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Liang Chen Syed H. Imam Sherald H. Gordon Richard V. Greene 《Journal of Polymers and the Environment》1997,5(2):111-117
Starch-PVOH cast films were prepared with and without crosslinking agent (hexamethoxymethylmelamine) in the absence of plasticizer.
Moisture absorption in films without crosslinking agent at a low relative humidity was similar to that of PVOH and increased
as the relative humidity increased. Films with crosslinking agent showed moisture absorption linearly proportional to the
relative humidity. Significant improvement in resistance to water disintegration for crosslinked starch-PVOH films was observed.
While the tensile strength decreased with increased relative humidity, crosslinking significantly improved the tensile strength.
Increased PVOH content improved elongation of films even when the relative humidity was 80% or higher. Biodegradation studies
revealed that the degradation rate was negatively correlated with the PVOH content in films and crosslinking generated more
converged degradation curves.
Names are necessary to report factually on available data; however, the USDA neither guarantees nor warrants the standard
of the product, and the use of the name by USDA implies no approval of the product to the exclusion of others that may also
be suitable. 相似文献
农药对农田蜘蛛生态效应的研究进展 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
农药对农田蜘蛛的生态效应是进行农田害虫综合防治的生态学基础.本文综述了农田蜘蛛接触和吸收农药的主要途径、农药对蜘蛛的生态效应、蜘蛛对农药的抗性以及农药对蜘蛛的致死效应等研究现状.关于农药对农田蜘蛛亚致死效应的研究,特别是分子、生化、生理、行为等方面的异常,国内外报道不多,因此这方面的研究工作有待于进一步加强.参47 相似文献
选用0.1μm的PVDF中空纤维内压式微滤膜组件,在死端微滤工况下,研究了酵母(平均粒径5.3μm)和高岭土(平均粒径0.7μm)体系在浓度和压力变化时的污染机理及过滤阻力、膜渗透通量的变化规律性。通过恒压堵塞定律积分式的具体形式与实验数据的拟合及根据堵塞过滤定律计算的结果都表明:死端微滤时,酵母体系和高岭土体系均符合滤饼过滤机理。 相似文献
Izabella Krucińska Sławomir Zakrzewski Irena Kowalczyk Jadwiga Wiśniewska-Konecka 《International journal of occupational safety and ergonomics》2013,19(3-4):141-149
Five variants of mixtures of different synthetic fibres at different area ratios were manufactured into needled nonwovens intended to be used as a filtering material for respiratory protection. Two variants were produced according to an earlier patent, and the contents of the other three was completely new. Samples of the nonwovens were tested for sodium chloride particles penetration and for breathing resistance. The results showed that one variant of a nonwoven, designated PP/PPFM, had very valuable filtering properties and that those properties were stable in time. 相似文献
Jolanta Liwkowicz Joanna Kowalska 《International journal of occupational safety and ergonomics》2013,19(1):81-88
Because they cause burns that are difficult to heal, acids are dangerous, and steps should be taken to ensure that the human skin does not come into contact with them. For this purpose safety gloves are generally used by workers who have to handle acids. Such gloves need to be tested to ensure that they are acid resistant. Standard EN 374 (European Committee for Standardization [CEN], 1993c) specifies a method of testing the permeation of liquid chemicals, on a molecular level, through glove material, but it may be difficult to ensure the fitness of the joints of a two-compartment cell, when gloves are lined with jersey. To deal with this a simple pH-meter method to test the permeation of acid and alkali solutions through safety gloves has been developed. The permeation of H2S04, HCI, HN03, and CH3COOH through gloves made from neoprene, nitrile, and PVC was tested. This method seems to be simple and economical. 相似文献
René M. Rossi Walter Bolli Rolf Stämpfli 《International journal of occupational safety and ergonomics》2013,19(1):55-60
Heat and mechanical protection properties of 6 fabric combinations commonly used in firefighters’ protective clothing were assessed before and after different heat treatment. It was shown that after heat exposure, the values obtained were generally lower than in the original state. The mechanical properties of the materials were more affected by heat than by heat protective properties. In 2 cases, degradation started before a visible change in the material could be observed, which might be potentially dangerous for the end user who will not realize the alteration of the material. 相似文献
陈功胜 《中国安全生产科学技术》2013,9(7):91-94
针对潘一矿采掘布局高度集中,导致西三采区需求风量大幅提高,引起中央风井风机负压高的问题,提出了西翼通风系统调整与优化方案;并结合矿井未来发展规划,提出了加快二水平巷道掘进、提前准备大巷煤柱工作面顺槽的方法,制定了西三采区进风段和回风段的降阻措施。模拟结果表明:从采区的进风段和回风段同时采取措施,并在采区内部进行扩巷,能有效改善西三采区通风阻力较高的状况,主要通风机负压能降至合理范围。 相似文献
采用宏观形貌分析、化学成分分析、金相显微组织分析、材料力学性能测试、SEM微观形貌分析等手段,对某电站锅炉水冷壁管和过热器管破裂进行了分析。结果表明,热(硫)腐蚀导致的过热器管局部穿孔破裂,以及泄漏产生的高温水汽流对水冷壁管的,中刷磨损是爆管的主要原因,过热器管补焊点的再次泄漏是本次事故的直接原因。 相似文献
为了研究二氧化氯(chlorine dioxide,ClO2)消毒工艺对污水处理厂出水中超级耐药基因(super antibiotic resistance genes,SARGs)的去除效果,对污水处理厂出水消毒前后的水样进行了全年采集,并采用微孔滤膜正压过滤法及核酸吸附柱-洗脱法分别富集水中细菌和胞外核酸后,利用荧光定量PCR技术对其中的9种SARGs进行定量检测.结果表明,无论是胞内还是胞外核酸,均有NDM-1、MCR-1 和MEC-A被检测出;同时,ClO2消毒后上述3种SARGs的胞内相对总浓度明显上升(P<0.05),且ClO2消毒对胞内SARGs相对浓度的影响与季节有关,其中春季、夏季和秋季均发生上升,且春季升高最为明显,达2倍,而冬季出水在消毒前后均未测出胞内SARGs;胞外SARGs则在ClO2消毒前后没有明显浓度变化.因此,ClO2消毒不能有效去除污水处理厂出水中胞内和胞外SARGs污染. 相似文献