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长江流域常量元素的分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2003年4月到5月对长江干流及主要支流河水中常量元素(Ca 2+,K+,Na+,Mg2+,Cl-,SO2-4及碱度)进行了测定,并对常量元素的含量及影响因素进行了研究。结果表明,长江阳离子以钙为主,占阳离子总量的40%~80%;而阴离子主要为HCO-3,占阴离子总量的60%~90%;阴阳离子含量顺序为HCO-3>SO2-4>Cl-,Ca 2+>Na+ >Mg 2+>K+。长江干流及主要支流河水的常量离子主要来自于岩石的风化,主要受碳酸盐类溶解的控制,硅酸盐类的风化过程较弱。而大气沉降的影响很小,只有SO2-4受大气沉降影响较大。长江干流的Na+、Mg2+、Ca2+、HCO-3和Cl-主要来自于上游,下游只是对上游的简单稀释,而没有额外来源。与世界上其它大河相比,长江的常量离子浓度处于较高的水平;温带地区的河流河水中常量离子的含量常处于较高的水平;热带地区的河流河水中常量离子的含量相对较低。  相似文献   

以乌江渡水库为主要研究对象,揭示了大坝拦截条件下的夏季水化学特征:阴离子以HCO-3,SO2-4为主,阳离子以Ca2+,Mg2+为主,其余离子含量低于10%,说明了碳酸盐岩的风化对水体化学组成起到了主要控制作用,蒸发盐岩石的风化对水体化学组成影响较小。水库水体存在温度分层现象,形成了不同层位的水体有着不同的水化学组成,即水化学分层。水化学的分层形成了溶解组分在水库垂直深度上的规律分布,比如受藻类的影响,Si和叶绿素随深度成相反的变化特征;HCO-3受光合作用和有机质降解的影响,30 m 以上随着水深的增加而递增,30 m 以下呈现相反趋势;水库泄水方式明显改变了水化学各种参数和离子在水体中的分配。乌江水库两主要支流(息烽河和偏岩河)分别对乌江渡坝前水体中的Ca2+,SO2-4,HCO-3,Mg2+和K+,Na+,Cl-有贡献。网箱养鱼、生活污水、农业施肥、酸性矿山废水以及酸雨沉降都会对水体造成不同程度的污染。  相似文献   

为探究赣江南昌段水化学时空变化特征及南昌城区对赣江的影响,于2015年4月~2016年3月在赣江南昌段(赣江进入南昌城区前、城区中心及流经城区后的北支、中支和南支)进行月周期采样,分析水体中的化学离子(HCO-3、Cl-、SO2-4、NO-3、K+、Na+、Ca2+、Mg2+、NH+4),重金属元素(Cr、Mn、Fe、Ni、Cu、Cd、Sb、Pb)以及溶解性有机碳(DOC)、总磷(TP)的分布特征及影响因素。结果表明:1)赣江南昌段总体水质在地表水源地标准限值内,水化学类型为HCO3-Ca型水,HCO-3、Cl-、SO2-4、NO-3、K+、Na+、Ca2+、Mg2+、NH+4、Mn和DOC含量在不同月份间的变化主要受流量影响,Cr、Fe、Ni、Cu、Cd、Sb、Pb和TP受流量影响较小。(2) 赣江南昌段污染程度为:南支污染最重,北支次之,中支、城区中心和入城区前的污染程度相近。TP、Cr、Ni、Cu、Sb、Pb在南支显著偏高,Mn在北支显著偏高。(3)TP、Ni、Cu、Pb受南昌城区影响显著,经城区后含量增加;DOC、Cd经城区后含量减小,但流经城郊农业区后增加;HCO-3、Cl-、NO-3、SO2-4、Na+、K+、Ca2+、Mg2+、NH+4、Cr、Fe、Mn、Sb受南昌城区影响不显著。 关键词: 赣江;南昌城区;水化学;时空变化  相似文献   

Long-term irrigation with sewage water adds large amounts of carbon, major and micro- nutrients to the soil. We compared the spatial distribution of N, P, K and other micronutrients and toxic elements in the top 0.6 m of an alluvial soil along with their associated effects on the composition of crops and ground waters after about three decades of irrigation with domestic sewage effluent as a function of distance from the disposal point. Use of sewage for irrigation in various proportions improved the organic matter to 1.24-1.78% and fertility status of soils especially down to a distance of 1 km along the disposal channel. Build up in total N was up to 2908 kg ha(-1), available P (58 kg ha(-1)), total P (2115 kg ha(-1)), available K (305 kg ha(-1)) and total K (4712 kg ha(-1)) in surface 0.15 m soil. Vertical distribution of these parameters also varied, with most accumulations occurring in surface 0.3 m. Traces of NO3-N (up to 2.8 mg l(-1)), Pb (up to 0.35 mg l(-1)) and Mn (up to 0.23 mg l(-1)) could also be observed in well waters near the disposal point thus indicating initiation of ground water contamination. However, the contents of heavy metals in crops sampled from the area were below the permissible critical levels. Though the study confirms that the domestic sewage can effectively increase water resource for irrigation but there is a need for continuous monitoring of the concentrations of potentially toxic elements in soil, plants and ground water.  相似文献   

Water quality scenarios around an offshore outfall off Kochi were simulated using MIKE21 water quality model, assuming a high Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD=50 mg l(-1)) effluent discharge. The discharge is introduced into the model through an outfall located at a distance of 6.8 km from the shore at a depth of 10 m. Three scenarios were simulated with different discharge rates such as 2, 5 and 10 m3 s(-1), with BOD load of 8640, 21,600 and 43,200 kg day(-1) respectively. Model simulations were carried out to estimate the assimilation capacity of the waters off Kochi for the three discharge rates. The results show that for 10 m3 s(-1) effluent discharge, the initial BOD of 50 mg l(-1) reduced to 3.33 mg l(-1) at the outfall after 48 h. High BOD values were confined to an elliptical area of approximately 8 km2 around the outfall. Based on this, the assimilative capacity of the waters off Kochi in terms of BOD can be estimated as 38,000 kg day(-1). It is suggested that offshore waters could be used as a feasible alternative to the Kochi backwaters for the disposal of treated effluent.  相似文献   

长江南通站含沙量及水化学变化与流域的风化过程   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1960—2001年间长江河水含沙量递减趋势方程为:S=-4.7273a 582.94。近些年来泥沙含量递减趋势可能会对流域生态环境产生重要影响,应引起社会的关注。长江河水化学组分在1997-2001年的5年间受到季节和年际变化的影响较为有限。河水中HCO3^-与Ca^3 占主导地位,占总离子当量浓度的55%以上。主要受到碳酸盐类溶解的控制。硅酸盐类的风化过程较弱,可能主要是钙镁硅酸盐类的溶解,对流域离子的总体贡献不大。岩盐、石膏和芒硝的水解对河水中的Na^ 、SO4^2-和Cl^-的贡献最大。由此长江流域发生的主要风化过程有:白云石和方解石的溶解、钙镁长石的分解和岩盐、石膏、芒硝等的水解过程等,这与长江流域的岩石特征是基本一致的。粗略的估计.大气CO2对河流中HCO3^-的贡献量占河水中离子总当量浓度的20%左右,其余80%河水溶解质为风化岩石提供。  相似文献   

鄱阳湖流域水化学环境参数的变化特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分别于2010年2月和7月,对鄱阳湖湖区和入湖河流的pH、TDS以及主要离子浓度进行了测定,分析了主要离子组成的时空变化特征及其影响机制。结果表明,鄱阳湖流域水体属于弱矿化度软水,Ca2+是湖水和河水的主要阳离子,分别占阳离子总数〖JP〗的5935%、4989%;HCO-3是湖水和河水的主要阴离子,分别占阴离子总数的5337%、5937%,水质类型为Ca-HCO-3型水;主要离子组成和TDS浓度具有明显的季节和沿程变化特征,这与降雨季节性变化以及不同水系的地质背景有关;从河流水系上游至湖区的水化学特征依次为HCO-3型、HCO-3-SO2-4和SO2-4型。从水化学控制机制上看,鄱阳湖丰水期受大气降水作用和地质条件影响显著,而枯水期降雨量大大减少,主要受岩石风化、蒸发沉淀作用和人为输入的影响。除此之外,SO2-4型水的增加与长江干流酸化以及丰水期长江顶托倒灌现象有密切关系  相似文献   

Electric conductivity, pH, COD(Mn), nutrient concentration, chloride and sulfate concentrations, total dissolved sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, cadmium, copper, arsenic, nickel, zinc, chromium and lead were evaluated to clarify concerns about the quality and safety of water used for drinking purposes in Qinghai Province, China. For this purpose, 12 water samples were collected from different villages, Qinghai (Koko Nor) Lake and medicinal springs close to the Town of Pingang during a study visit to China in 2003. The results showed that National Chinese and WHO drinking water standards were exceeded for nutrient concentration (3.2 mg l(-1) of TOT-N and 0.2 mg l(-1) of TOT-P) from Qinghai Lake. The presence of elevated electric conductivity (550 mS m(-1)) in mineral water resort samples should be a matter of a public concern. Also, samples from medicinal springs showed high concentrations of Fe (up to 1.9 mg l(-1)), As (up to 0.1 mg l(-1)) and Ni (0.05 mg l(-1)), which may be detrimental for human health if the water is consumed on a daily basis. The concentrations of Cu, Cd, Cr and Pb did not exceed the National Chinese and WHO drinking water standards, and therefore, water from the sampling area does not pose any significant threat to the consumers' health regarding these metals.  相似文献   

以乌江渡水库为主要研究对象,揭示了大坝拦截条件下的夏季水化学特征:阴离子以HCO-3,SO2-4为主,阳离子以Ca2+,Mg2+为主,其余离子含量低于10%,说明了碳酸盐岩的风化对水体化学组成起到了主要控制作用,蒸发盐岩石的风化对水体化学组成影响较小。水库水体存在温度分层现象,形成了不同层位的水体有着不同的水化学组成,即水化学分层。水化学的分层形成了溶解组分在水库垂直深度上的规律分布,比如受藻类的影响,Si和叶绿素随深度成相反的变化特征;HCO-3受光合作用和有机质降解的影响,30 m 以上随着水深的增加而递增,30 m 以下呈现相反趋势;水库泄水方式明显改变了水化学各种参数和离子在水体中的分配。乌江水库两主要支流(息烽河和偏岩河)分别对乌江渡坝前水体中的Ca2+,SO2-4,HCO-3,Mg2+和K+,Na+,Cl-有贡献。网箱养鱼、生活污水、农业施肥、酸性矿山废水以及酸雨沉降都会对水体造成不同程度的污染。  相似文献   

This study employed the Geographical Information System (GIS) technology to investigate nitrate contamination of groundwater by agrochemical fertilizers in the Kakamigahara Heights, Gifu Prefecture, central Japan. Thematic information and chemical data of groundwater from the Heights were analyzed in a GIS environment to study the extent and variation of nitrate contamination and to establish spatial relationships with responsible land use types. The high and correlated concentrations of Ca(2+), Mg(2+), SO(4)(2-), and NO(3)(-) reflected the polluted nature of the unconfined highly permeable Kakamigahara aquifer. Ninety percent of the water samples showed nitrate concentrations above the human affected value (3 mg/l NO(3)(-)), while more than 30% have exceeded the maximum acceptable level (44 mg/l NO(3)(-)) according to Japan regulations. The spatial analyses indicated that groundwater contamination by nitrate is closely associated with one specific land use class, the "vegetable fields". The nitrate concentration of groundwater under vegetable fields was significantly higher than that under urban land or paddy fields. Most of the unacceptable nitrate levels were encountered in boreholes assigned to "vegetable fields" but a few were also found in boreholes allotted to "urban" class. Therefore, the vegetable fields were considered the principal source of nitrate contamination of groundwater in the Kakamigahara. However, contamination from urban sources is also possible.  相似文献   

The relationship between climatic, hydrological and water quality parameters of the lower Mekong River flowing through four different countries (Thailand, Cambodia, Lao PDR and Vietnam) was studied. The Mekong River Commission (MRC) secondary data of climatic and hydrological parameters included precipitation, evaporation, average air temperatures, mean water level and discharge flow. Water quality parameters consisted of TSS, NO(3)(-), PO(4)(3-), DO, pH, conductivity, Ca, Mg, Na, K, alkalinity, Cl, SO(4)(2-), Fe, TP, Si and COD. Pearson's correlation was used to determine their relationship. The results reveal that the correlations of climatic, hydrological and water quality parameters in those four countries located along the lower Mekong River had the same trend. Precipitation had fair positive correlations with mean water level (ranging 0.375-0.661), discharge flow (ranging 0.526-0.659) and mean air temperature (ranging 0.515-0.621), however had weak negative correlation with evaporation (ranging 0.169-0.468). Concerning relationship with water quality, the results show that TSS, NO(3)(-), PO(4)(3-), TP and COD had weak to fair positive correlations with precipitation, mean water level, discharge flow. However, DO, pH, conductivity, Ca, Mg, Na, K, alkalinity, Cl, SO(4)(2-) and Si had fair to strong negative correlations with all hydrological parameters. Finally, TSS, alkalinity and conductivity were proposed as sensitive water quality parameters for monitoring impacts of changing climate in the lower Mekong River.  相似文献   

Deposition rates and deposition velocities of water-soluble ions (F, Cl, NO3, SO4, NH4, Ca, Mg, Na and K) were measured at a rural site (Gopalpura, Agra). Dry deposition samples were collected throughout the year from December 1995 to August 1997, while the aerosol samples were collected only during the winter season of 1996. Surrogate technique was used to collect the dry deposition samples, while aerosol samples were collected on PTFE membrane filter. Deposition velocities (Vd) of SO4 and NO3 are < or = 0.01 m s(-1) while Ca, Mg, Na, K, NH4, F and Cl exhibit greater than 0.01 m s(-1) Equivalent concentration ratios of K/Na, Ca/Na and Mg/Na conform with the corresponding ratios of local soil, indicating the dominant contribution of local sources. Deposition rates are maximum in winter, followed by summer and monsoon. No significant differences are found in dry deposition rates of all ions or in atmospheric concentrations of soil-derived elements with respect to wind direction. However, in aerosols, concentrations of F, Cl, NO3 and SO4 are higher with winds from southwesterly and westerly directions corresponding to pollution sources located in these directions. Deposition data have been used to calculate the critical load of S and N for soil with respect to Triticum vulgaris. The critical load of actual acidity was found to be 622.4 eq ha(-1) year(-1) within the range of 500-1,000 eq ha(-1) year(-1) as assessed by the RAINS-Asia model for this region. The present load of S and N (77.4 and 86.4 eq ha(-1) year(-1)) was much lower than the critical load of S and N (622.4 and 2,000 eq ha(-1) year(-1)), indicating that at present there is no harmful effect on ecosystem structure and function.  相似文献   

通过采集贵州荔波自然保护区内的板寨地上河小流域的地表和地下水样品,测试了阴阳离子含量及其HCO_3~-中的δ~(13)C同位素值,分析不同季节该流域水体的水化学特征,并结合δ~(13)C同位素值探讨水体溶质的来源和水化学过程。结果表明:小流域水体的主要阴离子为HCO_3~-和SO_4~(2-),二者分别占了水体总阴离子当量的86.2%和10.4%,主要阳离子Ca~(2+)和Mg~(2+)则分别占总阳离子当量的76.9%和20.5%。河水较多的Mg~(2+)表明其可能受白云岩风化的影响。小流域水体DIC的δ~(13)C值在-16.87‰至-10.80‰之间,夏季相对于冬季偏负,并且HCO_3~-含量与其δ~(13)C值之间存在负相关关系,这可能是不同季节温度和降水强度共同作用的结果。水体的SO_4~(2-)含量与DIC的δ~(13)C同位素值之间存在明显正相关性,这说明H_2SO_4可能参与了小流域内碳酸盐岩的风化过程。  相似文献   

基于常量离子示踪技术的香溪河库湾分层异重流特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2012年9月26日对三峡水库干流及香溪河库湾的水流特性及常量离子进行监测,以分析蓄水期间三峡水库香溪河支流库湾水动力特性。结果表明:香溪河库湾镁离子空间上呈下游低上游高的梯度变化,钠离子呈下游高上游低的梯度变化,河口处水中常量离子的楔形区与流速纵剖面矢量图中流向上游的楔形区的位置和厚度基本一致。监测期间香溪河库湾存在显著的分层异重流特性,在河口处,长江水体从中层倒灌进入香溪河,为中层倒灌异重流;上游水体由香溪河底部流入长江干流,为底部顺坡异重流  相似文献   

Septic tank systems (STS) are a potential source of nutrient emissions to surface waters but few data exist in the UK to quantify their significance for eutrophication. We monitored the impact of STS on nutrient concentrations in a stream network around a typical English village over a 1-year period. Septic tank effluent discharging via a pipe directly into one stream was highly concentrated in soluble N (8-63mgL(-1)) and P (<1-14mgL(-1)) and other nutrients (Na, K, Cl, B and Mn) typical of detergent and household inputs. Ammonium-N (NH(4)N) and soluble reactive P (SRP) fractions were dominant (70-85% of total) and average concentrations of nitrite-N (NO(2)N) were above levels considered harmful to fish (0.1mgL(-1)). Lower nutrient concentrations were recorded at a ditch and a stream site, but range and average values downstream of rural habitation were still 4 to 10-fold greater than those in upstream sections. At the ditch site, where flow volumes were low, annual flow-weighted concentrations of NH(4)N and SRP increased from 0.04 and 0.07mgL(-1), respectively upstream to 0.55 and 0.21mgL(-1) downstream. At the stream site, flow volumes were twice as large and flow-weighted concentrations increased much less; from 0.04 to 0.21mgL(-1) for NH(4)N and from 0.06 to 0.08mgL(-1) for SRP. At all sites, largest nutrient concentrations were recorded under low flow and stream discharge was the most important factor determining the eutrophication impact of septic tank systems. The very high concentrations, intercorrelation and dilution patterns of SRP, NH(4)-N and the effluent markers Na and B suggested that soakaways in the heavy clay catchment soils were not retaining and treating the septic tank effluents efficiently, with profound implications for stream biodiversity. Water companies, water regulators and rural communities therefore need to be made more aware of the potential impacts of STS on water quality so that their management can be optimised to reduce the risk of potential eutrophication and toxicity to aquatic ecosystems during summer low flow periods.  相似文献   

暴雨洪涝灾害是一个多因素耦合的复杂系统,在自然灾害系统理论基础上,根据杭州市1959~2009年的降水资料、自然环境以及社会经济要素,综合致灾因子、孕灾环境、承灾体以及防灾减灾能力,构建区域暴雨洪涝灾害风险评价模型。考虑到降水、地形、水系以及GDP和耕地等因子,通过ArcGIS空间分析技术结合模糊综合评价法,编制以100 m×100 m栅格为基本评价单元的杭州市暴雨洪涝灾害风险区划图。区划结果表明杭州暴雨洪涝风险东北部高于西南部。杭州暴雨洪涝风险高值区主要在杭州市区、余杭区、临安市、富阳市和桐庐县的富春江流域、淳安千岛湖西南部地区。暴雨洪涝风险高值区主要集中在山谷、河边、江边、人口密集地区等区域  相似文献   

城市化进程下南昌市城区水系格局与连通性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对当前城市化引起的水系结构单一化、河流连通性减弱以及水生态环境等问题,以南昌市城区为例,选取1990年、2000年、2010年3期遥感影像图像,分析城市化影响下土地利用的变化;基于1958年地形图与2010年江西省水系图,通过GIS提取两期南昌市城区水系图,选取数量特征和结构特征指标进行水系格局分析,并引入图论理论讨论两时期的水系连通性。结果表明:(1)20 a间城镇用地面积增加174.73 km~2,水域面积减少34.04 km~2。研究区水域面积随城镇用地增加而缩减;(2)城市化进程中,研究区河流水面率、河网密度和河频率均下降,支流发育薄弱,河网复杂度下降;(3)赣江以北水系连通度降低,赣江以南区域水系连通度提升。该研究将为城市化地区河流水系保护提供支持与参考。  相似文献   

In this study, a specific landfill leachate (1200 mg l(-1) COD and 600 mg l(-1) BOD(5)) was used to develop a standardised short-term acute and longer-term sublethal ex-situ toxicity testing programme, in order to determine the potential ecological implications of leaching contaminants reaching the water table. Bioassays were undertaken with juvenile Gammarus pulex and Asellus aquaticus macro-invertebrates. Preliminary acute test variables included static and static renewed flow rates for 96-h, starved and fed specimens, and aerobic and oxygen depleting conditions. However, regardless of any test variable, the lethal concentration (LC(50)) for A. aquaticus remained at 12.3% v/v leachate in deionized water, whilst that for G. pulex was only 1%. Sublethal toxicity was judged on the basis of frequency of births and the growth rate of newly born individuals. Tests showed that even a dilution as high as 1:66- would influence the fecundity of a Gammarus population, whilst a dilution of 1:20 would affect the size of an Asellus breeding colony.  相似文献   

The relationship between lake sensitivity to atmospheric acidic inputs and the neutralization capacity of watersheds is examined for 267 lakes in northeastern Minnesota. Three water chemistry/sensitivity measures (color, sulfate, and alkalinity) are correlated with variables representative of precipitation and sulfate inputs, hydrology, and the acid neutralization capacity of various watershed components. An ordinal scale for ranking bedrock and surficial deposit neutralization capacity is presented. The watershed variables found to account for the largest percentages of the variability in measured color, sulfate, and alkalinity levels are determined. Color is strongly related to the presence of peat or marsh and hydrologic renewal time, whereas sulfate is primarily related to atmospheric deposition, evaporative concentration, bedrock type, and the presence of coniferous forest. Variation in alkalinity is the most difficult of the water chemistry measures to explain; for headwater lakes, atmospheric sulfate input, water renewal time, the presence of deciduous forest, and the weatherability of underlying bedrock determine much of its variability. The results illustrate important averaging properties of watersheds from small headwater systems to large drainages and the difficulty in obtaining correlations for some water quality measures (e.g., alkalinity) when some variables, such as soils and land cover, are available only as large-area averages.  相似文献   

The sorption of americium on marl colloids is studied in a comprehensive way. In Na-HCO3 groundwater conditions, americium in the concentration range 3 x 10(-11)-3 x 10(10) M sorbs onto groundwater colloids. In these tests, the colloid concentration is rather high, i.e. Ccoll 1.7+/-1.3 mg l(-1) for sizes 505000 nm or Ncoll (1.7+/-0.1) x 10(11) l(-1) for sizes larger than 100 nm. These colloids are mainly chlorite and smectite/illite with an average size smaller than 500 nm. For the groundwater (pH 8.6, [Na+]-[HCO3]-2 x 10(-2) M), Kd values in the range 1-3 x 10(6)mlg(-1) are measured. These values are compared with experimental and modelled values reported earlier in the literature.  相似文献   

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