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中国西北地区人口、经济与资源环境协调状况评价   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
中国西北地区(陕、宁、甘、青、新)地处中国内陆.自然环境条件严酷。经济发展落后,人口、经济、环境之间的矛盾使西北地区人口、经济与资源环境协调发展问题备受关注。利用模糊数学中的隶属度概念和隶属度函数对西北五省区人口、经济和资源环境协调发展状况进行定量分析,结果表明:陕西省为中级协调水平,宁夏、甘肃和青海三省区处于轻度失调状态,新疆处于初级协调。西北五省区要继续推行退耕还林还草政策.加强生态保护区建设;降低人口生育率。减轻对资源环境的压力;依靠科技进步。提高资源附加值。  相似文献   

城市化造成我国城乡教育资源分布与实际需求存在偏差:农村小学教育资源浪费,城镇小学不能满足学龄儿童入学需求,城镇中学升学率的提高越来越受到教学资源不足的限制。在研究快速城市化背景下我国城乡基础教育资源优化配置问题的基础上。就农村基础教育资源的优化配置,提出有效盘活存量资源、合理配置增量资源、加强基础教育、发展职业技术教育、开展农业技术培训、强化农村人口思想素质教育的对策建议。就城镇基础教育资源的优化配置,提出扩大名校办学规模、加大对非“重点”学校的投入力度、发挥市场在教育资源配置中的作用的对策建议。  相似文献   

上海海域水污染源的变化趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
上海海域污染物主要来源于沿岸废水的排放和长江、黄浦江的携带。依据环保、水文、海洋部门发布的区域水环境质量公报,提取1981-2006年间上海水环境资料。分析城市废水排放、长江口和黄浦江污染物的排放。探讨上海海域水污染源的变化趋势。可得:过去25年。上海市年废水排放量在17.75-24.20亿t之间。其中。工业废水排放量持续减少,2000年以来工业废水排放的氰化物、重金属和砷的含量稳定在低值附近;生活废水排放量持续增长.其主要污染物为有机物。生活废水排放量与人口的增长呈正相关。过去25年上海市人均年生活废水的排放量增加了2.7倍。年增长量最大时达25%。近年来长江入海污染物的月通量在25.9~209.6万t之间;月通量在冬末最小.夏季最大;冬、夏季的差别达2.3~8.1倍。不同季节长江携带入海污染物的总量与长江径流量呈正相关:但多年比较。长江年排放入海污染物总量与其年径流量关系不显。黄浦江携带入海的污染物总量约占同期长江的1.2%~4%。近年来。上海排放到海域的有机污染物约相当于长江排放量的8%-25%,排放的重金属含量小于长江排放量的万分之三。  相似文献   

Using rural survey data for the year 2009,we provide evidence of work choices of rural laborers in ecologically vulnerable areas in North China,and model these choices as a function of characteristics of individuals,households,and land endowments.The findings reveal large differences between males and females,and between non-farm employment and part-time farming engagement Land scarcity is still an important driving factor in non-farming participation of rural laborers in the study area;and in the current case of land productivity and the total amount of land,there are still surplus rural labor forces in the study area.Diversification of livelihood reduces the pressure on land,thus facilitating ecosystem conservation.So,the paper concludes with the argument that establishing coordination mechanisms among non-farm employment of rural laborers,agricultural production,and restoration of ecosystems are essential for mitigating the conflicts of ecological security,agricultural production,and rural development in mis area.  相似文献   

Becoming the world’s largest emitter of carbon makes China the object of criticism;however,people may ignore the fact that when China exports low-carbon products,the carbon emissions have been left in the meanwhile,forming the so-called"embodied carbon".Using the input-output model,this paper analyzes the carbon emission intensity and amount of embodied carbon of various sectors in China’s export trade in 2002 and 2007,and filters out high carbon emission sectors.In addition,this paper also points out the problem of carbon emissions’international transfer from developed countries to China through the analysis of national and regional flow of export carbon emissions and changing of the proportion of emissions for exports relative to total emissions,and explains the reason that caused carbon transfer to China by using the treadmill of production theory.Based on that,this paper proposes some measures for carbon reduction in China from the foreign trade perspective.  相似文献   

In August 2011,the Sangzhi County government,Hunan Province,adopted a series of new health care policies as a national pilot of the New Cooperative Medical Scheme(referred to as 2011 NCMS).These policies were designed to further resolve illness-led poverty and the poor state of health care in the local area.The program had a positive impact and spread to other regions in Hunan Province.This paper will discuss the progress made as a result of the policies and several issues that challenge the scheme in practice.A total sample of 1212 individuals and 303 households were included in the analysis,and98 interviews were conducted with people related to the scheme.Our major findings indicate that the 201!NCMS has significantly reduced the out-of-pocket medical payment of rural residents,and also increased the township hospitals’patient flow.However,the medical scheme still faces many challenging issues during the implementation.With the increasing interest among the Chinese policy makers in strengthening and promoting the Sangzhi Model,the impacts of the scheme deserve greater attention in practice so as to further improve NCMS in rural China.  相似文献   

基于栅格的中国一季稻生产潜力研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
水稻在我国粮食安全和农业发展中地位重要,其中一季稻又是中国播种面积最大、分布最广泛、产量最大的水稻类型,科学估算一季稻生产潜力,对于合理制定水稻发展战略,挖掘水稻增产潜力,保证稻谷生产能力具有重要意义。该文利用国际上广泛采用的农业生态区模型,在地理信息系统技术支持下,将土地利用数据、作物属性数据进行从微观到宏观的综合集成,对我国一季稻光合生产潜力、光温生产潜力、光温水生产潜力以及包括土壤立地条件、质地、养分等在内的土地生产潜力及其空间分布进行1km×1km栅格尺度的估算和评价。研究结果表明,我国各农业生态区一季稻生产潜力存在明显差异,各农业生态区生产潜力具有自身的特点和优势,这与目前我国一季稻生产与布局基本相符。在此基础上提出了提高我国一季稻生产潜力,保障粮食安全的建议和措施,为中国农业生产和水稻发展战略提供了基础信息和科学依据。  相似文献   

中国特色可持续发展实践方式的跃变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
可持续发展本质上是一种实践。我国的实践方式是在国家和地方两个层面建设可持续发展实验区,这体现了我国可持续发展的内在要求,具有鲜明的中国特色和丰富的内涵,20年来已取得显著成效。但随着区域一体化的深化,区域性问题异常突出,既往以县区行政区划为主的实践方式显露出许多局限,亟需向跨行政区域可持续发展转变,也就是实现由“点”到“面”的跃变。为此,以“十一五”主体功能区划为契机,进行理论和政策创新,对可持续发展实践方式进行调整,着重从区域和乡镇两个层面探索推进中国可持续发展。  相似文献   

中国进出口贸易中的隐含碳估算   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
采用投入产出法。估算了1997-2006年中国进出口贸易中的隐含碳。对进出口商品都采用中国的碳耗水平所作的保守估计发现:1997-2006年,通过产品的形式,我国为国外排放了大量的碳,1997-2004年。隐含碳净出口占当年碳排放总量的比倒在0.5%-2.7%之间,2004年之后迅速增加。2006年该数字达10%左右。按照日本的碳耗效率对进口产品进行调整后的乐观估计发现。中国为j国该外转移排放的碳数量更为惊人。1997-2002年隐含碳净出口量占当年碳排放总量的12%~14%。2002年之后迅速增加,到2006年,该数字已达29.28%。作为生产者和消费者,中国和其出口国都是这些碳排放的受益者,都应该对气候变化负责。一味对中国增长的碳排放进行指责是不全面的。  相似文献   

Freshwater scarcity is a global issue of environmental concern that threatens agricultural production and human health.In this study,we established freshwater stress indices(WSIs) for the nine water basins of Tanzania by using the quantity of freshwater available and various water uses.The relationship between water availability and different water uses,including environmental water requirements,was analyzed,with uncertainty and sensitivity analysis performed by a Monte Carlo simulation technique.Extreme WSI values close to 1.00 were obtained in the Rufiji,Pangani,and Wami-ruvu basins,Internal drainage,and Lake Rukwa,while low and moderate WSI values ranging from 0.03 to 0.84 were found in Lake Victoria and the Ruvuma,Tanganyika,and Nyasa basins.This study adds further knowledge on the level of freshwater scarcity,relationships between water availability and different water uses,and suggests policy options to reduce freshwater scarcity at the basin level for sustainable water supply.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship among pollutant emissions,energy consumption and economic development in China during the period 1982-2007 by using a one-step GMM-system model under a multivariable panel VAR framework,controlling for capital stock and labor force.Regarding the data for all 28 provinces as a whole,we find that there is a unidirectional positive relationship running from pollutant emission to economic development and a unidirectional negative relationship between pollutant emission and energy consumption.Based on traditional economic planning,the panel data of28 provinces are divided into two cross-province groups.It is discovered that in the eastern coastal region of China,there is only a unidirectional positive causal relationship leading from economic development to pollutant emission;while in the central and western regions,there are the unidirectional Granger causal relationships between pollutant emission and energy consumption,as well as between pollutant emission and economic development.There is also a unique unidirectional causal relationship running from economic development to energy consumption,which does not appear in the eastem coastal region or in China as a whole.  相似文献   

The new WIOD database allows for improved empirical analysis on a wide range of important environmental research questions.In this paper we demonstrate the scientific power of the WIOD database and analyze very urgent policy questions on the impacts of international trade and structural change on the environment.We apply recent econometric approaches to show the impact of international trade on the environment via its different channels as for instance to increase welfare and potentially affect environmental regulation as well as countries’sector.This approach has become known as the econometric structural decomposition method.In addition to these guidelines by the literature,an econometric panel data approach is offered to shed some light on the impact of structural change and international trade on environmental pressure,where we especially address and solve several endogeneity issues that add further complexity to the analysis.  相似文献   

This study is motivated by the interesting relationship between the income Kuznets curve and the carbon Kuznets curve.This paper focuses on the interaction effects of income distribution and income per capita on CO2 emissions using country group panel data over the period of 1980 to 2006 by employing fixed effects(FE),random effects(RE)and feasible generalized least squares(FGLS)estimation methods.The main findings are as follows.(1)There exists an inverted-U relationship between CO2 emissions per capita and income per capita in all sample countries and high-income groups.(2)The cross-country income disparity has a negative effect on the average level of CO2 emissions but a positive effect on the aggregate income elasticity of CO2 emissions.(3)This negative effect of income disparity on the average level of CO2emissions decreases along with the growth of per capita income.Thus,economic growth contributes to the reduction of this negative impact.  相似文献   

在中国城市化迅速发展的背景下.城市人口、经济、空间与城市环境的矛盾日益复杂和激化,从可持续发展的角度出发.迫切需要研究城市人口、经济、空间与城市环境之闻的协调关系。运用主成分分析和回归分析等方法。在市区尺度上构建城市人口、经济、空阃与城市环境的协调评价体系,并以老工业城市沈阳为例,进行实证分析。分析结果表明:沈阳城市人口经济空间的综合发展于1993—1999年处于困境.2000年以后城市综合发展逐步好转;沈阳城市环境在1998年以后稳定上升;沈阳城市综合发展与城市环境的静态协调度具有明显的阶段性和波动性特征,动态协调度具有平滑和滞后性的特点;静态协调度于1993—1994年属于基本不协调阶段.1995—2005年基本处于协调状态。于1999年出现了低谷。并存在着下降的趋势;动态协调度于1993—1996年属于基本不协调阶段。1997年以后总体上属于基本协调阶段。  相似文献   

China experienced a decline of water use intensity in the 11th Five Year Plan,but the water use intensity actually increased in 2009.To the best of our knowledge,the index decomposition analysis method was rarely used to analyze changes in water use,and no decomposition analysis has investigated the role of regional economy in the decline of water use intensity.In this paper,we use logarithmic mean Divisia index(LMDI)techniques to decompose the change of water use intensity in the period 2006-2010.We find that the change of industrial water use intensity is confirmed as the dominant contributor to the decline in the overall water use intensity;the regional structure effect and the industrial structure effect is positive to the decline of overall water use intensity;the decline of China’s water use intensity is mainly attributed to the effect of developed eastern provinces;meanwhile,the effect of central and undeveloped western is also positive to the decline of overall water use intensity;at least one out of three effects is positive to the decline of water use intensity in the different provinces;the intensity effect is positive and the industrial structure effect is positive to the declines of China’s water use intensity based on chaining approach except the period 2008-2009,individually;and the deviation of regional structure effect and industrial structure effect between with regional economy and without regional economy in LMDI is 0.9 and2.3 m~3/10~4 RMB,respectively.  相似文献   

农村清洁生产与循环经济   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业、农村、农民问题关系经济社会发展全局,是当前全党工作的重中之重。为逐步解决好三农问题,近年来,中央先后作出了建设社会主义新农村、发展现代农业的重大战略决策。建设社会主义新农村是党和政府关于“三农”问题在指导思想和发展战略上的重大调整。新农村建设从本质上说,是对农民权利义务关系、城乡利益关系和工农分配关系的重大调整。  相似文献   

环境权理念:从"人与自然和谐发展"的视角审视   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境权是于20世纪中后期基于日益严重的环境危机而提出的一种新的理论、新的理念,已经成为环境法的理论基础和支撑。一般认为,环境权维护的是人对环境的权利及利益,是传统人权理论的延伸与扩展。但环境权在其从提出、发展及被人们所逐渐接受的过程中就充斥着各种争论,其中代表性的观点有“人类中心主义”的环境权观和“生态中心主义”的环境权观等各种主张。突破传统法学的樊篱,从人与自然和谐发展的视角对环境权理念予以审视,从而以环境权为中心理顺人与自然的关系并积极推动环境权入宪在当前显得尤为重要。重视环境权的现实意义,将环境权的具体权利框架在法律体系中建构起来,推进环境权从应有权利向实有权利转化,有益于促进环境权的进一步发展及环境法在整个法律体系中的地位。  相似文献   

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