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吴爱香 《安全》2014,35(4):51-52,55
正重大危险源辨识与分级是企业预防重大事故的基础和前提,也是政府主管部门对重大危险源实施分级监督管理的主要依据。目前,危险化学品企业辨识重大危险源依据的标准是《危险化学品重大危险源辨识》(GB18218-2009),对辨识出的重大危险源进行分级则是依据《危险化学品重大危险源监督管理暂行规定(附件1)》(国家安全监管总局令第40号,以下简称《暂行规定》)。尽管重大危险源的辨识与分级都有各自法律层面  相似文献   
大量研究表明,人是影响安全生产的重要因素,人为因素也是导致许多事故发生的直接原因。分析事故致因理论,轨迹交叉论揭示,通过消除人的不安全行为或物的不安全状态,或避免二者运动轨迹交叉,均可避免事故的发生;能量意外释放理论也指出,能量或危险物质的释放都是由于人的不安全行为或物的不安全状态引起的。人的违章包含在人为因素和人的不安全行为中,故采取管理手段,减少人的违章行为,可直接有效地降低事故发生概率。  相似文献   
<正>某油库拟建2台立式汽油储罐,总容积为20000m(单个310000m)。汽油是属于甲类火灾危险性的低闪点易燃性液体,储存时存在火灾、爆炸、环境风险。油罐火灾热辐射影响主要在罐区周边区域,汽油在燃烧过程中会产生大量的烟尘,CO、SO和NO等污染物会在短时间内对周边环境产2 2生不利影响。虽然从油罐来的油,其硫含量很小,燃烧过程中SO产生的量也不大,但不完全燃烧产生的CO对人体健2康的危害却较大。必须对汽油储罐燃烧过程中排放出的  相似文献   
我国5种重金属类有毒空气污染物(Pb,Hg,Cd,Cr,As及其化合物)排放量大,不仅严重破坏生态环境,也极大威胁人体健康,亟待完善污染防治政策。本文分析了排放这5种重金属类有毒空气污染物的重点行业,然后基于行业分析结果,提出我国重金属类有毒空气污染物的优先控制政策,为相关管理部门决策提供参考。具体建议如下:第一,优先控制5种重金属类有毒空气污染物;第二,制定重金属类有毒空气污染物排放标准;第三,放源分类管理;第四,多污染物协同控制;第五,提升监管能力;第六,加强宣传教育,鼓励公众监督。  相似文献   
从福建漳江口红树林区筛选出一株对产贝毒赤潮原因藻——塔玛亚历山大藻(Alexandrium tamatense)具有强溶藻能力的细菌,命名为BS03,通过生理生化及16S rDNA序列分析对该菌株进行鉴定,并探讨了菌株BS03对塔玛亚历山大藻的溶藻特性和溶藻代谢产物的初步性质.结果发现,菌株BS03属于微泡菌属(Microbulbifer sp.)相似性达99%;对塔玛亚历山大藻的杀藻效果具有一定浓度效应,在一定浓度范围内处理浓度越高,溶藻效果越好;菌株BS03对处于不同生长时期的塔玛亚历山大藻都表现出较好的杀藻效果,其中对处于延滞期的塔玛亚历山大藻表现出最佳的杀藻效果,处理96 h后,抑藻率达98.17%;不同生长期菌株对塔玛亚历山大藻溶藻作用无明显差异;菌株BS03通过间接作用方式溶藻,所分泌的胞外活性物质的分子量小于1 kDa,耐酸碱、具热稳定性,推测为非蛋白质、非核酸和非多糖类物质.  相似文献   
Two hybrid processes including ozonation-ceramic membrane-biological activated carbon (BAC) (Process A) and ceramic membrane-BAC (Process B) were compared to treat polluted raw water. The performance of hybrid processes was evaluated with the removal efficiencies of turbidity, ammonia and organic matter. The results indicated that more than 99% of particle count was removed by both hybrid processes and ozonation had no significant effect on its removal. BAC filtration greatly improved the removal of ammonia. Increasing the dissolved oxygen to 30.0 mg/L could lead to a removal of ammonia with concentrations as high as 7.80 mg/L and 8.69 mg/L for Processes A and B, respectively. The average removal efficiencies of total organic carbon and ultraviolet absorbance at 254 nm (UV254, a parameter indicating organic matter with aromatic structure) were 49% and 52% for Process A, 51% and 48% for Process B, respectively. Some organic matter was oxidized by ozone and this resulted in reduced membrane fouling and increased membrane flux by 25%-30%. However, pre-ozonation altered the components of the raw water and affected the microorganisms in the BAC, which may impact the removals of organic matter and nitrite negatively.  相似文献   
Well-designed health studies and the development of effective regulatory policies need to rely on an understanding of the incremental differences in particulate matter concentrations and their sources. Although only a limited number of studies have been conducted to examine spatial differences in sources to particulate matter within an air shed, routine monitoring data can be used to better understand these differences. Measurements from the US EPA Chemical Speciation Network (CSN) collected between 2002-2008 were analyzed to demonstrate the utility of regulatory data across three sites located within 100 km of each other. Trends in concentrations, source contribution, and incremental excesses across three sites were investigated using the Positive Matrix Factorization model. Similar yearly trends in chemical composition were observed across all sites, however, excesses of organic matter and elemental carbon were observed in the urban center that originated from local emissions of mobile sources and biomass buming. Secondary sulfate and secondary nitrate constituted over half of the PM2.5 with no spatial differences observed across sites. For these components, the excess of emissions from industrial sources could be directly quantified. This study demonstrates that CSN data from multiple sites can be successfully used to derive consistent source profiles and source contributions for regional pollution, and that CSN data can be used to quantify incremental differences in source contributions of across these sites. The analysis strategy can be used in other regions of the world to take advantage of existing ambient particulate matter monitoring data to better the understanding of spatial differences in source contributions within a given air shed.  相似文献   
在钢铁行业持久性有机污染物产生排放过程分析的基础上,提出持久性有机污染物污染防控对策。首先,阐述持久性有机污染物的定义并进行来源和特征分析;其次,从钢铁行业产生持久性有机污染物的三个主要工艺(焦化、电弧炉冶炼和烧结)分析持久性有机污染物产生原理、过程及产生量;最后,提出钢铁行业持久性有机污染物污染防控手段,包括源头预防、电弧炉冶炼和烧结等工艺过程控制,物理法、化学法和生物法等终端治理方法三个方面,并对持久性有机污染物污染控制进行展望。  相似文献   
全氟辛酸(PFOA)是一种新的持久性有机污染物,其处置技术是研究的热点.以UV254 nm紫外灯为光源,采用商品TiO2(P25)对PFOA进行光催化降解实验,并考察pH、TiO2用量、初始浓度、反应气氛对降解的影响.结果表明,反应符合准一级动力学方程,pH对反应有重要影响,氧气存在下能提高反应效率.在pH为3,TiO2用量为1.5 g·L-1,通入空气条件下反应7 h实现基本降解,速率常数为0.4206 h-1.投加俘获剂实验表明,空穴(h+)是主要的活性物质,其对反应速率贡献率为66.1%;羟基自由基(·OH)也参与PFOA的降解过程;投加NaF实验表明,PFOA在TiO2上吸附是反应发生的首要条件.UPLC-QTOF/MS分析表明,PFOA光催化降解逐级生成短链全氟羧酸(PFCAs).  相似文献   
当今世界,全球气候变化、臭氧层破坏、生物多样性锐减、持久性有机污染物污染、森林破坏、土地荒漠化、汞污染等等环境问题,严重威胁着全人类的生存和发展。这些与每个人息息相关的全球环境问题,已经超越种族,突破国界,纵横各领域,没有任何一个国家能够单独面对,需要全人类携手应战。过去40年,国际社会为保护全球环境签署了200多项与环境和资源有关的国际公约,其中《关于消耗臭  相似文献   
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