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钼是重要的稀有金属之一,主要通过氧化分解辉钼矿来提取。我国普遍使用反射炉、回转窑等焙烧设备生产氧化钼,造成了严重的SO2污染和资源浪费问题。为改变辉钼矿焙烧分解工艺的污染状况,硝酸高压分解、碱性高压氧分解、次氯酸钠分解和电氧化分解等辉钼矿湿法工艺相继被开发出来。但是这工艺往往只关注在如何获取金属钼等资源,而忽视了辉钼矿中占40%的硫资源。从循环经济角度分析了不同辉钼矿分解工艺的物质流向,探讨符合清洁生产和循环经济精神的工艺革新方向,提出了纯氧氧化焙烧和浓硫酸氧化两种新工艺。  相似文献   
介绍了直缝薄壁焊管辊式成形的机理,并对其进行理论分析。用综合弯曲法成功地对成形辊进行改造设计,并取得较好效果。  相似文献   
The impacts of landfill leachate irrigation on methane oxidation activities and methane-consuming bacteria populations were studied by incubation of landfill cover soils with leachate and (NH4)2SO4 solution at different ammonium concentrations. The community structures and abundances of methane-oxidizing bacteria (MOB) and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) were examined by PCRDGGE and real-time PCR. Compared with the pure (NH4)2SO4 solution, leachate addition was found to have a positive effect on methane oxidation activity. In terms of the irrigation amount, ammonium in leachate was responsible for the actual inhibition of leachate. The extent of inhibitory effect mainly depended on its ammonium concentration. The suppression of the predominant methaneconsuming bacteria, type I MOB, was responsible for the decreased methane oxidation activity by ammonium inhibition. Methaneconsuming bacteria responded diversely in abundance to ammonium. The abundance of type I MOB decreased by fivefold; type II MOB showed stimulation response of fivefold magnification upon the first addition but lessened to be lower than the original level after the second addition; the amount of AOB was stimulated to increase for 20-30 times gradually. Accumulated nitrate from nitrification strengthened the ammonium inhibition on type I and type II MOB, as a result, repetitive irrigation was unfavorable for methane oxidation.  相似文献   
为了加强对长江三角洲地区大气污染分布特征和输送规律的认识,利用移动车载设备开展了不定期的走航观测,重点研究了2016-2018年冬季灰霾污染和春季光化学污染条件下长江三角洲地区的大气污染特征.结果表明,走航观测期间长江三角洲地区PM2.5日均浓度为60~122 μg/m3,东部的常州、无锡一带,西部的合肥、芜湖地区,北部蚌埠、滁州一带,南部湖州、杭州地区的PM2.5浓度较高,比其他地区高出20%~40%.O3日均浓度水平为9~52 μg/m3,苏州、盐城、宣城与湖州地区浓度相对较高.运用FLEXPART_WRF模式,结合PM2.5排放清单,分析了走航观测期间长江三角洲地区及沿线城市PM2.5的潜在来源.结果发现,东风条件下,南通及上海地区为PM2.5的潜在源区,北风条件下,连云港、盐城等地区贡献较大.运用FLEXPART前向轨迹计算模块,对一次污染个例过程进行了模拟,并利用走航观测结果进行了验证,发现模拟结果与走航观测结果的相关系数达到0.9.可见,长江三角洲地区存在区域性的PM2.5和O3污染,走航观测结合轨迹分析是追踪污染气团输送的有效手段.  相似文献   
灾后重建土地利用规划环评重点内容解析与实证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对四川汶川灾后重建土地利用规划环境影响评价区域与评价对象特征进行分析的基础上,对规划实施的主要资源环境制约因素进行了识别与分析,进而分析并确定了其评价要点;结合灾后重建土地规划环评实践工作,对评价重点内容与要点进行了初步应用。  相似文献   
将曼氏无针乌贼幼体置于24h半致死剂量(24 h LC50=10mg/L)的硫化物溶液中,检测不同时间点曼氏无针乌贼幼体血液生理生化指标的变化.结果表明,随着处理时间的延长,血细胞数量逐步下降(p<0.05);血糖(p>0.05)和总蛋白(p<0.05)的含量先降后升;总胆固醇(p>0.05)、甘油三酯浓度(p>0.05)和谷草转氨酶活力(p<0.05)的变化趋势相同,均为先升后降;谷丙转氨酶活力呈“降升降”的变化趋势(p<0.05);而谷草转氨酶和谷丙转氨酶活力变化的比值却呈现“升降升”的变化趋势(p<0.05).其中血细胞数量降低可能是因为受到了硫化物胁迫及饥饿的双重压力,增加的血糖主要由血脂转化而来.而硫化物胁迫下血液中多项生理生化指标改变,其主要原因是肝细胞受损和免疫力下降,这也是最终造成乌贼幼体大量死亡的重要原因.  相似文献   
Limited oxygen supply to anaerobic wastewater treatment systems had been demonstrated as an effective strategy to improve elemental sulfur(S0) recovery, coupling sulfate reduction and sulfide oxidation. However, little is known about the impact of dissolved oxygen(DO) on the microbial functional structures in these systems. We used a high throughput tool(GeoChip) to evaluate the microbial community structures in a biological desulfurization reactor under micro-aerobic conditions(DO: 0.02–0.33 mg/L). The results indicated that the microbial community functional compositions and structures were dramatically altered with elevated DO levels. The abundances of dsrA/B genes involved in sulfate reduction processes significantly decreased(p 0.05, LSD test) at relatively high DO concentration(DO: 0.33 mg/L). The abundances of sox and fccA/B genes involved in sulfur/sulfide oxidation processes significantly increased(p 0.05, LSD test) in low DO concentration conditions(DO: 0.09 mg/L) and then gradually decreased with continuously elevated DO levels. Their abundances coincided with the change of sulfate removal efficiencies and elemental sulfur(S0) conversion efficiencies in the bioreactor. In addition, the abundance of carbon degradation genes increased with the raising of DO levels, showing that the heterotrophic microorganisms(e.g., fermentative microorganisms) were thriving under micro-aerobic condition. This study provides new insights into the impacts of micro-aerobic conditions on the microbial functional structure of sulfatereducing sulfur-producing bioreactors, and revealed the potential linkage between functional microbial communities and reactor performance.  相似文献   
The effects of four conditioning approaches:Acid,Acid-zero-valent iron(ZVI)/peroxydisulfate(PMS),Fe(Ⅱ)/PMS and ZVI/PMS,on wastewater activated sludge(WAS) dewatering and organics distribution in supernatant and extracellular polymeric substances(EPS) layers were investigated.The highest reduction in bound water and the most WAS destruction was achieved by Acid-ZVI/PMS,and the optimum conditions were pH 3,ZVI dosage 0.15 g/g dry solid(DS),oxone dosage 0.07 g/g DS and reaction time 10.6 min with t...  相似文献   
利用2011年3月22日—4月26日在青岛沿海地区及青岛—济南—西安转场航测数据和CMAQ(4.7.1)模式分析了不同航次我国东部沿海春季大气污染物浓度的垂直分布。结果表明,模拟值与监测值有较好的一致性;污染物浓度呈现明显的空间分布特征和时间变化特征;垂直方向上污染物浓度随高度的增加呈下降趋势,污染物主要集中在3 000 m以下;水平方向上污染物浓度分布与污染源位置相对应,呈现出由城市边缘向城市中心推移递增的趋势及区域性特征。通过后向轨迹聚类及情景模拟分析发现,春季我国东部近海大气污染物主要来自山东省、京津冀、江苏省和辽宁省,且随着高度增加京津冀地区污染物的分担率及背景、边界条件对各受体点污染物贡献率逐渐升高。  相似文献   
针对污水处理厂尾水中抗生素等生物难降解有机物频繁检出的问题,采用相对绿色、低毒性的过渡金属元素制备了锰铁铜类水滑石(MnFeCu-LDHs),并将其用于活化过一硫酸盐(PMS)降解氯四环素(CTC)。探究了初始pH、反应温度、催化剂和PMS投量对CTC降解效能的影响规律,通过化学捕获和淬灭实验确定了活性氧物种(ROS)的种类与贡献,并对反应前后的催化剂进行理化性质表征且考察了催化剂稳定性。结果表明,在初始pH为7、反应温度为298 K、催化剂及PMS投加量均为0.2 g·L−1条件下,反应5 min后CTC去除率达到80.88%,30 min去除率达到91.18%,同时,随着初始pH和温度的提高,CTC的降解效果得到明显增强;ROS淬灭实验和EPR捕获实验结果证实了在该体系中,·OH、SO4·1O2均参与了CTC的降解,贡献度最高的是1O2,其次为·OH和SO4·;基于反应前后XPS光谱对比分析,发现MnFeCu-LDHs活化PMS过程稳定性较好,此外该催化剂在重复使用5次后,CTC的30 min去除率仍达到73.61%。因此,本研究可为SR-AOPs应用于控制水环境抗生素类污染提供新思路。  相似文献   
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