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土地利用与土地覆盖变化对湿地景观的结构和功能产生深刻的影响。选择江苏盐城海滨地区为研究对象,应用遥感和地理信息系统技术,分析20年来土地利用变化对湿地景观连通性的影响,并以2007年湿地景观生态系统服务功能为基础,采用阻力面模型探讨湿地景观连通性优化途径及其效应。结果显示:①1987—2007年间,盐城海滨区域土地利用结构变化显著。其中耕地面积比重由36.72%上升为46.17%,自然湿地持续减少,面积由44.4%减为26.01%,人工湿地持续增加,面积由9.96%上升为18.72%;②随着区域人类土地利用活动的加强,光滩、碱蓬沼泽和芦苇沼泽的空间连通性降低,区域土地利用导致湿地景观之间生态流阻隔,景观生态服务功能减弱;③2007年湿地景观生态功能强度空间差异显著,以累积耗费距离面、生态源地、耗费路径为依据,对湿地景观连通路径优化结果表明,废黄河口和大丰港附近等关键区域对景观连通性和生态流影响最大,是景观生态节点优化的首要对象;④加强连通路径的关键区域优化、提高景观连通度是实现景观优化的关键。  相似文献   
上海中心城区土地利用变化对区域降雨径流的影响研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
土地利用变化导致的城市下垫面改变对降雨径流关系有着重要影响。选择高度城市化的上海中心城区,利用初损和径流量修正方法并经实测数据验证后的SCS-CN修正模型,在城市集水区尺度上,初步探讨模拟了1947—2006年中心城区在0.5~10 a一遇设计暴雨重现期条件下持续1 h的降雨事件和丰、平、枯降雨年份下的径流系数,并分析了土地利用方式、前期土壤湿润程度(AMC)和降雨因素对中心城区60 a降雨径流关系的影响。结果表明:①60 a间,AMCⅠ和0.5~10 a一遇设计暴雨重现期条件下的径流系数相对增长17.21%~6.14%,枯、平和丰水年的年径流系数相对增长分别为20.49%、11.83%和10.02%;②土地利用类型、土壤入渗能力和AMC类型,与降雨强度共同构成影响降雨径流关系的两方面重要因素。随着降雨强度的增大,在AMCⅠ→Ⅲ过程中,土地利用改变对降雨径流关系的影响趋小,降雨类型起决定作用;而降雨强度越小,土壤AMC越干燥,土地利用改变对降雨径流关系影响越强;③不同降雨强度和降水年条件下的径流系数均随CN值的增大而增加,其径流系数与CN值之间分别可用线性(R20.999)和指数(R20.987)关系表示。  相似文献   
Samples obtained from an industrialized valley in the East Alpine region were collected daily for a half year and analyzed using X-ray fluorescence to examine the elements Si,Al,Fe,Ca,Mg,Na,K,Zn,P,S and Cl.Some factors affecting the changes of these elements were considered,including time,elemental correlations,weekday,weekend and seasonal changes.Diagnostic analysis provided an insight into a decoupling behavior that occursin siliceous and carbonates minerals.A decrease in Si and Al and an increase in carbonates,Na,K,Zn and P were observed during the cold season.However,a consistently high correlation of Si and Al was observed in all seasons.It was established that such high levels originated from street surface abrasion.The increase in variability and absolute levels of carbonates during the cold season was demonstrated by adding carbonates to the street surface as gritting material to increase the grip on snowy surfaces.A marked increase in Na and Cl was observed in winter which may have been caused by thaw salt that is widely used in winter in Austria.This was associated with a significant increase in K,Zn,and P in the cold season that was the result of domestic space heating with wood.PM10 levels in December were 12 μg/m3 and were higher than levels detected in July.It was established that such high levels originated from mineral oxides,wood smoke,and inorganic ionic material(s).  相似文献   
Effects of land use change and water reuse options on urban water cycle   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The aim of this article was to study the effects of land use change and water reuse options on an urban water cycle. A water cycle analysis was performed on the Goonja drainage basin, located in metropolitan Seoul, using the Aquacycle model. The chronological e ects of urbanization were first assessed for the land uses of the Goonja drainage basin from 1975 to 2005, where the ratio of impervious areas ranged from 43% to 84%. Progressive urbanization was identified as leading to a decrease in evapotranspiration (29%), an increase in surface runo (41%) and a decrease in groundwater recharge (74%), indicating a serious distortion of the water cycle. From a subsequent analysis of the water reuse options, such as rainwater use and wastewater reuse, it is concluded that wastewater reuse seemed to have an advantage over rainwater use for providing a consistent water supply throughout the year for a country like Korea, where the rainy season is concentrated during the summer monsoon.  相似文献   
<正>第11个五年规划将中国领入了世界舞台的中心。这个奇迹不仅在于全球背景下中国经济体的重要意义,还在于它"摆脱"了西方的发展模式,努力将环境问题作为国策置于优先地位,而不是纯粹追求经济增长。中国的第12个五年规划期间很可能会被未来几个世纪视为世界历史的转折点。已经完成工业革命的新兴殖民大国抓住机会,趁清朝从鼎盛滑入衰落时,往往以一些不公平,甚至残忍  相似文献   
工信部:应淘汰产能三季度前全关停日前召开的全国工业系统淘汰落后产能工作会议上,工业和信息化部部长李毅中下达了2010年18个行业淘汰落后产能的目标任务,并明确提出今年应淘汰的落后产能要在第三季度前全部关停。李毅中指出,确保淘汰落后产能目标任务完成要采取以下具体措施。充分发挥法律法规的约束作用和技术标准的门槛作用,  相似文献   
2010年第6期《环境经济》的封面文章——《低碳,城市发展的新标杆》,让读者从多方面了解了我国当前低碳城市的发展情况,特别是对几个低碳试点城市的盘点,有助于我们认识当前我国发展低碳城市所取得的成就及存在的问题。  相似文献   
环境保护部日前发布《2009年中国环境状况公报》。今年是“十一五”最后一年,主要污染物排放总量减少10%的约束性指标能否完成,是社会关注的焦点。  相似文献   
2009年12月26日,《侵权责任法》颁布,其中关于环境污染责任虽然仅有4个条款,但它是在总结近些年环境侵权案件面临法律问题基础上形成。为更好地维护公众环境权益而制定的。  相似文献   
北京:为提高空气质量有望提早实施国Ⅴ标准 为了不断改善北京的空气质量,北京将实施更加严格的机动车排放标准,并已经在积极申请提前实施国Ⅴ标准。北京市分别在1999年、2002年、2005年、2008年实施了新车的排放标准,从国Ⅰ到国Ⅳ标准,每提高一次标准,单车污染减少30%~50%。同时推动了汽车生产技术的进步,提高了油品质量。机动车发展是经济社会发展、  相似文献   
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