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In this paper levels of four (Hg, Cd, Pb, As) potential harmful elements (PHE) were measured in three different environmental matrices (sediments, macroalgae and fishes) from the Aeolian Archipelago and control areas both after 1 and 10 months from a volcanic activity of particular relevance occurred at the end of October 2002. Results were analysed on a multivariate statistical basis with the aim to evaluate: (I) general levels of pollution and increase of PHE due to the event; (II) differences observed among tested matrices in the time of recovery after the occurrence of the critical event; (III) the biological enrichment of PHE along the trophic web produced by the geological event. Results evidenced that volcanic emissions could represent a local source of particular relevance able to determine great enrichments of considered PHE in sediments and biological species. After 10 months from the event, levels in sediments and macroalgae notably decreased, whereas fish species evidenced an increase, principally related to the bioaccumulation phenomena. On the basis of the biological enrichment factors (BEF), major enrichments were evidenced after 1 month whereas, after 10 months, were recorded values reliable to an incomplete recovery. Concerning Cd, the BEF higher levels reported for the species Serranus cabrilla was probably related both to the diet and to the specific detoxification rates of this species.  相似文献   
Our study was carried out on two species of clams, Venerupis aurea laeta and Cerastoderma edule glaucum, from Ganzirri Lake considered as “environmental biomarkers” for their changes in physiology, morphology or distribution under the influence of substances in the environment. The aim of the present study was to conduct a statistical analysis on Venerupis and Cerastoderma to investigate the difference between the two autochthonous clams according to the presence of metals, and to link metal concentrations to the reproductive cycle of clam during 2009–2010. Metal analysis was carried out with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Accuracy and precision were assessed by analyzing the certified standard matrix: mussel tissue NIST SRM 2976. The multivariate analysis was made using the SPSS 13.0 software package for Windows (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL). In this study, the concentrations of some metals found in clam tissues showed seasonal cycles with higher values in summer than in winter. The significances of metal concentrations differences between Venerupis and Cerastoderma samples were estimated with Mann–Whitney U-test. The concentrations of Ag, As, Cd, Mn, Se and Zn show a significant p-level that suggests a difference between the two group samples. Statistical analysis showed that the link of metal concentrations to the reproductive cycles of Venerupis and Cerastoderma was not evident.  相似文献   
The present study examines the behaviour of the ADMS-Urban air quality forecasting model in predicting dispersion of traffic-related pollutants in urban areas. The study has been carried out in Ravenna (NE Italy), a medium-sized town where pollution produced by vehicle traffic accounts for most of the emissions. ADMS-Urban performances have been assessed through statistical analysis, by comparing carbon monoxide concentrations (vehicle traffic tracing pollutant) estimated by the model with concentrations measured by stations of the air quality monitoring network. Although the correspondence of values estimated by ADMS-Urban with measured values turns out to be satisfactory, the study shows that the model tends to produce an underestimated value compared with the actual situation, and identifies a corrective method that makes it possible to improve the relevant performances. Furthermore, the diagnostic analysis highlights that the model performances depend upon some meteorological parameters.  相似文献   
A simple method for the determination of dimethyl fumarate (DMFu) in silica gel pouches has been developed. The gas chromatographic behaviour of DMFu was investigated; the instrumental method, based on EI mass spectrometry coupled with an Ion Trap Detector operating whether in full scan mode or in MS/MS mode was also investigated. Several factors have been evaluated and optimized during the development process: solvent and temperature of extraction, type of stationary phase in capillary column. The analytical procedure consists of two steps as follows: (a) the sample preparation using 10 g of sample extracted with acetonitrile in an ultrasonic, heated bath and (b) the determination by gas chromatography-ion trap mass spectrometry. Mass spectrometry in conjunction with chromatographic separation is a very powerful combination for identification of an analyte in the extract in spite of selective detectors employed with GC, such as ECD, FPD and NPD, that offer only limited specificity. Blank samples show no interfering peaks in the areas of interest, so the specificity of the method was assured under the investigated GC/MS conditions. The method has been validated in terms of recovery, repeatability, linearity, detection limits and measurement uncertainty. The results obtained meet both the method validation criteria and requirements of the European/National legislation. The method was verified to be accurate with 97 % mean recoveries at 0.05 mg/kg and 1.00 mg/kg levels; the repeatability (expressed as RSD %) was found to be better than 15 %. Good linearity was found in the range between 0.05 μg/mL and 5.0 μg/mL and a value of R2 > 0.9998 was calculated. The procedure ensures high specificity and a good sensitivity with detection limit (ld) of 0.02 mg/kg and quantification limit (LOQ) of 0.05 mg/kg. This procedure has been successfully applied for the analysis of several hundred of real samples collected during a monitoring control plan started last year in our country. All samples exceeding the maximum allowed level of DMFu (0, 1 mg/kg) were confirmed by GC/MS/MS (ITD) for a higher degree of confidence in identification. The main advantages of this method include: rapidity, simplicity (few, simple steps), reliability, cheapness, no need for long and difficult clean-up and evaporation steps, high specificity by using GC/MS and GC/MS/MS, availability for routine monitoring.  相似文献   
Signals used in female choice should honestly advertise the benefits that males can provide, with direct benefits often argued as being more important than indirect benefits. However, the nature of direct benefits in species without paternal care or nuptial gifts is poorly understood. Previous studies on lizards suggest that females decide where to settle and assumedly who to mate with based on information contained in scent marks from territorial males. Access to high-quality thermal resources is crucial for female reproductive success. Females may therefore be able to detect and exploit thermal-induced variation in the chemical composition of male scent marks when assessing the quality of his territory. We show that the amount of time male wall lizards (Podarcis muralis) are allowed to bask significantly alters the chemical composition of their femoral secretions used in scent marking. The direction of the change is consistent with adaptive plasticity to maintain signalling efficacy under warm conditions that increase evaporation of femoral secretions. The compounds affected by basking experience included those previously associated with male quality or shown to mediate male–male competition in lizards. However, whilst female lizards could discriminate between scent marks of males that had experienced different basking conditions, they did not preferentially associate with the scent from males from high-quality thermal conditions. These results highlight the potential importance of a previously neglected environmental effect on chemical signalling. We suggest thermal effects may have significant consequences for scent-mark composition in variable environments, with potential repercussions on olfactory communication in lizards.  相似文献   
Mitochondria are topologically closed bilayered systems where the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) from adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and inorganic phosphate occurs via oxidative phosphorylation. The ordered architecture (and its extension) of the mitochondria (i.e. inner membrane, outer membrane and cristae) constitutes a critical topographic arrangement for their energy-providing mechanisms. Thus, quantitative estimations of the ultrastructural features of organelles preferentially stained by means of function-related cytochemical reactions reliably report on their potential to supply adequate amounts of ATP. On the basis of this rationale, we carried out a computer-assisted cytochemical study of cytochrome oxidase (COX) activity on mitochondria of different size in the cerebellar cortex of adult rats. The total intra-mitochondrial area of the cytochemical precipitates (CPA)/mitochondrion, the area (MA) and the longer diameter (Fmax) of COX-positive organelles were measured. The ratio (R): CPA/MA was also calculated and referred to as the percentage of mitochondrial inner membrane area involved in COX activity. The regression analysis of R vs MA showed a significant inverse correlation (r=т.905). The fourfold increase in MA from quartiles I to IV was matched by increases in Fmax and CPA, respectively, but it was also related to a 25% decrease in R. By matching quantitative cytochemical estimations of COX activity within mitochondria with the morphometric assessment of their ultrastructural features, the present study correlates size to the metabolic competence of COX-positive organelles. Quantitative cytochemistry of COX activity is currently regarded as a reliable marker of cellular metabolism; thus our findings support the hypothesis that enlargements in size are inversely correlated with the mitochondrial metabolic competence.  相似文献   
Summary. The dulotic queen ant, Polyergus rufescens, must first penetrate a host colony and kill the resident queen in order to successfully founding a new colony. Successful usurpation by a newly mated queen predictably depends on a dual strategy. Although, it can sneak in by being “chemically insignificant” with respect to cuticular hydrocarbons, it may also need to deter prospective host-worker aggressors. Chemical analysis of Dufour's gland secretion of P. rufescens queens and workers by GS/MS revealed that queen secretion is typified by esters of butanoic acid and acetic acid, of which decyl butanoate comprises over 80%. Butanoates and acetates are also present in the workers' secretion, but these are of higher molecular weight, and octadecyl butanoate represents the major compound. Using synthetic mixtures of queen and worker Dufour's gland, we tested the hypothesis that these secretions modify the aggressive behavior of the host species Formica cunicularia>. The queen-like synthetic mixture significantly reduced aggression of the host workers towards alien conspecifics, but neither pentane nor the worker-like synthetic mixture showed this effect. Although Dufour's gland content of >Polyergus queens was suggested to function as an appeasement pheromone (Topoff et al. 1988; Mori et al. 2000), we hypothesized that it may in fact act as a repellent. In order to test this hypothesis we exposed starved F. cunicularia workers to a droplet of honey on a glass slide applied with one of the following compounds: decyl butanoate (queen major compound), octadecyl butanoate (worker main compound), limonene (a reported ant repellent), and pentane (solvent control). Of these, the workers were repelled only by the decyl butanoate and did not approach the honey. We conclude that during usurpation the queen actively repels aggressive workers by emitting Dufour's gland repellent, comprising the alternative tactic in the usurpation dual strategy. This represents another chemical weapon in the diverse arsenal used by parasites to overcome the host's resistance. Received 7 April 2000; accepted 17 May 2000  相似文献   
In eusocial insects, the ability to regulate reproduction relies on cues that signal the presence of fertile individuals. We investigated the variation of cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) with reproductive status in Platythyrea punctata, an ant, in which all workers are capable of producing daughters from unfertilized eggs (thelytoky). Who reproduces is determined through dominance and worker policing. New reproductives, which developed their ovaries after separation from an old reproductive for a short period of time, were attacked by nonreproductives upon reintroduction into their colony. In contrast, aggression against new reproductives with fully developed ovaries, which had been separated over a longer period, was initiated by fights between old and new reproductives. CHC profiles varied with ovarian development. New reproductives were only attacked when they expressed a CHC profile similar to old reproductives, but not when it was similar to that of nonreproductives. CHCs appear to signal the fertility of individuals and induce policing behavior towards surplus reproductive workers.  相似文献   
Agriculture is expected to provide food in a sustainable manner while also partially contributing to the energy problem as well as to bio-material supply. Moreover, fossil fuels scarcity calls for an increase of energy efficiency in agricultural processes. This study evaluates patterns, trends, driving factors and trade-offs of energy use in selected agricultural systems and aims at grouping them into clusters with similar energy and social performances. Results show that in 2010 the highest power densities and energy intensities of production are found by crop sector of cluster 5 (China: 59.19 GJ/ha, 15.29 MJ/kg dm) and cluster 3 (Japan: 50.11 GJ/ha, 12.32 MJ/kg dm) as well as by livestock sector of cluster 3 (Japan: 328.47 GJ/ha, 103.08 MJ/kg dm), while the lowest values in clusters 2 and 4, including selected developing countries and USA. Cluster 3 (Japan) also shows the lowest energy intensity of economic value of crops (2.75 MJ/$), while cluster 5 (China) the highest one (23.96 MJ/$). Cluster analysis also sheds light on trends, identifying two groups: cluster 1*, gathering most European countries, USA and Japan, characterized by a decreasing trend of all energy indicators; and cluster 2*, including developing countries, the Netherlands and Spain, characterized by an increasing trend of indicators. Results highlight the importance of an integrated framework for evaluating energy use as well as of a multi-criteria approach to understand the trade-offs and interplay of performance indicators.  相似文献   
In this work we report the results for estimating the measurement uncertainty (MU) following up the application of two different approaches, relatively the top-down procedure, by using proficiency test data. We have focused the estimation on the olive oil matrix. We used the analytical data obtained from five selected editions of the Proficiency Tests (PTs, from 2007 to 2011) on pesticide residues in olive oil to estimate the MU. These PTs have been organized by Istituto Superiore di Sanità annually in cooperation with International Olive Council (IOC) since 1997. The number of participants in each trial ranged from 10 to 43. We used a total of 34 pesticide results. The expanded uncertainty U (c) was calculated using a covering factor k = 2 for a confidence interval of 95%. In the approach 1, the within–laboratory reproducibility standard deviation is combined with estimates of the method and laboratory bias using PTs data. In the approach 2, the way of estimating the MU is based only on the bias that the laboratory has obtained participating in a sufficient number of the IOC proficiency tests. Comparing the relative expanded uncertainty based on these different approaches we notice values quite constant and close, from 42% to 48%. Moreover, these calculated expanded uncertainties are less than the default value of 50% (corresponding to a 95% confidence level), adopted from European guidance document SANCO based on the fit-for-purpose relative standard deviation (FFP-RSD).  相似文献   
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