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三峡库区城镇移民家庭生活安置状况调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用回溯性的调查资料来研究已经搬迁的城镇移民家庭在搬迁后的生活安置现状,分析城镇移民家庭的生活安置适应性。在评价方法上首先是对比城镇移民家庭搬迁前后的生活条件和社会保障的变化,再分析移民各个分项满意程度,最后将所提取的因子得分值作为自变量,总体“生活安置满意度”作为因变量,对数据进行Logistic回归分析,分析移民安置过程中哪些方面的满意度会影响到城镇移民对总体安置满意度的判断。研究发现城镇移民家庭的生活居住条件良好。搬迁后,城镇移民家庭的生活和居住条件都得到了较大幅度的改善,住房面积增大,房屋居住的安全系数有所提高。城镇移民家庭医疗保险享有率很高,但养老保险的享有率不容乐观,城镇移民家庭的养老保障仍有待提高。城镇移民生活安置满意度随着社区满意度和居住满意度的提高而提高  相似文献   

湖南省怀化地区地形以山地为主,该地区1996年7月发生了城市特大洪涝灾害,本文概述了该地区96.7城市洪涝灾情,并以区域灾害系统论为指导,从孕灾环境,致灾因子,承灾能力和人类活动的不利影响等方面,对这次灾害的成因进行了分析,认煤春主要成因是:(1)易洪涝的山丘区环境;(2)96.7降雨强度大,覆盖面广,持续时间长的异常雨情和高洪峰水位,流量的异常水情;(3)城市防洪标准低,水利水电防洪效益差和抗洪  相似文献   

三峡库区农村移民城镇安置刍论   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
移民安置尤其农村移民安置是大型水利和水电工程普遍遇到一个复杂的大问题,关系工程成败命运。三峡工程移民数量巨大,安置任务繁重艰巨。农村移民城镇安置,具有可靠性大和稳定度高特点,应是三工程移民安置的重要途径。经库区城镇发展程度和农村移民素质适合城镇非农就业数量状况双重分析结果,三峡库区农村移民的城镇安置比重至少可达45-50%,可望争取达到60-70%。  相似文献   

湖南怀化地区96.7城市特大洪涝灾害成因分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
湖南省怀化地区地形以山地为主,该地区1996年7月发生了城市特大洪涝灾害,本文概述了该地区96.7城市洪涝灾情,并以区域灾害系统论为指导,从孕灾环境、致害因子、承灾能力和人类活动的不利影响等方面,对这次灾害的成因进行了分析,认为其主要成因是:(1)易洪涝的山丘区环境;(2)96.7降雨强度大、覆盖面广、持续时间长的异常雨情和高洪峰水位、流量的异常水情;(3)城市防洪标准低、水利水电工程防洪效益差和抗洪害意识不强等原因造成的城市防洪能力低;(4)砍伐森林、人为侵占河道和大型水库超常规蓄水等人类活动造成的不利影响。  相似文献   

武汉城市群城镇用地扩展的动态模式及其驱动机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于遥感和GIS技术获取了武汉城市群3个阶段(1980~1990、1990~2000、2000~2010年)的城镇用地信息,采用景观扩张指数、间隙度指数和相关分形维数分析了该地区城镇用地扩展的基本模式、空间形态演化及其驱动机制。主要结论:(1)城镇用地扩展基本模式呈现差异,第一阶段以边缘式和飞地式扩展为主,第二、第三阶段以边缘式扩展为主;(2)城镇用地空间形态处于演化变动中,第一阶段城镇用地扩展遵循“小集聚、大分散”的特点,城镇用地分布呈现“均一化”,第二阶段城镇用地扩展显著趋缓,增长空间相互分离,以中心城市的孤立扩展为主,第三阶段城镇用地扩展呈现“首位式”“集中化”趋势,武汉市中心性显著增强,核心-外围差别显著,局部范围的空间融合初露端倪;(3)城镇用地扩展经历了多点“开花式”均匀扩展期、散点“离心式”缓慢扩展期和集聚“首位式”快速扩展期,这种差别化的城镇用地扩展模式与空间形态演化主要受国内外发展环境、国家发展战略、城市建设方针以及土地管理政策的综合影响  相似文献   

运用主成分与聚类分析相结合的方法,根据《甘肃省城镇体系规划和城镇基础设施报告(2003)》,《中国优秀旅游城市检查标准》。甘肃省旅游局2004年对国内游客的抽样调查数据(2004),以及对甘肃省主要城市基础设施、社会经济发展等方面28项指标进行的主成分——因子聚类分析综合评价结果,得出主要城市的体系与功能评价,初步探讨甘肃省旅游城市体系,根据结果初步得出,甘肃省旅游城市体系分为,国际旅游城市——敦煌,省内一级旅游中心城市——兰州,省内二级旅游中心城市以及省内三级旅游中心城市和地方旅游中心城镇,并为各个城市的城市旅游形象和城市旅游标识体系,旅游城市的发展方向等进行了概念性规划。  相似文献   

基于分形理论的江苏沿江城镇体系研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
开放条件下,“全球 地方”作用深刻影响着区域城镇体系,沿江发达地区表现尤其典型。基于分形的相关理论和方法,以2006年为时空断面,对江苏沿江地区城镇体系的空间分布进行实证研究。结果表明:(1)区域城镇规模等级结构服从Zipf定律,首位城市南京在区域城市体系中的垄断性相对较强,但并非处于绝对垄断地位;(2)空间关联维数显示,沿江地区城镇体系的交通网络通达性优良,各城镇间联系紧密;(3)根据分维数和无标度区分析,三大城市群中,宁镇扬城市群分形发育最好,苏锡常次之,通泰城市群分形发育最差;(4)扬州、镇江、南京和苏州的城镇集聚程度较高,分形发育较为成熟;南通、泰州、无锡和常州的集聚程度均较低,分形结构不佳。扬州在区域城镇体系中分形发育最为完善,中心性最好,历史上形成的这种空间格局至今没有变化.  相似文献   

入世后三峡库区的可持续发展研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
随着三峡工程的兴建,三峡库区的发展基础发生变化,库区的产业结构必然地要有所调整。百万移民促进新的城镇体系的建立。加入WTO对三峡库区的发展产生新的冲击,库区产业结构必须进一步调整。以大力发展林业为主,其次加强牧业的发展,再次大力发展水产养殖业,加强旅游业的发展,最后合理调整农业产业结构,同时要合理调整城镇体系。根据三峡工程和入世对库区的影响,提出三峡库区可持续发展的措施,建议:(1)以市场为导向,立体开发,提高资源利用率和商品率,确可经济的发展;(2)提高人才素质;(3)培养人们的生态价值观;(4)引进先进的科学技术,加强管理、环境保护和生态修复。  相似文献   

移民型城市生态人居环境评价与优化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三峡工程建设以来,在大规模移民迁建的拉动下,形成了大量库区移民城市.良好的人居环境是保障移民型城市稳步发展的关键,也是建设生态城市的核心问题.本文基于生态人居清洁、舒适、低环境负荷的特点,以三峡移民第一城--重庆市万州区为例,对其1999-2005年居住适宜性水平进行了评价和分析,并基于评价结果提出了相应的优化调整建议.针对库区移民城市强调社会结构重建的特点,本文分别从基础设施、居住系统、生态环境、社会人文四个方面筛选指标,建立三级评价指标体系,综合运用层次分析法和熵权法确定指标权重,有效避免了主、客观定权方式各自的弱点.评价结果表明:7年来万州城区宜居水平虽呈上升趋势,但综合指数集中在0.45~0.6之间,距离生态人居的标准还存在明显差距.其中,基础设施滞后问题尤为突出,社会人文、生态环境指数自2000年后一直呈下降的趋势.  相似文献   

成都市城镇体系空间结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
成都市位于四川盆地的成都平原上,是我国为数不多的较典型的同心圆城市之一。目前,成都市的城市发展已经进入了工业化与城市化中期阶段。从空间结构理论入手,对成都市城镇体系的空间结构进行分析,结果显示:行政辖区内的14个郊县(区)呈现具有黄金分割特征的五边形结构,并可划分为5个五边形。它们分别是:龙泉驿-新都-郫县-温江-双流5个近郊县、区构成的卫星城镇环;大邑-崇州-邛崃-蒲江-新津5个郊县构成的远郊城镇环;以都江堰为共同顶点,由近郊卫星城镇与远郊县、区构成的2个五边形城镇环(郫县-新都-青白江-彭州-都江堰、郫县-温江-崇州-大邑-都江堰),以及成都主城区东、南部尚待形成的五边形城镇体系结构。在理论上论证了成都市向东、向南发展的客观性、必然性。  相似文献   

Latin America comprehends notable variations in terms of natural environment, availability of natural resources, living standards, and demographic patterns. Latin America is a mosaic of cultures, post- and pre-Columbian. The rich variety of life forms discovered and described by chroniclers and traveling naturalists in the Neotropics contributed to the proposal, in mid-XVIIIth century, of a new system of classification and a scientific code of nomenclature for all organisms. Biodiversity was, for many centuries, a source of resources to be exploited in natura. In scientific circles, its inventory became the domain of taxonomists. But modern technology showed how important the miriad of life forms really are as sources of chemical molecules to be engineered as drugs and reassembled as novel manufactured products. We are on the brink of a new agricultural and medical revolution, thanks to the techniques of genetic engineering, which will lead eventually to the elimination of hunger and malnutrition.In this essay, the Brazilian environmental and social heterogeneity will serve as an example to illustrate some key points, which have influenced sustainability policies. The Amazon deforestation and indigenous knowledge (IK), subjects often associated with areas of high biodiversity, are usually the focus of environmental debates. The importance of IK in integrating development, reducing poverty and sustainability are considered together with the intellectual property rights of native populations.In the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) Implementation Plan, a few paragraphs were dedicated to Latin America, because of the pre-existing Action Platform on the Road to Johannesburg 2002, approved in Rio de Janeiro in October 2001. This paper calls attention to the need to draw up specific environmental policies for a region which shows an extremely high cultural and biological diversity, associated with a high availability of forests and water, among other resources.  相似文献   

The size of shells in some freshwater pulmonate mollusk species abundant in Western Siberia (Lymnaea fragilis, L. terebra, Planorbis planorbis, and Anisus leucostoma) is relatively large in the south and decreases in the north. It is supposed that this phenomenon is explained by the fact that the season with conditions allowing the growth of mollusks is shorter in the north than in the south of Western Siberia.  相似文献   

Integration of indigenous knowledge and ethnoscientific approaches into contemporary frameworks for conservation and sustainable management of natural resources will become increasingly important in policies on an international and national level, both in countries that are industrialised and those that have a developing status. We set the scene on how this can be done by exploring the key conditions and dimensions of a dialogue between ȁ8ontologiesȁ9 and the roles, which ethnosciences could play in this process. First, the roles of ethnosciences in the context of sustainable development were analysed, placing emphasis on the implications arising when western sciences aspire to relate to indigenous forms of␣knowledge. Secondly, the contributions of ethnosciences to such an ȁ8inter- ontological dialogueȁ9 were explored, based on an ethnoecological study of the encounter of sciences and indigenous knowledge in the Andes of Bolivia, and reviewed experiences from mangrove systems in Kenya, India and Sri Lanka, and from case-studies in other ecosystems world-wide, incl. Australia, Burkina Faso, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Indonesia, Nepal, Niger, Philippines, Senegal, South-Africa and Tanzania.  相似文献   

We review studies of the effects of low ambient ozone concentrations on morbidity that found a negative coefficient for ozone concentration. We call this a Paradoxical Ozone Association (POA). All studies were in regions with methyl ether in gasoline. All but one study carefully controlled for the effects of other criterion pollutants, so the phenomenon cannot be attributed to them. One was in southern California in mid-summer when ozone levels are highest. Because ozone is created by sunlight, the most plausible explanation for a POA would be an ambient pollutant that is rapidly destroyed by sunlight, such as methyl nitrite (MN). A previously published model of engine exhaust chemistry suggested methyl ether in the fuel will create MN in the exhaust. MN is known to be highly toxic, and closely related alkyl nitrites are known to induce respiratory sensitivity in humans. Support for the interpretation comes from many studies, including three linking asthma symptoms to methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) and the observation that a POA has not been seen in regions without ether in gasoline. We also note that studies in southern California show a historical trend from more significant to less significant ozone-health associations. The timing of those changes is consistent with the known timing of the introduction of gasoline oxygenated with MTBE in that region.  相似文献   

Information regarding the distribution of volatile organic compound (VOC) concentrations and exposures is scarce, and there have been few, if any, studies using population-based samples from which representative estimates can be derived. This study characterizes distributions of personal exposures to ten different VOCs in the U.S. measured in the 1999-2000 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). Personal VOC exposures were collected for 669 individuals over 2-3 days, and measurements were weighted to derive national-level statistics. Four common exposure sources were identified using factor analyses: gasoline vapor and vehicle exhaust, methyl tert-butyl ether (MBTE) as a gasoline additive, tap water disinfection products, and household cleaning products. Benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, xylenes chloroform, and tetrachloroethene were fit to log-normal distributions with reasonably good agreement to observations. 1,4-Dichlorobenzene and trichloroethene were fit to Pareto distributions, and MTBE to Weibull distribution, but agreement was poor. However, distributions that attempt to match all of the VOC exposure data can lead to incorrect conclusions regarding the level and frequency of the higher exposures. Maximum Gumbel distributions gave generally good fits to extrema, however, they could not fully represent the highest exposures of the NHANES measurements. The analysis suggests that complete models for the distribution of VOC exposures require an approach that combines standard and extreme value distributions, and that carefully identifies outliers. This is the first study to provide national-level and representative statistics regarding the VOC exposures, and its results have important implications for risk assessment and probabilistic analyses.  相似文献   

In early 1980 an extension agent was assigned to the rural municipality of Bangui, Ilocos Norte, Philippines to work on development projects – in particular the improvement of the supply of safe water for drinking and sanitation. After many months of visiting spring sites and meeting with community leaders, a small part of the municipality was selected to build a gravity fed piped water system. Although the system took many months to plan, identify funding and construct, the 600 community members were ultimately rewarded with house to house connections that enabled them to achieve per capita water consumption levels above the minimum levels recommended by the World Health Organization. Of course, money was critical to ensure the project’s success, but many other factors played an equally critical role. For instance, without the active participation of the community and the unwavering support of the community leadership the project would not have survived the initial planning stage. Also, the extension agent played a critical role by acting as a conduit between funding agencies, the Bureau of Public Works and the community. The primary lesson to be learned from this experience is that the success of rural development projects is largely driven by the synergy between the community, technical support, financial support, and agents of change such as extension agents. If any of these ingredients had been lacking, the project result would likely have been far different.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of a model test carried out within the framework of the COMETES project (EU). The aim of the work was to change the structure of the MOIRA lake model for radiocesium so that it can be applied more generally for, in principle, all types of radionuclides and heavy metals. This general lake model is used within the MOIRA decision support system (DSS; MOIRA and COMETES are acronyms for EU-projects). The model is based on a set of differential equations and a specific modelling structure. It incorporates all important fluxes to, from and within lakes in a general manner. Yet the model is driven by a minimum of variables accessible from standard maps and monitoring programs. The model can be separated into two parts, a general part with equations applicable for all types of water pollutants and a substance-specific part. This model has previously been validated for 137Cs from many lakes covering a wide domain and yielded excellent predictive power. The alterations discussed in this work are meant to be general and radiostrontium is used as a typical element. Radiostrontium is known to be more mobile than radiocesium and all abiotic parts of the model handling fixation and mobility have been altered. The new model for 90Sr has been critically tested using data from four lakes heavily contaminated with 90Sr from the Kyshtym accident in the Southern Urals, Russia, using empirical data from a period from 1958 to 1995 for 90Sr in fish (here goldfish), water and sediments.  相似文献   

The Eastern Mediterranean region is among the regions which were predicted to become drier under IPCC climate scenarios. Here, we document a gradual reduction of rainfall and tree growth and the loss of rural springs during the last decades of the twentieth century. Years with severe drought are associated with very low tree growth (dendrochronology) and dry falling of springs as evidenced by interviews with local stakeholders. The paper discusses the consequences of accelerating drought on natural vegetation and agriculture and points at the interaction with fire dynamics and economy, both likely to enhance the drought effect.  相似文献   

The initial period of idleness in the solonetz ecosystems of the southern Transural Region is characterized by a significant variability of their soil–plant communities, which is determined by natural periodicity and general direction of the process of ecosystem restoration. Selective consumption of salinizing ions by the plants growing on idle land activates the development of desalinization processes.  相似文献   

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