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大气气溶胶酸度和酸化缓冲能力研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
为了掌握大气气溶胶与酸性降水的关系 ,分析和研究了中国北方和南方不同观测点可吸入颗粒物 (PM10 )的酸度 ,并利用微量酸碱滴定的方法测定了其酸化缓冲能力。结果表明大气气溶胶具有一定的酸度 ,同时对酸化的缓冲能力非常低 ,甚至可以促进降水的酸化 ,这种污染特征也是上述观测点发生酸性降水的重要原因之一。  相似文献   
模拟氮沉降对土壤酸化及土壤酸缓冲能力的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
为探讨N沉降对酸雨区森林土壤酸化和土壤酸缓冲能力的影响,于2012年4—12月在重庆缙云山地区选取针阔混交林和常绿阔叶林2种典型林分进行模拟N沉降试验,设N0、N1、N2、N3 4个处理,施N量(模拟N沉降量)分别为0、60、120、240 kg/(hm2·a),每月月初将NH4NO3溶液均匀喷洒在所选样方内,8个月后进行取样分析. 结果表明:①不同pH下2种林分土壤的酸缓冲能力存在较大差异,pH越低土壤酸缓冲能力越高. ②2种林分的土壤酸缓冲能力随N沉降量的增加而降低. 在相同的N沉降量下,常绿阔叶林土壤酸缓冲能力略高于针阔混交林. ③N沉降会加快土壤酸化速率. 与N0处理相比,N1、N2、N3处理常绿阔叶林土壤pH分别下降了0.03、0.06、0.16,而针阔混交林则分别下降了0.08、0.10、0.26. ④2种林分土壤中盐基离子含量均随N沉降量的增加而降低,交换性Al3+含量则相反. 与N0处理相比,常绿阔叶林N1、N2、N3处理盐基离子含量分别下降了55.76%、66.00%、70.38%,交换性Al3+含量分别增加了16.03%、21.37%、31.81%;针阔混交林盐基离子含量分别下降了24.12%、43.38%、62.24%,交换性Al3+含量分别增加了19.19%、23.48%、34.85%. 研究表明,氮沉降会降低森林土壤酸缓冲能力,加快酸化速率,并且常绿阔叶林土壤对N沉降的敏感性高于针阔混交林.   相似文献   
在抗振缓冲设计中,人们通常按标准、合同中的要求进行设计,本文认为要按产品受振动与冲击后的响应进行设计,及如何按振动与冲击后的响应进行设计。  相似文献   
生物质铬渣共热解工艺是新型的铬渣处理工艺,该工艺能有效地将铬渣中的Cr(Ⅵ)还原为Cr(Ⅲ).而由于共热解产物总铬含量较高,因此考察了铬渣与秸秆共热解过程中铬稳定性.通过考察共热解产物成分及形态分析、pH影响实验、淋洗实验及长期稳定性实验,对共热解铬渣的铬环境安全性进行评估.结果表明:(1)共热解温度对铬渣形态有较大影响,可交换态及碳酸盐结合态铬含量随共热解温度升高而逐渐降低,800℃时候可交换态铬降至<0.1%(质量分数,下同),碳酸盐结合态铬为1.2%;共热解后最稳定的残渣态铬含量随共热解温度升高而逐渐升高.(2)当pH>7时,两种共热解产物总铬溶出量极低,基本都小于6mg/kg;当pH≤7时,总铬的溶出量显著增加,最高超过500 mg/kg.但由于解毒铬渣的酸中和能力极强,因此铬释放风险较低.(3)共热解产物的总铬累积溶出量极低,根据拟合结果计算出其100年填埋时间的总铬溶出量不超过1.3 mg/kg.长期稳定性实验表明,自然堆置过程中共热解产物的Cr(Ⅵ)含量逐渐降低.  相似文献   
Strategies to conserve biodiversity need to include the monitoring, modelling, adaptation and regulation of the composition of the atmosphere. Atmospheric issues include climate variability and extremes; climate change; stratospheric ozone depletion; acid deposition; photochemical pollution; suspended particulate matter; and hazardous air pollutants. Coarse filter and fine filter approaches have been used to understand the complexity of the interactions between the atmosphere and biodiversity. In the first approach, climate-based models, using GIS technology, helped create future biodiversity scenarios under a 2 × CO2 atmosphere. In the second approach, the SI/MAB forest biodiversity monitoring protocols helped calibrate the climate-forest biodiversity baseline and, as global diagnostics, helped identify where the biodiversity was in equilibrium with the present climate. Forest climate monitoring, an enhancing protocol, was used in a co-location approach to define the thermal buffering capacity of forest ecosystems and their ability to reduce and ameliorate global climate variability, extremes and change.  相似文献   
闽南地区生态环境对酸沉降的临界负荷研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
报道了闽南生态环境对酸沉降临界负荷的研究结果。考虑到干、湿2种沉降形式,试用了1种新的酸沉降临界负荷计算方法:用树木和农作物的SO2容量代表酸性干沉降的临界负荷,用土壤酸缓冲容量计算酸性湿沉降的临界负荷。结果表明:闽南的干、湿酸沉降临界负荷均大大高于现实酸沉降负荷   相似文献   
植物对酸沉降的净化缓冲作用研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从植物对SO2的吸收作用、森林冠层对湿沉降的缓冲作用以及森林枯枝落叶层对酸沉降的吸收缓冲作用3个方面介绍了国内外在植物对酸沉降的净化缓冲作用方面的研究成果。  相似文献   
This is the first study in the Delhi region that assesses the critical load capacity of soil systems with respect to the atmospheric deposition and air quality, from July to October in 2012. Trend analysis of NO2 and SO2 in Delhi, using the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) data, showed interesting patterns matching with the trends in vehicular load in the city. This was followed by the calculation of the critical load of atmospheric acidity for sulphur and nitrogen in order to check the vulnerability of the soil systems in Delhi. Here, the steady state mass balance approach was majorly applied and the study conducted in the Agra region was taken as reference. The calculated values of critical loads of sulphur (225–275?eq/ha/yr) and nitrogen (298–303?eq/ha/yr), for the soil system in Delhi, were calculated with respect to three plant species, namely Anjan grass, Hibiscus and Black siris. The present loads of sulphur (PL(S)?=?26.40?eq/ha/yr) and nitrogen (PL(N)?=?36.51?eq/ha/yr) were found to be much lower than their respective critical loads. From the results, it can be concluded that the present loads of atmospheric acidic deposition in Delhi region do not pose any danger of acidification of soil system because it is countered by buffering capacity of soil generated dust. However, considering the pace at which the city is growing, it is likely that in coming decades, the present load will increase and thus the values evaluated in this study are likely to serve as an important reference for future assessment of the pollution scenario in the city.  相似文献   
针对太湖地区菜地化肥氮投入量较大导致氮淋失严重及土壤酸化的现状,选取太湖地区的菜地土壤,利用盆栽试验连续种植三季小白菜,结合生物炭埋袋回收技术,研究不同化肥氮施用量(以N计,0和110 mg/kg)及生物炭添加量(w为0%、1%、2%和5%)对土壤氮淋失及酸碱缓冲能力的影响. 结果表明:在化肥氮施用量为110 mg/kg条件下,与无生物炭添加相比,生物炭添加量为2%时可使作物对土壤矿质态氮的利用效率提高约1倍(由41%增至81%),因化肥氮施用引起的土壤氮素残留量降低83%;生物炭添加可有效减少48%~65%的土壤氮淋失量,当添加量为1%、2%时,生物炭主要通过削减淋失液中ρ(TN)来降低土壤氮淋失量;添加量为5%时,则主要通过削减淋失液体积来实现. 无论是否添加化肥氮,生物炭均能有效维持土壤原有的pH、w(有机质)及w(盐基离子);促使土壤酸碱缓冲能容量增加22%~37%,致酸速率降低17%~80%,显著提升了土壤的酸碱缓冲能力. 研究显示,在化肥氮施用量为110 mg/kg条件下,生物炭添加量为2%时能对土壤酸化产生较好的缓冲效果.   相似文献   
No-tillage (NT) is a method adopted to reduce erosion and particulate phosphorus (P) load from arable land to watercourses. However, it has been found to increase the loss of dissolved P with surface runoff, but the reasons for that have rarely been examined in detail. The objective of the present study was to determine the chemical factors explaining this response by investigating the impact of NT on the type and distribution of P reserves as well as on organic carbon (C) in the 0–35 cm topsoil layer of clay soil profiles (Vertic Cambisols). Soil samples were taken from two experimental fields (Jokioinen and Aurajoki) at 0–5, 5–20 and 20–35 cm depths in conventionally tilled (CT) and non-tilled (for 4–5 years) plots. The plots had been cultivated and fertilized according to the common field practices in Finland (15–18 kg P and 100–128 kg N ha−1 year−1).Inorganic and organic P reserves characterized by a modified Chang and Jackson fractionation procedure were not significantly affected by the cultivation methods. However, in the uppermost soil layer (0–5 cm) in NT of the Jokioinen field, the labile P determined by water extraction (Pw) increased significantly, whereas the increase in P extracted with acid ammonium acetate (PAAC) remained statistically insignificant. The increase in labile P coincided with a significant increase in organic carbon (C), which supports the theory that competition between organic anions and phosphate for the same sorption sites on oxide surfaces will enhance the lability of soil P. In the Aurajoki field with distinct soil cracking, Pw and PAAC were not affected by NT in the uppermost soil layer, but they increased in the deepest soil layer (20–35 cm) concomitantly with an increase in Al-bound P and organic C. However, the increases were not statistically significant. In both fields, soil acidification due to the repeated application of N fertilizers at a shallow soil depth as well as the accumulation of organic C lowered pH of the uppermost soil layer in NT compared to the deeper soil layers. The results indicated that even short-term NT can increase the labile P in clay soil. However, further studies are needed to assess the long-term changes in lability of surface soil P and, consequently, the possible need for readjustment of the fertilization level in NT.  相似文献   
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