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城市环境空气质量指数范围预报方法初探   总被引:2,自引:11,他引:2  
城市环境空气质量指数预报是环境信息公众服务的重要内容,以城市24 h空气质量指数预报为例,探讨了其范围预报方法,并通过均方差的数理统计方法,分析典型城市每日空气质量指数实况数据的波动范围以及预报与实况偏差,针对不同空气质量级别提出建议性的空气质量指数预报变化幅度修正范围,并对预报过程中的质量控制技术进行了初步讨论。  相似文献   
2001—2018年浙江省酸雨变化特征及影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2001-2018年浙江省32个城市酸雨观测资料,结合数理统计和GIS空间插值,分析了全省降水酸度变化、化学组分特征及其影响因素.研究结果表明,以2009年为拐点,浙江省酸雨污染呈先加重后减轻的趋势,降水酸度和酸雨率均得到显著改善.2009年后,轻酸雨城市的比例不断上升.至2018年,全省大部分城市均处于轻酸雨区,...  相似文献   
以1986-2020年苏州河水质监测数据为依据,将水质变化过程划分成1986-1996年、1997-2006年和2007-2020年3个阶段,系统分析了苏州河水质状况及多年时空变化特征。结果表明,在第1阶段(1986-1996年),苏州河整体处于重度污染水平,从上游到下游水质显著恶化,市区段污染严重;在第2阶段(1997-2006年),苏州河市区段水质显著改善,有机污染指标消除劣Ⅴ类,氨氮和总磷仍处于较高污染水平,上下游水质逐渐趋同;在第3阶段(2007-2020年),苏州河水质持续改善,特别是2016年以来改善明显,2020年水质达到34年来的最好水平。苏州河水质改善与上海市实施的全市及苏州河多轮环境综合治理工程、上游来水水质改善等密切相关,反映了苏州河30多年环境综合治理的突出成效,并为城市黑臭水体治理提供经验。  相似文献   
为摸清喀什市环境空气质量变化特征,为管理部门进行污染精准管控提供科学参考,基于喀什市2022年环境空气自动监测数据开展分析研究。结果表明:2022年喀什市二氧化硫、二氧化氮、臭氧、一氧化碳年均质量浓度均优于国家二级标准。超标污染物主要为可吸入颗粒物和细颗粒物。喀什市细颗粒物、可吸入颗粒物浓度呈春、秋、冬季高,夏季低的季节特征。  相似文献   
垃圾填埋场不同区域挥发性有机污染物季节变化特点   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对北京某垃圾填埋场大气中不同区域挥发性有机污染物(VOCs)的定性和定量分析,研究了其中部分VOCs的季节性特点和浓度分布规律。结果表明,夏、冬2季分别检测出98种和86种化合物,有12种美国环保署(USEPA)优先控制污染物在夏、冬季样品中均有检出。夏季样品中VOCs的浓度大多比冬季高,有的甚至高1个数量级以上。采用不同卫生填埋技术的各代表性区域的臭气浓度也呈现出规律性变化。为加强科学管理,减少扩散,降低风险提供参考。  相似文献   
依据昌吉州环境监测站2010—2015年降水监测资料,分析昌吉地区降水中离子特征及变化趋势,阐明昌吉市降水污染现状及变化特征。结合昌吉市特有的气象条件、地形地貌和工业分布情况,分析污染物来源及污染变化趋势。  相似文献   
利用2013—2016年杭州市国控点臭氧观测资料,讨论了杭州市臭氧时空变化特征,并对一次臭氧高浓度过程进行分析。结果显示,近年来杭州市臭氧浓度以10. 3%的升幅渐增,增幅大于北京、上海、广州等城市。千岛湖背景点及位于城区的朝晖五区、下沙、西溪站点臭氧浓度月变化存在2个峰值,第一峰值出现在5月,受降水、温度影响次峰值出现在8—10月;夜间臭氧浓度背景点高于城区点。杭州市10个国控站点臭氧浓度相对标准偏差逐年减小,臭氧污染已呈区域性,城东为重污染区域。2015年8月出现的一次臭氧重污染过程主要是受副热带高压控制下和台风外围的影响,导致杭州市朝晖五区站点臭氧浓度高达228μg/m~3,台风登陆后得以缓解。  相似文献   
对北京市远郊百花山(海拔1300 m)2007—2017年大气常规6项污染物数据进行了分析,并与代表市区的国控站点均值数据进行了比较。研究发现,百花山SO2、CO、PM2.5浓度为国控站点浓度的35.5%~35.7%,NO2、PM 10、O 3浓度分别为国控站点浓度的14.0%、41.5%、185.5%。11年间,百花山6项常规污染物浓度逐年降低。2013—2017年,百花山PM2.5浓度年均降速为11.4%,低于国控站点13.3%的年均改善水平。百花山和国控站点在污染物季节变化趋势上基本一致,秋季颗粒物浓度差异最大,春季差异最小。百花山6项污染物的日变化峰谷比值为1.21~1.44,其差异小于国控站点。各项污染物浓度在18:00出现峰值,认为主要受城区远距离传输影响。2013—2017年,百花山共出现5个PM2.5重污染天,5级以上重污染小时数为442 h,国控站点有2%的重污染小时与百花山同步。  相似文献   
It is significant to design best management practices (BMPs) and determine the proper BMPs placement for the purpose that can not only satisfy the water quantity and water quality standard, but also lower the total cost of BMPs. The spatial rainfall variability can have much effect on its relative runoff and non-point source pollution (NPSP). Meantime, the optimal design and placement of BMPs would be different as well. The objective of this study was to discuss the relationship between the spatial variability of rainfall and the optimal BMPs placements. Three synthetic rainfall storms with varied spatial distributions, including uniform rainfall, downstream rainfall and upstream rainfall, were designed. WinVAST model was applied to predict runoff and NPSP. Additionally, detention pond and swale were selected for being structural BMPs. Scatter search was applied to find the optimal BMPs placement. The results show that mostly the total cost of BMPs is higher in downstream rainfall than in upstream rainfall or uniform rainfall. Moreover, the cost of detention pond is much higher than swale. Thus, even though detention pond has larger efficiency for lowering peak flow and pollutant exports, it is not always the determined set in each subbasin.  相似文献   
Quantitative information on mass concentrations and other characteristics, such as spatial distribution, seasonal variation, indoor/outdoor (I/O) ratio, correlations and sources, of indoor and outdoor PM2.5 and elemental components in Guangzhou City were provided. Mass concentration of PM2.5 and elemental components were determined by standard weight method and proton-induced X-ray emission (PIXE) method. 18 elements were detected, the results showed positive results. Average indoor and outdoor PM2.5 concentrations in nine sites were in the range of 67.7-74.5μg/m^3 for summer period, and 109.9-123.7 μg/m^3 for winter period, respectively. The sum of 18 elements average concentrations were 5362.6-5533.4 ng/m^3 for summer period, and 8416.8-8900.6 ng/m^3 for winter period, respectively. Average concentrations of PM2.5 and element components showed obvious spatial characteristic, that the concentrations in roadside area and in industrial plant area were higher than those in generic urban area. An obvious seasonal variation characteristic was found for PM2.5 and elemental components, that the concentrations in winter were higher than that in summer. The I/O ratio of PM2.5 and some elemental components presented larger than 1 sometimes. According to indoor/outdoor correlation of PM2.5 and element concentrations, it was found that there were often good relationships between indoor and outdoor concentrations. Enrichment factors were calculated to evaluate anthropogenic versus natural elements sources.  相似文献   
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