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高效厌氧折流板反应器分区进水的启动实验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
分区进水厌氧折流板反应器内设填料,以二沉池活性污泥接种挂膜培养厌氧酸化菌,反应器四个格室的进水比为4:3:2:1,以单侧进水ABR作比较。实验研究了在HRT=8h,有机负荷约为0.8kgCOD/m·3d,运行15d后,改变运行参数为HRT=4h,在条件相同的情况下,实验第23d后,分区进水ABR反应器的出水COD效果好于单侧进水。在运行60d时COD去除率平均保持在35%,可认为分区进水ABR的启动成功。  相似文献   
ABR处理硫酸盐有机废水的相分离特性研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
为了考察厌氧折流板反应器(ABR)处理含硫酸盐有机废水的相分离特性,采用有效容积为32L的五隔室ABR,通过为期132d的启动试验,研究了启动运行过程中各隔室COD和SO24-降解情况、VFA和S2-分布规律及颗粒污泥微生物相变化状况.结果表明,采用低负荷低增幅方式启动,在132d内成功启动ABR并达到稳定,COD和SO24-的负荷分别由1.5kg·(m3·d)-1逐渐提高到3.3kg·(m3·d-1)和由0.07kg·(m3·d-1)逐渐提高到0.18kg·(m3·d-1),COD和SO24-的去除率分别为95%和85%左右.各隔室COD沿程呈递减趋势,其去除主要由第1、4、5隔室完成,SO42-的去除主要由前面三隔室承担,前面三隔室的VFA和S2-浓度较高,到最后两隔室则急剧降低;随负荷的增加,承担COD及SO42-主要去除作用的隔室后移,前面三隔室的VFA和S2-最高点及最后两隔室的VFA和S2-的急剧降低位置也后移;各隔室的微生物经长期运行驯化后表现出良好的种群配合和高度的特异性,具有明显的产酸相与产甲烷相、硫酸盐还原相与硫单质生成相的分离特征.  相似文献   
厌氧水解酸化处理含高浓度聚丙烯酰胺污水   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用厌氧瓶和厌氧折流板反应器(ABR)对含部分水解聚丙烯酰胺(HPAM)的污水进行厌氧水解酸化生物处理.选取PAM-F1和PM-2两株厌氧菌为HPAM降解菌,并优化了单株菌和混合菌的降解条件.结果发现,最佳降解条件为降解9 d,连续活化3次,温度35~40℃,初始pH=7.5.此时,混合菌对500 mg·L-1HPAM污水的降解效果最好,降解率可达到40.69%.通过生理生化特征和16S rDNA分析,确定PAM-F1为红球菌(Rhodococcus sp.).混合菌降解前后的HPAM傅里叶-红外光谱图分析表明,细菌能够降解并利用HPAM的部分胺基和碳作为生长所需的氮源和碳源,并推断出HPAM的降解过程发生在厌氧水解酸化阶段.扫描电镜(SEM)图片显示,ABR中形成了能有效促进HPAM生物降解的颗粒污泥.而经过ABR处理的HPAM污水,CODCr去除率和HPAM降解率可分别达到89.96%和75.48%.研究表明,厌氧水解酸化法是一项能够有效处理含高浓度HPAM污水的技术.  相似文献   
为解决连续流搅拌槽式反应器(CSTR)发酵制氢系统存在的不足,如单位基质氢气转化率低、因搅拌带来的耗能,抗负荷冲击能力不强等问题,开展了厌氧折流板反应器(ABR)发酵产氢的研究.结果表明,在35℃和进水COD 5000mg/L等条件下,ABR系统可在26d达到乙醇型发酵,其比产氢速率为0.13L/(gMLVSS·d),而在同样条件下, CSTR达到乙醇型发酵后,比产氢速率仅为0.06L/(gMLVSS·d).ABR通过生物相的分离,使产氢系统梯级利用有机物并达到深度产氢的目的.与CSTR相比,ABR具有较高的产氢活性、较低能源消耗等优点,是一种较为理想的有机废水发酵制氢反应设备.  相似文献   
厌氧式折流反应器(Anaerobic Baffled Reactor,简称ABR)是一种新型高效厌氧反应器,具有工艺技术简单、建设投资费用低、运行管理方便、固液分离效果好、出水水质好、运行稳定可靠、对有毒物质适应性强等优点,是一种极具开发应用前景的废水生物处理新技术。ABR最大的特点是在反应器中设置上下折流板而在水流方向上形成依次串联的隔室,从而使其中的微生物种群沿长度方向的不同隔室实现产酸和产甲烷相的分离。该反应器具有结构简单,截留污泥能力强,系统处理效果稳定,运行管理方便等优点。分析了ABRABR与其它工艺的联合在果汁废水处理方面的应用。  相似文献   
通过厌氧折流板反应器(ABR)处理硫酸盐有机废水的实验数据对BP神经网络进行训练,建立了ABR处理硫酸盐有机废水的BPNN模型,通过测试对比,找出了较优训练函数为traingda,较优训练次数为1 900.利用分割连接权值法(PCW)对影响出水SO42-和COD的主要因素进行分析,结果显示进水COD、SO42-、pH、COD/SO42-和HRT对出水SO42-和COD均产生一定影响,其中进水pH对出水SO42-和COD的影响最大,相对重要性(RI)指数分别为30.79%和23.44%;并通过样本试验数据分别建立了对SO42-和COD去除率的限制因子仿真模型,为预测硫酸盐有机废水的厌氧处理过程提供指导.  相似文献   
ABR反应器的两种快速启动方法对比   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
ABR反应器的启动是ABR反应器能否高效稳定运行的关键,其影响因素很多。为了更好地实现ABR反应器的启动,提出了通过2种不同启动方法的对比,即1#反应器采用好氧预挂膜的方法,2#反应器采用低负荷启动法,得出的结论为,好氧预挂膜启动法的启动时间短,COD去除率高,出水pH稳定,颗粒状污泥生长情况较好,是一种可推广的启动方法。  相似文献   
许华诚 《环境工程》2013,31(1):9-11
介绍了改进型ABR+复合生物反应器在糕点残渣废水处理工程实例中的应用,运行结果表明:该工艺运行稳定、操作简便、运行成本低,处理糕点残渣废水可获得良好的效果,出水水质达GB 8978—1996《污水综合排放标准》中的一级排放标准。  相似文献   
折流式厌氧反应器(ABR)的研究进展   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
随着对厌氧消化机理研究的不断深入和各种高效厌氧反应器的飞速发展 ,废水的厌氧生物处理技术已经成为资源和环境保护的核心技术之一[1] .UASB是荷兰Wageningen农业大学的Lettinga等人于 70年代开发的一种高效厌氧反应器 ,目前已经广泛的应用于生产实践 .UASB的成功极大的促进了其它高效厌氧反应器的发展 ,折流式厌氧反应器 (AnaerobicBaffledReactor,简称ABR)正是在UASB基础上开发出的一种新型高效厌氧反应器[2 ,3] .下面将介绍ABR反应器废水处理工艺的原理、特点以及国内外研…  相似文献   
With the increase of urbanization, municipal solid waste has also increased. Therefore, the need for solid waste management is also increasing compared with earlier decades. Composting is a good option for the recycling of solid waste; however, it produces leachate, which requires proper treatment systems to prevent environmental degradation. Due to high chemical oxygen demand (COD) concentrations in compost leachate, anaerobic treatment is the best option for handling the effluent, and an anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR) is one such anaerobic reactor that can be used for its treatment. Because of high ammonia and heavy metal concentrations, as well as the possibility of sludge washout in ABRs, it is important to use proper media, such as zeolite, which can reduce inhibition effects and sludge washout from the reactor. Anaerobic treatment, especially during the methanogenesis phase, is sensitive, and pH and alkalinity are parameters that influence the treatment. Therefore, adjusting these parameters within a normal range is very important to the proper functioning of anaerobic systems. In this study, a pilot‐scale ABR was used, and the last 4 of the 8 ABR compartments were filled with zeolite. The bioreactor was operated at hydraulic retention times (HRT) of 3, 4, and 5 days, with zeolite filling ratios of 10%, 20%, and 30%, and influent COD concentrations of 10,000, 20,000, and 30,000 milligrams per liter (mg/L). In this study, pH value was 6.43 ± 0.1, 6.96 ± 0.3, and 6.96 ± 0.25 at filling ratios of 10%, 20%, and 30%, respectively. According to the results, in all filling ratios, no significant changes were observed in the pH value when the organic loading rate increased and its amount was within a constant range. Influent alkalinity was equal to 2015 ± 510, 2884 ± 505, and 4154 ± 233 milligrams of calcium carbonate per liter (mg CaCO3/L) at influent COD concentrations of 10,000, 20,000, and 30,000 mg/L, respectively, and in effluent, they were 2536 ± 336, 3379 ± 639, and 4377 ± 325 mg CaCO3/L, respectively. The amount of alkalinity in the effluent increased compared with the alkalinity in the influent. The results show that the amount of alkalinity in the influent and effluent was similar, and the alkalinity enhancement was lower when the filling ratio was increased from 10% to 20%, and 20% to 30%. Comparisons of the results from zeolite with and without biofilm showed that, in cases of zeolite with biofilm, the amounts of silica and oxygen decreased and the amount of carbon increased, and it showed the formation of biofilm on the surface of zeolite. In addition, the absence of sodium in the zeolite with the biofilm indicated that sodium was exchanged with ammonium ions. According to the results, zeolite can be used in anaerobic reactors as a medium, and it also reduces fluctuations in pH and alkalinity at different organic loading rates, providing a normal range for anaerobic treatment.  相似文献   
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