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采用小鼠全胚胎培养模型,将8.5 d小鼠胚胎在含有千里光碱的即刻离心血清中培养48 h(千里光碱的终浓度分别为100、50、25和12.5 μg·mL-1),观察千里光碱对胚胎生长发育(卵黄囊直径、颅臀长、头长和体节数)和组织器官形态分化(卵黄囊循环、尿囊、翻转、心、脑、尾神经管、视听嗅系统、腮弓、颌突和肢芽)的影响....  相似文献   
Goal, Scope and Background Sweden has prohibited the deposition of organic waste since January, 2005. Since 1 million tons of sludge is produced every year in Sweden and the capacity for incineration does not fill the demands, other methods of sludge management have to be introduced to a larger degree. One common method in the USA and parts of Europe is the use of wetlands to treat wastewater and sewage sludge. The capacity of reed beds to affect the toxicity of a complex mixture of nitroaromatics in sludge, however, is not fully elucidated. In this study, an industrial sludge containing explosives and pharmaceutical residues was therefore treated in artificial reed beds and the change in toxicity was studied. Nitroaromatic compounds, which are the main ingredients of many pharmaceuticals and explosives, are well known to cause cytotoxicity and genotoxicity. Recently performed studies have also showed that embryos of zebrafish (Danio rerio) are sensitive to nitroaromatic compounds. Therefore, we tested the sludge passing through constructed wetlands in order to detect any changes in levels of embryotoxicity, genotoxicity and dioxin-like activity (AhR-agonists). We also compared unplanted and planted systems in order to examine the impact of the root system on the fate of the toxicants. Methods An industrial sludge containing a complex mixture of nitroaromatics was added daily to small-scale constructed wetlands (vertical flow), both unplanted and planted with Phragmites australis. Sludge with an average dry weight of 1.25%, was added with an average hydraulic loading rate of 1.2 L/day. Outgoing water was collected daily and stored at −20°C. The artificial wetland sediment was Soxhlet extracted, followed by clean-up with multi-layer silica, or extracted by ultrasonic treatment, yielding one organic extract and one water extract of the same sample. Genotoxicity of the extracts was measured according to the ISO protocol for the umu-C genotoxicity assay (ISO/TC 147/SC 5/WG9 N8), using Salmonella typhimurium TA1535/pSK1002 as test organism. Embryotoxicity and teratogenicity were studied using the fish egg assay with zebrafish (Danio rerio) and the dioxin-like activity was measured using the DR-CALUX assay. Chemical analyses of nitroaromatic compounds were performed using Solid Phase Micro Extraction (SPME) and GC-MS. Results Organic extracts of the bed material showed toxic potential in all three toxicity tests after two years of sludge loading. There was a difference between the planted and the unplanted beds, where the toxicity of organic extracts overall was higher in the bed material from the planted beds. The higher toxicity of the planted beds could have been caused by the higher levels of total carbon in the planted beds, which binds organic toxicants, and by enrichment caused by lower volumes of outgoing water from the planted beds. Discussion Developmental disorders were observed in zebrafish exposed directly in contact to bed material from unplanted beds, but not in fish exposed to bed material from planted beds. Hatching rates were slightly lower in zebrafish exposed to outgoing water from unplanted beds than in embryos exposed to outgoing water from planted beds. Genotoxicity in the outgoing water was below detection limit for both planted and unplanted beds. Most of the added toxicants via the sludge were unaccounted for in the outgoing water, suggesting that the beds had toxicant removal potential, although the mechanisms behind this remain unknown. Conclusions During the experimental period, the beds received a sludge volume (dry weight) of around three times their own volume. In spite of this, the toxicity in the bed material was lower than in the sludge. Thus, the beds were probably able to actually decrease the toxicity of the added, sludge-associated toxicants. When testing the acetone extracts of the bed material, the planted bed showed a higher toxicity than the unplanted beds in all three toxicity tests. The toxicity of water extracts from the unplanted beds, detected by the fish egg assay, were higher than the water extracts from the planted beds. No genotoxicity was detected in outgoing water from either planted or unplanted beds. All this together indicates that the planted reed beds retained semi-lipophilic acetone-soluble toxic compounds from the sludge better than the unplanted beds, which tended to leak out more of the water soluble toxic compounds in the outgoing water. The compounds identified by SPME/GC in the outgoing water were not in sufficient concentrations to have caused induction in the genotoxicity test. Recommendations and Perspectives This study has pointed out the benefits of using constructed wetlands receiving an industrial sludge containing a complex mixture of nitroaromatics to reduce toxicity in the outgoing water. The water from planted, constructed wetlands could therefore be directed to a recipient without further cleaning. The bed material should be investigated over a longer period of time in order to evaluate potential accumulation and leakage prior to proper usage or storage. The plants should be investigated in order to examine uptake and possible release when the plant biomass is degraded. This article has been developed on the basis of a presentation given at the Annual meeting of SETAC Europe German Language Branch 2004 in Aachen. ESS-Submission Editor: Dr. Ludek Blaha (blaha@recetox.muni.cz)  相似文献   
Following large crude oil spills, oil from feathers of brooding birds and oiled nesting material can transfer to eggs, resulting in reduced embryonic viability for heavily oiled eggs. Eggs may also be subjected to trace or light oiling, but functional teratogenic effects from sublethal crude oil exposure have not been examined. We assessed whether sublethal application of weathered Deepwater Horizon crude oil to the eggshell surface alters heart rate and metabolic rate in Zebra Finch (Taeniopygia guttata) embryos. We first determined sublethal applications with a dosing experiment. Embryo viability for eggs exposed to 5 μL or more of crude oil decreased significantly. We conducted a second experiment to measure heart rate and metabolic rate (CO2 production) 5 and 9 d after 1 sublethal application of crude oil to eggshells on day 3 of incubation. One application of 1.0 or 2.5 µL of crude oil reduced embryonic heart rate and metabolic rate on day 12 of incubation. Using unfertilized eggs, we measured the transfer of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from the eggshell surface to egg contents 9 d after a single application of sublethal crude oil. Our results suggest avian eggs externally exposed to small amounts of crude oil may exhibit protracted embryonic development and impaired postnatal cardiac performance.  相似文献   
近年来,碳纳米管(CNTs)的产量和使用量不断增大,提高了其释放到环境中的可能性.尽管碳纳米管的水生生态毒性有所报道,但对两栖动物胚胎的发育毒性研究仍比较少.本研究采用分阶段暴露的方式,以热带爪蛙胚胎的死亡率、孵化率、畸形率、畸形类型、心率、体长等作为毒性评价指标,研究不同浓度多壁碳纳米管(25、50 mg·L-1)对爪蛙胚胎发育的胚胎毒性与敏感窗口.结果显示,多壁碳纳米管可导致爪蛙胚胎死亡率升高,孵化率降低,但对其心率、体长没有显著性影响(p>0.05).产生的畸形类型包括心腔水肿、脊索弯曲、泄殖腔畸形、眼睛畸形等,其中,心腔水肿占的比例最大为28.7%.另外,根据死亡率、孵化率、畸形率等指标综合评价爪蛙胚胎对多壁碳纳米管的敏感程度,由强到弱的顺序依次是:原肠胚期、囊胚期、神经胚期、尾芽期.研究表明,浓度为25 mg·L-1和50 mg·L-1的多壁碳纳米管对热带爪蛙胚胎发育具有一定的毒性作用,其作用机理与胚胎卵膜粘附碳纳米管有间接关系,研究结果可为合理评价碳纳米管对水生生物胚胎的影响提供一定的理论参考.  相似文献   
In order to achieve a more substantial appraisal of lake water quality, the assessment must not be based only on chemical measurements and analyses of the water itself, but even more so on the impact of existing conditions on aquatic biota. This is possible with the use of biotests or biomarkers, e.g. investigations of the developmental parameters (96-h embryotoxicity evaluate) or of the induction of heat shock proteins (proteotoxicity evaluate). To evaluate the suitability of these tests for environmental screening, fertilized zebrafish eggs were exposed to water samples collected from five sites of varying levels of stress from Laguna Lake, Philippines. Reconstituted water was used as laboratory control while water samples from a highly polluted freshwater source was used as positive control. Developmental parameters were noted and described within 48 and 96 h of exposure. Dilution experiments of the positive control were also done to further assess and compare toxicity potentials of Laguna Lake waters with those originating from a polluted freshwater. After the 96-h exposure, the levels of stress proteins (hsp 70) were determined in embryos from all exposure groups. Results showed 100% mortality in embryos exposed to undiluted positive control (PC) within only 12 h. Increasing dilution levels, however, resulted in lower mortality and lower abnormality rates. No detectable developmental differences were noted among embryos exposed to either the laboratory control or Laguna Lake waters at the end of 96 h, regardless of the source. Very high survival rates and high hatching success rates were observed in embryos exposed to lake waters as well as laboratory control, and the data did not differ significantly among the groups. Likewise, no significant malformations were noted among all developing embryos throughout the exposure period. However, the levels of heat shock proteins in the two sites located closest to Manila, the Philippine capital (Northern West Bay and Central West Bay), showed a pronounced elevation relative to the control, indicating that these stress proteins protect the embryos from the detrimental effects of pollutants in the water. Based on the 96-h early life stage (ELS) test, the water quality of the lake is good for fishery propagation despite the current levels of pollutants in the water. This finding is in accordance with the Class C status (i.e. suitable for fish growth and propagation) as given to the lake by the local environmental agency. On the other hand, data on proteotoxicity showed that the fish are under stress, presumably deriving from pollutants. This calls for a continuous monitoring and improvement of the lake water. The present study indicates that the two biomarker methods are very easy to use, practical, rapid, and sensitive for assessing water quality in a tropical lake and recommends for their incorporation into the future monitoring program of Laguna Lake.  相似文献   

Teratogenicity studies were conducted in rats treated orally from days 6–15 of gestation with single daily doses of 400–1600 mg/kg of maleic hydrazide, 300–1000 mg/kg daminozide, 125–500 mg/kg ethoxyquin or thiabendazole, or 25–100 mg/kg naled. Dams were killed on the 22nd day of gestation, and fetuses were evaluated by routine teratologic methods. No adverse effect was related to any treatment other than an increased incidence of anomalous fetuses at the highest dose (500 mg/kg) of thiabendazole.  相似文献   
以斑马鱼胚胎毒性测试研究海南某污水处理厂出水经氯胺、二氧化氯、次氯酸钠、臭氧和紫外几种消毒处理后对斑马鱼胚胎的毒性。利用胚胎毒性和层次分析法构建危害分级方法及其指标体系,评价消毒危害。研究结果表明:消毒处理前的二沉池出水未产生胚胎发育毒性效应,但经次氯酸钠、氯胺、臭氧、二氧化氯对再生水消毒处理可使斑马鱼胚胎出现卵黄囊异常、心跳减缓、色素沉积减少、孵出延缓和卷尾等毒理反应;不同消毒方式处理的再生水可致斑马鱼胚胎死亡率增加,胚胎毒性依次为:二氧化氯紫外紫外+次氯酸钠=二沉池出水(不消毒)氯胺=紫外+氯胺臭氧次氯酸钠;不同消毒方式的危害分级为:二氧化氯和紫外消毒构成轻微危害,危害等级为I级,紫外+次氯酸钠、紫外+氯胺、氯胺消毒构成中度危害,危害等级为II级,次氯酸钠危害较强,其危害等级为III级;化学消毒剂与紫外线组合消毒可降低再生水消毒的危害。  相似文献   
Goals, Scope and Background Fish populations, especially those of the grayling (Thymallus thymallus), have declined over the last two decades in the upper Danube River between Sigmaringen and Ulm, despite intensive and continuous stocking and improvement of water quality since the 1970s. Similar problems have been reported for other rivers, e.g. in Switzerland, Great Britain, the United States and Canada. In order to assess if ecotoxicological effects might be related to the decline in fish catch at the upper Danube River, sediment, suspended matter and waste water samples from sewage treatment plants were collected at selected locations and analyzed in a bioanalytical approach using a battery of bioassays. The results of this pilot study will be used to decide if a comprehensive weight-of-evidence study is needed. Methods Freeze-dried sediments and suspended particulate matters were extracted with acetone in a Soxhlet apparatus. Organic pollutants from sewage water were concentrated using XAD-resins. In order to investigate the ecotoxicological burden, the following bioassays were used: (1) neutral red assay with RTL-W1 cells (cytotoxicity), (2) comet assay with RTLW1 cells (genotoxicity), (3) Arthrobacter globiformis dehydrogenase assay (toxicity to bacteria), (4) yeast estrogen screen assay (endocrine disruption), (5) fish egg assay with the zebrafish (Danio rerio; embryo toxicity) and (6) Ames test with TA98 (mutagenicity). Results and Discussion The results of the in vitro tests elucidated a considerable genotoxic, cytotoxic, mutagenic, bacteriotoxic, embryotoxic and estrogenic burden in the upper Danube River, although with a very inhomogeneous distribution of effects. The samples taken from Riedlingen, for example, induced low embryo toxicity, but the second highest 17β-estradiol equivalent concentration (1.8 ng/L). Using the fish egg assay with native sediments, a broad range of embryotoxic effects could be elucidated, with clear-cut dose-response relationships for the embryotoxic effects of contaminated sediments. With native sediments, embryotoxicity was clearly higher than with corresponding pore waters, thus corroborating the view that – at least for fish eggs – the bioavailability of particle-bound lipophilic substances in native sediments is higher than generally assumed. The effect observed most frequently in the fish egg assay was a developmental delay. A comparison of our own results with locations along the rivers Rhine and Neckar demonstrated similar or even higher ranges of ecotoxicological burdens in the Danube River. Conclusions The complex pattern of ecotoxicological effects caused by environmental samples from the Danube River, when assessed in an in vitro biotest battery using both acute and more specific endpoints, showed that integration of different endpoints is essential for appropriate hazard assessment. Overall, the ecotoxicological hazard potential shown has indeed to be considered as one potential reason for the decline in fish catches at the upper Danube River. However, based on the results of this pilot study, it is not possible to elucidate that chemically induced alterations are responsible for the fish decline. Recommendations and Perspective . In order to confirm the ecological relevance of the in vitro results for the situation in the field and especially for the decline of the grayling and other fishes, further integrated investigations are required. For linking the weight of evidence obtained by in vitro assays and fish population investigations, the application of additional, more specific biomarkers (e.g. vitellogenin induction, EROD and micronucleus assay) has been initiated in fish taken from the field as well as in situ investigations.  相似文献   
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