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四川红层区居民用水主要为就近开采的地下水,水质参差不齐,研究红层地下水水文地球化学特征,对于宜井区选择,红层水源地用水安全具有重要意义。利用在遂宁船山区采集的70组浅层地下水水样,采用数理统计分析、离子比例关系等方法,分析了红层浅层地下水水化学特征及主要离子来源,研究得出:区内地下水中阴离子以HCO_3~-(164.00~571.91 mg·L~(-1))为主,其次是SO_4~(2-)(13.96~1 000.00 mg·L~(-1)),阳离子以Ca~(2+)(45.70~313.00 mg·L~(-1))为主,其中孔隙水的水化学类型主要为HCO_3,SO_4-Ca,SO_4-Mg型,裂隙水以HCO_3-Ca,Mg型与HCO_3-Ca型为主;地下水中离子成分主要由岩石风化产生,来源于地层中的方解石、白云石、石膏、芒硝等矿物的风化溶解,蒸发浓缩、地下水酸碱环境及人类活动对地下水成分造成了一定的影响;浅层地下水质量以Ⅲ~Ⅳ类为主,污染物主要为TDS、Fe~(3+)等原生污染,也存在NO_3~-、NO_2~-等人类活动污染;红层宜井区主要为平坝、丘坡坡脚及沟谷一带,为避免污染指标超标,井深不宜超过25m,远离养殖场、农厕等地下水易受人类活动污染的环境,防止鱼塘、农田等地表水进入井中。  相似文献   

黄河三角洲地区环境地质问题已成为生态环境质量下降的主要因素.主要是土壤盐碱化、地下水污染、海水入侵、地面沉降、海岸蚀退等问题.本文针对问题的类型、范围和危害.从可持续发展的视角.提出了解决这些问题的对等。  相似文献   

盐城市沿海的适宜开发空间选择研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
开发空间选择通过辨识适宜开发空间,使得工业发展、城市建设活动尽可能地配置在弱自然生态阻力、强经济引力的空间,实现区域生态、经济效益的最大化。借鉴以往研究,结合案例区特点,建立指标体系,基于乡镇单元,运用GIS工具综合分析盐城市域自然生态阻力和经济引力的空间分异特征,运用矩阵列联分类方法划分空间开发适宜类型,并根据适宜开发空间的地域特点将其分为城市区域和临港区域。研究认为,盐城沿海的适宜开发空间主要分布于204国道沿线的县市城区、部分临近乡镇及沿海陈家港、滨海港、海通镇等地区;临海部分乡镇凭借其资源潜力宜作为临港区域,是未来的主要产业空间载体;其它地区应定位于城市化空间,未来建设用地指标应优先向这些区域投放,引导人口、产业向这些地区的集聚。  相似文献   

为了研究土体含易溶盐特征和其指示意义,采集测试土样3 246件和水样78件。研究表明:浅表部土体含盐量具有与海岸线平行的分布规律,愈靠近海岸,土体的含盐量愈高。土体盐分来源主要包括4个方面,土体在沉积时的海水浸渍,沉积物源本身的含盐特征,浅表层土体的现代积盐,人类活动的影响。其中海水浸渍是土体含盐量增高的最主要原因,通过Na-Cl交换过程,分析了水土盐分之间的转化机理。采用比例系数法分析沉积物源的含盐特征。建立了TDS和成井层位土体易溶盐含量的多个线性回归预测模型,其中以土中Cl-和TDS的回归效果最为显著,这与Cl-为稳定的常量元素和其不易被土体吸附有关。采用HYRD1井验证了回归预测模型,准确度达到了96%。以HYRD1为例,结合滨海相沉积土层的特点,阐述了土体含盐特征在多重地层划分中的作用。  相似文献   

沿海与内陆经济格局演变研究在中国区域经济协调发展中具有重要意义。文章利用1978—2018年中国省级与市级层面数据,基于GIS空间表达、空间面板数据计量分析等方法对沿海与内陆地区经济格局演变及其影响因素进行分析。主要结论为:(1)改革开放一段时期后,内陆地区加快了对沿海地区的追赶,中国经济发展渐显内陆化的征兆。省级与市级层面的经济总量和经济增长数据分析显示,2008年之后,内陆地区经济增速超过沿海地区,内陆地区经济地位逐步上升。(2)2008年前后,距海岸线距离与区域经济增长速度呈现不同关系:2008年之前,距海岸线越近区域增长越快;2008年之后与此相反。省级与市级层面表现一致,其经济增长的高值区在2008年以后转向距海岸线较远的内陆地区。(3)在内陆地区内部,经济增长出现分化现象,西南地区经济增长更为明显,其他地区相对较慢。2008年后经济分布中心在向内陆地区移动中出现西南向偏移,2018年经济增长高值区转向西南内陆地区。(4)模型分析表明,生产要素、交通条件、政府因素等是变化的主要原因。在生产要素中,资本投入正向显著影响经济增长,但其影响程度在2008年之后有所减弱;工资水平对经济增长的影响在2008年之后由负向转为正向,内陆地区较低工资促进其经济快速增长,但人口优势有待进一步体现。内陆地区交通条件大幅改善、政府促进欠发达地区发展以及全方位对外开放等因素,也显著影响内陆地区经济增长。该研究可为国家制定相关区域政策提供参考。  相似文献   

根据丰、枯水期采集的拉萨河河水、地下水、降水以及冰川水样品,提取采样点子流域面积、地形、岩性以及冰川面积占比等流域特征因子。采用Piper图、Gibbs图分析河流水化学受岩石风化的控制作用;采用主成分分析和相关性分析方法,分析河流水化学主成分及其与子流域特征因子之间的关系。结果表明:拉萨河河水为HCO3-Ca型水,主要受碳酸盐岩风化控制,蒸发盐岩溶解影响次之,丰水期河水水化学还受降水、冰川融水补给影响。河水水化学特征总体呈现为,随着子流域面积增加、海拔降低,水岩作用增强,碳酸盐岩风化作用增强,蒸发盐岩溶解作用减弱。而枯水期的冰川影响区,由于采样点控制面积大且枯水期地下水补给较强,蒸发盐岩影响作用随碳酸盐岩溶解增强而加强。研究结果为揭示高寒山区河水水化学特征的控制因素及区域规律研究提供科学依据。  相似文献   

许多人把地球想象为一个蔚蓝色的星球 ,其 71%的表面积覆盖水。其实 ,地球上 97.5 %的水是咸水 ,只有 2 .5 %是淡水。而在淡水中 ,将近 70 %冻结在南极和格陵兰的冰盖中 ,其余的大部分是土壤中的水分或是深层地下水 ,难以开采供人类使用。江河、湖泊、水库及浅层地下水等来源的水较易于开采供人类直接使用 ,但其数量不足世界淡水的 1% ,约占地球上全部水的 0 .0 0 7%。全球每年降落在大陆上的水量约为 110万亿立方米 ,扣除大气蒸发和被植物吸收的水量 ,世界上江河径流量约为 42 .7万亿立方米 ,按 1995年的世界人口计算 ,每人每年可获得的平…  相似文献   

利用混合水体指数模型(CIWI)提取滨海湿地水体的信息   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据对滨海湿地区域光谱特性分析和背景信息的反射特点,对主要的水体信息提取方法进行比较分析,将混合水体指数模型(CIWI)应用于TM遥感影像,针对滨海湿地区域水体信息进行提取实验,并与近年得到广泛应用和承认的水体指数模型:归一化差异水体指数(NDWI)、改进的归一化差异水体指数(MNDWI)等进行比较。实验证明CIWI的区分度最高,水体与植被、水体与城镇、植被与城镇之间的区分度分别为505%、292%与267%;水体、植被、城镇像元之间的差异比NDWI和MNDWI增大,减少了混淆信息的影响,对江苏盐城滨海湿地研究区的水体信息提取精度达到949%,实现了滨海湿地区域水体信息的准确快速提取。  相似文献   

一、与滨海城市护岸有关的灾害类型海洋灾害是为数众多的灾害中危害较大的一类灾害,可分为自然的、人为的以及人为与自然相互作用所形成的灾害。滨海城市护岸经常遇到的自然灾害主要有强浪、风暴潮、海水、暴雨、台风、海水倒灌、海岸侵蚀、地震等。人为灾害主要是人类活动,特别是发展工农业生产的建设过程中发生的各种公害。二、滨海城市护岸的防灾对策一般说来城市海滨的护岸工程对城市沿海地带的安全至关重要。由于护岸本身受到地形、水文、气象等自然因素的制约,同时又受材料、施工条件等人为因素的影响,因此,防灾对策也要从自然因素和人为因素两个方面  相似文献   

水资源危机在我国已显端倪。本文主要讨论水资源分布特征,随着人口急增以及水资源超采不合理使用,已产生了一系列的环境地质问题,如地下水位持续下降、地面沉降、海水入侵、地面塌陷和地裂缝、水质恶化等。为此,提出了地下水资源开发利用的建议。  相似文献   

Additional freshwater sources are required in many parts of the world, including the coastal areas of the Red River Delta (RRD), where the groundwater (GW) is generally brackish. Determining a feasible method for desalinating brackish aquifers would help provide additional freshwater sources. However, substantial desalination of brackish aquifers cannot be achieved under the natural conditions of GW flow and precipitation recharge. Although rainfall recharge to the shallow Holocene aquifer has occurred for hundreds of years, the aquifer still remains brackish since the natural hydraulic conditions do not allow a complete mixing between the fresh recharged water and aquifer salinized water or the discharging of the aquifer salinized water. The planned salt intrusion prevention gates in the Red River, Tra Ly River and Hoa River in the RRD coastal area, combined with increased GW abstraction and associated aquifer recharge with fresh river water, could result in the gradual desalination of the shallow Holocene aquifer. These effects would help improve the area’s resilience to freshwater shortages and sea level rises and would allow for the creation of a long-term sustainable water resource development plan to manage the salinization of water resources caused by sea level rises. Finite element (FE) modeling of GW flow, solute transport via GW flow and dynamic programming (DP) have been used to study the potential desalination of brackish aquifers, the magnitude of GW abstraction quantities and the spatial and temporal aspects of desalination. FE modeling of GW flow coupled with DP was utilized to identify the magnitude of sustainable abstraction quantities and the GW flow field, which is required in salt transport models. Multiple sizes of elements and time steps were used to adapt to the unsteady state of GW flow and hydraulic head variables between the elements in the FE meshes in order to ensure reasonable accuracy of numerical modeling. The GW flow and salt transport modeling and DP allowed determining quasi-steady-state GW abstraction rates and aquifer salinity levels for conditions that did and did not include the shallow Holocene unconfined aquifer recharge from rainfall. The aquifer modeled domain which is supposed to serve the pumping well field is 1.5 km2. The results showed that the Holocene aquifer may provide a stable abstraction rate of 100 m3/day starting in the 6th year (for the worst-case scenario with zero aquifer recharge from rainfall) to 130 m3/day starting in the 3rd year (for the scenario with aquifer recharge equal to 3% of the rainfall levels). During the first years of GW abstraction, the desalination of the brackish upper Holocene aquifer will mainly occur in the area close to the river, and at the 18th year of abstraction, almost the entire area between the river and line of pumping wells would be desalinized. From the 10th year of abstraction, the abstracted water has a total dissolved solids content lower than 0.5 g/l for the worst-case scenario with zero aquifer recharge from rainfall and lower than 0.42 g/l for the scenario with aquifer recharge equal to 3% of the rainfall. The modeling results indicate the simulated process by which abstraction of groundwater adjacent to the Tra Ly River could desalinize the brackish aquifer via freshwater recharge from the river.  相似文献   

Results of groundwater and seawater analyses for radioactive ((3)H, (222)Rn, (223)Ra, (224)Ra, (226)Ra, and (228)Ra) and stable (D and (18)O) isotopes are presented together with in situ spatial mapping and time series (222)Rn measurements in seawater, direct seepage measurements using manual and automated seepage meters, pore water investigations using different tracers and piezometric techniques, and geoelectric surveys probing the coast. This study represents first time that such a new complex arsenal of radioactive and non-radioactive tracer techniques and geophysical methods have been used for simultaneous submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) investigations. Large fluctuations of SGD fluxes were observed at sites situated only a few meters apart (from 0cmd(-1) to 360cmd(-1); the unit represents cm(3)/cm(2)/day), as well as during a few hours (from 0cmd(-1) to 110cmd(-1)), strongly depending on the tidal fluctuations. The average SGD flux estimated from continuous (222)Rn measurements is 17+/-10cmd(-1). Integrated coastal SGD flux estimated for the Ubatuba coast using radium isotopes is about 7x10(3)m(3)d(-1) per km of the coast. The isotopic composition (deltaD and delta(18)O) of submarine waters was characterised by significant variability and heavy isotope enrichment, indicating that the contribution of groundwater in submarine waters varied from a small percentage to 20%. However, this contribution with increasing offshore distance became negligible. Automated seepage meters and time series measurements of (222)Rn activity concentration showed a negative correlation between the SGD rates and tidal stage. This is likely caused by sea level changes as tidal effects induce variations of hydraulic gradients. The geoelectric probing and piezometric measurements contributed to better understanding of the spatial distribution of different water masses present along the coast. The radium isotope data showed scattered distributions with offshore distance, which imply that seawater in a complex coast with many small bays and islands was influenced by local currents and groundwater/seawater mixing. This has also been confirmed by a relatively short residence time of 1-2 weeks for water within 25km offshore, as obtained by short-lived radium isotopes. The irregular distribution of SGD seen at Ubatuba is a characteristic of fractured rock aquifers, fed by coastal groundwater and recirculated seawater with small admixtures of groundwater, which is of potential environmental concern and has implications on the management of freshwater resources in the region.  相似文献   

水质型缺水是长江流域的主要缺水类型之一。通过研究认为,长江流域以河流、湖泊和水库为水源的水质型缺水主要是由于污水排放引起,以地下水为水源的水质型缺水主要是农药、化肥其残留物、各种垃圾废弃物的渗滤液、以及海水和苦咸水侵入造成,因此,水质型缺水地区节水的实质是保护现有水资源,防止水污染。通过对长江流域水质型缺水地区农业、工业和生活节水存在问题以及节水难点的分析,认为,长江流域水质型缺水地区农业节水潜力巨大,工业节水和生活节水仍有较大的节水空间,农业节水可从提高灌溉水利用系数、推广节水灌溉面积取得突破成果,工业节水可从工业技术改造和技术更新、分质供水及中水利用取得突破成果,生活节水可从降低管网漏失率和大力推广节水器具取得突破性成果。  相似文献   

The Pleistocene aquifer represents the main aquifer underlying the Nile Delta area. This aquifer is directly affected by the surface water from the Nile branches. However, the study of the hydrogeochemistry of this aquifer indicates the possibility of classifying it into three hydrochemical zones from south to north. The groundwater chemistry of each zone is the resultant effect of the local factors controlling the development of groundwater quality.  相似文献   

A complex approach in characterisation of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) off south-eastern Sicily comprising applications of radioactive and non-radioactive tracers, direct seepage measurements, geophysical surveys and a numerical modelling is presented. SGD fluxes in the Donnalucata boat basin were estimated by direct seepage measurements to be from 4 to 12Ls(-1), which are comparable with the total SGD flux in the basin of 17Ls(-1) obtained from radon measurements. The integrated SGD flux over the Donnalucata coast estimated on the basis of Ra isotopes was around 60m(3)s(-1) per km of the coast. Spatial variations of SGD were observed in the Donnalucata boat basin, the average (222)Rn activity concentration in seawater varied from approximately 0.1kBqm(-3) to 3.7kBqm(-3) showing an inverse relationship with salinity. The continuous monitoring carried out at the site closest to the coast has revealed an inverse relationship of (222)Rn activity concentration on the tide. The (222)Rn concentrations in seawater varied from 2.3kBqm(-3) during high tides to 4.8kBqm(-3) during low tides, thus confirming an influence of the tide on submarine groundwater discharge. Stable isotopes (delta(2)H and delta(18)O) showed that SGD samples consist up to 50% of groundwater. Geo-electrical measurements showed a spatial variability of the salt/fresh water interface and its complex transformation in the coastal zone. The presented results imply that in the studied Donnalucata site there are at least two different sources of SGD, one superficial, represented by mixed fresh water and seawater, and the second one which originates in a deeper limestone aquifer.  相似文献   

The present study aimed at assessing the activity of natural radionuclides (3H) and hydrochemical parameters (viz., pH, EC, F, NO3, Cl, Ca2+, Mg2+) in the groundwater used for domestic and irrigation purposes in the Varahi and Markandeya river basins to understand the levels of hydrochemical parameters in terms of the relative age(s) of the groundwater contained within the study area. The recorded environmental 3H content in Varahi and Markandeya river basins varied from 1.95 ± 0.25 T.U. to 11.35 ± 0.44 T.U. and 1.49 ± 0.75 T.U. to 9.17 ± 1.13 T.U. respectively. Majority of the samples in Varahi (93.34%) and Markandeya (93.75%) river basins being pre-modern water with modern recharge, significantly influenced by precipitation and river inflowing/sea water intrusion. The EC-Tritium and Tritium-Fluoride plots confirmed the existence of higher total dissolved solids (SEC > 500 μS/cm) and high fluoride (MAC > 1.5 mg/L) in groundwater of Markandeya river basin, attributed to relatively longer residence time of groundwater interacting with rock formations and vice versa in case of Varahi river basin. The tritium-EC and tritium-chloride plots indicated shallow and deep circulating groundwater types in Markandeya river basin and only shallow circulating groundwater type in Varahi river basin. Increasing Mg relative to Ca with decreasing tritium indicated the influence of incongruent dissolution of a dolomite phase. The samples with high nitrate (MAC > 45 mg/L) are waters that are actually mixtures of fresh water (containing very high nitrate, possibly from agricultural fertilizers) and older ‘unpolluted’ waters (containing low nitrate levels), strongly influenced by surface source.  相似文献   

后寨河流域岩溶含水层脆弱性及其对土地利用方式的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于强烈的溶蚀作用,岩溶地区溶蚀裂隙、管道等高度发育,并相互贯通,形成岩溶区特有的地下、地表“双层空间”结构体系,地下空间成为地下水存储和运移的重要场所。岩溶地区由于土层浅薄或缺失,并且溶蚀裂隙、管道、落水洞、竖井等高度发育,使含水层更易受地表状况的影响,土地利用/覆被变化在很大程度上影响着地下水的水质、水量,岩溶水质的变化能集中反映人类活动胁迫下岩溶含水层脆弱性程度的增加。以典型岩溶单元--贵州普定后寨河流域为例,分析了流域水文地质背景下的岩溶含水层本质脆弱性,结合流域地下河水近20年的水化学资料,分析了含水层脆弱性对土地利用变化的响应。结果显示:土地利用/覆被变化、农业活动、城镇建设及居民活动都对地下水质变化有明显影响。因此,调整土地利用结构,恢复岩溶植被,改善生态环境是保护和改善岩溶水资源的重要途径。  相似文献   

Radium isotopes in 23 Na-Cl type groundwater sampled mainly from deep wells in Niigata Prefecture, which is the site of the largest oil- and gas-fields in Japan, were measured along with U isotopes, chemical components and hydrogen and oxygen isotope ratios to elucidate the distribution and behavior of Ra in a brackish environment underground. Also analyzed were U and Th isotopes in 38 rock samples collected from outcrops at 17 locations. Ra-226 concentrations (8.86-1637 mBq kg−1) of groundwater samples roughly correlated with total dissolved solid (TDS) concentrations and other alkaline earth contents. Their 228Ra/226Ra activity ratios (0.32-5.2) were similar to or higher than the 232Th/238U activity ratios (0.6-1.7) in the rocks. The most likely transport mechanism of Ra isotopes into groundwater was due to their α-recoil from the solid phase, probably from the water-rock interface where Th isotopes had accumulated, and adsorption/desorption reaction based on the increase in 226Ra contents with TDS.  相似文献   

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