of mulch film, was developed and applied. The polymer, applied on surface soil, was assumed to be converted into by-products (monomers), according to a first order kinetics with constant K(1deg). The monomers released were assumed to sorb on soil organic matter (according to a first-order kinetics with constant K(s)), to be leached with the seepage water, through vertical advection and hydrodynamic dispersion, and biodegraded (according to a first-order kinetics with constant K(b)). Results suggested that, to assess a possible build-up of mulch film (as a polymer) on the surface soil, the degradation constant K(1deg) relating the polymer conversion to by-products should be known, whereas the biodegradation constant K(b) indicates there is no danger of groundwater pollution. Likewise, on the basis of by-product concentration in deep soil, soil pollution should not occur.  相似文献   

微塑料作为环境介质中的新型污染物,其对生态系统的影响越来越受到关注。土壤是环境中微塑料的重要蓄积库,结合近些年来国内外关于土壤中微塑料的研究,针对土壤中微塑料的来源、生态效应、分析方法及污染防治进行综述,以便更全面的了解土壤中微塑料污染的现状及其潜在的生态环境风险。塑料包装废弃物、农用地膜破碎、大气沉降是土壤中微塑料的主要来源。微塑料可吸附土壤中的重金属和有机物,作为其他污染物的载体危害生态环境健康,并会随着食物链逐渐富集,从而影响人类健康。土壤中的微塑料可通过筛分干燥后采用密度分离法、加压流体萃取法、石油提取法等进行分离,并通过消解去除土壤中的有机质。土壤中微塑料的识别与表征可采用目检法、红外光谱法、拉曼光谱法、扫描电镜法等。此外,根据土壤微塑料的生态效应提出污染治理措施与未来研究方向展望。  相似文献   

In recent years, the use of postfire mulch treatments to stabilize slopes and reduce soil erosion in shrubland ecosystems has increased; however, the potential effects on plant recovery have not been examined. To evaluate the effects of mulching treatments on postfire plant recovery in southern California coastal sage scrub, we conducted a field experiment with three experimental treatments, consisting of two hydromulch products and an erosion control blanket, plus a control treatment. The area burned in 2007, and treatments were applied to six plot blocks before the 2008 growing season. Treatment effects on plant community recovery were analyzed with a mixed effects ANOVA analysis using a univariate repeated measures approach. Absolute plant cover increased from 13 to 90% by the end of the second growing season, and the mean relative cover of exotic species was 32%. The two hydromulch treatments had no effect on any plant community recovery response variable measured. For the erosion control blanket treatment, the amount of bare ground cover at the end of the second growing season was significantly lower (P = 0.01), and greater shrub height was observed (P < 0.01). We conclude that postfire mulch treatments did not provide either a major benefit or negative impact to coastal sage scrub recovery on the study area.  相似文献   

This study assessed long-term recovery of vegetation on six wilderness campsites in subalpine forests in Oregon that were closed to use and that received common restoration treatments (scarification, soil amendments, mulch, transplanting, and seeding). Vegetation cover was assessed every year for the first 7 years following treatment, as well as 10 and 15 years after treatment. This made it possible to compare long-term treatment effectiveness to short-term efficacy. Plots that were closed and not scarified had virtually no vegetation cover even after 15 years without use. If long-used campsites in these subalpine forests are simply closed and allowed to recover on their own, restoration of undisturbed conditions will require hundreds if not thousands of years. Study results show, however, that simple treatments can accelerate recovery rates substantially. Scarification and transplanting were highly effective treatments, with seeding and soil amendment with organic matter and compost also contributing to success, but to a lesser degree. The use of a mulch mat, in contrast, had no effect, either positive or negative. Assessments of success conducted within the first few years of treatment overestimate treatment efficacy, particularly the effectiveness of soil amendments and seeding.  相似文献   

为了弄清污染事故的污染程度及影响因素,对原油在盐水中的溶解度进行了研究;采用正交实验方法,选定四个主要影响因素:水温、水深度、放置时间及油膜厚度,每个因素取三个水平。实验结果表明:影响水中油浓度最显著的因素是油膜厚度,显著因素是温度和水深度,次要因素是放置时间;研究结果可为污染事故的应急水处理提供依据。  相似文献   

Evaluation of compost blankets for erosion control from disturbed lands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Soil erosion due to water and wind results in the loss of valuable top soil and causes land degradation and environmental quality problems. Site specific best management practices (BMP) are needed to curb erosion and sediment control and in turn, increase productivity of lands and sustain environmental quality. The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of three different types of biodegradable erosion control blankets- fine compost, mulch, and 50-50 mixture of compost and mulch, for soil erosion control under field and laboratory-scale experiments. Quantitative analysis was conducted by comparing the sediment load in the runoff collected from sloped and tilled plots in the field and in the laboratory with the erosion control blankets. The field plots had an average slope of 3.5% and experiments were conducted under natural rainfall conditions, while the laboratory experiments were conducted at 4, 8 and 16% slopes under simulated rainfall conditions. Results obtained from the field experiments indicated that the 50-50 mixture of compost and mulch provides the best erosion control measures as compared to using either the compost or the mulch blanket alone. Laboratory results under simulated rains indicated that both mulch cover and the 50-50 mixture of mulch and compost cover provided better erosion control measures compared to using the compost alone. Although these results indicate that the 50-50 mixtures and the mulch in laboratory experiments are the best measures among the three erosion control blankets, all three types of blankets provide very effective erosion control measures from bare-soil surface. Results of this study can be used in controlling erosion and sediment from disturbed lands with compost mulch application. Testing different mixture ratios and types of mulch and composts, and their efficiencies in retaining various soil nutrients may provide more quantitative data for developing erosion control plans.  相似文献   

农用化学物资对土壤的污染状况与控制措施   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着现代化学农业的兴起与发展,不可避免地给环境造成污染。结合目前研究进展,主要从化肥、农药、地膜三方面入手,论述现代农业生产实践中,农用化学物资对重要的自然资源—土壤的污染状况及控制措施  相似文献   

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