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中国生物多样性保护适应气候变化的对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于气候变化对生物多样性影响的总结分析,初步提出了我国生物多样性保护适应气候变化的对策。气候变化对生物物候、分布、迁移活动、群落结构、栖息地质量、生态系统和景观多样性都产生了一定影响,未来将产生更深刻的影响。我国生物多样性保护适应气候变化需要从物种有效保护、自然保护区规划与管理、灾害防御等方面进行。  相似文献   

中华鲟濒危状况与物种保护对策的评估分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
濒危等级是确定物种优先保护顺序和制订濒危物种保育策略的重要依据。结合历史资料以及近年的监测数据,对长江中华鲟种群繁殖群体及补充群体数量与质量,关键栖息地胁迫因素及胁迫强度等的全面梳理,总结出了1981年以来中华鲟种群及环境胁迫的变动趋势。参照IUCN物种濒危程度的划分准则建立了中华鲟物种濒危等级的划分标准;同时按照10年一组对该物种不同年代下的濒危状况进行评估。中华鲟在1983~1992年代进入濒危程度;在2003~2012年代进入极危程度。中华鲟物种的濒危等级取决于自身种群质量以及人类活动及环境结构变化等多方面的综合影响。人类活动和环境结构变化对中华鲟的胁迫呈现多样性与复杂性,且整体呈现一定的时间和空间尺度上的差异。最后,基于物种的濒危状况以及胁迫因素,分析了不同年代内的对策及效果,在此基础上提出了物种保护工作的构架和保护行动的优先顺序。  相似文献   

湖北省珍稀濒危保护水禽物种多样性及种群数量   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
使用直接计数法和专项调查法于1996年5月~2003年7月对湖北省珍稀濒危保护水禽物种多样性和种群数量进行了研究。结果表明:湖北省珍稀濒危保护水禽有45种,隶属于6目9科24属;记录到34种,其中有黄嘴白鹭和小苇鳽2个新记录种。按区系型分,古北界种类占优势,有35种,东洋种8种,广布种2种;按季节型分,冬候鸟为主体,有30种,夏候鸟8种,旅鸟5种,留鸟2种;按生活型分,涉禽23种,游禽22种,种类几乎相等。种群数量为41.1796万只。在45种珍稀水禽中,IUC红皮书水禽23种,8 247只;中国红皮书水禽22种,3 615只;CITES濒危水禽23种,40.631 6万只;国家重点保护水禽24种,3 838只。角等11种水禽未发现,可能已绝迹或极度濒危。按水禽1 %地理种群数量的标准,洪湖、沉湖、龙感湖、梁子湖、网湖等湿地可以确定为国际重要湿地。  相似文献   

宁夏沙坡头自然保护区气候变化脆弱性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着西部地区的人口增长、产业结构的改变,在全球气候变化背景下,结合其特殊的地理位置,宁夏沙坡头地区的生态脆弱性问题愈发受到重视。本研究从风险度和敏感度方面着手,选取干燥度、热量、道路分布、建筑用地分布、植被覆盖度、物种多样性、生态系统类型以及生态系统多样性八个空间属性较强的生态脆弱性指标,对沙坡头地区进行脆弱性评价研究,拟得出沙坡头地区脆弱性空间分布特点并解释差异产生的原因。研究结果表明,气候变化对宁夏沙坡头地区生态系统的影响评价模型,能够客观、准确、科学的评价气候变化对沙坡头自然保护区影响的范围和程度,同时为应对全球气候变化,缓解、适应气候变暖对沙漠生态系统的影响,以及为西部地区自然保护区建立和维护提供科学依据、技术支撑和示范作用。从而为因地制宜,更有效率的保护地区的自然生态环境与生物多样性。  相似文献   

贵州喀斯特地区珍稀濒危植物及其保护   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
贵州73%的土地为碳酸盐岩覆盖,生态环境脆弱,喀斯特地貌极为发育是我国一个相对独特的地域环境单元,也是一个植物多样性较丰富的地区,仅需保护的珍稀濒危植物就有342种,分属84科193属。分析了贵州喀斯特地区珍稀濒危植物的现状特征,并从植物本身的生理生态习性,喀斯特生境本底的严酷性(如土壤瘠薄、方便利用的地表水匮乏等),人类干扰活动(如盗伐,毁林垦荒,水土流失,酸雨危害等)等方面探讨了该地区珍稀濒危物种的濒危原因。在此基础上,结合目前西部大开发中生态建设的要求,提出了该地区珍稀濒危植物保护应采取的七条对策建议。  相似文献   

长江湖北新螺江段长江江豚数量、分布和活动的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在物种保护实践中,对濒危物种的生态及行为进行监测至关重要。长江新螺段白鱀豚国家级自然保护区是长江江豚仅有的3个国家级原地保护区之一,然而较系统的监测至今还未见报道。2001年7月~2003年6月,采取常年监测与临时重点监测相结合,定点监测与流动监测相结合的方式对该保护区内长江江豚的种群数量、分布、活动规律及栖息地选择等作了研究,并提出了相应的保护建议。结果显示,保护区可能有长江江豚50~64头,多以2~3头为群生活,主要集中在沿岸浅水区;动物集群出现在3~6月,次数和规模远不如20 a前;长江江豚的集群和栖息地选择可能与觅食、休息和交配繁殖有关。建议控制过往船只速度,打击非法渔业,对近岸区要加强监测力度,尤其是在交配繁殖季节,对江豚活动频繁的团洲站、土地洲站、龙口站和腰口站要重点监测保护。

白鱀豚是我国特有的珍稀淡水哺乳动物,仅分布于长江中下游,目前长江白鱀豚的种群数量仅约200头,濒临灭绝。造成白鱀豚濒危的主要威胁来自长江鱼类资源的减少、有害渔具的广泛使用、航运事业的发展、河道的大规模整治、水电工程的建设、水体污染以及白鱀豚自身的生理特征。通过我们多年的研究,提出了建立半自然白鱀豚保护区、人工饲养下白鱀豚的繁殖,和建立长江白鱀豚自然保护区等三大措施。在各级政府和科研部门的共同努力下,三项措施正在落实,为保护白鱀豚创造了良好的条件,但面临的困难还很多,任务十分艰巨,我们希望开展广泛的国际合作,为保护白鱀豚共同努力。  相似文献   

水资源适应性管理理论和气候变化对策研究都将脆弱性分析作为对策研究的一部分,并认为适应对策应该具有改善系统脆弱性的能力;然而目前的水资源对策研究中主要关注适应对策实施的经济、环境等影响,而关于适应对策实施导致的区域系统脆弱性变化的分析较为缺乏。本文认为在研究水资源适应对策时,应该综合考虑对策实施引发的经济、社会等具体影响和区域脆弱性的变化,将适应对策改善系统脆弱性的能力纳入对策分析和评价的标准之中。因此,本文首先定性分析了水资源适应对策如何对区域系统脆弱性产生影响,然后构建了对策影响模拟模型,用于估测适应对策的具体影响和对区域系统脆弱性的改善能力;通过综合分析考虑水资源适应对策的影响,可为提供水资源适应性管理提供参考依据。设计三类水资源适应对策,用江西省为实例进行模拟分析,结果显示每项适应对策的影响都具有多样性和传导性;提高水资源要素价格、减少用水补贴和推动技术进步均能提高用水效率、控制经济社会发展用水总量,从而通过减少水资源能开发利用对自然系统的压力、提高人类经济社会的适应能力,综合缓解系统脆弱性。但不同对策具体影响有差异,各有不足之处,且由于区域系统和水资源问题的复杂性,不太可能在短期内靠单一对策迅速改善区域系统状态。因此,应该长期实施"节流"的水资源适应对策,重点提高农业用水效率,综合使用经济手段和技术手段促进用水效率提高和水资源优化配置,控制用水需求增长;同时保持经济稳定增长,通过提高人类适应能力,逐渐改善区域系统脆弱性,实现可持发展。  相似文献   

为加强黑壳楠(Lindera megaphylla)种质资源的保护,了解其种群结构与群落特征,对分布于湖北省竹溪县的黑壳楠群落进行了全面的调查。研究群落的物种组成和物种多样性,绘制种群结构图,采用静态生命表和生存分析探明种群的生存现状,利用动态指数和时间序列预测分析其未来发展趋势。结果表明,黑壳楠群落的物种数量和多样性指数均较低,各层次的物种多样性指数均为灌木层>草本层>乔木层,乔木层物种单一;种群的径级结构为不规则金字塔型,高度级结构为金字塔型,黑壳楠种群为增长型种群,但幼龄个体较少,中老龄个体较多,对外界干扰的敏感性较高;静态生命表结果表明,黑壳楠的存活数量随着龄级的增加逐渐减少,个体期望寿命也逐渐降低;存活曲线趋向于Deevey-II型,前期死亡率平稳,但后期死亡率上升;生存分析表明,种群进入衰退期相对较晚,危险率曲线在V和VIII龄级出现陡增;时间序列分析预测,随着时间的推移,老龄个体数量增加,幼龄和中龄个体缺乏补充,种群在未来仍会面临衰退。在今后的保护工作中,应采用补植或人工促萌等措施增加幼苗数量,同时减少破坏性干扰,加强对黑壳楠种质资源的保护。  相似文献   

大渡河流域川陕哲罗鲑分布与栖息地特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在实地调查和资料分析基础上,对大渡河流域川陕哲罗鲑栖息地及分布进行了量化分析,并对其适宜栖息地保护河段进行了评估与划分。研究表明:(1)1950~2012年,大渡河流域川陕哲罗鲑分布范围持续减少,损失率高达91.4%,强烈的人类活动(如水电开发)成其主要影响因素;(2)川陕哲罗鲑对栖息地生境质量需求较高,适应水温范围较窄(4℃~14℃)。在不同生活史阶段川陕哲罗鲑对于生境的需求存在差异;(3)大渡河上游干流及众多支流对保护川陕哲罗鲑极为重要。在上游适宜划分为川陕哲罗鲑栖息地保护的河段总长度共计2 222.9 km。根据研究结果,我们建议:(1)川陕哲罗鲑栖息地有效保护,不仅应保护其现有分布区域,而且还应涵盖具有较高保护和恢复价值的历史分布和潜在分布空间;(2)尽快开展大渡河河源区川陕哲罗鲑栖息地保护相关规划和研究工作;(3)为协调流域保护和发展,建议建立完善生态补偿机制。  相似文献   

Climate change generally requires species to migrate northward or to higher elevation to maintain constant climate conditions, but migration requirement and migration capacity of individual species can vary greatly. Individual populations of species occupy different positions in the landscape that determine their required range shift to maintain similar climate, and likewise the migration capacity depends on habitat connectivity. Here, we demonstrate an approach to quantifying species vulnerabilities to climate change for 419 rare vascular plants in Alberta, Canada, based on a multivariate velocity of climate change metric, local habitat fragmentation, and migration capacity. Climate change velocities indicated that future migration requirements ranged from 1 to 5 km/year in topographically complex landscapes, such as the Alberta Foothills and Rocky Mountains. In contrast, migration requirements to maintain constant climate in relatively flat Boreal Plains, Parkland, and Grassland ranged from 4 to 8 km/year. Habitat fragmentation was also highest in these flat regions, particularly the Parkland Natural Region. Of the 419 rare vascular plants assessed, 36 were globally threatened (G1–G3 ranking). Three globally threatened species were ranked as extremely vulnerable and five species as highly vulnerable to the interactions among climate change velocity, habitat fragmentation, and migration capacity. Incorporating dispersal characteristics and habitat fragmentation with local patterns in climate change velocity improves the assessment of climate change threats to species and may be applied to guide monitoring efforts or conservation actions.  相似文献   

Fisheries resources support livelihoods of fishing communities but are threatened by over-exploitation, habitat degradation, pollution, invasive species and climate change. Unlike the other threats, climate change has received limited consideration and reducing its risks requires appropriate adaptation strategies. This study used quantitative and qualitative methods to generate knowledge on fishers’ perceptions of climate change, changes in climate variables and their impacts on livelihoods, adaptation strategies, constraints to adaptation and required interventions to promote adaptation strategies that would enable fishers to build resilience to sustain their livelihoods. We found that fishers were aware of changes in climate conditions manifested by unpredictable seasons, floods and droughts. Fishing remained the main livelihood activity. However, the dominance of fishes had changed from Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) to the African catfish (Clarias gariepinus Burchell). Floods and droughts were associated with damage to gears, boats, landing sites and changes in fish catches and sizes, income from fishing and fish consumption. The fishers adapted by increasing time on fishing grounds and changing target species and fishing gear among other things. Some innovative fishers diversified to high-value crops and livestock. This increased their income beyond what was solely earned from fishing which provided an incentive for some of them to quit fishing. Livelihood diversification was enhanced by use of communications technology, membership of social groups, increasing fishing days and fishing experience. Adaptation was, however, constrained by limited credit, awareness and access to land, which require interventions such as improving access to credit, irrigation facilities, appropriate planting materials and awareness raising. We identified adaptation strategies, which if promoted and their constraints addressed, could increase resilience of fishers to the influence of climate change and sustain their livelihoods.  相似文献   

Climate change is projected to have serious environmental, economic, and social impacts on Ghana, particularly on rural farmers whose livelihoods depend largely on rainfall. The extent of these impacts depends largely on awareness and the level of adaptation in response to climate change. This study examines the perception of farmers in Sekyedumase district of Ashanti region of Ghana on climate change and analyzes farmers’ adaptation responses to climate change. A hundred and eighty farming households were interviewed in February and October 2009. Results showed that about 92% of the respondents perceived increases in temperature, while 87% perceived decrease in precipitation over the years. The major adaptation strategies identified included crop diversification, planting of short season varieties, change in crops species, and a shift in planting date, among others. Results of logit regression analysis indicated that the access to extension services, credit, soil fertility, and land tenure are the four most important factors that influence farmers’ perception and adaptation. The main barriers included lack of information on adaptation strategies, poverty, and lack of information about weather. Even though the communities are highly aware of climate issues, only 44.4% of farmers have adjusted their farming practices to reduce the impacts of increasing temperature and 40.6% to decreasing precipitation, giving lack of funds as the main barrier to implementing adaptation measure. Implications for policymaking will be to make credit facilities more flexible, to invest in training more extension officers and more education on climate change and adaptation strategies.  相似文献   

In climate change adaptation, contract farming can facilitate the adoption of coping and adaptation strategies, but such dynamics are less understood in the literature. This study uses primary data collected from a cross section of crop farmers in northern Ghana and a simultaneous equation systems approach to examine the links between contract farming and adoption of climate change coping and adaptation strategies. The major coping and adaptation strategies used by farmers include spraying of farms with chemicals, row planting, mixed farming, mixed cropping and crop rotation. Econometric results confirm that contract farming enhances the adoption of climate change adaptation strategies, but there is also a feedback effect on contract farming, such that farmers adopting more adaptation strategies have higher probabilities to get contract offer. This makes contract farming a viable policy instrument to consider in climate change adaptation. Furthermore, land ownership and extension services exert significant positive influence on adoption. As much as possible, coping and adaptation strategies should effectively be communicated to crop farmers. Policy-wise, development actors and successive governments in Ghana should encourage and facilitate contract or group farming, as was in the case of the National Block Farming, led by Ghana’s Ministry of Food and Agriculture.  相似文献   

Several studies have indicated the importance of understanding farmers’ perceptions of risks associated with climate change, the adaptation strategies they employ and factors that affect adaptive capacity. This study aimed to understand smallholder farmers’ perceptions of climate change, adaptation strategies and adaptive capacity in the semiarid Matungulu Sub-County, Eastern Kenya. A participatory approach, using three climate roundtables, was conducted to enhance community participation and understanding of climate change issues. The study showed that farmers’ perceptions concerning climate change are influenced by past experiences of weather extremes that have affected production levels and farm incomes. The farmers have made strategic responses to manage risks posed by climate change. However, they face several challenges in adaptation such as inadequate technical knowledge, low financial resources and inadequate land size. Further, the study showed that climate roundtables is a successful participatory approach that can give effective insights for smallholder farmers to understand agricultural vulnerability, climate change and their adaptation strategies.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean region of Chile is considered a biodiversity hot spot. An increase in temperature and decrease in precipitation, as projected for the end of this century by global circulation models, would likely change the distribution of the sclerophyllous thorny shrubland and woodland. In order to assess those potential impacts, the MAXENT algorithm was used to project potential changes in the distribution of the Mediterranean ecosystem. Ecological niche models were fitted and used to project the potential distribution of these forest ecosystems by the end of the century. Projections were made using data from the PRECIS model for the A2 and B2 climate change scenarios and two strategies of occupancy: free migration and non-migration. Distribution models of sclerophyllous, woodland and shrubland performed accurately representing current species’ distribution. When we assume non-migration responses under climate change scenarios, results reveal a decrease in the distribution area for all the species. The areas where the highest reduction in a suitable environment was found are located along the coastline, where higher temperature increases have been projected. For native ecosystems from the Andean Range region, such as communities dominated by thorny species, a stable habitat was found, associated with a higher adaptation capability to future climatic projections. Hence, in the future, buffer zones originated by “topo-climatic” conditions might play a key role in protecting Central Chile biodiversity.  相似文献   

While many scientific assessments have been recommending general strategies for biodiversity conservation under climate change, translation of these recommendations into specific actions and practice has been limited. Focusing on two biomes, rainforest and wetlands in biodiverse South East Queensland, Australia, we demonstrate how general principles can be translated into specific actions for stakeholders and responsible agencies. We synthesize research that is contextualizing protection of refugia and habitat connectivity, establishing baseline data sets to detect change and developing strategic conservation planning scenarios to adjust reserve boundaries or situate new reserves. This has been achieved by coupling spatial information on biological assets (i.e. ecosystems and species) with future climate scenarios and process models to anticipate movement of critical habitats. Conservation planning software is also being used to prioritize investment to meet specific objectives. This approach is enabling us to identify at-risk biological assets, opportunities to ameliorate threats and obstacles to delivering regional adaptation actions. A larger total reserved area is needed, with proactive planning to capture areas further inland and along watercourses. Major obstacles include conflict between urbanization and priorities for habitat conservation and the need for greater levels of investment for monitoring programmes and to protect landward shifted wetlands on private land.  相似文献   

Due to the dependence of its economy on rainfed agriculture and livestock husbandry, Burkina Faso, like other Sahelian countries, is particularly vulnerable to climate change. Adaptation is needed to counteract anticipated drawbacks of climate change on crop and livestock productivity; therefore, we examined climate change perceptions of pastoralists and agro-pastoralists and analysed their adaptation strategies. To this end, focus group discussions were held in six villages distributed across three agro-ecological zones. In three of these sites, 162 farmers were also individually interviewed. Perceptions of farmers were compared to actual trends of different climatic parameters extracted from official long-term meteorological records (1988–2008). Results showed that farmers in Burkina Faso were partly aware of climate change, particularly of changes in temperature and rainfall patterns, but their perception did not match well with the recorded annual rainfall data in the southern Sahelian and Sudanian zones. The most important adaptation strategies mentioned by agro-pastoralists were crop diversification, combination of cropping and livestock operations, use of water harvesting technologies and anti-erosive measures such as half-moons or stone dikes. Strategies of pastoralists included seasonal, annual and permanent migration and taking up of cereal cropping. Logistic regression analysis indicated that agro-ecological zone, cultivated surface, ruminant herd size, household size and education were the most important variables affecting farmers’ choice of adaptation strategies. These factors should be taken into account in the development and implementation of any programme of adaptation to climate change in Burkina Faso.  相似文献   

This article investigates how polar bears were established as icons of climate change in the popular science magazine National Geographic. In a multistep process, anthropomorphized depictions first established polar bears as subjects of identification. Then, polar bears were visually connected to the endangered Arctic. Finally, they emerged as ambassadors of a threatened ecosystem and icons of climate change. I highlight the wider political contexts of this process of iconization and the semiotic and cultural resources on which it draws, showing what kind of climate change communication the polar bear icon enables or inhibits. The icon lends itself to being deployed in visual communication strategies creating personal concern and public awareness for climate change. At the same time, the icon fosters an individualized, emotionalized, and localized account of climate change but does not make its wider causes visible.  相似文献   

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