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The urban quality of life (UQoL) from objective dimension was analyzed in the main Cuban cities. An Urban Quality of Life Index (UQoLI) was developed in collaboration with 60 experts (five in each city). These experts belong to one of two categories: in charge of the planning of the city and members of the Municipal Council of Administration. One hundred and forty-two directors of the Local District Administration also participated in the analysis. The UQoLI includes three dimensions: social services, economic performance, and urban services, the importance of which is weighed according to expert criteria. A Ranking of the studied cities, sorted by the UQoLI, shows a tendency of increase it UQoL in the west even and central regions. This tendency contradicts one of the foundations of the Cuban sustainable development framework, i.e., equity.  相似文献   

Improving access to water and sanitation does not necessarily guarantee longevity of those systems transferred. Lessons from past interventions suggest that success depends on acceptance of the technology from the recipients and sustained use after donor assistance ends. A qualitative evaluation of urban community sanitation systems in Indonesia is conducted by use of a diagnostic tool, called RECAP, focusing on technology performance and experience. By means of surveys and qualitative interviews, the perceptions of involved stakeholders (local government, implementing agency and users) are evaluated. Conclusions suggest bridging the gap between governments and users in relation to maintenance and monitoring would improve the quality and longevity of interventions.  相似文献   

Protected areas have been earmarked throughout the world for the purpose of conserving the biodiversity. The protected areas are facing serious threats due to rapid urban growth, especially in the developing countries like India. The current threats and impacts of urbanization on the Okhla Bird Sanctuary (Delhi, India) have been presented in this paper as a case in point. Uncontrolled urbanization and the lack of policy implementation have been identified as one of the major contributors to incessant biodiversity loss in India and other countries. In addition, a possible management framework for a smaller protected area in an urban setting is presented in brief.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a series of 11 studies on the relationships between large Western cities (Paris, London, Brussels, Vienna, Barcelona, Athens, New York, Providence) and their surrounding territories over a long historical time period. The concept of hinterland is introduced to designate a rural territory structured by its function of supplying the city with food, fuel, water and other material. The papers question the usefulness of this concept in the current globalized world, where cities are often considered as simple nodes of a network of worldwide trade exchanges, but where new citizen aspirations for reconnecting urban and rural territories are emerging.  相似文献   

Rapid urbanization in the developing world calls for attention to address the issue of urban sustainability, especially in emerging countries such as China, where social equity and environmental conditions have been marginalized by the rapid economic development. In this paper, we addressed the above issue with an attempt to answer the following questions: (1) How did the sustainability of Chinese cities evolve over time? (2) What are the driving forces for the evolution? By constructing a composite index that incorporates three major aspects of sustainability, economy, environment, and social equity, we characterized the recent evolution of Chinese cities and assessed the disparity among regions in terms of the sustainability measures. Further, we analyzed the driving forces for the change of sustainability indices through a driving force-pressure-state-effect model. We substantiate our numerical analysis of Chinese cities with a detailed case study of Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang Autonomous Region, which has experienced significant change over the past 3 decades in every aspect of sustainability. We highlight some fundamental socioeconomic driving forces that have caused spatial restructuring, reflected by land-use change, and consequently impacted the urban environment of Urumqi. A brief case analysis of Guangzhou is also provided.  相似文献   

Environment, Development and Sustainability - The rapid urban growth in mid-sized cities of developing nations has induced conflict between development and the environment, often leading to urban...  相似文献   

Measuring performance and setting targets and benchmarks for the future entail the adoption of metrics or indicators. Sustainability is a multi-pronged objective encompassing social, economic, health, cultural, governance and environmental aspects. Indicators can be grouped under these categories. The selection of environmental sustainability indicators for a water and wastewater utility in a city needs to be based on concerns specific to the utility in question. The authors, in this paper, have recommended the classification of cities into city types based on specific attributes and identification of relevant environmental sustainability indicators, from a pool of 13 indicators, for these different city types. Having selected the relevant indicators, utilities can use them as tools to improve their environmental performance. The purpose is to not facilitate inter-utility comparisons within or across city types. Every utility would compare its environmental performance at a given point in time with what it was in the past. Towards the end, the paper also applies the methodology to nine cities across four continents—Europe (Oslo, Trondheim and Turin), Asia (the National Capital Territory of Delhi, Beijing, Tel Aviv and Male), North America (Sacramento) and South America (São Paulo). In all, 13 environmental sustainability indicators have been identified. Two cities—Oslo and Trondheim (both from Norway) belong to the same city type, while the other seven are different from each other in this regard. The number of relevant indicators ranged from 4 for Trondheim to 11 for Tel Aviv. The methodology is not restricted to urban water supply and sewage handling systems. It can be extended to other infrastructure systems as well—waste management, transportation, etc.  相似文献   

城市化是深刻影响经济社会发展的一项重大社会工程,也是在世界范围内具有一定普遍规律的发展现象,我国多年来快速的城市化取得了积极成效,也积累了严重的环境问题。本研究从经济发展与环境压力的国内外研究出发,以285个地级及以上城市为研究对象,利用调整过的STIRPAT模型,分析这些城市2004—2013年工业SO_2排放强度、工业废水排放强度和工业烟(粉)尘排放强度的驱动因素,结果显示:(1)产业结构调整会产生显著的环境效应,第二产业产值占比对工业污染物排放强度有显著的拉动作用,虽然现阶段我国大多数城市的产业结构向合理化趋势发展,但部分城市仍过分倚重第二产业对经济的拉动,资源消耗大、环境污染严重;(2)城市人口密度与空间规模扩张,使不同规模、不同经济发展水平的城市间出现了"污染转移"现象;(3)我国城市成为外资企业"污染避难所"的问题并不突出,外资企业对工业烟(粉)尘排放相关产业部门降低排放强度有显著的正环境效应;(4)在一定的城市规模区间内,城市规模对工业污染物排放强度有显著影响;(5)285个城市中,大多数城市的工业污染物排放强度的EKC曲线拐点可能已经到来且处于曲线下降阶段,污染反弹的可能性不大,但污染物排放强度拐点的到来并不意味着环境质量改善的拐点也到来。因此,需要正确认识和处理好经济发展与环境保护之间的关系,为城市化发展滞后地区留足发展的生态资本,通过强化环保总体规划、明确生态红线和城市增长边界,合理布局城市产业结构、提高城市土地集约化程度引进绿色资本、实施差异化评估考核等方式推动城市绿色可持续发展。  相似文献   

Natural variation in the level of micronutrients in plants and soils of the Polar Urals depending on the types of bedrocks has been evaluated. The contents of Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr, and Co have been determined by the atomic absorption method in 156 plant species of 25 families and in 38 soil samples. It has been found that the mineral composition of plant species varies depending on edaphic conditions. Taxon-specific features in the accumulation of chemical elements in plants of the Polar Urals have been revealed for the first time on the basis of a large amount of data.  相似文献   

The Sahel has been the object of intensive international research since the drought of the early 1970s. A considerable part of the research has focused on environmental change in general and land degradation, land cover change and climate change in particular. Rich and diverse insights from many different scientific disciplines about these three domains have been put forward. One intriguing feature is that an agreement on the overall trends of environmental change does not appear to emerge: questions such as whether the Sahel is greening, cropland is encroaching on rangelands, drought persists remain contested in the scientific literature, and arguments are supported by contrasting empirical evidence. The paper explores the generic reasons behind this situation in a systematic manner. We distinguish between divergences in interpretations emerging from (1) conceptualizations, definitions and choice of indicators, (2) biases, for example, related to selection of study sites, methodological choices, measurement accuracy, perceptions among interlocutors, and selection of temporal and spatial scales of analysis. The analysis of the root causes for different interpretations suggests that differences in findings could often be considered as complementary insights rather than mutually exclusive. This will have implications for the ways in which scientific results can be expected to support regional environmental policies and contribute to knowledge production.  相似文献   

城镇化对进城农民环保行为影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放以来,伴随中国经济的迅速增长和工业化进程提速,我国城镇化速度明显加快,之前较多的研究关注了城镇化对于我国资源和环境的压力,而较少有研究者从城镇化影响进城人口环保行为的微观视角来探讨城镇化对于降低环境压力的正向效应。采用中国社会综合调查2013年数据,本研究通过比较进城农民和留守农民环保行为的差异验证了城镇化对进城农民环保行为的影响,考虑到由选择性误差引起的内生性问题,本研究采用倾向值匹配的方法对内生性问题进行了修正,结果支持城镇化对进城农民环保行为的改善效应。另外,本研究发现进城农民和留守农民在私人领域的环保行为参与程度差距较大,而在公共领域环保行为参与程度差距较小。最后本研究提出了两个城镇化影响进城农民环保行为的中间机制并进行了初步验证:一是农村户籍居民进城后通过媒体接触,与城市居民互动获得更多环境知识进而改善自身环保行为,二是农民通过改善了环境关注水平,环境重要性认知等环境态度进而改善自身环保行为。本研究认为城镇化对于进城农民环保行为的正向影响对于降低城市环境压力有着积极的作用,因此公共决策部门应继续利用城市载体对规模人群的辐射效应,并不断通过政府引导、媒体宣传和社会参与来提升公众环保意识,营造出全民保护环境的城市社会环境进而不断改善公众环保行为。另外,针对进城农民在公共领域环保行为参与率较低的现状,城市政府既要不断提升进城农民的城市融入水平以改善进城农民对融入城市的环境关心水平,也应不断健全公共领域环保行为的参与机制以保障其参与渠道畅通。  相似文献   

Public perception of flood hazard in two Nigerian cities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

This article primarily discusses the issue of realizing sustainable development in Shandong Province, China through transformation. It compares the global energy structure to China’s, as well as among regions and provinces within China. The article takes six cities in Shandong Province as typical objectives, and then using principal component analysis it calculates their flexibility in regard to city shift and restructuring. The main purpose was to quantify the impact of economic activities triggered by the coal industry, a.k.a the energy economic nexus, and to assess the flexibility and sustainability in transformation among the observed coal-based cities.  相似文献   

Environment, Development and Sustainability - To make the emergency plan system more feasible and make up for the deficiency of current emergency management organization, a super network structure...  相似文献   

从人居环境与城市竞争力的关联性入手,将生态、居住、生产环境纳入一个分析框架。运用AHP与多级模糊综合评价相结合的方法,构建城市人居环境竞争力指标体系,对长江中游城市群城市人居环境竞争力进行评估并解析了其空间分异特征。此外,依托Arcgis平台,运用空间聚类分析法,基于人居环境竞争力特征进行区域归类,并借助箱型图,对城市人居环境竞争力领域及区域类别特征进行了探索。研究表明:(1)竞争力分布中,浙赣线江西段沿线城市生态、休闲环境竞争力等级最高,京广线沿线城市的居住、公共服务环境竞争力等级最高,居住、公共服务竞争力空间格局具有高度相似性。区域中心及副中心城市在经济发展环境竞争力领域具有显著优势。(2)综合竞争力二级以上等级的城市主要分布于环鄱阳湖地区,包括九江、景德镇、上饶、鹰潭、南昌,以及省会城市武汉、长沙。(3)四类空间的城市人居环境竞争力优劣格局十分清晰。第1类区域围绕省会等区域中心、副中心城市分布,生态环境具有最优竞争力,居住、公共服务、经济发展环境最劣;第2类区域多为区域中心、副中心城市,强势竞争力集中于居住、公共服务、经济发展环境领域,而休闲环境为最劣势;第3类区域多为临山型城市,具有最优异的休闲环境竞争力;第4类区域以老工业城市居多,在生态环境、公共服务环境拥有相对优异的竞争力。最后,以因地制宜、突出特色为出发点,基于格局、类别特征等提出了涵盖现实特征、发展定位、重点措施等内容的长江中游城市群城市人居环境竞争力提升路径选择。其中,第1类区域定位为生态优异的山水园林城市;第2类应以营造城市外部开放空间为重心,推进公共服务设施智慧转型,打造为智慧高效的综合都市;第3类区域建议以良好的休闲环境作为特色人居环境建设的切入点,有序推进对居住、生产、生活空间的综合整治,致力建成休闲舒适的中小田园城市;第4类区域按照老工业基地调整改造规划要求,重塑城市形象,建成安居乐业的可持续发展城市。  相似文献   

This study estimates the social benefits of wetland conservation in the Credit River watershed, located in an urban/peri urban area in Southern Ontario, Canada. A stated preference approach was employed to value wetland conservation programs which ranged from retaining the existing wetlands to restoring various levels of acres of wetlands over the 2009–2020 period. A total of 1,407 households completed an internet-based survey which presented trade-offs in binary choice scenarios framed as referenda. Responses were analyzed using various models, one of which was a latent class analysis which segmented respondents into three classes. This econometric approach uncovered significant preference heterogeneity for wetland conservation. Assignment of respondents to the classes suggested that about one-third of the sample was willing to pay small amounts to retain the existing wetlands. An additional third was willing to pay several hundred dollars a year for retention and small positive amounts for additional restoration. The final third were apparently willing to pay considerable sums for retention, but lesser amounts for additional restoration. However, further analysis revealed that respondents in this third class largely constituted yea-sayers. These results suggest caution in interpreting associated economic valuation estimates and highlight the importance of attempting to understand hypothetical bias in wetland and other such valuation studies.  相似文献   

供给侧改革驱动资源型城市转型的机制分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
供给侧结构性改革旨在调整经济结构,促进产业优化重组,实现要素资源的最优配置,消除过剩产能,提高有效供给,是经济新常态下维持经济中高速发展的重要手段。目前,我国资源型城市转型不仅面临着传统"城市病"的威胁,还面临着"资源诅咒"的困境,制度保障不足、产业刚性严重、要素创新低下已成为资源型城市转型的重大瓶颈。资源型城市迫切需要提升供给质量,提高全要素生产率,实现供给侧结构性改革以破解城市转型难题。供给侧结构性改革从全面提升供给质量的角度,为资源型城市转型提供新思路。文章首先结合宏观、中观、微观的整体分析思路,从制度供给、产业供给和要素供给三个层面分析了供给侧改革对资源型城市转型的驱动效用,有助于完善制度保障体系、产业结构体系和要素创新体系。其次,界定阐释了供给侧结构性改革驱动资源型城市转型的因子,主要包括:行政制度、经济制度、文化制度、对外开放、社会建设制度等5个制度供给因子;产业结构、产业发展水平、产业发展环境、区域产业差异等4个产业供给因子;人力资源水平、科技创新、资源供给、生态环境、资金供给等5个要素供给因子。最后,以制度改革为保障,要素创新为手段,产业转型为核心,构建了供给侧结构性改革驱动资源型城市转型的综合机制,调控不同生命周期下不同层面影响因子的协同主导作用,实现制度、产业、要素三方供给要素的良性互动,促进资源型城市经济、社会、城市三位一体的转型,为顺利实现资源型城市转型提供理论参考。  相似文献   

The frequency, duration, and intensity of cold waves are expected to decrease in the near future under the changing climate. However, there is a lack of understanding on future mortality related to cold waves. The present study conducted a large-scale national projection to estimate future mortality attributable to cold waves during 1960–2050 in 209 US cities. Cold waves were defined as two, three, or at least four consecutive days with daily temperature lower than the 5th percentile of temperatures in each city. The lingering period of a cold wave was defined as the non-cold wave days within seven days following that cold wave period. First, with 168 million residents in 209 US cities during 1962–2006, we fitted over-dispersed Poisson regressions to estimate the immediate and lingering effects of cold waves on mortality and tested if the associations were modified by the duration of cold waves, the intensity of cold waves, and mean winter temperature (MWT). Then we projected future mortality related to cold waves using 20 downscaled climate models. Here we show that the cold waves (both immediate and lingering) were associated with an increased but small risk of mortality. The associations varied substantially across climate regions. The risk increased with the duration and intensity of cold waves but decreased with MWT. The projected mortality related to cold waves would decrease from 1960 to 2050. Such a decrease, however, is small and may not be able to offset the potential increase in heat-related deaths if the adaptation to heat is not adequate.  相似文献   

基于中国高空间分辨率网格数据,建立新疆地级市CO_2排放数据集,探讨新疆CO_2排放的空间特征,为新疆低碳发展的空间布局规划提供一定的依据。研究采用"自下而上"的空间化方法建立排放数据集,并用统计学方法分析排放数据统计特征。研究结果:从整体看,CO_2直接排放总体分散,局部集中,基本沿着天山分为南部和北部,北部地区排放高于南部地区。从区域看,天山北坡经济带CO_2排放最高;丝绸之路经济带的中通道、北通道和南通道排放依次递减。从部门看,服务业与城镇生活CO_2排放相关性最高,间接排放与其他部门排放相关性最弱。从类型看,工业型地级市CO_2人均排放最高,总排放均值略低于服务业型地级市,远高于其他类型地级市;人口规模越大的地级市CO_2排放均值越大,但其人均排放越少。结论与讨论:1新疆CO_2排放空间差异显著,其排放较大的地级市整体效率不高,将是减排的重点区。2工业化、城镇化是新疆CO_2排放的重要影响因素,将是减排的着力点。3省际生态补偿和碳排放指标分配时应适度考虑能源输出引致本地较高CO_2排放的特情。  相似文献   

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