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Chlorination of chlortoluron: kinetics, pathways and chloroform formation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Xu B  Tian FX  Hu CY  Lin YL  Xia SJ  Rong R  Li DP 《Chemosphere》2011,83(7):909-916
Chlortoluron chlorination is studied in the pH range of 3-10 at 25 ± 1 °C. The chlorination kinetics can be well described by a second-order kinetics model, first-order in chlorine and first-order in chlortoluron. The apparent rate constants were determined and found to be minimum at pH 6, maximum at pH 3 and medium at alkaline conditions. The rate constant of each predominant elementary reactions (i.e., the acid-catalyzed reaction of chlortoluron with HOCl, the reaction of chlortoluron with HOCl and the reaction of chlortoluron with OCl) was calculated as 3.12 (± 0.10) × 107 M−2 h−1, 3.11 (±0.39) × 102 M−1 h−1 and 3.06 (±0.47) × 103 M−1 h−1, respectively. The main chlortoluron chlorination by-products were identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) with purge-and-trap pretreatment, ultra-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-MS and GC-electron capture detector. Six volatile disinfection by-products were identified including chloroform (CF), dichloroacetonitrile, 1,1-dichloropropanone, 1,1,1-trichloropropanone, dichloronitromethane and trichloronitromethane. Degradation pathways of chlortoluron chlorination were then proposed. High concentrations of CF were generated during chlortoluron chlorination, with maximum CF yield at circumneutral pH range in solution.  相似文献   
Yan H  Wang D  Dong B  Tang F  Wang B  Fang H  Yu Y 《Chemosphere》2011,84(5):634-641
The dissipation of carbendazim and chloramphenicol alone and in combination and their effects on soil fungal:bacterial ratios and soil enzyme activities were investigated. The results revealed that carbendazim dissipation was little affected by chloramphenicol, whereas chloramphenicol dissipation was found to be retarded significantly by the presence of carbendazim. The inhibitory effect of carbendazim on the fungal:bacterial ratios was increased by the presence of chloramphenicol, and the inhibitory effect of chloramphenicol on neutral phosphatase was increased by the presence of carbendazim. Carbendazim increased soil catalase and urease activities, but this increase was partially diminished by the presence of chloramphenicol. Little interaction was observed between carbendazim and chloramphenicol with regard to their influence on soil invertase. The results obtained in this study suggest that combinations of fungicides and antibiotics may alter the compounds’ individual behaviors in soil and their effects on soil enzymes.  相似文献   
Hu J  Jin J  Wang Y  Ma Z  Zheng W 《Chemosphere》2011,84(3):355-360
Air samples in four seasons at one site and tree bark samples from four districts were determined to investigate seasonal variation and regional distribution of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) in Beijing, China. The total concentrations of PBDEs (∑PBDE) and HBCD (∑HBCD) were in the range of 57-470 and 20-1800 pg m−3 in the atmosphere, respectively. The ∑PBDE and ∑HBCD concentrations were significantly influenced by the total suspended particulate matter in atmosphere. The total concentrations of PBDEs and HBCD in tree bark samples were in the range of 99-3700 and 26-3400 ng g−1 lipid weight. It was found that regional distribution of PBDEs and HBCD was related to the function of each district. In addition, the study found that weeping willow bark was an ideal atmospheric PBDEs and HBCD passive sampler. Finally, atmospheric levels of BDE-209 and HBCD at tree bark sampling districts were estimated via applying an established bark/air partitioning model, which had been verified by the measured concentrations in tree bark and atmosphere in Beijing.  相似文献   
用溴化容量法测定间甲酚的含量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡巧开  杜冬云  揭武 《化工环保》2004,24(5):380-382
探讨了间甲酚含量的容量分析方法。通过试验确定了利用溴化容量法测定间甲酚含量的最佳分析条件:反应温度为18~30℃、溴化反应时间为8~10min、溴化反应的酸度为1.0~1.5mol/L、溴过量50%~100%。此法简便快速,精密度好,准确度高,对高浓度和低浓度的试样均能获得满意的结果,检出下限为0.5%(5mg/L)。  相似文献   
叶蔚君  魏在山  胡芳 《化工环保》2006,26(5):425-428
以二甲基二氯硅烷为硅源,与氯化铁、氯化铝聚合制得新型的聚硅氯化铁铝(PSFAC)絮凝剂,考察了制备条件及PSFAC对含油废水和药厂废水的絮凝效果。制备PSFAC的最佳条件:nFc:nAl为0.4,nSi:n(Al+Fe)为0.1,碱化度为2.0,C(Al,Fe)、为0.1mol/L,熟化时间为1-2d。当PSFAC加入量为10mg/L时,对含油废水、药厂废水的浊度去除率分别为84%和86%。PSFAC具有加入量少、沉降速度快、适用的pH范围较宽等优点。  相似文献   
用生物填料塔处理三甲胺废气   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡芳  魏在山  叶蔚君 《化工环保》2006,26(6):463-466
为解决废气中有机胺类物质的恶臭污染问题,采用自制生物填料塔处理三甲胺废气,考察了生物填料塔运行的主要影响因素及对三甲胺废气的净化效果。实验结果表明,在进气中三甲胺质量浓度为80.00mg/m3、气体流量为0.3m3/h(停留时间不小于30s)、循环液喷淋密度为0.5m3/(m2.h)的条件下,三甲胺去除率达99.9%,净化后气体能达到国家二级排放标准;生物填料塔对三甲胺的总去除量与容积负荷呈直线关系,相关系数达0.9949,表明三甲胺废气的生物净化效果显著。  相似文献   
An extracellular poly (β-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) depolymerase was purified from a Penicillium sp. DS9701-09a by centrifugation, ultrafiltration, precipitation and gel filtration chromatography. The specific activity of the purified enzyme was 37.9-folds higher than that of the culture supernatant and the recovery yield was 11.8%. The PHB deploymerase molecular mass was 44.8 kDa from analysis of both Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and Matrix-assisted laser desorption-time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometer. The isoelectric point of 6.7 for the enzyme was determined by a two-dimensional electrophoresis. The optimum enzyme activity was observed at a temperature of 50 °C and pH 5.0. The apparent K m of the enzyme was found to be 1.35 mg/mL. The PHB depolymerase consisted of 16 kinds of normal amino acids. The secondary structure of the enzyme was determined by CD spectrum. α-helix and β-turn were found to be 66% and 34% for the enzyme without ammonium sulphite. Chemical inhibition on the PHB depolymerase activity was examined and EDTA was found to have a significantly inhibitory effect.  相似文献   
结合NDA-150型树脂(简称树脂)选择性吸附和生物降解的优点,对含硝基苯和苯酚的模拟混合废水(简称混合废水)进行处理。通过树脂的选择性吸附,使混合废水中的硝基苯和苯酚分离,随后用高效菌对树脂所吸附的硝基苯进行生物降解,同时实现树脂的再生。实验结果表明:通过调节混合废水的pH,树脂可有效地将混合废水中的硝基苯和苯酚进行选择性吸附分离;树脂对硝基苯的吸附是可逆的;树脂的再生程度受微生物对可利用硝基苯质量浓度的下限(1.2mg/L)限制;吸附-生物再生循环实验结果表明,该树脂可有效抵抗微生物的生物降解与破坏。  相似文献   
The shape memory behavior of PLLA (poly(l-lactide)) and chitosan/PLLA composites was studied. PLLA and chitosan were compounded to fabricate novel materials which may have biodegradability and biocompatibility. Chitosan does not significantly affect the glass and melting transition temperature of the PLLA. Both the pure PLLA and chitosan/PLLA composites showed shape memory effect arising from the viscoelastic properties of PLLA comprised of semi crystalline structures. The shape recovery ratio of the chitosan/PLLA composites decreased significantly with increasing chitosan contents due to the incompatibility between PLLA and chitosan. Phase separation structures of the composites were observed by using atomic force microscopy. To obtain good shape memory effect, the chitosan content should be below 15 wt%.  相似文献   
Waste materials from the clam processing industry (offal, shells) have several special characteristics such as a high salinity level, a high nitrogen content, and a low C/N ratio. The traditional disposal of clam waste through landfilling is facing the challenges of limited land available, increasing tipping fees, and strict environmental and regulatory scrutiny. The aim of this work is to investigate the performance of in-vessel composting as an alternative for landfill application of these materials. Experiments were performed in both laboratory-scale (5L) and pilot-scale (120L) reactors, with woodchips as the bulking agent. In the laboratory-scale composting test, the clam waste and woodchips were mixed in ratios from 1:0.5 to 1:3 (w/w, wet weight). The high ratios resulted in a better temperature performance, a higher electrical conductivity, and a higher ash content than the low-ratio composting. The C/N ratio of the composts was in the range of 9:1-18:1. In the pilot-scale composting test, a 1:1 ratio of clam waste to woodchips was used. The temperature profile during the composting process met the US Environmental Protection Agency sanitary requirement. The final cured compost had a C/N ratio of 14.6, with an ash content of 167.0+/-14.1g/kg dry matter. In addition to the major nutrients (carbon, nitrogen, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, and sodium), the compost also contained trace amounts of zinc, manganese, copper, and boron, indicating that the material can be used as a good resource for plant nutrients.  相似文献   
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