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贵阳市循环经济发展度量的研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
循环经济指标体系旨在度量区域循环经济发展的系统目标和工作进展。该文在“驱动力-压力-状态-响应”(DPSR)框架下设计度量区域循环经济发展的指标体系,含有状态指标、压力指标、驱动力指标、响应指标以及分离指标共5类指标集合。其中,分离指标集合作为循环经济的特征指标来表征经济发展与资源投入和污染产出分离的效果和趋势。考察贵阳循环经济规划案例表明:贵阳如果走循环经济的发展道路,可以转变经济增长方式,实现经济增长与资源投入和污染产出的分离。  相似文献   

山东省农业循环经济发展评价   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
为了加快农业循环经济发展,首先要对发展状态进行评估。该文以循环经济理论为依据,探索建立表征农业循环经济发展程度的指标体系,并以山东省17市为例,进行主成分分析,评价山东省各市农业循环经济发展程度,找出各地农业循环经济发展过程中存在的差距,为推动区域农业循环经济发展提供理论支持。研究发现各地区农业循环经济发展程度与区域总体发展水平并不一致,一些经济发达地区忽视农业资源的节约利用导致农业循环经济发展水平不高。为加快出东省农业循环经济发展,建议通过推进农业产业化,节约资源投入;大力推广农业清洁生产;合理规划和确立农业循环经济发展模式。  相似文献   

巢湖流域农业循环经济发展的综合评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于循环经济的3R原则,建立了巢湖流域农业循环经济发展评价的指标体系,采用熵权法确定指标权重,对1990-2004年全流域农业循环经济发展进行了描述性和综合性评价。评价结果表明,巢湖流域农业循环经济发展程度在逐步提高,并且具有明显的阶段性;经济与社会发展指标成为主要障碍因素,但资源循环利用和资源减量投入的限制作用越来越大。结合评价结果,提出了促进巢湖流域循环经济发展的政策建议。  相似文献   

试论以物质流分析方法为基础建立我国循环经济指标体系   总被引:27,自引:1,他引:26  
为了更好地推动我国循环经济建设的发展。本文介绍了当前国际上用来分析资源问题的物质流分析(MFA.Material Flow Analysis)方法:描述了日本以MFA方法表述国家资源投入、废弃物产生和废弃物再生利用.并在此基础上提出国家循环经济社会发展目标的经验:指出MFA方法将是我国分析评价社会经济活动中资源使用状况的重要方法;并以此为依据.结合我国国情进一步提出我国的循环经济指标体系应包括的主要指标。这些指标将为我国制定循环经济发展目标、推进循环经济发展提供理论依据。也会成为循环经济社会建设中我国与国际比较,找出差距,调整战略的重要技术指标。  相似文献   

中国循环经济发展的空间分异与优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实施可持续发展战略,积极调整生产方式和消费模式将成为我国各省(市)区加速现代化建设的迫切要求和21世纪区域经济持续增长的磐由之路,发展循环经济是实现可持续发展战略的重要途径.我国的循环经济仍处于起步阶段,在理论和实践上尚存在许多亟待解决的困难与问题.由于我国区域间在国土规模、资源禀赋、经济基础、文化背景等方面的不同,各地区循环经济发展水平和能力必然存在着明显的差异性.本文在构建评价区域循环经济发展水平指标体系的基础上,运用主成分分析方法,对我国循环经济发展的空间差异进行了定量化的测度,并对存在的主要问题进行了深入的分析和探讨.一方面,我国各省(市)区的循环经济发展能力存在着明显的差异;另一方面,我国不同水平循环经济发展能力的地区中,循环经济发展能力较弱的地区处于控制地位,反映了目前我国发展循环经济仍然任重道远.尽管我国目前在推动循环经济发展方面取得了一定成效,但从总体上看,我国发展循环经济仍面临着一些障碍,需要综合运用经济、法律、行政等手段来加以克服.  相似文献   

以物质流分析方法为基础核算我国循环经济主要指标   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
为更好地推动我国循环经济建设的发展,需要建立一套用于评价循环经济发展的指标体系。介绍当前国际上通用的分析资源利用的物质流分析(MFA,Material Flow Analysis)方法,以及结合我国国情建立的我国发展循环经济的几个关于资源利用的主要指标。根据这些指标,分析了我国2000-2003年直接资源投入量的变化趋势以及与其他发达国家的差异和差距;并通过对2000年和2003年中国物质流发展趋势的分析,对中国循环经济的进展进行了评估。结果表明,以上述循环经济的评价指标为基础,确立我国循环经济发展目标,制定我国循环经济战略具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

C模式:中国发展循环经济的战略选择   总被引:28,自引:3,他引:28  
我国循环经济发展到了需要深化的阶段。运用生态效率的概念揭示循环经济的减物质化本质,通过对生态效率进行情景分析,指出适合我国的循环经济发展模式-C模式。C模式也称1.5-2倍数发展战略,该模式将给予我图的GDP增长一个15—20年左右缓冲的阶段,并希望经过15-20年的经济增长方式调整,最终达到一种相对的减物质化阶段。同时指出实现中图循环经济发展的C模式,需要技术和政策的双重保障。在发展循环经济过程中,中国不但要关注传统的渐进式的部门内部的技术变革,还要前瞻性地促进跨部门的技术变革。同时,还要建立基于生命周期分析和现代治理理论的促进循环经济发展的全过程、全方位政策体系。  相似文献   

不同经济发展阶段区域经济发展差异比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在介绍区域经济发展阶段各种理论及划分方法的基础上,通过计算1985-2004年间,广西崇左市、安徽滁州市、江苏南通市经济发展的变化轨迹,确定不同区域经济发展阶段.利用偏离-份额分析法对区域经济发展水平进行研究,表明崇左市经济结构较差,结构对于经济增长的贡献小且竞争能力较弱;滁州市经济中增长快的产业部门比重较大,总体经济结构较好,结构对于经济增长具有一定贡献,竞争能力较强;南通市经济中朝阳的、增长快的产业部门比重大,总体经济结构好,结构对于经济增长的贡献大,且各产业部门总的增长势头大,具有很强的竞争能力.建议:①崇左市参与中国-东盟自由贸易区、中越"两廊一圈"经济带以及泛珠三角经济区域,吸收泛珠三角经济区的产业转移,加快发展国际贸易.②滁州市应融入南京都市圈,吸引和承接东部地区的产业转移,注意生态城市建设,发展循环经济,实现经济和生态环境的综合协调发展.③南通市应把资源节约型的增长模式和消费方式作为经济增长方式转变的核心,提升产业的综合竞争力,最终实现经济社会协调发展.  相似文献   

以庄河循环经济园区为研究对象,应用规划环境影响评价的指标对其循环经济发展水平进行了探索与研究,构建了该园区的循环经济指标体系,并对其指标体系进行了量化,确定了循环经济指标体系的目标值,对循环经济园区的指标体系进行了计算与评价,得到了本区域实施规划后循环经济发展的总分值。  相似文献   

中国资源型城市循环经济发展水平的聚类实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于粗放型的发展模式受到严格限制,资源型城市的发展普遍面临严峻困境,发展循环经济,是资源型城市实现可持续发展的必然途径.对资源型城市循环经济发展水平进行计量实证研究,找出其发展共性和差异具有很强的现实意义和理论价值.通过构建资源型城市循环经济发展评价指标体系,收集涵盖全国34个典型资源型城市、17个资源枯竭城市的39个地级资源型城市和参照城市北京的22个原始指标数据,用功能互补的因子分析和聚类分析进行实证研究:首先用因子分析法对原始数据进行分析,用得到的8个因子代替原来的22个指标,进一步进行K-means聚类分析,对资源型城市的循环经济发展水平做了较为完整的评价,结果显示:资源型城市循环经济发展整体水平不高,循环经济发展理念有待深入,东营、克拉玛依等城市经济发展状况很好,为循环经济发展提供了良好的经济基础,晋城在循环经济的某些领域取得了较好的效果,白山的循环经济发展水平相对最低.  相似文献   

新疆工业循环经济建设研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新疆地处中亚,属于典型的干旱半干旱区,生态系统脆弱,传统的工业发展模式对其生态环境和绿洲稳定已构成一定的威胁.循环经济抓住了新疆当前资源相对稀缺而又大量消耗的症结,对突破其深层次矛盾和自然资源约束的瓶颈具有迫切的现实意义.该文根据循环经济的内涵和原则,结合地区特点,提出新疆工业循环经济建设应运用多学科进行综合研究,实现产业循环组合与资源循环利用,建立配套的循环经济管理实施体系和综合评价体系.以新疆国家级循环经济试点城市石河子市为典型案例,对新疆工业循环经济建设思路的分析表明:"一个综合"是科学构建新疆工业循环经济的前提,"两类循环"可促进新疆产业生态化与污染治理产业化、动脉产业与静脉产业的有机统一,"两个体系"将为疆内工业循环经济的持续推进和优化完善提供有力的保障机制.  相似文献   

Biomass energy has become an important measure to alleviate ecological environment security and energy supply security in China. Emergy accounting method is used to analyze and evaluate economy, environment, and sustainability of corn straw generation system, which includes corn planting subsystem, collection and transportation subsystem, and corn straw power generation subsystem. The key substances that need to be optimized in the system are identified by using sensitivity analysis. Based on the position of key substances in the system, emergy accounting optimization methodology is conducted. Corresponding optimization design scheme is proposed based on the “3R” (reduce, reuse, and recycle) principle of circular economy. Current study shows that emergy yield ratio, emergy investment ratio, environmental loading ratio, and emergy sustainability index of the corn straw power generation system are 3.69, 2.68, 1.61, and 2.29, respectively, which are better than wind power generation system and thermal power generation system. In addition, it is proposed that the fertilizer alternative plan and the transportation redesign plan can replace 50,000 tons potash and reduce equipment resources by 20% and energy resources input by 30%. Economy and sustainable development of the system is significantly improved. The optimization design method based on the “3R“ principle proposed in this paper can provide a useful reference for the research in the field of resource recycling.  相似文献   

From an economic point of view, the industrial economy is efficient to overcome situations of a scarcity of goods. From a technological point of view, the resource efficiency of the manufacturing processes of the industrial economy has been permanently improved during the last 200 years. In addition, cleaner processes have been developed. However, from an ecologic point of view, an increasing world population with increasing consumption has produced a "global footprint" which approaches the carrying capacity of the planet. A circular economy and its high-value spin-offs-a lake economy and a performance or functional service economy-can fulfil customers' needs with considerably less resource consumption, less environmental impairment in production and considerably less end-of-life product waste, especially in situations of affluence, when a considerable stock of physical goods and infrastructures exists. Also, in situations of a scarcity of natural resources, both energy and materials, often characterised by rapidly rising resource prices, the economic actors of a circular economy have a high competitive advantage over the actors of the industrial economy, due to much lower procurement costs for materials and energy. From a social point of view, a circular economy increases the number of skilled jobs in regional enterprises. However, the shift from a linear manufacturing economy to a circular or service economy means a change in economic thinking from flow (throughput) management to stock (asset) management: in a manufacturing economy with largely unsaturated markets, total wealth increases through accumulation as resource throughput (flow) is transformed into a higher stock of goods of better quality (but in a manufacturing economy with largely saturated markets, wealth represented by the stock of goods will no longer increase); in a circular or service economy, total wealth increases through a smart management of existing physical assets (stock) that are adapted to changes in both technology and customer demand. This second approach not only applies to physical capital but equally to social capital, such as health and education and green GDP. To measure the social wealth of a population, it is not the amount of money spent on schools and hospitals that matters, butif this expenditure has led to a better education of the students, and a better health of the people.  相似文献   

循环经济的定量化评价方法研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
循环经济的推行需要建立一套衡量物质在经济系统中循环程度的指标体系。本文根据经济系统内部物质流动的基本特征。建立了封闭和开放的经济系统的物质流总量模型。基于这两个模型构建了评价循环经济的指标:循环指数I1和循环指数I2。最后,运用这两个指标分别对日本1987年和2000年的物质流动状况进行了评价。并对评价结果进行了分析。  相似文献   


China’s circular economy is still at the initial stage, whose development has many difficulties and problems requiring immediate resolution theoretically and practically. Due to the differences of regions on the scale of land, endowment of resources, economic basis and cultural background, the developmental levels and capabilities of circular economy are inevitably different. Based on establishing the indicator system for assessing the developmental level of regional circular economy, spatial variation of China’s circular economy is measured by the quantitative measurement using principal component analysis, and the existing problems are also analyzed and discussed. On one hand, the differences of the development capability of the circular economy of different provinces (cities) are profound in China; Difference between the first category (strong) and the second category (relatively strong) is 1.1264 points. Difference between the second category and the third category (relatively weak) is 0.3867 points. Difference between the third category and the fourth category (weak) is 1.0238 points. Difference between the first category and the fourth category reaches up to 2.0869 points. Average difference between the area where the developmental level of circular economy is relatively strong and the area where the developmental level of circular economy is relatively weak is 1.3617 points. The differences of the distribution of the areas, with different development capability of circular economy, which are located in the three economic regions of China, are also profound. The regions with a relatively strong development capability of circular economy are mainly located in the eastern economic area, which account for 22.58% of the whole regions, while only account for 12.90% in the middle and western economic areas. On the contrary, the regions with a relatively weak development capability of circular economy account for 48.39% in the middle and western area, while account for 16.13% in the eastern area. On the other hand, among regions with different development capability of circular economy, the regions with a relatively weak development capability of circular economy are in a dominant position, which account for 64.52% of all the provinces (cities), which indicates that the development of the China’s circular economy still has a long way to go. Though certain achievements have been made in the development of China’s circular economy, in general, there are still some obstacles to be tacked in the development of China’s circular economy which require the economic, legal and administrative methods.  相似文献   

我国水资源循环经济发展与创新体系构建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
循环经济是针对持续经济增长对资源和环境压力而提出的一种发展理念、经济制度和技术范式相结合的新的经济发展模式,它以高效利用和循环利用为核心,以低消耗、低排放、高效率为基本特征,符合可持续发展思想。当前我国面临严重的水资源危机,循环经济是实现我国人口、资源与环境可持续发展的重要途径和有效措施,是我国水资源新战略的理想选择。水资源循环经济力图使人类对水资源的开发利用活动既符合水循环自然规律,又遵循社会经济规律,实现水循环与经济循环的和谐统一。水资源循环经济遵循减量化、再利用、再循环原则。我国发展水资源循环经济虽然已经具备一定的基础,但必须改革现有机制和体制,建立长效机制,构建水资源制度、技术和观念创新的体系。  相似文献   

循环经济评价指标体系分析   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
建立循环经济评价指标体系是评判循环经济发展质量的主要依据。循环经济的发展涵盖自然、社会、经济等各个方面。在综合分析经济、环境和社会指标的基础上,提出了评判循环经济发展状况的综合指标——循环经济发展度。通过对循环经济评价指标的筛选,确定由经济、环境、社会三个方面的43个指标构成循环经济发展度。最后介绍了循环经济评价结果的计算方法。  相似文献   

China's circular economy is still at the initial stage, whose development has many difficulties and problems requiring immediate resolution theoretically and practically. Due to the differences of regions on the scale of land, endowment of resources, economic basis and cultural background, the developmental levels and capabilities of circular economy are inevitably different. Based on establishing the indicator system for assessing the developmental level of regional circular economy, spatial variation of China's circular economy is measured by the quantitative measurement using principal component analysis, and the existing problems are also analyzed and discussed. On one hand, the differences of the development capability of the circular economy of different provinces (cities) are profound in China; ①Difference between the first category (strong) and the second category (relatively strong) is 1.1264 points. Difference between the second category and the third category (relatively weak) is 0.3867 points. Difference between the third category and the fourth category (weak) is 1.0238 points. Difference between the first category and the fourth category reaches up to 2.0869 points. Average difference between the area where the developmental level of circular economy is relatively strong and the area where the developmental level of circular economy is relatively weak is 1.3617 points. ②The differences of the distribution of the areas, with different development capability of circular economy, which are located in the three economic regions of China, are also profound. The regions with a relatively strong development capability of circular economy are mainly located in the eastern economic area, which account for 22.58% of the whole regions, while only account for 12.90% in the middle and western economic areas. On the contrary, the regions with a relatively weak development capability of circular economy account for 48.39% in the middle and western area, while account for 16.13% in the eastern area. On the other hand, among regions with different development capability of circular economy, the regions with a relatively weak development capability of circular economy are in a dominant position, which accountfor 64.52% of all the provinces (cities), which indicates that the development of the China's circular economy still has a long way to go. Though certain achievements have been made in the development of China's circular economy, in general, there are still some obstacles to be tacked in the development of China's circular economy which require the economic, legal and administrative methods.  相似文献   

It is difficult to realize the transformation from traditional economy industrial system to circular economy industrial system. Regarding primary raw materials as the indicators, the industrial system has been specified according to the divergence among the indicators and the circular utilization modes. In comparison with the association among industrial systems, the relationship among industrial sub-systems is named as industrial cross-linking in this paper. The industrial system which could completely utiLize and recycle the indicators shouM be increased and strengthened, and the circular economy industrial system with complete industrial association and industrial cross-linking should also be constructed. Taking the development of circular agricultural system basing on the traditional agricultural system as an example, the traditional agricultural products are regarded as the indicators which have been divided into foodstuff and crop straws which are used to produce food and articles for use, Like fertilizer, energy and papers etc. The way to construct the circular agricultural industrial system is to increase the industrial systems that could utilize the products generated from crop straws, feces and other castoffs and transform the wastewater and other trucks into environmental friendly products. It has also been pointed out that the construction of circular economy industrial system is conducive to the foundation of circular industrial economics and the establishment of the construction layout of circular economy and the application schemes. Suggestions to the theoretical and practical work of the next step have also been brought forward in this paper.  相似文献   

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