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During the second half of the 20th century, the Ganga River ecosystem has been continuously altered by several ongoing anthropogenic processes, accommodating multi-dimensional pressure due to increase of nearly four-fold human population. For solution of any environmental issues of the river, the Earth System Science approach is required to have maximum socio-economic benefits to millions of people living in Indian and Bangladesh. A bibliography containing more than 250 references on environmental studies of the Ganga River was prepared to preserve its ecosystem by providing the baseline support in this regard.  相似文献   
Numerical models are often used to evaluate the potential impact of human alternation of natural water bodies and to help the design of the alternation to mitigate its impacts. In the past decade, three-dimensional hydrodynamic and reactive transport modeling has matured from a research subject to a practical analysis technology. This paper presents a practical study in which a three-dimensional hydrodynamic and water quality model [hydrodynamic eutrophication model (HEM-3D)] was applied to determine the optimal location for treated wastewater discharged from marine outfall system in the Keelung harbor and the adjacent coastal sea. First, model validation was conducted with respect to surface elevation, current, and water quality variables measured in the Keelung harbor station and its coastal sea. The overall performance of the model was in qualitative agreement with the available field data. The model was then used to evaluate several scenarios of the locations from marine outfall system. Based on model simulation results, a location at the northeast of Ho-Ping Island was recommended for adoption because the environmental impact is smaller than any other alternative.
Wen-Cheng LiuEmail:
Power analysis can be a valuable aid in the design of monitoringprograms. It requires an estimate of variance, which may come from a pilot study or an existing study in a similar habitat. For marine benthic infauna, natural variation in abundances canbe considerable, raising the question of reliability of varianceestimates. We used two existing monitoring programs to generatemultiple estimates of variance. These estimates were found to differ from nominated best estimates by 50% or more in 43% of cases, in turn leading to under or over-estimation of samplesize in the design of a notional monitoring program. The twostudies, from the same general area, using the same samplingmethods and spanning a similar time scale, gave estimatesvarying by more than an order of magnitude for 25% of taxa.We suggest that pilot studies for ecological monitoring programsof marine infauna should include at least two sampling times.  相似文献   
Sulfate aerosols have been found to bethe major contributors to precipitation acidity. Thus,in view of the long-term ecological repercussions theyhave on aquatic ecosystems and their acidity-potential,the present analysis focuses on a case study applicationof the layer-averaged aerosol-scavenging model (Okita et al., 1996) for predicting values of the wet scavengingcoefficient and sulfate concentrations in precipitationsamples on the basis of the information available forsome selected Indian cities. Through sensitivityanalysis (Pandey et al., 1997) the scavengingcoefficient has been found to be very strongly dependenton precipitation intensity. Comparison of modelpredictions has been done with the measured values forDelhi, Mumbai, Calcutta and Chennai in India.  相似文献   
本文选择成都富有特色的乡村旅游个案调查,对客源市场采用Likert Scale方法和SPSS软件分析,对如何凸显地方特色,构建“乡村—生态—民俗文化”的乡村旅游发展模式,推动乡村旅游可持续发展,提出了现实指导建议.  相似文献   
活性炭膜处理工业废水的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将活性炭膜与常规弹性材料同时作为生物接触氧化处理工艺的填料,分别加装在相同条件的两套接触氧化池中,采用生物接触氧化处理工艺,在同样的条件下处理工业废水,经过对试验数据的对比分析得出:以活性炭膜为填料,处理废水的能力更强,净化效果更好。  相似文献   
职业安全绩效指标研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
为了建立企业安全生产长效机制,提高安全管理水平,预防事故的发生,笔者在研究国内外企业安全绩效要素及分类方法的基础上,提出了包含10个一级要素及50个二级要素的企业安全绩效指标体系,并就指标的设立原则、定义、权重的确定和应用进行了阐述示例。同时,也为政府安全监管部门提供了科学决策的依据。  相似文献   
生命价值的实证研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
笔者所研究的生命特指人的生命 ,所讨论的价值 ,是经济学意义上的价值。论文首先从理论与实践两个角度提出了测定生命价值的必要性 ,在深入探讨与本论文相关的人、生命、价值等概念后 ,对生命价值概念分 3个层次进行了界定。通过对价值理论的比较 ,选择马克思的劳动价值论及其最新研究成果与现代人力资本理论作为立论的基础 ,重点探讨了生命价值的决定理论 ,包括生命价值形成过程、人力资源和人力资本与生命价值的关系、生命价值的变化规律等。在借鉴国内外计算方法的基础上 ,分别就青少年、成年人、老年人设计了生命价值计算模型 ,并重点对成年人生命价值计算模型进行了检验与应用 ,对具有代表性的成年体力劳动者的生命价值进行了测算 ,结果比较合理 ,且与世界银行的估计值接近。论文在宏观方面为完善社会主义市场经济体制 ,充分发挥市场在资源配置中的基础性作用 ,实现人的全面发展将起到积极作用 ,并为国家制定安全、环保、社保政策提供了科学依据 ;在微观方面为个人在各种事故中的赔偿和涉及人身的各种民事诉讼提供仲裁或判决依据。  相似文献   
工艺过程危险有害因素辨识的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鉴于化工企业工艺过程的特殊性,笔者建议其危险、有害因素的辨识可以在直观经验分析法和系统安全分析法的基础上,结合危险和可操作性研究(HAZOP)的思想来进行辨识。笔者尝试性地给出了相关术语的说明、介绍辨识方法和操作程序,并分别从生产过程(包括化学反应、化工操作单元和物料输送)和工艺设备、装置角度,对其中的所包含的具体内容进行剖析,最后以电解过程举例说明,该方法可用于化工企业进行危险性因素辨识。  相似文献   
系统比较中国现行职业接触限值标准GBZ2.1-2007与德国职业接触限值MAK在定义、制定原则和具体数值方面的差异,为中国GBZ2.1的修订提供建议和依据。将 GBZ2.1中规定的OELs与德国MAK于2015年公布的化学有害因素 OELs ,按不同类型建立比较分析数据库,并进行比较分析,分析结果表明:中德2国在职业接触限值的制定原则,化学有害因素的来源、数量与标识等方面有显著差异。 因此,我国应加强对化学性有害因素孕期毒性接触限值的研究和应用。中德在选择化学性有害因素制定OELs时各有侧重,我国在重金属方面制定的OELs,如:钴、钼、铍、铊等,是德国MAK以及美国ACGIH中所未有的,而德国则不再为致癌物质制定OELs。中、德均制定有OELs的化学性有害因素在数值上差异较大,中国有部分OELs同时高于德国MAK和美国ACGIH。我国的职业接触限值更新频率较慢,应缩短OELs更新周期,在对现行的GBZ2.1进行制修订时,可将发达国家OELs作为1项参考。德国风险分级评估方法对致癌物质的管理和评估值得进一步探讨及研究。  相似文献   
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