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River channel migration and cutoff events within large river riparian corridors create heterogeneous and biologically diverse landscapes. However, channel stabilization (riprap and levees) impede the formation and maintenance of riparian areas. These impacts can be mitigated by setting channel constraints away from the channel. Using a meander migration model to measure land affected, we examined the relationship between setback distance and riparian and off-channel aquatic habitat formation on a 28-km reach of the Sacramento River, California, USA. We simulated 100 years of channel migration and cutoff events using 11 setback scenarios: 1 with existing riprap and 10 assuming setback constraints from about 0.5 to 4 bankfull channel widths (bankfull width: 235 m) from the channel. The percentage of land reworked by the river in 100 years relative to current (riprap) conditions ranged from 172% for the 100-m constraint setback scenario to 790% for the 800-m scenario. Three basic patterns occur as the setback distance increases due to different migration and cutoff dynamics: complete restriction of cutoffs, partial restriction of cutoffs, and no restriction of cutoffs. Complete cutoff restriction occurred at distances less than about one bankfull channel width (235 m), and no cutoff restriction occurred at distances greater than about three bankfull widths (∼700 m). Managing for point bars alone allows the setbacks to be narrower than managing for cutoffs and aquatic habitat. Results suggest that site-specific “restriction of cutoff” thresholds can be identified to optimize habitat benefits versus cost of acquired land along rivers affected by migration processes.  相似文献   
以2016—2020年地表水常规监测结果为依据,发现瑞平塘河自2017年起出现氟化物质量浓度升高现象,2020年其中1个断面氟化物质量浓度平均值达到1.25 mg/L,比2016年高出145%。为此于2021年3—6月,对瑞平塘河流域的氟化物污染状况进行实地调查并开展溯源研究。研究结果显示,2021年氟化物质量浓度超过1.0 mg/L的点位占59.34%,其中超过1.5 mg/L的点位占42.86%,表明大部分河道氟化物质量浓度已经超过水体功能区要求,对生态环境安全构成较大潜在风险。溯源调查结果表明,排除了农业源及矿山源污染的可能,乳胶制品企业排放的废水为瑞平塘河氟化物的污染来源。针对目前该行业的排放标准和环境影响评价均未提及氟化物污染,企业废水处理设施也无除氟工艺单元,缺乏有效的污染防治措施与监管要求等问题。提出,应及时组织开展该区域乳胶制品行业整治提升,增加氟化物处理工艺单元,提升出水水质,确定氟化物排放浓度限值,并对该行业排放标准做进一步研究和完善等建议。  相似文献   
张家港河凤凰段位于张家港市凤凰镇,受上游、支流水质以及区域生活污染源等影响,河道出入境断面水质达标率较低,主要超标因子为氨氮和总磷。本文通过水质现状分析和现场调研,总结了水质难达标的主要原因,提出了针对性较强的水质提升整治方案,对改善张家港河水环境具有非常重要的意义。  相似文献   
孟庆峰 《环境与发展》2020,(2):26-26,28
本文首先介绍了我国当前的河湖水环境现状,分析了我国水资源存在的一系列问题,主要问题包括水体污染和富营养化;河湖面积严重萎缩,河湖水的功能逐渐退化;难以降解的有机污染物污染量加大。有针对性地提出了改善我国河湖水环境的管理以及治理模式,进一步落实了保护河湖水环境工作,加强水资源周围生态环境的文明建设,实现河湖水环境的可持续发展。  相似文献   
现阶段,随着社会经济的不断发展,国家越来越重视河道整治工作。目前,依然存在着部分河道污染严重的问题。本文将对河道生态环境保护与治理工作进行分析研究,希望为相关工作人员提供参考。  相似文献   
基于分形理论的江苏沿江城镇体系研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
开放条件下,“全球 地方”作用深刻影响着区域城镇体系,沿江发达地区表现尤其典型。基于分形的相关理论和方法,以2006年为时空断面,对江苏沿江地区城镇体系的空间分布进行实证研究。结果表明:(1)区域城镇规模等级结构服从Zipf定律,首位城市南京在区域城市体系中的垄断性相对较强,但并非处于绝对垄断地位;(2)空间关联维数显示,沿江地区城镇体系的交通网络通达性优良,各城镇间联系紧密;(3)根据分维数和无标度区分析,三大城市群中,宁镇扬城市群分形发育最好,苏锡常次之,通泰城市群分形发育最差;(4)扬州、镇江、南京和苏州的城镇集聚程度较高,分形发育较为成熟;南通、泰州、无锡和常州的集聚程度均较低,分形结构不佳。扬州在区域城镇体系中分形发育最为完善,中心性最好,历史上形成的这种空间格局至今没有变化.  相似文献   
2005年秋季长江口及其邻近水域浮游植物群集   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用Utermhl分析方法,对长江口及其邻近水域(30.5° ~ 32.5° N,121.0° ~ 123.5° E)2005年秋季浮游植物进行了分析,并对其与环境之间的关系做了进一步的探讨。结果表明:调查区初步鉴定浮游植物95种(含变种和变型),硅藻是主要的浮游植物类群,其丰度比例达到93.1%;生态类型多为温带近岸种,少数为暖水种和大洋种;优势种主要为中肋骨条藻〖WTBX〗(Skeletonema costatum)、具槽帕拉藻(Paralia sulcata)、菱形海线藻(Thalassionema nitzschioides)和圆海链藻(Thalassiosira rotula)〖WTBZ〗;浮游植物平均丰度为2.04 cells/mL,高值出现在长江口门偏南水域;Margalef指数、Shannon Wiener指数以及Pielou指数的分布显示:秋季调查区离岸海域浮游植物多样性程度高,物种均一性好。Pearson相关分析结果显示:海水温度和硝酸盐含量是控制调查区浮游植物分布格局的主要环境因子;优势种中肋骨条藻与温度呈极显著负相关,与硝酸盐呈极显著正相关。  相似文献   
根据2007~2009年在长江干流的泸州、珞璜、宜都、武穴4个江段分别采集的数据,对这些江段鱼卵及仔鱼漂流特征的昼夜变化规律进行初步分析。结果显示,长江上游泸州江段和珞璜江段鱼卵及仔鱼昼夜漂流密度有一定差异,但不显著;长江中游宜都江段,鱼卵漂流密度在昼夜时间上有显著性差异(〖WTBX〗n=38,p〖WTBZ〗=000),表现为6〖DK〗∶00的平均漂流密度13.02 ind./100 m3明显大于18〖DK〗∶00的密度3.28 ind./100 m3,仔鱼夜间漂流密度明显大于白天,于22〖DK〗∶00达到高峰值;武穴江段仔鱼漂流密度在昼夜时间上有显著性差异(〖WTBX〗n=62,p〖WTBZ〗=000),8〖DK〗∶00的平均漂流密8621 ind./100 m3明显大于18〖DK〗∶00的密度4485 ind./100 m3。不同物种的鱼卵及仔鱼漂流密度亦呈现出一定的昼夜差异,宜都江段贝氏〖FK(W*5/5。1〗〖PS黎明政造字2.EPS;%84%84,BP〗〖FK)〗,草鱼和银鲴鱼卵主要分布在白天,鳙、鲢等种类分布在夜间;另外,鳙、银鮈、铜鱼和翘嘴鲌等多数种类的仔鱼仅在夜间有分布,而飘鱼属的种类主要分布在白天。通过采集到鱼卵发育期推算,四大家鱼、贝氏〖FK(W*5/5。1〗〖PS黎明政造字2.EPS;%84%84,BP〗〖FK)〗、银鲴和翘嘴鲌的繁殖时间主要集中在夜间,而花斑副沙鳅和鳊全天均有繁殖  相似文献   
For over two decades, a manufacturer of electrical capacitors disposed of its waste within the karstic hinterland of the Krupa River (Slovenia) resulting in the surroundings becomming heavily polluted with PCB. Albeit the extent of the contamination has been known since 1983 and the Krupa River has become one of the most PCB polluted river in Europe, the effects on the cave fauna of the region remain unknown. The most famous cave dweller of the Krupa hinterland is the endemic cave salamander Proteus anguinus anguinus. In this study we determine the levels of PCB in the tissues of the Proteus and in river sediments. The total concentration of PCB in individual tissue samples from specimens of the Krupa spring was between 165.59 μg g−1 and 1560.20 μg g−1 dry wt, which is at least 28-times higher than those from an unpolluted site. The kidneys contained the lowest concentration, while the highest concentration was in subcutaneous fat and tissues with high lipid contents like visceral fat and liver. Total PCB concentrations in sediment samples from the Krupa River were between 5.47 and 59.20 μg g−1 dry wt showing that a high burden of PCB still remains in the region. The most abundant PCB congeners in all analyzed samples were di-ortho substituted (PCB #101, #118, #138 and #158), but higher proportion of mono-ortho PCB was present in sediments. The ability of Proteus to survive a high PCB loading in its environment and especially in its tissues is remarkable. Its partial elimination of low chlorinated and mono-ortho substituted congeners is also reported.  相似文献   
Hu Z  Shi Y  Cai Y 《Chemosphere》2011,85(2):262-267
Seven typical synthetic musks (SMs) in the samples from the surface water, sediment and fish of the Haihe River were measured. The SM concentrations in the sediment and surface water of the Haihe River were significantly lower than those in the Dagu Drainage River and Chentaizi Drainage River (< 0.05). Along the flow direction, the SM concentrations in surface water and sediment tended to increase from the upstream to the downstream of Dagu Drainage River. The Bioaccumulation factors (BAFs) of galaxolide (HHCB) and tonalide (AHTN) were calculated at high levels in the muscles of crucian carp, common carp, and silver carp. Most of the biota-sediment accumulation factors (BSAFs) for HHCB and AHTN were higher than 1.7, suggesting magnification possibly exist in the musk bioaccumulations of the three fishes in the Haihe River. No significant differences in HHCB/AHTN ratios were observed among the water, fish, and sediment samples (p > 0.05). However, the HHCB/AHTN values in the Haihe River were much lower than those in the Dagu Drainage River and Chentaizi Drainage River (p < 0.05). Compared with several typical persistent organic pollutants (POPs), the musk concentrations were higher or comparable in the Haihe River.  相似文献   
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