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长江口九段沙水域有机氯农药分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对九段沙(HCHs)水域采集滩涂水样以及沉积物,进行GC-ECD检测,研究有机氯农药的分布。结果表明,九段沙水域水体中六六六含量为6.6~17.1ng/L,平均值9.93ng/L,滩涂沉积物中的六六六含量为2.32~6.30ng/g;九段沙水域水体中滴滴涕(DDTs)含量4.99~46.6ng/L,平均值为18.53ng/L,滩涂泥样中的滴滴涕(DDTs)含量5.9~70.83ng/g。从异构体成分分析,九段沙水域受到了陆上林丹使用的影响,但是东海海水的冲刷能降低林丹所占六六六含量的比例;另外滴滴涕则显示较早期的污染,表现为代谢物(DDD和DDE)含量较高的现象,同时调查发现该水域在近期可能有滴滴涕输入。  相似文献   

上海滩涂春季鸻形目鸟类群落及围垦后生境选择   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
上海市位于长江口,拥有大量可开发的滩涂资源,但是由于不合理的开发方式,滩涂景观和生物群落发生改变。在2004年春季,鸻形目鸟类迁徙中转停留时,实地调查位于上海东部沿岸的10个调查点,研究滩涂生境指标与鸻形目鸟类群落关系。此次观察到的鸻形目鸟类有13种,优势种有尖尾滨鹬和黑腹滨鹬,而20年前的类似调查则观察到23种,优势种为黑腹滨鹬、细嘴滨鹬和红颈滨鹬。通过分析滩涂结构、植被分布与鸻形目鸟类群落之间的关系发现鸻形目鸟类对生境选择中,滩涂结构完整度、藨草带和光滩带的宽度、周边景观的多样性、人为干扰程度都是影响鸻形目鸟类栖息地选择的关键因子。最后,分析了鸻形目鸟类群落与栖息地景观的关系,并就如何改善围垦堤内的生态环境提出一些建议。  相似文献   

通过疏浚土资源调查及疏浚土利用现状和形势分析,评价了长江口航道疏浚土对不同利用方式的适宜性,提出了“十四五”期疏浚土综合利用的方向和建议。结果表明:(1)长江口航道疏浚土丰富,“十四五”年产量在5 800万m3以上,且土质优良、清洁无污染;(2)深水航道南港圆圆沙段和南槽航道九段沙灯船以上段疏浚土适用于筑堤利用和吹填上滩,深水航道北槽中下段及南槽航道九段沙灯船以下段疏浚土可用于滩涂湿地修复和吹填上滩;(3)“十四五”期,建议横沙浅滩利用北槽中下段深水航道疏浚土进行滩涂整治修复,南汇东滩促淤区利用南槽航道疏浚土吹泥上滩储备资源;在破解相关制约因素的基础上,九段沙湿地可利用深水航道北槽中下段和南槽航道九段沙灯船以下段疏浚土实施保育修复,周边涉水工程可利用深水航道南港圆圆沙段和南槽航道九段沙灯船以上段疏浚土开展充填筑堤。  相似文献   

上海滩涂春季鸻形目鸟类群落及围垦后生境选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
上海市位于长江口,拥有大量可开发的滩涂资源,但是由于不合理的开发方式,滩涂景观和生物群落发生改变。在2004年春季,鸻形目鸟类迁徙中转停留时,实地调查位于上海东部沿岸的10个调查点,研究滩涂生境指标与鸻形目鸟类群落关系。此次观察到的鸻形目鸟类有13种,优势种有尖尾滨鹬和黑腹滨鹬,而20年前的类似调查则观察到23种,优势种为黑腹滨鹬、细嘴滨鹬和红颈滨鹬。通过分析滩涂结构、植被分布与鸻形目鸟类群落之间的关系发现鸻形目鸟类对生境选择中,滩涂结构完整度、藨草带和光滩带的宽度、周边景观的多样性、人为干扰程度都是影响鸻形目鸟类栖息地选择的关键因子。最后,分析了鸻形目鸟类群落与栖息地景观的关系,并就如何改善围垦堤内的生态环境提出一些建议。  相似文献   

上海市滩涂湿地生态系统健康评价及成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
上海沿江沿海地区是我国重要的滩涂湿地分布区,其滩涂湿地生态系统健康对上海乃至长三角地区的生态安全具有重要意义。基于“压力-状态-响应(PSR)”模型,构建了上海市滩涂湿地生态系统健康评价指标体系,采用熵权综合评价法对研究区域生态系统健康状况进行评价,并设定了相应的健康评价分级标准。结果表明:杭州湾北沿边滩、南汇边滩、浦东边滩、宝山边滩、长兴岛周缘边滩、横沙岛周缘边滩、崇明南滩、崇明北滩均处于亚健康状态;崇明西滩处于较健康状态;而崇明东滩和九段沙湿地处于健康状态。过度围垦、环境污染、互花米草(Spartina alterniflora Loisel)〖JP2〗入侵等胁迫因子是上海市滩涂湿地面临的主要压力。在多重胁迫因子作用下,近30 a〖JP〗来上海滩涂湿地面积锐减,生态系统结构改变,生态功能退化。应重点控制滩涂开发强度,减少污染物排放,并加强对上海市滩涂湿地尤其是大陆边滩的保护,以维护湿地生态系统健康,保障区域生态安全  相似文献   

长江口滩涂地形冲淤分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为获得长江口滩涂地形的冲淤演变规律,运用GIS的数据处理与空间分析功能,提出了基于分区的冲淤量时间序列分析、冲淤量与上游来沙量相关分析、沙洲质心推移分析、典型断面分析的滩涂地形综合分析方法,即以滩涂分区和江心沙洲为对象、分时段定量研究冲淤变化的方法。在对全系列实测滩涂地形资料逐年分析的基础上,对长江口滩涂地形进行分区域的冲淤分析,并选取1991、2001和2008年3个代表年份,研究了长江南支上段主要沙洲地形演变规律。总体上,崇明东滩、长江南支、长江南港、长江北港、南汇东滩、九段沙近期冲刷大于淤积,而崇明北沿、横沙东滩以淤积为主,长江南支冲刷作用明显,江心沙洲往东南方向推移,分析表明长江入海泥沙年输移量以及年均含沙量变化是造成长江口江心沙洲冲淤演变的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

在九段沙湿地自然保护区典型潮沟区域设立了52个样点,计测了样点内植物的生态重要值和土壤湿度、电导率和水电导率。在此基础上,计算了样点的物种多样性指数、每种植物的生态位宽度和种间生态位重叠关系,生成了基于生态位重叠值的主坐标排序图和最小生成树。结果发现,九段沙保护区已有高等植物48种,其中31种为首次报道;48种高等植物中,双子叶植物23种,单子叶植物21种,苔藓植物4种;九段沙植物以温带成分为主,其次为世界分布类型,热带性成分较少。52个样点共出现22种植物,样点的物种多样性指数差异明显。基于生态位重叠值的主坐标排序,可以识别出6组生态类群。在调查区域,植物种类组成中有较高比例的杂草和入侵植物,反映出研究区域已受到人为干扰的强烈影响。  相似文献   

评估与确定生物多样性分布格局与热点区是建立保护区、制定生物保护决策的基础。洞庭湖地区位处长江中游,是我国重要的淡水湖泊湿地生态系统,为中国乃至亚洲较大的鸟类越冬地之一。以洞庭湖地区14种Ⅰ、Ⅱ级重点保护鸟类为指示物种,基于1990~2013年间的多期遥感影像,运用物种生境分布MAXENT模型,选取地形、水系、植被、气候及人类干扰等共35个影响因子,对其进行生境适宜性评价及生物多样性热点区的筛选与制图,并对热点区时空动态特征进行分析。结果表明:(1)鸟类生物多样性热点区的分布范围呈现出组团状特征,1990~2013年来,热点区面积呈下降趋势;(2)鸟类栖息生境景观格局总体上趋于破碎,生境形状向简单且扁平化形态转变,生境格局呈复杂化;(3)经济与社会发展因素对研究区的鸟类生物多样性热点区变化影响显著,而自然因素产生的影响不明显。研究结果在制定区域生物多样性保护规划方案中可体现较好应用价值。  相似文献   

上海地区滩涂湿地是我国重要的湿地,含有丰富的生态价值。近年来,滩涂湿地受到了自然因素和人类活动的强烈影响,滩涂资源锐减,进一步影响了其生态系统的结构与功能。使用Landsat TM/ETM+遥感卫星数据,并结合大量的地面调查,对上海地区滩涂湿地近20余a的时空动态进行了探讨。结果显示:上海地区滩涂资源丰富,1 m等高线以上滩涂湿地面积33075 km2,主要分布在大陆边滩、长江口岛屿及江心沙洲等处;滩涂湿地淤涨快速,以年均100~300 m的速率不断向海延伸;滩涂湿地圈围强度较大,近20余a累积圈围滩涂65354 km2,严重影响滩涂资源及其生态环境。研究表明,人类活动是影响上海地区滩涂湿地变化的首要问题,为此,应遵循滩涂湿地的自然演变规律,同时加强协调管理,控制圈围,保护与合理利用滩涂资源  相似文献   

钱塘江河口滩涂湿地面积大,分布范围广,钱塘江河口滩涂湿地的合理开发、利用和保护对河口地区的经济发展、岸线工程建设、航道开发、生态净化及环境保护等至关重要。区分了河口滩涂治理与滨海滩涂治理的不同,阐述了钱塘江河口滩涂岸线冲淤演变的历史,介绍了钱塘江河口滩涂近几十年的开发进程,尚存滩涂的面积与分布区域及河口滩涂几十年治理中在经济发展、防汛抗旱等方面取得的显著成效。分析了现在钱塘江河口滩涂开发治理在进度、利用及保护等方面存在的主要问题;并提出了钱塘江河口滩涂进一步围垦治理中要依据河口涨落潮流近些年发生的变化及滩涂冲淤速度,注重岸线工程建设与保护,优化江道河势,注意动态平衡,进行科学有序围垦,走综合性开发与可持续发展的道路等建议。  相似文献   

Retention of estrogenic steroid hormones by selected New Zealand soils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We performed batch sorption experiments for 17beta-estradiol (E2) and 17alpha-ethynylestradiol (EE2) on selected soils collected from dairy farming regions of New Zealand. Isotherms were constructed by measuring the liquid phase concentration and extracting the solid phase with dichloromethane, followed by an exchange step, and analysis by HPLC and UV detection. The corresponding metabolite estrone, (E1) formed during equilibration of E2 with soil was taken into account to estimate the total percentage recoveries for the compounds, which ranged from 47-105% (E2 and E1) and 83-102% (EE2). Measured isotherms were linear, although some deviation from linearity was observed in a few soils, which was attributed to the finer textured particles and/or the allophanic nature of the soils having high surface area. There was a marked difference in K(d)(eff) (effective distribution coefficient) values for E2 and EE2 among the soils, consistent with the soils organic carbon content and ranged from 14-170 L kg(-1) (E2), and 12-40 L kg(-1) (EE2) in the soils common for both compounds. The sorption affinity of hormones in the soils followed an order: EE2相似文献   

Fallout (137)Cs and stable Cs in soils were separated with two extractants (1M CH(3)COONH(4) solution and 0.8M CH(3)COONH(4) in 5% HNO(3) solution after H(2)O(2) oxidization). The residue remaining after removal of the oxidizable organic-bound fraction was separated into the particle-size fractions including clay, silt, fine sand and coarse sand with a sieving and sedimentation method. Then, the concentrations of (137)Cs and stable Cs in the extracted fractions and the particle-size fractions were determined. The (137)Cs contents in the exchangeable and organic-bound fractions in the soil were approximately 10 and 20%, respectively. The (137)Cs content in the strongly bound fraction was about 70%, and the concentration of (137)Cs in the clay was the richest among the particle-size fractions. The specific activity of (137)Cs (concentration ratio of fallout (137)Cs/stable Cs) decreased in the order exchangeable, organic-bound and strongly bound fractions. The data suggest that equilibrium between (137)Cs and stable Cs was not reached among those fractions, even though most of the (137)Cs that had been deposited on the soil was derived from fallout weapons tests that occurred several decades ago. The concentration of (137)Cs among the particle-size fractions in each soil was different, whereas the specific activity of (137)Cs in the particle-size fractions had a relatively similar value.  相似文献   

Ten samples of Austrian mineral water were investigated with regard to the natural radionuclides (228)Ra, (226)Ra, (210)Pb, (210)Po, (238)U and (234)U. The radium isotopes as well as (210)Pb were measured by liquid scintillation counting (LSC) after separation on a membrane loaded with element-selective particles (Empore Radium Disks) and (210)Po was determined by alpha-spectroscopy after spontaneous deposition onto a copper planchette. Uranium was determined by ICP-MS as well as by alpha-spectroscopy after ion separation and microprecipitation with NdF(3). From the measured activity concentrations the committed effective doses for adults and babies were calculated and compared to the total indicative dose of 0.1 mSv/a given in the EC Drinking Water Directive as a maximum dose. The dominant portion of the committed effective dose was due to the radium isotopes; the dose from (228)Ra in most samples clearly exceeded the dose from (226)Ra.  相似文献   

The probable occurrence and rate of foliar absorption of stable cesium (133Cs) from the water column by aquatic macrophyte species was analyzed following the addition of 133Cs into a small reservoir near Aiken, South Carolina, USA. An uptake parameter u (10(3)Lkg(-1)d(-1)) and a loss rate parameter k (d(-1)) were estimated for each species using time series of 133Cs concentrations in the water and plant tissues. Foliar uptake, as indicated by rapid increases in plant concentrations following the 133Cs addition, occurred in two floating-leaf species, Brasenia schreberi and Nymphaea odorata, and two submerged species, Myriophyllum spicatum and Utricularia inflata. These species had values of u> or =0.75 x 10(3)Lkg(-1)d(-1). Less evidence for foliar uptake was observed in three emergent species, including Typha latifolia. Ratios of u to k for B. schreberi, M. spicatum, N. odorata and U. inflata can be used to estimate concentration ratios (CR) at equilibrium, and these estimates were generally within a factor of 2 of the CR for 137Cs for these species in the same reservoir. This correspondence suggests that foliar uptake of Cs was the principal absorption mechanism for these species. Assessments of: (1) the prevalence of foliar uptake of potassium, rubidium and Cs isotopes by aquatic macrophytes and (2) the possible importance of foliar uptake of Cs in other lentic systems are made from a review of foliar uptake studies and estimation of comparable u and k values from lake studies involving Cs releases.  相似文献   

The sorption of selenium (Se) on humic acid (HA) was investigated in order to better understand the fate of stable and radioactive Se in soils and sediments. An ultrafiltration technique was used to determine size distributions of HA-sorbed-Se when increasing Se concentration and solid/liquid ratio. The results showed that the Se sorption onto HA followed the Freundlich isotherm. No solid/liquid ratio-dependence was observed especially when <3 kDa molecular size fraction was used from solid/liquid separation. The Freundlich isotherm parameters K(F) and n obtained using the <3 kDa molecular size fraction for solid/liquid separation were 3.7 x 10(2) and 0.82, respectively. In addition, since dissolved HA increased with decreased ionic strength in the HA suspension, ionic strength could promote aggregation of HA. The conformational change of HA could affect the sorption behavior of Se on HA.  相似文献   

The measurement of K(d) is difficult for most radionuclides: a different value is expected for every different soil. This study explored a modification of the constituent-K(d) approach used to estimate K(d) in geological materials. Here we selected five soils of very different compositions, four were field soils and one was an artificial potting soil. The soils were blended together in ratios of 1:1, 1:3 and 1:1:2 for all possible (60) 2- and 3-soil combinations. The K(d) was measured for each soil and each of the combined soils using additions of stable iodine. Our hypothesis was that the weighted average of the K(d)s of the original, unblended soils, weighted by the blending ratios, would be a reasonable estimate of the measured K(d)s of the blended soils. The ratios of expected/measured K(d) values did not deviate significantly from unity (a geometric mean of 0.91) for the four field soils. This result suggests that K(d) in the combined field soils could be estimated by the weighted average K(d) for the constituent soils. The resulting variation is consistent with other estimation methods. The practical implication of this finding is that, with K(d) data for a few benchmark soils in a region, one could estimate K(d) for other soils. The potting soil did not conform, and there are several possible explanations for this.  相似文献   

Specimens of the mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus were collected from Menez Gwen, a relatively shallow (850 m) hydrothermal vent field on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Each bivalve shell (n = 21) was individually cleaned by selective chemical. The residual crystal matrix of each shell was individually analysed for the concentrations of the minor elements magnesium and strontium and the trace elements iron, manganese, copper and zinc. The chemical composition of the crystal matrix is unusual. B. azoricus is identified as a species having one of the most strontium impoverished shells amongst the marine molluscs. For a bimineral species the magnesium concentration is also extraordinary low. Despite originating from a trace metal rich environment; the metal concentrations in the shells were exceptionally low. Mean concentrations of iron, manganese, copper and zinc were 20.6, 3.7, 0.6 and 9.4 microg g(-1) respectively. Minor and trace element concentrations exhibited a marked intra-population variability. Copper concentrations increased and iron and zinc concentrations decreased with increasing shell weight. Due to its insensitivity to the high environmental levels of trace elements and the variability in intra-population concentrations induced by shell weight the crystal matrix of the shell of B. azoricus has little potential for use in environmental trace metal monitoring in areas contiguous to deep-sea hydrothermal vents.  相似文献   

The effects of simplified rhizospheric conditions on the leaching of (241)Am from a calcareous soil, freshly contaminated, were investigated in batch and column experiments. Glucose and/or citrate were used as artificial exudate solutions at concentrations ranging from 10(-4) to 10(-2)moldm(-3). Am desorption, expressed in terms of distribution coefficients, varied from K(d)>10(4)dm(3)kg(-1) corresponding to a majority of experimental conditions, to K(d)/=10(-2)moldm(-3). Soil columns revealed successive steady states coupled with transitory episodes, the latter represented up to 90% of the total Am release. (241)Am fractions with different behaviours were thus highlighted in columns whereas batch only accounted for highest Am mobile fractions. The implications of the different processes are discussed in terms of modelling approach and risk assessment.  相似文献   

In this study, occurrence of 66 PPCPs (pharmaceuticals and personal care products) in liquid and solid phases of sewage sludge was elucidated. The extraction methods for the PPCPs from sludge were newly developed employing Pressurized Liquid Extraction (PLE) and Ultrasonic Solvent Extraction (USE). As an appropriate method, PLE using water (pH2), PLE using methanol (pH4), and USE using mixture of methanol and water (1/9,v/v, pH11) was found most effective because total recovery of most of the PPCPs indicated 40 to 130%. The developed extraction method with previously developed method for liquid phase analysis was applied to field survey at wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in Japan. 56 compounds were detected from the primary sludge and 61 compounds were detected from the excess sludge. The concentration was ranged between several ng/g and several μg/g. Solid-water distribution coefficient (Log Kd) ranged between 0.9 L/kg (Caffeine) and 3.7 L/kg (Levofloxacin) for primary sludge and between 1.4 L/kg (Sulpirid) and 4.3 L/kg (Mefenamic acid) for excess sludge.  相似文献   

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