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核心指标纵向层级传导作为市级国土空间规划的关键内容,对市域国土空间格局优化及规划统筹具有重要意义。针对当前指标传导研究不充分、不精细等问题,遵循“核心传导指标选择→指标传导技术逻辑构建→情景模拟预测”的研究思路,以常德市为例研究其2035年国土空间规划“市→县(区)”的核心指标传导。结果表明:(1)基于“指标全域总量预测—指标空间布局模拟—指标分区分类传导”的传导技术逻辑,通过SD与GeoSOS-FLUS模型的耦合集成利用,可有效实现市级国土空间规划核心指标“自上而下”与“自下而上”相结合的科学传导。(2)构建“人—地—业”协调的常德市国土空间利用SD模型,预测获得2035年市域核心指标总量,相应国土利用综合效益达12994.25亿元,相比2018年提升207.75%。(3)从指标传导结果来看,2035年常德市各县(市、区)社会经济类指标除常住人口规模指标外均保持增长趋势,边界类指标实现“只增不减”,用地类指标变化各异,但总体契合常德市主体功能区建设方向,核心指标传导结果符合实际。  相似文献   
由自然灾害引发的工业企业环境安全事故又称为自然灾害诱发的技术事故(Natech).我国是工业大国,重化工业是我国的主导产业之一;同时我国还是世界上自然灾害严重的国家之一,Natech风险不容忽视.开展Natech风险识别、评估和管理研究,有助于我国Natech风险管理体系的完善,防范和降低区域Natech风险.目前,我国Natech风险基础研究尚处于起步阶段,难以支撑我国Natech风险防控实践.本文从Natech风险发生机制、风险评估、风险感知与最大可接受风险水平、风险管理体系等四个方面回顾了国内外Natech风险研究现状,初步梳理了Natech风险的基本理论,并对我国未来Natech风险的研究方向进行了展望,为我国Natech风险研究领域的发展提供参考.  相似文献   
Green specifications constitute one of the important elements in green construction. New sustainability requirements and changing priorities in construction management have spurred the emerging green specifications to a faster pace of development. A cross-sectional survey has been conducted in Hong Kong in 2007 to identify principal factors leading to the success of preparing green specifications. Based on extensive construction management literature, 20 variables concerning sustainable construction were summarized. Using the Mann–Whitney U-test, the subtle differences between stakeholders in specifying construction work have been detected even with the high consistency of the responses among the groups. Moreover, five independent factors for successful specification of green construction have been categorized by factor analysis. They are related to (1) green technology and techniques, (2) reliability and quality of specification, (3) leadership and responsibility, (4) stakeholder involvement, and (5) guide and benchmarking systems. Whilst the first and fourth factors are generally more important, different stakeholder groups have different emphases. The results of the survey have been validated against established principles.  相似文献   
建立科学规范的环境保护目标责任考核机制是实现我国环境保护目标的重要手段之一。作为一个自上而下的制度典范,基层环境保护管理部门是环境管理目标的落实者也是被考核的对象。本研究以太湖流域水环境保护基层管理部门面临的水环境保护目标责任考核机制为研究对象,从水环境保护考核指标的设定、考核评价的实施以及考核结果的应用三个方面分析太湖流域水环境保护目标考核机制的实施现状。结果表明,现阶段的考核体系存在考核指标设置不合理、考核过程实施过程成本较高,以及考核结果缺乏对管理部门的激励性等问题。最后,本文从提高现阶段太湖流域水环境保护考核指标设定的科学性、协调不同部门之间的关系以及加强考核结果的公开与合理应用方面对太湖流域水环境保护目标责任考核机制提出了政策建议。  相似文献   
2018年中国正式开征环境保护税,这是我国首个以环境保护为直接政策目标的税种。环境保护税由排污费改革而来,有一半以上省份直接平移排污费收费标准,其他省份提高了税额标准。本文以2016—2019年中国上市公司季度数据为研究样本,利用PSM-DID方法评估了环境保护税税额标准提高对企业绩效的短期经济影响。实证结果表明,在短期内环境保护税税额标准提高并不会对企业绩效产生显著的影响,这一结论在进行三重差分、更换指标和数据等稳健性检验之后仍然成立。此外,本文发现在制度环境较好的东部地区,环境保护税对企业绩效的短期抑制作用更为显著,税额标准提高降低了企业的净资产收益率和总资产报酬率,显示出制度环境对环境保护税具有加强效应,从而促使企业有更好的环境表现。对此,本文提出应持续优化环境保护税制度,提高征管能力和水平,调高部分地区环境保护税税额标准,改进中西部地区制度环境等建议。  相似文献   
Environmental Management System (EMS) has been one of the important tools for sustainable construction for around two decades. However, many issues concerning sustainable development have not been properly addressed, and there is a need for the introduction of green specifications to advance green performance in construction through contract management. This paper defines green specifications, identifies the reasons for adopting green specifications and highlights the environmental issues that may not be addressed by solely adopting EMS. It also presents the results of a recent survey of practitioners concerning their opinions towards green specifications and possible impacts arising from their adoption. From the results of the survey, a framework for developing green specifications is deemed valuable for the cities striving for sustainability. Interestingly, the level of acceptable changes brought about by green specifications as perceived by different industry stakeholders is found to be unrelated to whether they were from organizations implementing EMS or not.  相似文献   
新疆滴灌棉花施用钾肥,灰漠土平均增产9 1%,草甸土平均增产6 6%。在适宜的氮磷肥条件下,灰漠土滴灌棉花最佳施钾量为94 5kg/hm2;草甸土滴灌棉花最佳施钾量为64 5kg/hm2。每公顷钾肥用量增加1kg,灰漠土棉株体内全钾含量提高0 006029%;草甸土棉株提高0 004457%。钾肥施用方法以基施配合滴施最佳。  相似文献   
北京市耕地面积变化趋势预测及保护对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
耕地资源是人类生存和发展最重要的物质基础,也是不可再生的稀缺资源。特别是北京这样的国际大都市,人地矛盾十分突出,每寸土地都显得弥足珍贵。基于1996-2005年北京市的耕地面积数据,利用灰色模型预测方法建立GM(1,1)模型,对北京市2006-2010年的耕地面积变化趋势进行预测。预测结果显示,北京市耕地面积在未来几年内将呈现出持续减少的趋势,2010年耕地面积将比1996年减少约1/2。针对这种趋势和北京市的实际情况,提出了相应的耕地保护对策。  相似文献   
典型区耕地变化与GDP值变化的脱钩研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究目的:为了深入分析耕地占用与GDP值增长之间的关系,研究不同区域之间耕地数量变化与GDP值变化的差异性与相似性,有利于平衡耕地占用与GDP值增长之间的矛盾,同时有利于“状态-压力-响应”体系的研究。研究方法:主要是应用脱钩理论,引入了脱钩指数来分析不同区域各时点耕地数量变化与GDP值变化之间的关系,同时运用相关分析与回归分析的方法,确立了不同研究区耕地数量与社会经济指标之间的相关性,建立了耕地面积与GDP值的回归曲线。研究结论:耕地数量的变化与GDP值之间的关系因地域差异而表现不同,但是也存在一些相似点,即各个区域相对脱钩与绝对脱钩的年份基本一样;此外脱钩理论有利于进一步深化土地利用的研究。  相似文献   
A 20-m Asian dust monitoring tower was installed at Erdene in Dornogobi, Mongolia in later 2008, which is one of the high Asian dust source regions in the Asian domain, to investigate meteorological conditions for the dust events. The tower was equipped with meteorological sensors (temperature, humidity and wind speed at four levels, precipitation and pressure near the surface), radiation sensors (solar radiation, net radiation) and soil measurement sensors (soil moisture and soil temperature at three levels and soil heat flux at one level) and turbulent measurement (sonic anemometer) at the 8 m height and PM10 concentration measurement (beta guage) at the 3 m height. Measurement was made for a full year of 2009. The observed data indicated that dust events occur all year round with the maximum hourly mean maximum concentration of 4107 μg m?3 in the early May to a minimum of 92 μg m?3 in later August. It was found that the dust concentration at this site is directly related to the wind speed exceeding the threshold wind speed (likewise the corresponding friction velocity) during the winter to early spring. However, the observed dust concentration is not only related to the wind speed exceeding the threshold wind speed but also to the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) during the late spring to the late autumn due to the growth of vegetation. It was also found that the surface soil moisture content does not affect the dust concentration due to the relatively short residence time of the soil moisture in the surface soil. The presently monitored data can be used to verify parameters used in the Asian Dust Aerosol Model (ADAM) that is the operational forecasting dust model in the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA).  相似文献   
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