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Shopping centres that include retail activities have come in for criticism as to their environmental, architectural and social impacts. However, the sector has been applying corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices. In an attempt to identify the best practices regarding CSR and trends therein we developed a CSR benchmarking of companies from the real estate sector owning and developing shopping centres. Based on information from websites, annual, environmental and sustainability reports, and customer services department’s information, in 2004 and 2010, a comparative CSR benchmarking was performed on 23 real estate companies with shopping centres based in Europe, China, Australia and the USA. The CRS benchmarking framework focused on reported CSR practices and included categories and sub-categories of evaluation in four domains: (1) external results, (2) internal results, (3) management processes and (4) learning and innovation. The framework was inspired by the sustainability balanced scorecard structure. The United Kingdom real estate sector’s companies studied did relatively well when evaluated by the framework used in this study. The highest ranked real estate companies applied sustainable or environmental buildings standards and did show a commitment to transparency and CSR disclosure. The positive evolution of CSR practices in the 23 companies studied in 2004 and 2010 may reflect efforts to improve competitiveness and the reputation of the companies with shopping centres through CSR initiatives.  相似文献   
对近年火炬系统安全事故作了分析,结合石化企业火炬系统运行的现状,提出完善火炬管网、分液罐、气柜联锁和自动点火及长明灯等安全设施的建议。  相似文献   
本文采用多层次转型理论的分析框架,回顾了国内外延伸生产者责任(EPR)制度的理论和实践进展,对比了EPR制度倡导者最初提出的创新导向的制度设计,与当前各国实践中基于成本—效益平衡所开展的政策评估研究,指出两者在是否应该将激进的可持续转型作为EPR基本政策目标上观点不同,其原因在于政策的技术创新激励效果难以通过可测量的政策评估方法进行有效考察,由此造成两者在EPR政策调整方向上的分歧:前者坚持EPR制度设计应该进一步完善个体责任原则,以激励生产者创新和采纳绿色技术,推进生产消费模式的系统转型;而后者则强调在现有管制框架下简化制度设计,重点完善循环处理基础设施及其管理效率。这种分歧不仅影响到发达国家EPR制度的演化,也深刻影响了发展中国家EPR制度的移植和建构。结论以中国电子废物管理实践为例,提出构建包含三个层次的演化经济学分析框架,考察EPR制度建构过程中,微观层次的企业技术选择,中观层次的供应链治理结构变动,和宏观层次的再生资源产业转型,以系统考察制度发展对技术创新的激励效果。  相似文献   
In this article, I explain the role that scientific studies play in shaping collaboration and conflict over mining exploration in the Ecuadorian highlands. Toronto-based IAMGOLD conducted water quality studies to simultaneously fulfill legal obligations and secure support for drilling in an environmentally sensitive zone. With these studies, IAMGOLD generated collaborative relations with local authorities and university scientists. However, water quality studies were also used by dairy farmers to establish new connections for an opposition movement. The scientific studies enabled IAMGOLD and the dairy farmers to make competing claims about the responsibility for contamination of an important watershed. This article analyzes the conflict that resulted and challenges conventional wisdom that distinguishes a corporation's legal obligations from its voluntary CSR programs.  相似文献   
伴随着工业化进程加快,社会责任缺失现象日益严重,各类企业违法违规事故层出不穷,其中不乏国有大型控股公司,这种现象引起了投资者、监管机构等利益相关者的广泛关注。在此背景下,研究资本市场对上市公司社会责任缺陷披露的反应具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。本文以交叉上市的紫金矿业为例,采用事项研究法,检验了A股和H股市场对紫金矿业集团股份有限公司发布的一系列有关紫金山铜矿湿法厂污水池突发渗漏环保事故重要公告的市场反应,并比较了两地市场对同一公告的反应差异。研究发现:两地市场对重大事故公告均提前预知并呈负面反应,在公告前A股市场反应程度大于H股市场,公告发布后H股市场投资者更加敏感;两地市场对董事会(临时)决议公告呈正面反应,但H股市场投资者更加谨慎;对处罚公告两市反应不同,A股市场未对处罚公告作出反应,H股市场对处罚公告呈负面反应;总体而言,H股市场与A股市场反应程度存在显著差异。  相似文献   
The actions performed by individuals, as consumers and citizens, have aggregate negative consequences for the environment. The question asked in this paper is to what extent it is reasonable to hold individuals and institutions responsible for environmental problems. A distinction is made between backward-looking and forward-looking responsibility. Previously, individuals were not seen as being responsible for environmental problems, but an idea that is now sometimes implicitly or explicitly embraced in the public debate on environmental problems is that individuals are appropriate targets for blame when they perform actions that are harmful to the environment. This idea is criticized in this paper. It is argued that instead of blaming individuals for performing actions that are not environmentally friendly we should ascribe forward-looking responsibility to individuals, a notion that focuses more on capacity and resources than causation and blameworthiness. Furthermore, it is important to emphasize that a great share of forward-looking responsibility should also be ascribed to institutional agents, primarily governments and corporations. The urge to ascribe forward-looking responsibility to institutional agents is motivated by the efficiency aim of responsibility distributions. Simply put, if responsibility is ascribed to governments and corporations there is a better chance of creating a society in which the opportunities to act in an environmentally friendly way increase.  相似文献   
随着环境污染事故的不断发生和公众环境保护意识的日益增强,环境污染责任保险制度在西方主要发达国家已经有了长足的发展,并且建立了一整套完善而严密的制度体系。与此相比,我国在该领域则处于起步状态,至今尚未全面建立实质意义上的环境污染责任保险制度。本文以实施环境污染责任保险的意义为基础,对我国环境污染责任保险制度现状及存在的问题进行了剖析,并提出了若干对策建议,以期推动我国环境污染责任保险制度的发展。  相似文献   
水环境问题已成为制约我国长期可持续发展的主要瓶颈.如何有效治理水环境问题已引起全社会的普遍关注.本文在全面分析水环境公共物品属性以及水环境问题的客观现实的基础上,论证了政府承担治理水环境责任的必要性.进而对现阶段政府承担的水环境治理责任进行研究,归纳出其环境治理责任主要有财政责任、制度责任、监管责任和社会整合责任.然后对水环境治理中政府责任存在的现实问题进行深入分析,揭示其问题主要表现为:责任主体边界模糊、责任分布以“行政”为主导、责任履行中“越位”与“缺位”并存、责任种类中重直接投入轻间接引导.最后,提出水环境治理中的政府责任应该在坚持财权与事权统一、政府主导与责任分担统一、制度设计、监管与实施合理分离、政府引导与社会参与相结合的原则基础上,按照分类、分项、分级来构建转型期水环境治理中政府的应然责任框架体系.  相似文献   
思索生产安全事故频发共性表象"违法、违章"背后的原因,提出"生产安全事故基因"概念。分析得出"去小概率性"、"社会责任缺失"和"非货币化产出分析能力短缺"3种生产安全事故基因,前两种基因是不可去基因,后一种是可去基因,三者会在不同的条件下以显性或隐性的形式呈现,并作用于生产过程;提出企业组织安全进化的常规对策——完善市场经济环境,创新对策——教育要为"安全"生产服务,强调学历教育系统在创新对策中的重要地位和作用。通过"基因"分析及其对策,为安全生产培养安全管理人员和相关人才,推动安全生产,实现经济与社会和谐发展。  相似文献   
论“安全”及“安全性”的概念   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
对当前有关安全概念的多种定义均存在内涵或外延不准确的问题进行研讨;将与安全问题相关的客观事物区分为"可遭受损害事物"和"可导致损害事物",并分别对应于"安全"概念和"安全性"概念;在明确所涉及对象事物的基础上,对安全概念与安全性概念准确把握各自的内涵和外延,分别给出用"属加种差"方式描述的定义。笔者认为:安全是"具有特定功能或属性的事物,在内部和外部因素及其相互作用下,足以保持其正常的、完好的状态,而免遭非期望损害的现象";安全性是"某事物在一定的条件下和一定的时间内,导致其他事物或其自身发生非期望损害的能力"。  相似文献   
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