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元坝区块须家河组地层极易发生井漏,增加了钻井风险,严重影响了施工进度。分析了须家河组地层的漏失原因和堵漏难点,介绍了雷特超强堵漏剂的堵漏机理和性能优势,对雷特承压堵漏技术在元陆9井须家河组地层的成功堵漏实践进行了详细剖析。现场应用表明:雷特承压堵漏技术适用于须家河组地层,在相同漏失程度下,雷特堵漏的施工时间仅为常规堵漏的1/10,堵漏材料的消耗量仅为常规堵漏的1/19,一次堵漏成功率100%,堵漏效果显著,为类似地层的堵漏施工提供参考。  相似文献   
石油加工与石油化工废料,包括废白土、酸渣、碱渣、渣油、油泥、生产润滑油添加剂的废料、废催化剂、环烷酸釜残等,在钻井液中的用途较广,可以分别用作钻井液原始组分和润滑剂、消泡剂、多效防塌剂、抑制剂、稳定剂、废钻井液固化剂以及制备这些处理剂的基础材料。文中介绍了前苏联及独联体等在这方面的研究成果和现场应用情况。  相似文献   
针对炼油企业废白土排放污染环境问题,在实验室中利用溶剂进行脱油处理,其脱油率及脱油废渣活性度都较高,但再生后的脱油废渣仍难以重复利用。而利用废白土作型砂添加剂的试验研究,其工业试验结果较为理想,且能彻底解决废渣的污染问题,实现其环保利用。  相似文献   
● This study explored the long-term association by double robust additive models. ● Individual exposure concentrations were assessed by integrating GAM, LUR and BPNN. ● PM2.5, SO2 and NO2 are positively associated with cerebrovascular disease. ● CO could reduce the risk of cerebrovascular disease with the highest robustness. ● The elderly, women and people with normal BMI are at higher risk for air pollution. The relationship between air pollution and cerebrovascular disease has become a popular topic, yet research findings are highly heterogeneous. This study aims to investigate this association based on detailed individual health data and a precise evaluation of their exposure levels. The integrated models of generalized additive model, land use regression model and back propagation neural network were used to evaluate the exposure concentrations. And doubly robust additive model was conducted to explore the association between cerebrovascular disease and air pollution after adjusted for demographic characteristics, physical examination, disease information, geographic and socioeconomic status. A total of 25097 subjects were included in the Beijing Health Management Cohort from 2013 to 2018. With a 1 μg/m3 increase in the concentrations of PM2.5, SO2 and NO2, the incidence risk of cerebrovascular disease increased by 1.02 (95% CI: 1.008–1.034), 1.06 (95% CI: 1.034–1.095) and 1.02 (95% CI: 1.010–1.029) respectively. Whereas CO exposure could decrease the risk, with an odds ratio of 0.38 (95% CI: 0.212–0.626). In the subgroup analysis, individuals under the age of 50 with normal BMI were at higher risk caused by PM2.5, and SO2 was considered more hazardous to women. Meanwhile, the protective effect of CO on women and those with normal BMI was stronger. Successful reduction of long-term exposure to PM2.5, SO2 and NO2 would lead to substantial benefits for decrease the risk of cerebrovascular disease especially for the health of the susceptible individuals.  相似文献   
为避免烟气外排SO2和外排水COD超标、降低综合塔操作负荷、缓解外排烟羽蓝烟拖尾现象,在济南炼化催化装置中开展了增强型RFS硫转移剂的工业应用实验研究。结果表明:当助剂占催化剂系统藏量2.8%,按新鲜剂补充量的3%稳定加注时,综合塔入口烟气SOx平均总脱除率达到54.7%,碱液消耗量减少57.5%,外排废水TDS略有降低,烟气中的硫大幅向气体产品中转移,烟羽蓝烟拖尾现象明显改善;增强型硫转移剂的应用对裂化产物分布、产品性质和装置运行无负面影响。该工业应用研究表明,增强型硫转移剂可实现烟气污染物源头减排,并显著降低后处理措施负荷,可减少二次污染,具有一定应用前景。  相似文献   
低聚糖或称寡糖是由2-10个单糖分子通过糖苷键连接组成的小聚合体。作为一种新型的功能性饲料添加剂,在动物体内可促进消化道有益菌的生长,抑制有害病原菌的繁殖,提高动物机体免疫力。多数试验研究表明,饲料中添加适量低聚糖,能在较大程度上替代抗生素而改善动物健康,增强抗病力,提高家禽及幼龄动物成活率,提高动物的生长增重和饲料转化率。  相似文献   
通过全尺寸实验研究低压细水雾对抑制和熄灭K类火灾的有效性。选用三种喷头进行灭火实验,并选择灭火效果最好的喷头进行含微胶囊F-500添加剂的细水雾灭火实验。结果表明,低压细水雾对抑制和熄灭食用油火灾具有一定的效果,但容易发生复燃。而添加了微胶囊F-500的低压细水雾,灭火效率较纯细水雾提高约3~10倍,且能有效地避免复燃,同时提高了火场的能见度。不同浓度的F-500溶液具有不同的灭火效果,综合考虑经济性和有效性因素,3%浓度的F-500溶液是厨房低压细水雾灭火系统的最佳灭火介质。  相似文献   
为研究带添加剂(浓度1%)自动喷水灭火技术对高空间厂房火灾控灭火性能的影响,采用标准燃烧物组合替代实际场所中的可燃物品,按照高空间厂房的实际火灾场景,在喷头安装高度为18m的情况下开展了高空间厂房火灾的实体灭火试验。试验结果显示,自动喷水灭火系统在高净空场所下能及时动作,在添加灭火剂后,提高了水到达可燃物表面后的粘附能力,喷头开放数量少,能够明显控制火势的增长和蔓延。系统设计喷水强度和作用面积符合该场所的设计水平。  相似文献   
In this study, we investigated the suppressive effect of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs), and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (DL-PCBs) transfer from the feed to the eggs of laying hens by using activated carbon as a feed additive. Four groups of six hens (White Leghorn egg-layers; age, 11 weeks) were housed as two control groups and two exposure groups for a period of 20 weeks. Two control groups were fed with either the basal feed “Control” or basal feed additing activated carbon “Control + C”. Another two exposure groups were fed with feed contaminated (about 6 ng TEQ kg−1 feed) by standard solutions of PCDDs/PCDFs and DL-PCBs “Exposure” alone and contaminated feed adding activated carbon “Exposure + C”. There was no significant effect on each groups for the growth rate, biochemical blood components, and egg production: these were around the standard levels for poultry in general. Moreover the results in this study showed the availability of activated carbon as a feed additive owing to the reduction in the risk of food pollution by PCDDs/PCDFs and DL-PCBs. The concentration in the eggs of the Exposure group gradually increased following the start of egg-laying but reached a steady state after about 1 month. In contrast, the concentration for the Exposure + C group was stationary and below the maximum EU level (6 pg TEQ g−1 fat). In comparison to the Exposure group, the Exposure + C group showed a significant decline in the percentage of bioaccumulation into the egg. This reduction due to activated carbon was also observed in the muscle and abdominal fat. The reductions were compound- and congener-dependent for DL-PCBs as follows: PCDDs/PCDFs, non-ortho-PCBs, and mono-ortho-PCBs were more than 90%, 80%, and 50%, respectively, irrespective of the type of tissues. Fat soluble vitamin concentrations in the eggs of the Exposure + C group showed lower trends than the Exposure group. The γ-tocopherol and α-tocopherol concentrations in eggs of Exposure + C group showed a significant reduction of about 40%. However, the addition of activated carbon into animal feed could obviate the remote potential for accidents causing unintentional food pollution with PCDDs/PCDFs and DL-PCBs.  相似文献   
乙醇柴油混合燃料的制备工艺和废气的排放特性   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
为降低柴油机排放对环境造成的污染,用乙醇部分替代柴油,探索了乙醇柴油混合燃料的制备方法,研究了掺混乙醇及助溶剂对柴油机排放的影响.结果表明:无水乙醇可以和柴油以任意比例混溶,但痕量水(0.2%)的添加即导致混合物分层,合成的有机助溶剂可保证乙醇-柴油-痕量水体系的稳定性基于台架实验,考察了掺混10%、20%、30%乙醇对燃料排放性能的影响乙醇的最佳掺混比为20%在额定工况点(功率为13kW,转速为1540r/min)时,掺混20%乙醇的混合燃料可降低烟度55%,降低HC排放70%,降低CO排放45%.不添加助溶剂时,乙醇的掺混导致排放尾气中产生乙醇、微量乙醛等有机物.而添加非金属离子助溶剂可使HC、乙醇、乙醛排放的浓度明显降低.  相似文献   
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