In first-trimester chorionic villus sampling (CVS) for prenatal diagnosis, abnormal chromosomal findings, such as mosaicism, trisomies, or suspect abnormal karyotypes, are found more frequently than at amniocentesis. The fact that these chromosomal abnormalities do not always reflect the fetal karyotype but may be restricted to the placenta is a major problem in diagnosis and counselling. In this paper we present the results of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) studies on interphase nuclei of three term placentae investigated because of false-positive findings at first-trimester CVS. The chorionic villi of the first case showed a mosaic chromosome pattern involving a trisomy 10 cell line and a normal cell line, those of the second case a total trisomy 8 cell line, while in the third case a complete monosomy X was found. Follow-up amniocentesis in each of these three cases revealed a normal karyotype. By using FISH, we were able to confirm the presence of the aberrant cell lines, which were all confined to one part of the placenta. FISH on interphase nuclei allows the investigation of large numbers of cells for the existence of numerical chromosome aberrations in a quick and reliable way. 相似文献
We studied the opinions and experiences concerning maternal serum screening of two groups of women: (A) women who were not eligible for prenatal diagnosis; and (B) women for whom prenatal diagnosis was available because of advanced maternal age, and who either underwent chorionic villus sampling or amniocentesis. Many of the women were in favour of the availability of serum screening and would apply for this test in a future pregnancy. This applied also to many respondents who had previously undergone prenatal diagnosis. Most of these women, however, did not intend to decline diagnostic amniocentesis if the screening results did not indicate an increased risk. The majority of the group of respondents of 36 years and over did not consider it acceptable if age indication was dropped altogether. A system based on serum screening will have other implications than a policy based on age indication, since specific individual risk assessment is perceived as being of more significance than a risk statistically derived from age alone. Serum screening is often seen as a means of reassurance and many women are not aware of the possible drawbacks. As technology becomes increasingly complicated, counselling has to be adjusted correspondingly. Further research is needed to establish whether and how distress can be minimized and well-considered individual choice can be achieved. 相似文献
A chronic dietary risk assessment for pesticide residues was conducted for four age groups of the Argentinian population following the procedure recommended by the WHO. The National Theoretical Maximum Daily Intake (NTMDI) for 308 pesticides was calculated for the first time, using the Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) from several Argentinean regulations and food consumption data from a comprehensive National Nutrition and Health Survey. The risk was estimated by comparing the TMDI with the Acceptable Daily Intakes (ADI) identified by various sources. Furthermore, for each of the compounds with a TMDI >65% of the ADI, a probabilistic analysis was conducted to quantify the probability of exceeding the ADI. In this study 27, 22, 10, and 6 active ingredients (a.i.) were estimated to exceed the 100% of the ADI for the different population groups: 6–23 month-old children, 2–5 year-old children, pregnant women, and 10–49 year-old women, respectively. Some of these ADI-exceeding compounds (carbofuran, diazinon, dichlorvos, dimethoate, oxydemeton-methyl and methyl bromide) were found in all four of these groups. Milk, apples, potatoes, and tomatoes were the foods that contributed most to the intake of these pesticides. The study is of primary importance for the improvement of risk assessment, regulations, and monitoring activities. 相似文献
This study was undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness of several household practices (washing with water or acidic, alkaline, and oxidizing solutions, and peeling) in minimizing pesticide residue contamination of tomatoes, as well as the impact on the quality of the treated fruit. Tests were performed using two systemic fungicides (azoxystrobin and difenoconazole) and one contact fungicide (chlorothalonil). Solid-liquid extraction with low temperature partition (SLE/LTP) and liquid-liquid extraction with low temperature partition (LLE/LTP) were used to prepare the samples for pesticides determination by gas chromatography. Washing the tomatoes with water removed approximately 44% of chlorothalonil, 26% of difenoconazole, and 17% of azoxystrobin. Sodium bicarbonate (5%) and acetic acid (5%) solutions were more efficient, removing between 32 and 83% of the residues, while peeling removed from 68 to 88% of the pesticides. The washing solutions altered some fruit quality parameters, including acidity and chroma, and also caused weight loss. Acetic acid (0.15 and 5%) and hypochlorite (1%) solutions had the greatest effect on these parameters. 相似文献
The main limitation of a conventional palm oil mill effluent (POME) ponding system lies in its inability to completely decolourise effluent. Decolourisation of effluent is aesthetically and environmentally crucial. However, determination of the optimum process parameters is becoming more complex with the increase of the number of coagulants and responses. The primary objective of this study is to determine the optimum polymeric coagulant in the coagulation–flocculation process of palm oil mill effluent by considering all output responses, namely lignin–tannin, low molecular mass coloured compounds (LMMCC), chemical oxygen demand (COD), ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N), pH and conductivity. Here, multiple-objective optimisation on the basis of ratio analysis (MOORA) is employed to discretely measure multiple response characteristics of five different types of coagulants as a function of assessment value. The optimum coagulant is determined based on the highest assessment value and was identified as QF25610 (cationic polyacrylamide). On the other hand, the lowest assessment value was represented by AN1800 (anionic polyacrylamide). This study highlights the simplicity of MOORA approach in handling various input and output parameters, and it may be useful in other wastewater treatment processes as well. 相似文献
Membrane fouling is a major concern for the optimization of membrane bioreactor (MBR) technologies. Numerous studies have been led in the field of membrane fouling control in order to assess with precision the fouling mechanisms which affect membrane resistance to filtration, such as the wastewater characteristics, the mixed liquor constituents, or the operational conditions, for example. Worldwide applications of MBRs in wastewater treatment plants treating all kinds of influents require new methods to predict membrane fouling and thus optimize operating MBRs. That is why new models capable of simulating membrane fouling phenomenon were progressively developed, using mainly a mathematical or numerical approach. Faced with the limits of such models, artificial neural networks (ANNs) were progressively considered to predict membrane fouling in MBRs and showed great potential. This review summarizes fouling control methods used in MBRs and models built in order to predict membrane fouling. A critical study of the application of ANNs in the prediction of membrane fouling in MBRs was carried out with the aim of presenting the bottlenecks associated with this method and the possibilities for further investigation on the subject. 相似文献
Triclocarban (TCC) is an antibacterial agent found in pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCP). It is potentially bioaccumulative and an endocrine disruptor, being classified as a contaminant of emerging concern (CEC). In normal uses, approximately 96% of the used TCC can be washed down the drain going into the sewer system and eventually enter in the aquatic environment. UV photolysis can be used to photodegrade TCC and ecotoxicity assays could indicate the photodegradation efficiency, since the enormous structural diversity of photoproducts and their low concentrations do not always allow to identify and quantify them. In this work, the TCC was efficiently degraded by UVC direct photolysis and the ecotoxicity of the UV-treated mixtures was investigated. Bioassays indicates that Daphnia similis (48 h EC50 = 0.044 μM) was more sensitive to TCC than Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata (72 h IC50 = 1.01 μM). TCC and its photoproducts caused significant effects on Eisenia andrei biochemical responses (catalase and glutathione-S-transferase); 48 h was a critical exposure time, since GST reached the highest activity values. UVC reduced the TCC toxic effect after 120 min. Furthermore, TCC was photodegraded in domestic wastewater which was simultaneously disinfected for total coliform bacterial (TCB) (360 min) and Escherichia coli (60 min).
Little attention has been paid to the impact of wastewater generated by mining activities on fluoride. In this study, we evaluated the hematology responses of common South American toad Rhinella arenarum inhabiting natural and artificial environments associated with a fluorite mine from central Argentina. We analyzed three sampling stations associated with the fluorite mine: (I) Los Cerros Negros stream (CN), which runs on granitic rock with a high fluorite content; (II) Los Vallecitos stream (LV), which runs on metamorphic rock with low fluorite content; and (III) artificial decantation ponds (DP) containing sediments produced by fluorite flotation process. We calculated frequencies of micronuclei, erythrocyte nuclear abnormalities, mitosis, and immature erythrocytes. In addition, we performed a differential leukocyte count and determined neutrophils/lymphocyte ratio as a stress response estimator. We found high micronucleus (MN) and erythrocyte nuclear abnormality (ENA) frequencies in DP and CN but low frequencies in LV. The neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio was different among sites, with a significant increase in individuals from DP. Values registered in DP could be caused by exposure to mixture of compounds registered in dams that hold wastewater, while high values registered in CN stream might be due to natural concentrations of fluoride. Our results suggest that blood is an effective and non-destructive sensitive indicator for monitoring genotoxic agents in freshwater ecosystems. 相似文献
The effect of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and oil on the removal of the water-soluble compounds benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene isomers (BTEX) by two low-cost biosorbents Macrocystis pyrifera and Ulva expansa) was evaluated. DOM decreased the adsorption capacity of toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes of the two biosorbents. In contrast, the removal of benzene increased under the same conditions in single and multi-solute systems: this effect was dominant in U. expansa biomass treatments. In the presence of DOM and oil in solutions, the removal of BTEX notoriously increased, being oil that contributed the most. Solubility and hydrophobicity of pollutants played a key role in the adsorption process. The attractions between BTEX molecules and biosorbents were governed by π–π and hydrophobic interactions. Affinities of biosorbents for BTEX were mainly in the order of X > E > T > B. The Langmuir and Sips equations adjusted the adsorption isotherms for BTEX biosorption in deionized and natural water samples, but in the case of oily systems, the Freundlich equation seemed to have a better fit. The biosorption processes followed a pseudo-second-order rate in all the cases. 相似文献
Long-term measurements of ecological effects of warming are often not statistically significant because of annual variability or signal noise. These are reduced in indicators that filter or reduce the noise around the signal and allow effects of climate warming to emerge. In this way, certain indicators act as medium pass filters integrating the signal over years-to-decades. In the Alaskan Arctic, the 25-year record of warming of air temperature revealed no significant trend, yet environmental and ecological changes prove that warming is affecting the ecosystem. The useful indicators are deep permafrost temperatures, vegetation and shrub biomass, satellite measures of canopy reflectance (NDVI), and chemical measures of soil weathering. In contrast, the 18-year record in the Greenland Arctic revealed an extremely high summer air-warming of 1.3 °C/decade; the cover of some plant species increased while the cover of others decreased. Useful indicators of change are NDVI and the active layer thickness. 相似文献