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贵州省水资源承载力的空间地域差异   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
水资源承载力是一个国家或地区可持续发展过程中各种自然资源承载力的重要组成部分,对一个国家或地区综合的发展和发展规模有至关重要的影响。由于水资源承载力是涉及到人口、社会经济发展以及资源环境在内的复杂巨系统,通过利用综合多种因素的状态空间法,从综合、宏观的角度来描述研究区域现实的承载状况,并对其进行定量化表示和分析。以贵州省为例,根据其具体情况,选取了9个指标构成评价指标体系,并对各指标运用反映客观赋权的熵值法进行权重的确定,然后通过状态空间法求算出贵州省现实的水资源承载状态值及其理想状态值。计算结果表明,贵州省目前的水资源承载状况总体上处于超载状态,但不同的地区又有所差异,表现出一定的空间地域性。根据贵州省水资源承载的现状值与理想值的比较,把整个贵州省水资源承载力划分为3种类型区:严重超载区、满载区及可载区。计算结果符合贵州省水资源实际情况,对贵州省水资源的可持续利用具有一定的现实指导意义。  相似文献   

矿产资源人口承载力研究   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
本文建立了矿产资源人口承载力分析的指标体系与计算模型,并对现有资源和预测资源的人口承载力进行了定量计算和分析;确定了2000年、2010年的矿产资源人口承载数量。  相似文献   

长江流域相对资源承载力与可持续发展研究   总被引:47,自引:6,他引:41  
采用相对资源承载力的研究思路与计算方法,计算1988-1998年长江流域相对土地资源承载力、相对经济承载力和综合承载力及其变化过程。研究表明:(1)长江流域人口承载力从1988年到1998年一直处于超载状态,经济资源成为长江流域的主要承载资源;(2)相对资源承载力区域差异明显,上海、江苏2省市承载力一直处于富余状态,浙江从1993年起承载力处于富余状态;安徽、江西、湖南、湖北和川渝承载力一直处于超载状态;中上游地区自然资源是主要的承载资源,下游地区资源是主要的承载资源;(3)上游地区生态环境恶化,下游地区人地矛盾日益突出是长江流域可持续发展中存在的主要问题。  相似文献   

土地功能视角下的土地资源人口承载力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长期以来,国内外对土地资源人口承载力的研究基本上都是围绕“耕地 粮食 人口”这一思路而展开的。在当前经济全球化、快速城市化的背景下,单一评价方法难以全面反映社会发展实际。从土地功能视角出发提出土地资源人口承载力评价的新体系:基于土地粮食视角的人口承载力、基于建设用地视角的人口承载力、基于土地经济关系视角的人口承载力。首次将土地经济关系引入土地资源承载力评价中,利用不同土地类型与国民经济部门的关系进行人口测算,可以真实反映当今经济社会下人口承载的实际状态。以攀枝花市、六盘水市为例进行了实证研究,仅从本区域评价结果来看,原有传统的土地粮食人口承载能力在此次评价中并不构成最大限制因素,而是建设用地或者土地经济关系等因素决定了人口承载力,这也证明了土地资源人口承载力研究方法的可行性和相对合理性  相似文献   

北京市水资源人口承载力的动态模拟与分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
水资源是一个城市人口发展和经济社会发展最重要的不可或缺的资源,而且是难以在短期内改变的资源,因此常常成为决定一个地区或者城市承载力的最"短板因素"而受到极大重视。北京市作为北方干旱缺水城市,随着人口的增长和社会经济的发展,水资源紧张的问题日益显得突出。本文选择系统动力学方法对首都北京的水资源人口承载力进行了定量的动态的分析。模型中考虑了地表水、地下水、再生水以及南水北调水量等供水因素,同时考虑了工农业发展用水、生态用水和生活用水量的变动及其用水结构等变量以及它们的变化核相互作用对人口承载力的影响,并对上述因素未来的各种变化进行了模拟仿真。结果显示,如果按照目前的供水和用水标准以及用水结构,北京市水资源承载力将会随着时间推移而出现下降;南水北调水量的进入虽然能够缓解水资源承载压力,并较大幅度提高北京市人口承载力,但是随着人口规模扩张和工农业生产的发展,北京市的水资源人口承载力会再次出现下降,因此南水北调不能从根本上解决人口承载压力过大的问题。而提高水的综合利用率和改善用水结构将对北京市人口承载力的提高具有重大意义。  相似文献   

汶川地震重灾区雅安市资源环境承载力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
资源环境承载能力评价是汶川地震灾区灾后恢复重建规划的一项重要基础工作,目的在于为重灾区恢复重建提出适宜人口规模,使灾后重建的人口空间布局与资源环境承载力相适应。对影响资源环境承载力的3个关键要素--耕地资源、水资源和环境容量进行分析评价,应用“木桶短板效应”原理,确定以耕地资源的人口承载力反映整个区域的资源环境承载力;并从耕地粮食的人口承载力和耕地经济收入的人口承载力等2个方面分别进行计算,综合确定人口的合理规模。结果表明:雅安市人口的合理规模,在2010年之前的恢复重建阶段,为1535~159万人,恢复重建阶段基本上不用考虑大规模移民;从2020年实现全面小康而言,为1585~164万人,总体上雅安市的资源环境能够满足其震后人口的小康社会建设需求,但要采取综合性政策措施,引导人口向市域内资源环境承载潜力大、产业、人口聚集能力强的雨城区、名山县转移  相似文献   

基于相对资源承载力新疆可持续发展研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文采用相对资源承载力的研究思路和分析方法,计算了1978-2007年29年间新疆相对土地资源承载力、相对经济资源承载力和相对综合资源承载力状态及其演化过程.研究表明:①土地资源是新疆人口的主要承载资源;②1990年以后,新疆实际承载人口数量出现"低-高-低"的波动;③新疆目前仍处于人口承载相对富裕的状态,但有趋向临界值发展的趋势;④新疆经济资源承载力能力脆弱.研究认为:新疆可持续发展的关键制约因素:一是长期处于两位数高出生、高增长的人口发展状态;二是自然资源开发与利用的转换效率低.资源浪费和环境损坏的代价大;三是经济基础薄弱,难以支撑新疆社会的可持续发展.建议:新疆应制定新时期人口发展战略;创新人口管理机制;制定控制人口、提高素质与强力有效的激励措施并举的政策;将人口自然增长率控制在10%以内;充分利用资源优势,提高资源转换效率,促进经济发展,实现新疆人口、资源与环境经济的可持续发展.  相似文献   

基于二元水循环理论的水资源承载力质量能综合评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水资源承载力是影响社会经济可持续发展的一个重要因素,水资源承载力的合理评定对于水资源的可持续利用及社会经济的发展规划具有重要指导意义。在“二元水循环”理论的基础上,提出了承载单元的概念,认为水资源是通过承载单元来实现对社会经济和自然环境的承载能力的。承载单元具有系统响应的特点,水资源在承载单元内将经过社会的外体循环及自然的内体循环,之后其水质、水量、水能3个方面的状态都会发生改变,其承载能力也会相应地发生改变。因此,以承载单元为研究对象,建立了质量能构架下水资源承载力的评价指标体系,并对水资源承载力进行了综合评价。最后以昆明市水资源承载力的分析评价为例,说明了该方法的实际应用  相似文献   

为明确我国西部土地人口承载力是否能够满足人口增长、经济发展和人民生活质量提高的需要,进而为土地利用规划和人口发展战略的制定提供依据,在综合考虑土地的自然属性和经济属性基础上,对我国西部地区2020年、2025年、2030年的人口承载力进行测算。采用统计模型分析与灰色预测的方法测算基于土地自然属性即食物生产能力的人口承载力,同时,从土地经济属性的角度,采用基于土地功能的产业活动关联法来测算人口承载力。最后利用短板分析法综合权衡两类基于土地不同属性角度的测算结果,确定西部地区实际的土地人口承载力,并与未来人口数量进行比较。测算结果显示:(1)从总体上看,2020年、2025年、2030年西部地区人口承载力分别是6.50亿人、6.73亿人、6.94亿人,而与之对应的未来人口数量是3.81亿人、3.87亿人、3.92亿人,即西部地区土地能供养的人口数大于未来人口数量;(2)从省级区域分布来看,其中大部分地区能满足未来人口增长的需要,内蒙古、广西、重庆、四川、宁夏、新疆等11省份的土地都能承载各省未来人口的发展,只有青海省人口承载力低于未来人口数量。这表明西部地区整体的土地承载力能满足人口发展所需,但存在区域不协调,青海省土地承载力与人口发展需求尚不匹配。  相似文献   

我国是一个以山地为主的国家,耕地有限且以山丘坡耕地为主,协调人地关系非常重要。以四川省宜宾市为例,通过土地资源生产潜力和人口数量预测模型的建立,采用环境容量等级系数计算和等级划分方法,对基于水土流失和生态工程建设作用下的长江上游流域山丘区土地利用类型与格局的变化及其它人类活动对土地承载力的影响进行了研究与评价。研究结果表明,宜宾市土地资源的生产潜力在2010、2015、2020年时总体上都能承载3种生活类型条件下的人口数量,3种生活类型下的容量等级基本都在“3”以上,即达到“满足”水平,并呈现出向“富余”水平提高的趋势,这表明尚具有较大潜力和空间的土地承载力是宜宾区域经济发展的有利驱动因素,人类活动对土地承载力产生的影响在可承受的生态阈值之内,为长江上游流域及我国广大山丘地区的生态环境建设和区域发展提供了可靠依据。  相似文献   

Understanding the earth system requires that the two-way linkages between regions and the global system be well understood and predictable. Most studies of global change are undertaken thematically across limited disciplinary boundaries; few are attempted holistically across many disciplines within regions. The regional approach offers many advantages. Here a variety of linkages associated with the regions of Southern Africa, South Asia, East Asia and Southeast Asia are presented to illustrate the power of a regional approach to earth system science. Major findings include the extent to which long-range transport of aerosols and nutrients affect terrestrial and marine ecosystem functioning in and around southern Africa. Aerosol transport, and the development of a regional haze layer, over South Asia are shown to alter significantly the radiative forcing of change in the atmosphere over the region. Changes in land cover and use over East Asia over along period of time are shown to have affected the strength of the monsoon circulation significantly. Finally, rampant economic development and globalization in Southeast Asia are demonstrated to have been a significant driver of regional change. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

土壤与全球环境变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文着重论述了“土壤变化”与“全球气候变化”之间的相互作用。土壤圈通过其内部一系列的理化、生化变化及土地利用变化等,产生CO_2、CH_4、N_2O等“温室效应”气体特别是CH_4和N_2O向大气的排放,对“全球气候变化”产生重要的影响,而全球气候变暖又会引起土壤沙漠化、酸化、盐渍化等退化过程的进一步加剧,严重改变人类生存的环境。加强科学宣传,提高全球民众环境意识,加强科学研究与监测,提出相应措施,是适应或改变上述全球变化的重要战略对策。  相似文献   

Several studies have been using quantified consensus within climate science as an argument to foster climate policy. Recent efforts to communicate such scientific consensus attained a high public profile but it is doubtful if they can be regarded successful. We argue that repeated efforts to shore up the scientific consensus on minimalist claims such as “humans cause global warming” are distractions from more urgent matters of knowledge, values, policy framing and public engagement. Such efforts to force policy progress through communicating scientific consensus misunderstand the relationship between scientific knowledge, publics and policymakers. More important is to focus on genuinely controversial issues within climate policy debates where expertise might play a facilitating role. Mobilizing expertise in policy debates calls for judgment, context and attention to diversity, rather than deferring to formal quantifications of narrowly scientific claims.  相似文献   

Human dimensions research focuses on the interrelationships between humans and the environment. To date, human dimensions research in arctic regions has concentrated primarily on local events and contexts. As such, it complements analysis elsewhere of adaptation and sustainable development within broad institutional, social, and environmental contexts. This paper reviews five projects from the Human Dimensions of the Arctic System (HARC) initiative, established by the US National Science Foundation in 1997. Common themes and findings are highlighted: climatic variations or change affect societies through interactions with human activities; population dynamics provide key quantitative indicators of social impacts and well being; and specific impacts and responses are the result of complex, context-sensitive interactions. Congruent approaches to the challenges of interdisciplinary research are also identified: multivariate time plots aid the integration of data, retrospective and prospective studies are part of a continuum and reinforce one another, comparative studies are essential for understanding general principles of human dimensions, and arctic residents can play a vital role in research and action.  相似文献   

选取南水北调西线工程引水区5个水文站与相应气象站近50 a径流、降雨、温度、日照时间序列资料,首先对自相关性显著水平5%的序列进行去白化处理,运用Mann Kendall法进行趋势检验和突变分析,并通过Spearman法和双累积曲线图形法对结果进行验证。此外,运用Pearson方法分析径流与各气候因子间的相关性。结果表明:50 a来,引水区年径流量变化趋势总体不明显,但近10 a来,除直门达水文站外,其余4个站有进一步减少的趋势;雨量和日照时间变化趋势并不明显,温度有较显著升高。总体而言,气候变化是流域径流量变化的主要影响因素,未来径流量变化还需从气温、降水、径流、冰川等时空分布特性综合研究  相似文献   

China has witnessed rapid economic development since 1978, and during the time, energy production and consumption developed at a tremendous speed as well. Energy efficiency which can be measured by energy consumption per unit of GDP, however, experienced continuous decrease. Theoretically, the change of energy efficiency can be attributed to industry structural change and technological change. In order to explain the transformation of Chinese energy efficiency, we adopt logarithmic mean Divisia index techni...  相似文献   

The study demonstrated that the mature dates we investigated were considered safe for human consumption. However, our findings revealed that much of the early fruit and leaves, which appeared at the advent of the fruiting season, possessed elevated levels of cadmium (Cd) that could accumulate in the food chain and thus impact adversely on the environment. In addition, animal feed for livestock contains date leaves, which should be restricted to the mature ones. The monitoring of cadmium in date palms is of considerable interest to environmental science and the thrust of this work, therefore, involved measurement, by ICP, of Cd in dates and corresponding leaf specimens, and evaluation of its distribution during the developmental stages of the fruiting season. Thirty-six date samples and 36 leaf specimens of the Fard cultivar were collected from "on" and "off" date palms during the Kimri, Bisir and Rutab stages of the fruiting season and subjected to suitable digestion procedures. Sample masses of typically 1 g (dry weight) were prepared in 25 ml dilute acid solution and investigated for trace levels of Cd by ICP-AES. Special attention was paid to contamination and the validation of our methodology. The Cd "threshold" in our study was 50 ng/g, in keeping with the levels of tolerance appearing in the literature. For the dates we found elevated levels of Cd [> 50 ng/g] in most of the samples, for both categories of "on" and "off" trees, during the Kimri stage. In the case of the leaves, the "on" samples revealed significant values up to 125 ng/g in Bisir, in some cases, but the trend for the "off" trees remained the same with the highest levels [> 100 ng/g] recorded during Kimri. Safe levels were attained during Rutab for all specimens. The possibility of a connection between Cd toxicity and the alternate-bearing phenomenon is discussed and this could be the subject of future interest.  相似文献   


China has witnessed rapid economic development since 1978, and during the time, energy production and consumption developed at a tremendous speed as well. Energy efficiency which can be measured by energy consumption per unit of GDP, however, experienced continuous decrease. Theoretically, the change of energy efficiency can be attributed to industry structural change and technological change. In order to explain the transformation of Chinese energy efficiency, we adopt logarithmic mean Divisia index techniques to decompose changes in energy intensity in the period of 1994–2005. We find that technological change is the dominant contributor in the decline of energy intensity, but the contribution has declined since 2001. The change in industry structure has decreased the energy intensity before 1998, but raised the intensity after 1998. Decomposed technological effects for all sectors indicate that technological progresses in high energy consuming industries such as raw chemical materials and chemical products, smelting and pressing of ferrous metals, manufacture of non-metallic mineral products and household contribute are the principal drivers of China’s declining energy intensity.  相似文献   

China has witnessed rapid economic development since 1978, and during the time, energy production and consumption developed at a tremendous speed as well. Energy efficiency which can be measured by energy consumption per unit of GDP, however, experienced continuous decrease. Theoretically, the change of energy efficiency can be attributed to industry structural change and technological change. In order to explain the transformation of Chinese energy efficiency, we adopt logarithmic mean Divisia index techniques to decompose changes in energy intensity in the period of 1994-2005. We find that technological change is the dominant contributor in the decline of energy intensity, but the contribution has declined since 2001. The change in industry structure has decreased the energy intensity before 1998, but raised the intensity after 1998. Decomposed technological effects for all sectors indicate that technological progresses in high energy consuming industries such as raw chemical materials and chemical products, smelting and pressing of ferrous metals, manufacture of non-metallic mineral products and household contribute are the principal drivers of China's declining energy intensity.  相似文献   

This article proposed the concept of"climate capacity"as a way of measuring human’s adaptiveness to climate change.This article also focused on the related concepts like ecological carrying capacity,water resources carrying capacity,land carrying capacity as well as population carrying capacity.The concept of climate capacity was articulated against a background of global climate and environmental change.Essentially,China’s efforts to adapt to climate change was a matter of improving climate capacity,which is the ecosystem as well as the frequency,the intensity and the scale of human’s social activities that the climatic resources of a particular geographic area were supposed to support.The climate capacity has two components.One is the natural climate capacity,which includes temperature,sunlight,precipitation,extreme climatic events,etc.The other is the derived climate capacity,which includes water resources,land resources,ecological systems,climatic risks,etc.The climate capacity can be developed or be transferred between regions by taking engineering,technology or regime-based adaptive measures.However,these adaptive measures must be implemented under the principle of economic rationalism,ecological integrity,climate protection,and social justice.It is expected that by combining the climate capacity and its threshold value with the assessment of climate change risks,we are able to predict the optimal population carrying capacity and the scale of socioeconomic development,and furthermore,provide policy support for the socioeconomic development strategy and adaptive planning.In the regions with high climate capacity,there is a symbiotic relationship between adaptation and socioeconomic development.But,in the regions with limited climate capacity,irrational development may further damage the environment.Taking the Yangtze River delta,a region with high climate capacity,and a region of Ningxia,a region with limited climate capacity,as illustrative examples,the authors of this article analyzed the policy implications of climate capacity and further made suggestions on the problems of capacitylimited adaptation and development-driven adaptation.This article argued that the concept of climate capacity can not only be used as an analytical instrument of climate change economics,but also it can provide research support for planning regional adaptation and development with climate change impact and risk assessments.  相似文献   

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