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生态文明建设是政府、市场、非政府组织和公民等多元主体合作治理的整体性系统性实践活动,多元主体合作治理的实现依赖于制度环境、组织因素、共同目标和信息沟通等多个关键条件,同时,合作治理需要各主体按照生态文明建设的要求明确和重塑角色定位,进而通过健全多元主体参与生态文明建设法律保障体系,健全生态补偿和生态支出竞争使用机制,建立信息交互制度,寻求多元合作模式,最终实现统筹协调、联动增效的生态文明建设合作治理.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the discursive struggle over the reach and containment of spectacle in environmental politics to provide (a) case study-based evidence of how, on one hand, transnationally shared environmental awareness and concern, emerging in part through spectacle, is translating into expectations of participation and demands for accountability, and (b) how this is already impacting the ways in which environmental politics is being understood and enacted locally, regionally and transnationally. Drawing on recent mediated debate over the Great Barrier Reef, it finds that while the transnational is clearly an ambition for environmental campaigners, and the perception that transnational publics are emerging is already impacting environmental politics, the potency of these publics and their capacity to meaningfully negotiate accountability is yet to be empirically confirmed. Nevertheless, measures to contain spectacle are providing a potency for a transnational public sphere, even if in reality it is still little more than a specter.  相似文献   
While scholars have showed a long-standing interest for how to design effective environmental treaties and other international agreements, less interest has been paid to implementation phases of these agreements. This article takes the Eutrophication Segment in the Baltic Sea Action Plan as an example of a regional effort to reduce nutrient leakages, where national reporting of adopted strategies has been a key mechanism to improve implementation effectiveness. It is shown that although transnational collective action theory is a powerful tool to analyse underlying drivers and priorities in state implementation policies, a deeper analysis of domestic and external constraints can shed additional light on observed implementation gaps. Varying views among countries on, for example, the role of stakeholder participation, legitimacy and top-down governing versus multi-stakeholder governance approaches may comprise domestic constraints that make effective and efficient implementation problematic. In terms of external constraints, states’ balancing of action plan objectives versus other international commitments, such as other environmental treaties and EU Directives, is shown to potentially reduce implementation efficiency as well.  相似文献   
通过分析当前社会需求,结合高职高专院校目前的教学模式,提出计算机应用专业的《JSP动态网站设计》课程的教学改革方案。在基于工作任务的lAPP(导入-分析-实践-项目)教学情境中,开展“课堂实训+虚拟公司+校外实训基地”三位一体的实践模式教学,同时,将对工作过程的考核纳入课程的整个考核体系之中,使学生在课程中能够获得真实的职业体验和完善的实践能力。  相似文献   
顺应组织发展要求构建有效人力资源管理模式,增强企业的持续竞争力,已经成为战略人力资源管理的热点之一。通过梳理近年来相关研究成果,剖析国外高绩效人力资源实践的概念及其构成。从员工态度和行为、组织资本、组织能力等方面指出高绩效人力资源实践的结果变量。根据实证研究相关文献,梳理高绩效人力资源实践与企业绩效的内在关联性。在此基础上,提出高绩效人力资源实践的未来研究方向,为相关理论和实证研究提供指导。  相似文献   
循环经济在我国还处于研究探索的阶段,其理论基础和实践途径有待进一步发展。发展循环经济,建设资源节约型社会,需要积极发挥政府的主导作用,努力实现企业行为的转变,大力倡导社会公众的积极参与,以及尽快建设绿色技术支撑体系。但是,我国的现实情况是,政府在循环经济发展中主导作用不强;企业生态化转型滞后;公众对发展循环经济的意识淡薄。  相似文献   
低碳经济给企业的发展带来了机遇与挑战。在政策与经济发展形势的驱动下,全球企业正积极寻求低碳转型之路。企业转型要从软硬件两个方面做好准备,包括相关的技术、设备、管理、战略等。做好碳管理是实现低碳转型的关键,而碳管理软件则是一个有力的工具。碳管理软件可以帮助企业实现碳排放信息收集、计算、统计、分析、管理以及实现持续改进,促进企业转型。本文对目前常用碳管理软件的功能进行了比较分析,为相关从业人员合理选择碳管理软件以及开发新的碳管理软件提供参考。  相似文献   
企业核心竞争力是支撑企业生存发展的根本动力.核心竞争力的不断提升,是企业长久生存和发展的关键.我国安全事故频发,加入WTO和经济全球化迫使我国必须重视职业安全健康非关税壁垒.从企业核心竞争力、安全与核心竞争力的关系以及造成安全生产现状等方面展开论述,并根据核心竞争力的特征以及市场发展现状得出结论,安全必须加入企业核心竞争力的培育中.  相似文献   
发挥政府职能,转变用水观念,拓展筹资方式,开发回用水市场,降低成本等是企业解决污水回用问题的有效对策和措施.文章对泰皇岛港务集团公司污水回用工作的成功实践进行了分析,该实例表明企业完全可以开展污水回用工作,工程社会、经济、环境效益明显,实际运行经验可供其他企业借鉴.  相似文献   
From a state-centric view, sub-national level of participation at the international level can be only feasible if it is an active part of national policy. In the case of Shiga prefectural government's initiative for international lake-environmental cooperation, however, sub-national actors came to see themselves as direct players in the absence of national policy. This study examines under what conditions and in what ways such sub-national level of participation takes place by conducting a case study of Shiga's collaboration with the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) over lake-environment risk reduction. The article finds that the process of Shiga's participation in transnational governance will have less chance of being duplicated effectively in other Japanese sub-national governments. Shiga's cooperation with the UNEP was primarily driven by the ad hoc bottom-up political mobilisation of the sub-national actors. In general, without institutionalised channels for sub-national governments to participate in the regional/international level, sub-national governments need to mobilise resources on such an ad hoc basis and only pioneering sub-national actors are capable of effectively engaged on unfamiliar territory with the formation process of transnational governance.  相似文献   
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