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Throughout Europe, the role of farming as the private provider of public goods and services increasingly valuated by society is today generally acknowledged. Furthermore, in the turn towards rural development concerns, multifunctionality as an attribute of rural space has emerged, justifying the territorial approach of farming. The situation facing the multifunctionality demand is nevertheless not the same in all European regions, which by all means is getting strengthened in the transition towards post-productivism. In some regions, there is a productivist orientation and production has a dominant economic role, while others will need to be supported on other functions to survive economically and socially, or may be best suited to environmental functions alone. The vocation of the rural territories is different, and thus also the functions they are able to support. This paper discusses the concept of multifunctionality of the rural areas, and defines a possible methodological approach towards the identification of the different types of rural areas in Europe, based on the identification of ideal types, through the analysis of selected indicators. The empirical application has been developed for the Portuguese Ministry of Agriculture, aiming at assessing the differentiated characteristics and dynamics of the Portuguese rural territory. Analyzing data from 1990 and 2000, at municipal level, three dimensions have been considered: the land cover, the agricultural sector and the rural community. Combining the three analyses, it was possible to identify different vocations of the rural space, and the role that farming could have in the future for the multifunctionality of the territory. Accordingly, the municipalities have been grouped in types, pre-defined as ideal types. This was a first attempt to understand the differentiation of the rural territory in Portugal. For decision-making it should be further developed. It nevertheless shows that there is clear differentiation concerning the possible landscape functions to be developed between regions and a possible way to assess. It also shows that a territorial approach to agriculture may be the key for the maintenance of the sector in many areas where production by itself, as it has been know until now, may be severely threatened.  相似文献   

新中国60年来农业多功能性演变的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
农业多功能性是近年来国际可持续发展研究与政府闻谈判磋商的热点问题.科学地认识农业多功能性及其演变趋势,对于新时期中国可持续发展战略的制定与实施具有重要意义.鉴于此,该文通过对相关文献和调研资料的整理,从农业的产品生产功能、经济社会功能、生态环境功能、文化休闲功能4个方面.对建国60年来农业多功能性演变的基本趋势进行了初步研究.结果表明,农业产品生产功能在波折中不断提高,而地域之间呈此消彼长现象,总的趋势是农产品生产由南方向北方、由东部向西部转移;农业的经济功能已经大大弱化,但就业和社会保障功能依然极为重要;农业对生态环境的影响,总体来看负面效应要大于正面效应;农业文化传承功能呈全面衰落趋势,但旅游功能则在近年来大为增强.依据这一研究结果,该文进一步探讨了增强我国农业多功能性的政策措施.  相似文献   

水陆交错带存在自然和人文要素复合影响作用,其景观系统整体适应能力亟需提升。以崇明南部水陆交错带为研究对象,基于景观系统本底评价,借鉴景观特征评价(LCA)方法,探讨岛屿水陆交错景观整体适应性评价方法。从自然资源保护重要程度、土地资源利用适宜状况、环境安全压力显著特性3个子目标层,构建12个指标因子的评价体系;并进行要素层面和目标层面的适应性评价分析;确定研究区6类适应性特征分区,提出其景观资源适应性发展提升策略。研究为水陆交错带景观系统整合发展提供保护性开发的评价方法和决策支持路径。  相似文献   

喀斯特石漠化及其景观生态学研究展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
喀斯特石漠化是广泛分布于我国西南喀斯特地区的一种生态灾害,近30年来其扩展速度明显加快,严重制约了我国西南地区的经济发展和生态质量的提高。首先从概念、成因及防治等方面探讨了目前喀斯特石漠化的研究现状,并指出石漠化研究中的不足,主要表现为研究内容较片面,缺乏定量研究,标准不统一和缺乏景观水平上的研究。景观生态学有其特有的理论优势和方法体系,若利用景观生态学的理论和研究方法来研究石漠化,可以解决目前石漠化研究中的某些相关问题。最后,在此基础上,从景观生态学的角度出发,展望了喀斯特石漠化未来研究的4个方向,即景观格局变化、景观异质性及其分区、石漠化过程空间动态模拟和生物多样性.  相似文献   

This paper provides an introduction to some of the fundamental principles and approaches in environmental economics which are of significance to achieving an integrated sustainability science. The concept of a circular economy, introduced by the late David Pearce in 1990, addresses the interlinkages of the four economic functions of the environment. The environment not only provides amenity values, in addition to being a resource base and a sink for economic activities, it is also a fundamental life-support system. Environmental economists have suggested that, taking these four functions as an analytical starting point, unpriced or underpriced services should be internalised in the economy. In Europe significant advances have been achieved in the pricing of externalities by means of truly interdisciplinary analysis which accounts in detail for the environmental consequences. The monetary estimates reached as a result of such interdisciplinary research are gradually being applied to the economic analysis of environmental policy priorities. Although such figures provide only a partial and incomplete picture of the environmental costs at stake, they support and inform the analysis of the virtues of a circular economy for individual resources as well as for sustainability as a future trajectory.  相似文献   

耕地多功能权衡与协同关系研究——以上海市青浦区为例   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为识别耕地各功能的关联程度及在不同空间上的相关关系,基于土地利用变更调查数据和统计年鉴等数据,利用冷热点分析和偏相关分析等方法对上海市青浦区耕地的生产功能、生态功能和景观功能进行空间定量化分析并划分五类功能区,识别各分区及整个区域的空间关联。结果表明:(1)耕地各功能空间分布差异显著,东部各功能状况较好,北部较差。(2)生产功能主导区主要分布在东北部,生态功能的主导区分布在东南部,景观功能主导区分布在西南部和北部,各功能的低值区集中在西北部,无显著功能区集中在淀山湖周围。(3)在整个区域内,生产-生态功能,生产-景观功能呈协同关系,生态-景观功能呈权衡关系,相关关系与各功能主导区具有差别。结论:耕地各功能之间存在显著的权衡与协同关系,并在不同功能主导区有一定差异。通过分析耕地多功能的空间分布差异和相关性能够有针对性的进行分区保护,从而实现耕地的可持续利用。  相似文献   

It is widely acknowledged that the implementation of the majority of agri-environmental measures (AEMs) does not allow for the quantification of expected environmental benefits, thereby undermining the possibilities to assess both their effectiveness and efficiency. The objective of this paper is to show how an approach to develop agri-environmental measures based on the multifunctional character of agro-ecosystem is useful to overcome the difficulties in assessing expected environmental benefits. In the following sections, the main theoretical concepts underlying the actual European model of multifunctional agriculture are introduced. Following a critique of some aspects of the current analysis of the joint production of environmental non-commodities, the rationale to operate a shift of focus from multifunctionality of agriculture to that of agro-ecosystems is proposed. Finally the methodology developed by the AEMBAC project, based on the assessment of impacts exerted by agriculture on the capacity of local agro-ecosystem to perform environmental functions, is presented to explain how this shift of focus facilitates the assessment of the delivering of multiple environmental goods and services.  相似文献   

湿地景观格局演变研究评述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
湿地景观格局演变研究是湿地生态学领域研究的热点问题。由于湿地具有独特的生态结构与功能并蕴涵丰富的生物多样性价值,其生态变化备受关注。同时,湿地资源作为一种重要的自然资源为人类的生存与发展提供了物质保证,深入了解湿地演变时空特征及其驱动机制是了解湿地生态演变规律和制定湿地保护对策的基础。通过分析近年来国内外湿地景观格局演变领域的主要研究理论、方法和成果,对包括景观格局指数、景观动态变化模型等湿地景观格局演变特征的研究方法和成果进行了探讨,分析了目前湿地景观格局演变驱动力研究的制约因素,对驱动因子的选取及定量表征驱动力的模型研究等各个方面的优缺点进行了评价,并在此基础上,进一步指出了本领域相关研究的研究趋势和发展方向。  相似文献   

道路是景观生态系统的主要组成部分之一,高密度的公路系统通过改变自然景观特征、干扰生态系统物质与信息交流、诱发水土流失、破坏动植物栖息环境、加快生物入侵对生态系统造成巨大影响。为了提高公路交通建设的科学技术水平,探索资源节约、环境友好的新型公路交通发展模式,通过湖北神宜公路改扩建工程项目的科学总结与理论提升,提出了“近自然绿道”的技术与工程措施。研究表明:围绕“路景相融、自然神宜”的建设目标,坚持“亲近自然、文化传承、科学创新、和谐发展”的公路建设新理念,实践“环境保护、交通安全、经济与社会和谐发展与教育示范”“近自然绿道”的和谐道路建设目标,可以较好地实现公路建设中的环境保护和经济发展双赢的目标,实现社会经济可持续发展  相似文献   

Environmental literacy is a key concept to promote individual behavioral changes toward a more sustainable lifestyle to consciously react to environmental challenges such as climate change. Promoting knowledge, attitudes and behaviors provides a reasonable basis to prepare adolescents for their future. A recently proposed environmental literacy model comprises three-dimensional knowledge, environmental attitudes and pro-environmental behavior. The present study applies this model by implementing an intervention focusing on tropical rainforests and climate change in a botanical garden, combining student-centered activities with self-dependent learning. Data from 283 10th graders quantify individual knowledge, attitudes and behavior scores. Knowledge acquisition, a positive development of the Inclusion of Nature in One's Self concept and increasing pro-environmental behavior intentions were found by comparing an intervention group with a test–retest group. In conclusion, our botanical garden’s intervention evidently furthered appreciative tendencies and even encouraged environmental literacy.  相似文献   

选择位于北京中关村生命科技园区的休闲广场为研究区来探讨小尺度城市边缘区景观格局与小气候环境因子相关性,基于SPOT卫星数据和实地小气候观测数据进行计算和分析,结果表明:各种绿地类型要比相同观测期内的非绿地覆盖的土地利用类型温度低,湿度大;景观多样性指数与各小气候因子相关系数R2基本接近于1,表明二者有极显著的相关性;而边界密度指数、斑块密度指数和形状指数与各小气候环境因子的相关程度的显著性差异比较大:14:00地温与形状指数相关系数R2大于0.8的占77.78%;气温与边界密度指数和斑块密度指数的相关系数R2大于0.8都占66.67%;相对湿度与形状指数的相关程度8:00要比14:00显著(8:00相关系数R2大于0.8的占55.56%),该研究结果证实了景观格局与环境因子确实存在着复杂的非线型关系。  相似文献   

There are hardly any critical discussions of sustainable development indicator sets designed for use at the national level. This article aims at rectifying this omission in critical academic research by contributing to the discourse on environmental sustainability with an assessment of the indicator set used for the measurement of sustainable development in Germany. It will evaluate to what extent the sustainable development concept is reflected in the structure of the strategy and analyse in how far fundamental environmental issues are covered by the indicator set. The discussion will show that the environmental dimension of the sustainability concept is not sufficiently integrated in the German National Sustainable Development Strategy. Although the strategy??s indicator set contains a range of environmental indicators, gaps in the German indicator set become apparent when contrasted with important issues of sustainability. It will be concluded that the environmental dimension of the sustainable development concept is not the recurrent theme in either the strategy or the indicator set.  相似文献   

区域持续发展与地理信息系统的协调作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
环境与发展是当今人类社会所面临的两大主题,已引起各国政府和国际社会的广泛关注。持续发展代表了一种新的发展战略和我们从事经济活动的新方法。地理信息系统技术具有综合各种社会、经济和环境因素的能力,为科学决策和实现区域持续发展提供了一种强有力的工具。同时,地理信息系统为在区域持续发展中利用生态学方法、时序分析和科学决策提供了强有力的技术支持。在我国,区域持续发展已引起了越来越多的研究机构与政府部门的重视。应该注意到,实现这一目标离不开地理信息系统技术的支持。本文主要讨论地理信息系统对区域持续发展的作用和探讨建立区域持续发展的地理信息系统的理论模式。  相似文献   

中共中央办公厅和国务院办公厅印发的《生态环境损害赔偿制度改革试点方案》已经明确提出了生态环境损害的赔偿问题,对生态环境本身造成损害需要承担责任将成为中国法治时代又一个崭新的命题,对生态环境造成损害担责因何而生、又因何而立?生态环境损害责任确立的理论根据到底是什么?笔者认为只有明确生态环境损害责任确立的理论基础,才能促进生态损害赔偿制度的有效构建与救济机制的健康运行,才能为"美丽中国"建设提供法治保障。本文以马克思主义生态文明观为研究视角,探讨了生态文明观作为中国生态环境损害责任确立的理论基础之科学性与合理性。本文研究发现,马克思主义生态文明观不仅扫清了环境损害责任确立的思想和认识障碍,而且回应了个别学者对环境损害责任成立的质疑,为环境损害责任的确立奠定了思想和理论基础;不仅如此,生态文明观还为环境损害责任的实施提供了政治、经济、文化、技术和法治保障,是生态文明观孕育了环境损害责任。本文进一步分析了生态文明观之所以能够孕育环境损害责任制度的原因,是因为生态文明观与环境损害责任有诸多内在的共同性:生态文明观与环境损害责任之间同根同源,都起源于生态环境危机的时代背景,直接目的就是为了实现环境保护,共同的手段就是环境法治,最深层次的共同价值追求是实现人与自然的和谐共生。中国未来生态环境损害责任制度的建立与运行,应当自觉坚持以马克思主义生态文明观为指导,自觉将马克思主义生态文明观作为思想指南和理论渊源。  相似文献   

Sustainability is an important concept for society, economics, and the environment, with thousands of research papers published on the subject annually. As sustainability science becomes a distinctive research field, it is important to define sustainability clearly and grasp the entire structure, current status, and future directions of sustainability science. This paper provides an academic landscape of sustainability science by analyzing the citation network of papers published in academic journals. A topological clustering method is used to detect the sub-domains of sustainability science. Results show the existence of 15 main research clusters: Agriculture, Fisheries, Ecological Economics, Forestry (agroforestry), Forestry (tropical rain forest), Business, Tourism, Water, Forestry (biodiversity), Urban Planning, Rural Sociology, Energy, Health, Soil, and Wildlife. Agriculture, Fisheries, Ecological Economics, and Forestry (agroforestry) clusters are predominant among these. The Energy cluster is currently developing, as indicated by the age of papers in the cluster, although it has a relatively small number of papers. These results are compared with those obtained by natural language processing. Education, Biotechnology, Medical, Livestock, Climate Change, Welfare, and Livelihood clusters are uniquely extracted by natural language processing, because they are common topics across clusters in the citation network.  相似文献   

Land-use patterns are influenced by both top-down and bottom-up (local) factors, with their interactions varying in both space and time. This provides a major challenge to decision-making for sustainable multifunctional landscapes. A cross-scale scenario structure has been developed to integrate top-down and bottom-up context based upon the familiar IPCC Special Report on Emission Scenarios framework. Qualitative scenario storylines are converted into multiple quantified simulations of regional land-use change using a series of rules, with information translated across scales using a hierarchical land-use classification. Land-use parcels (fields) are used as key landscape reference units representing the local dimension of regional changes. Biophysical limitations on land use are represented through land capability classes (climate, soils and topography). Socio-economic factors are characterised in reference to global drivers, policy targets or local preferences. A flexible stochastic software tool (LandSFACTS) ensures spatiotemporal coherence of land-use allocation simulations consistent with scenario storylines. Scenario development is designed to be interactive, bridging ‘problem-focussed’ and ‘actor-focussed’ approaches. A case study is presented from NE Scotland, where plans to enhance multifunctionality through new woodland are evaluated against drivers of globalisation and climate change. Competing priorities, such as food security, mean that in some scenarios, a policy objective for woodland expansion to occur on farmland cannot be met. Woodland expansion would then have to occur on uncultivated upland areas. Scenario analysis has highlighted specific sensitivity to change in ‘marginal’ agricultural areas, with the varying influence of different top-down or bottom-up factors leading to divergent potential outcomes.  相似文献   

Our research addresses the gap in scientific research on the fine-grain spatial patterns and social–ecological interactions of land use and agrobiodiversity. The spatial dimension of agrobiodiversity dynamics potentially strengthens the social–ecological resilience and food security of smallholders by buffering risk and vulnerability. Our research integrates the scientific theories, concepts, and methods of spatial externalities, social–ecological interactions, geospatial land and global change sciences, and political ecology. We designed a case study of the Arbieto-Tarata landscape in the Bolivian Andes that comprises a globally significant agrobiodiversity hot spot of Andean maize. The Arbieto-Tarata landscape, which contains nearly 8000 fields at 2500–2800 masl, is representative of mixed-use smallholder agri-food systems amid global changes. Our research predicts spatial spillover and edge effects of combined social and environmental factors leading to the clustering of same-crop fields. Findings reveal significant levels of the predicted clustering between 2006 and 2012. The degree of this clustering is found to differ among geographic and environmental sub-areas reflecting fine-grain variation of local causal linkages. Extra-local causal linkages include high levels of migration, water resource shortages, and urbanization. Results show the influences of informal and formal coordination in the spatial clustering of same-crop fields. This field-level coordination improves the efficiency of resource allocations and lowers costs of production. It enables the viability of high-agrobiodiversity Andean maize in smallholder land use and agri-food systems amid global changes. The article discusses the broader policy and scientific implications of these findings including scaling up and support of the social–ecological resilience of agrobiodiversity globally.  相似文献   

In Central Europe, management of forests for multiple ecosystem services (ES) has a long tradition and is currently drawing much attention due to increasing interest in non-timber services. In face of a changing climate and diverse ES portfolios, a key issue for forest managers is to assess vulnerability of ES provisioning. In a case study catchment of 250 ha in the Eastern Alps, the currently practiced uneven-aged management regime (BAU; business as usual) which is based on irregularly shaped patch cuts along skyline corridors was analysed under historic climate (represented by the period 1961–1990) and five transient climate change scenarios (period 2010–2110) and compared to an unmanaged scenario (NOM). The study addressed (1) the future provisioning of timber, carbon sequestration, protection against gravitational hazards, and nature conservation values under BAU management, (2) the effect of spatial scale (1, 5, 10 ha grain size) in mapping ES indicators and (3) how the spatial scale of ES assessment affects the simultaneous provision of several ES (i.e. multifunctionality). The analysis employed the PICUS forest simulation model in combination with novel landscape assessment tools. In BAU management, timber harvests were smaller than periodic increments. The resulting increase in standing stock benefitted carbon sequestration. In four out of five climate change scenarios, volume increment was increasing. With the exception of the mildest climate change scenario (+2.6 °C, no change in precipitation), all other analysed climate change scenarios reduced standing tree volume, carbon pools and number of large old trees, and increased standing deadwood volume due to an intensifying bark beetle disturbance regime. However, increases in deadwood and patchy canopy openings benefitted bird habitat quality. Under historic climate, the NOM regime showed better performance in all non-timber ES. Under climate change conditions, the damages from bark beetle disturbances increased more in NOM compared with BAU. Despite favourable temperature conditions in climate change scenarios, the share of admixed broadleaved species was not increasing in BAU management, mainly due to the heavy browsing pressure by ungulates. In NOM, it even decreased and mean tree age increased. Thus, in the long run NOM may enter a phase of lower resilience compared with BAU. Most ES indicators were fairly insensitive to the spatial scale of indicator mapping. ES indicators that were based on sparse tree and stand attributes such as rare admixed tree species, large snags and live trees achieved better results when mapped at larger scales. The share of landscape area with simultaneous provisioning of ES at reasonable performance levels (i.e. multifunctionality) decreased with increasing number of considered ES, while it increased with increasing spatial scale of the assessment. In the case study, landscape between 53 and 100 % was classified as multifunctional, depending on number and combinations of ES.  相似文献   

The socio-cultural assessment of ecosystem services has been proposed as a promising tool for eliciting people’s preferences towards ecosystem services. Despite an increasing integration of the socio-cultural perspective in ecosystem service research, little knowledge exists about linkages between landscape and the socio-cultural values people assign to ecosystem services. This paper combines a socio-cultural valuation approach with the use of landscape pictures to analyse and compare people’s perceived importance of the provisioning, regulating, and cultural ecosystem service categories across three landscape types (i.e. larch meadows, spruce forests, and hay meadow). A survey with 470 tourists visiting the region of South Tyrol (Italy) was conducted to link people’s perceived importance to their socio-demographic background and to the landscape types explored. The results show that regulating ecosystem services are preferred over provisioning and cultural services, whereby environmental awareness is found to be more influential than formal education levels regarding the perceived importance of regulating services. The results further demonstrate that cultural background is an important driver in determining people’s perceived importance of cultural services. The underlying landscape types, however, exert an even stronger influence on people’s socio-cultural valuation of ecosystem service categories. This finding suggests that the focus of most ecosystem services assessments on the study area as a whole risks mistakenly attributing differences in people’s socio-cultural values to socio-demographic characteristics only. A better knowledge of the spatial integration of socio-cultural values, however, could help with anticipating the consequences of changes in the landscape and provide better guidance for future landscape planning.  相似文献   

试论旅游经济与环境保护的关系——以香溪河风景线为例   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
阐述了旅游经济与环境保护矛盾的由来;分析了旅游经济系统,景观生态系统的结构与功能。指出旅游经济系统的旅游产品结构、旅游行业结构同环境保护关系最为密切,只有对其结构实行优化,才可能解决它们与景观生态系统结构之间的矛盾,把旅游经济活动对生态与环境影响降低到最小程度。旅游经济系统功能与景观生态系统功能,受其经济影响也经常处于矛盾状态之中。自然景观生态系统是通过食物链和食物网进行物质、能量传递的,倘若旅游  相似文献   

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