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全球变化对区域土地持续利用的影响表现为其多方面内容从不同侧面直接或间接地对区域土地利用生产性、安全性、保持性、可行性和接受性产生影响。在长江三角洲地区 ,全球变化对土地持续利用的影响主要表现为不利的方面 :( 1)海平面上升导致土地面积减少及土壤性质恶化 ;( 2 )自然灾害增多导致土地利用安全性降低 ;( 3)酸雨危害加重导致土地生态环境恶化 ;( 4 )地表植被减少及湿润指数降低导致土地退化加剧。针对以上问题 ,应采取以下对策以促进长江三角洲土地持续利用 :( 1)加强全球变化监测与预警 ;( 2 )制定适应于全球变化的土地持续利用规划 ;( 3)增强土地利用对全球变化的应变能力 ;( 4 )加强全球合作 ,减缓不利于人类生存的全球变化速度。  相似文献   

2006年地球系统科学联盟(ESSP)全球环境变化科学大会11月9日在北京召开,中共中央政治局委员、国务院副总理回良玉代表中国政府发表致辞并出席招待会。他指出,全球环境变化问题日益成为关系国家安全、社会进步和可持续发展的重大问题。我们要以科学发展观为指导,按照构建社会主义和谐社会的要求,认真研究和积极应对全球环境变化,大力防御和减轻自然灾害,着力建设资源节约型和环境友好型社会,努力促进经济社会的可持续发展。  相似文献   

2005年刚成立的政府间组织——地球观测组织近日宣布将用10年时间建成全球地球观测系统。  相似文献   

全球变暖是国际社会广泛关注的问题。由于以人类目前的认识水平,尚无法完全了解气候变化的内在规律,因此目前对气候变暖认识的确定性与不确定性并存。本文旨在归纳总结目前对全球变暖的认识哪些是确定的,哪些是不确定的,并提出相关建议。气候系统涵盖很多方面,本文重点关注与人类活动造成的气候变暖相关的七个问题。①对全球变暖的认识:近百年全球气候确实在变暖,但为什么又出现了停滞?②对大气中温室气体浓度上升的认识:工业革命以来大气温室气体浓度快速升高是确定的,但未来如何变化有不确定性;③对温室气体排放与气温升高的关系(气候敏感度)的认识:在现代大气CO2浓度加倍会导致全球平均增温约3.0℃,但是在更长时间尺度上气候敏感度是不确定的;④对于气候模式的认识:它能够很好地模拟出近百年的气候变暖趋势,且证明人类活动可能是现代气候变暖的主要原因,但模式不能充分描述地球系统的变化,只能表征地球系统的部分特征;⑤对于气候预估的认识:根据排放情景预估本世纪气候继续变暖,但还将变暖多少不确定;⑥对于2℃阈值的认识:它是人类控制升温的一个设想,作为应对气候变化的约束性目标,但是升温幅度何时达到2℃不确定;⑦对于地球系统临界点的认识:地球系统已有一些危险的信号,但何时达到临界点不确定。在适应和减缓全球变暖、调整产业结构等应对行动中,应全面、综合考虑气候变化认识的确定性与不确定性,应对确定性的变化,规避不确定性的风险。  相似文献   

本文认为环境生态是全球可持续发展的重要组成部分,必须在全球范围内,通过有效的国际合作和国际协调来加以解决。作者认为:国际合作应在国际性河流流域管理方面发挥重要作用。对全球温室效应问题,国际组织应重视科学研究,协调各国政府在能源税收、补贴和开发再生能源方面取得进展。此外,在保护地球生物多样性方面,国际组织可调试债务与自然环境互换机制。  相似文献   

贸易与环境是新发展格局下中国可持续发展的重大议题。降低企业污染排放强度是保证经济可持续发展并实现节能减排的重要手段,同时企业参与全球价值链分工作为技术创新的重要来源是环境效应改善的关键动力。该研究在阐明全球价值链分工地位通过技术创新影响企业排污强度作用机制的基础上,利用2000—2014年企业污染排放数据库、海关进出口数据库、企业专利数据库与工业企业数据库的匹配数据,实证检验了全球价值链分工地位对中国制造业企业排污强度的影响,并使用2010—2019年上市公司和制造业分行业数据进一步验证核心结论的稳健性。研究结果表明:(1)企业参与全球价值链分工总体上表现出正向环境效应,即全球价值链分工地位可以降低企业单位产值的污染排放量,这一核心结论在经过更换衡量指标、更换样本数据以及内生性讨论等稳健性检验后依然成立;(2)作用机制分析结果表明,全球价值链分工地位通过产出效应与技术创新效应降低企业排污强度;(3)异质性分析结果表明,不同企业所有制类型、技术水平以及区域特征下,全球价值链分工地位对外资企业、高技术水平企业以及东部地区企业排污强度的降低作用更为明显;(4)与传统新古典框架探讨环境问题关注...  相似文献   

能源革命:为了可持续发展的未来   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
化石能源的发现和利用使人类告别了农耕文明进入了工业文明,同时,化石能源带来的环境问题和气候问题日益严峻,未来地球的可持续发展呼唤人类由工业文明迈向生态文明,这个转变的基础是新的能源革命。对中国环境容量和气候容量的宏观定量分析表明,中国迫切需要转变粗放的发展方式,推动能源革命。目前和今后几十年间,化石能源仍将是主导能源之一,因此,化石能源的高效、洁净化利用具有重要意义,但还不是治本的能源革命。包括页岩气在内的非常规天然气,对缓解环境和气候问题会作出贡献,但天然气在中国一次能源结构中的占比最多可提高到百分之十几,所以"页岩气革命"或"页岩气时代"的口号在中国并不恰当。能源结构由化石能源为主阶段,经过一个多元结构阶段,转变到非化石能源为主是必然的发展方向,可再生能源与核能将共同为此作出贡献。可再生能源中,非水可再生能源的比重将逐步提高,其市场竞争力(经济性)的提高有赖技术创新,可再生能源是未来地球的支柱能源。中国乃至世界核能的发展虽受到福岛事故的影响,但人类不可能弃核,安全、稳步、规模发展核电是中国的理性选择,从核裂变电站到未来的核聚变电站是一个必然的发展方向和历史过程,核能将成为可持续发展的能源,成为未来地球的另一个能源支柱。中国需要树立新的能源安全观,大力节能、并转变能源的供需模式,由"粗放的供给满足增长过快的需求",转变为"由科学的供给满足合理的需求"。应对全球的环境问题和气候变化,需要各国共同努力,能源革命是可持续未来的基础,国际合作空间广阔,人类解决全球变化问题的出路只能是合作共赢。  相似文献   

为应对气候变化的严峻挑战,科学家提出地球工程的概念,探讨通过超常规的大规模工程技术手段改变气候系统的可能性,成为气候变化领域研究的新热点。地球工程是诸多复杂技术方案的总称,根据不同作用机理,将其分为太阳辐射管理(SRM)和碳移除(CDR)两大类。地球工程在降低地球平均温度的同时也带来新的风险,引发全球治理的难题。面对影响人类共同利益的未知领域,各国纷纷启动相关研究项目,陆续开展多领域科学评估,且部分CDR项目已经开展商业化示范,地球工程全球治理的实践也拉开帷幕。地球工程影响的全球性、外部性决定了其治理需要全球共同努力,其综合影响的复杂广泛和不确定性决定了其治理是一个跨领域、多平台、多主体、多层次的治理体系,而其特殊的经济学属性使得全球治理面临着供给方案、两难选择、道德风险、区域和代际公平等诸多的困境和挑战。地球工程的全球治理框架需要明确原则、对象、目标、主体、平台、制度和机制等基本要素,需要在现有机制基础上,建立联合国框架下的多平台协同治理机制,以科学共识推动政治进程,并把握关键时间节点。面对地球工程议题,中国应以可持续发展理念和生态文明思想为指导,在正确认识其风险特性的基础上,科学地将其纳入应对气候变化大框架,并坚持多边主义立场,深度参与地球工程的全球治理,维护人类命运共同体。  相似文献   

《巴黎协定》为全球应对气候变化确立了"自下而上"的治理路径,有助于增强各类行为体的参与动力,而后续的巴黎进程更适用于建立以跨国气候伙伴关系为代表的治理模式。在这一模式下,主要施动者是地方政府和包括气候NGO、市民社会在内的非国家行为体。他们不仅在议程设定、透明度、监督执行和代表利益攸关方等方面具有不可替代的作用,而且还具有擅长短期本土化项目管理等优势。本文从国际关系的跨国行为体视角出发,对这类伙伴关系的兴起及其合法性、有效性进行分析,所获得的基本结论为:(1)各国达成《巴黎协定》的内在逻辑有助于跨国伙伴关系发挥作用;(2)当前跨国气候伙伴关系参与全球气候治理的路径呈现不断制度化的趋势;(3)跨国伙伴关系治理的合法性和有效性具有一定特殊性;(4)非国家行为体在参与治理的过程中逐渐交叉,更易形成联盟且相关的观念外溢也更为便利。这一新兴治理关系对中国的启示包括:(1)重新审视非国家行为体在全球气候治理中的作用;(2)评估一些具有重大影响力的跨国伙伴关系,并适当鼓励国内相关机构和组织参与全球进程;(3)在国内层面,以渐进的方式,有针对性地参与、建立一些跨国气候伙伴关系,有助于提升中国的城市与地方政府的气候治理能力;(4)在国际合作中,利用非国家行为体的优势推动中国所提出的南南气候合作倡议及相关项目的落实,进一步提升中国气候治理的话语权,并弥补资金、技术及能力建设上的不足。  相似文献   

地球是人类的共同家园。然而,人类在最大限度地从自然界获得各种资源的同时,也以前所未有的速度破坏着全球生态环境,全球气候和环境因此急剧变化。统计表明,自1860年有气象仪器观测记录以来,  相似文献   

Global warming has greatly concerned the whole world. Owing to the limitation we currently have, it is still difficult to completely understand the mechanism and physical science of climate change. Now both certainty and uncertainty coexist in the understanding of climate warming. This paper aims to summarize certainties and uncertainties in climate-warming studies, which focus on seven key problems related to human activities, namely, global warming, atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases, relationship between greenhouse gas emissions and climate warming, climate models, future climate change, 2°C warming threshold and tipping point in the Earth’s system. We should comprehensively take into account the level of certainty and uncertainty in our understanding of climate change while adapting to and mitigating global warming and adjusting our industrial structures accordingly. This would allow us to respond to change with certainty, while avoiding the risks associated with uncertainty.  相似文献   

Global warming has greatly concerned the whole world.Owing to the limitation we currently have,it is still difficult to completely understand the mechanism and physical science of climate change.Now both certainty and uncertainty coexist in the understanding of climate warming.This paper aims to summarize certainties and uncertainties in climate-warming studies,which focus on seven key problems related to human activities,namely,global warming,atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases,relationship between greenhouse gas emissions and climate warming,climate models,future climate change,2?warming threshold and tipping point in the Earth's system.We should comprehensively take into account the level of certainty and uncertainty in our understanding of climate change while adapting to and mitigating global warming and adjusting our industrial structures accordingly.This would allow us to respond to change with certainty,while avoiding the risks associated with uncertainty.  相似文献   

Dynamically tracking flows and stocks of problematic chemicals in products (CiPs) in the global anthroposphere is essential to understanding their environmental fates and risks. The complex behavior of CiPs during production, use and waste disposal makes this a challenging task. Here we introduce and describe a dynamic substance flow model, named Chemicals in Products - Comprehensive Anthropospheric Fate Estimation (CiP-CAFE), which facilitates the quantification of time-variant flows and stocks of CiPs within and between seven interconnected world regions and the generation of global scale emission estimates. We applied CiP-CAFE to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), first to evaluate its ability to reproduce previously reported global-scale atmospheric emission inventories and second to illustrate its potential applications and merits. CiP-CAFE quantifies the pathways of PCBs during production, use and waste disposal stages, thereby deducing the temporal evolution of in-use and waste stocks and identifying their long-term final sinks. Time-variant estimates of PCB emissions into air, water and soil can be attributed to different processes and be fed directly into a global fate and transport model. By capturing the international movement of PCBs as technical chemicals, and in products and waste, CiP-CAFE reveals that the extent of global dispersal caused by humans is larger than that occurring in the natural environment. Sensitivity analysis indicates that the model output is most sensitive to the PCB production volume and the lifetime of PCB-containing products, suggesting that a shortening of that lifetime is key to reducing future PCB emissions.  相似文献   

土壤与全球环境变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文着重论述了“土壤变化”与“全球气候变化”之间的相互作用。土壤圈通过其内部一系列的理化、生化变化及土地利用变化等,产生CO_2、CH_4、N_2O等“温室效应”气体特别是CH_4和N_2O向大气的排放,对“全球气候变化”产生重要的影响,而全球气候变暖又会引起土壤沙漠化、酸化、盐渍化等退化过程的进一步加剧,严重改变人类生存的环境。加强科学宣传,提高全球民众环境意识,加强科学研究与监测,提出相应措施,是适应或改变上述全球变化的重要战略对策。  相似文献   

长江三角洲全球城市区空间建构   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
在全球化背景下,全球城市区作为一种新的城市空间和功能组织形式,通过全球城市接入全球经济网络,在全球城市体系中发挥着越来越重要的作用。通过分析长江三角洲地区不断深入的全球化进程和不断加强的城镇一体化态势,提出长江三角洲地区是中国最有可能建设成为全球城市区的区域;进而从全球城市区的空间建构和功能组织的角度,提出通过提升上海全球城市功能,打造南京、杭州、苏州、宁波的次级全球城市职能,强化城市间的功能联系,构筑区域网络一体化支撑体系,构建“多中心层域式、网络状一体化”的长江三角洲全球城市区;并提出面向全球化和基于地方化的区域功能组织结构,打造若干全球化战略区以推进长江三角洲全球城市区建设。  相似文献   

Understanding the earth system requires that the two-way linkages between regions and the global system be well understood and predictable. Most studies of global change are undertaken thematically across limited disciplinary boundaries; few are attempted holistically across many disciplines within regions. The regional approach offers many advantages. Here a variety of linkages associated with the regions of Southern Africa, South Asia, East Asia and Southeast Asia are presented to illustrate the power of a regional approach to earth system science. Major findings include the extent to which long-range transport of aerosols and nutrients affect terrestrial and marine ecosystem functioning in and around southern Africa. Aerosol transport, and the development of a regional haze layer, over South Asia are shown to alter significantly the radiative forcing of change in the atmosphere over the region. Changes in land cover and use over East Asia over along period of time are shown to have affected the strength of the monsoon circulation significantly. Finally, rampant economic development and globalization in Southeast Asia are demonstrated to have been a significant driver of regional change. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

全球系统研究的某些动向及启示   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
扼要说明了当今全球系统研究的某些重要动向,包括全球气候变化,全球环境管理、历史环境变化及环境过程的综合研究,遥感和地理信息系统在全球系统研究中的应用,此外,就地理学工作者如何参与全球系统研究及地理学本身的建设提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

The establishment of a global multi-regional carbon market is considered to be a cost effective approach to facilitate global emission abatement and has been widely concerned.The ongoing planned linkage between the European Union’s carbon market and a new emission trading system in Australia in 2015 would be an important attempt to the practice of building up an international carbon market across different regions.To understand the abatement effect of such a global carbon market and to study its energy and economic impact on different market participants,this article adopts a global dynamic computable general equilibrium model with a detailed representation of the interactions between energy and economic systems.Our model includes 20 economic sectors and 19 regions,and describes in detail 17 energy technologies.Bundled with fossil fuel consumptions,the emission permits are considered to be essential inputs in each of the production and consumption activities in the economic system to simulate global carbon market policies.Carbon emission permits are endogenously set in the model,and can be traded between sectors and regions.Considering the current development of the global carbon market,this study takes 2020 as the study period.Four scenarios(reference scenario,independent carbon market scenario,Europe Union(EUh-Australia scenario,and China-EU-Australia scenario) are designed to evaluate the impact of the global carbon market involving China,the EU,and Australia.We find that the carbon price in the three countries varies a lot,from $32/tCO2 in Australia,to $17.5/tCO2 in the EU,and to $10/tCO2 in China.Though the relative emission reduction(3%) in China is lower than that in the EU(9%) and Australia(18%),the absolute emission reduction in China is far greater than that in the EU and Australia.When China is included in the carbon market,which already includes the EU and Australia,the prevailing global carbon price falls from $22 per ton carbon dioxide(CO2) to $12/tCO2,due to the relatively lower abatement cost in China.Seventy-one percent of the EU’s and eighty-one percent of Australia’s domestic reduction burden would be transferred to China,increasing 0.03%of the EU’s and 0.06%of Australia’s welfare.The emission constraint improves the energy efficiency of China’s industry sector by 1.4%,reduces coal consumption by3.3%,and increases clean energy by 3.5%.  相似文献   

碳中和是我国应对气候变化的新目标,提出以来引起国内外广泛关注。碳中和目标实现是一个复杂系统科学问题,涉及大气圈、岩石圈、水圈、生物圈、人类圈等多圈层耦合过程与作用机制,需要跨学科交叉、综合与协同研究。简要梳理碳中和提出的气候变化和温控目标缘起,归纳碳中和实现的碳源、碳汇的多元路径,强调从碳源的需求侧推动可持续城市化对于碳中和目标实现的重要作用,并且可能是成本低、潜力大、更直接有效的方案途径。提出适应与减缓气候变化下碳中和与可持续城市化研究领域8个方面的科学问题:气候变化—碳中和—可持续城市化关联关系、中国及各地区碳中和实现的路线图与时间表、城市区域尺度碳排放的精准核算、绿色生活方式与低碳社会、绿色生产方式与低碳经济、能源结构优化、风险与不确定性和碳中和长效机制的治理创新等,以及该领域当前研究面临的机遇和挑战。  相似文献   

The interaction of man and nature is considered in terms of classical ecology, which is becoming a synthetic systemic science based on a set of other sciences. The divisions of modern human ecology that deal with different organizational levels of ecological systems have been developed to different degrees. Attention is given to the necessity of discrediting the mechanistic concept of opposition between man and nature and taking into account the specific ecological functions of man related to group adaptation (culture), as well as the global role of all living organisms in the maintenance of environmental conditions on Earth.  相似文献   

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