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大尺度空间(中国)化学品环境暴露多介质模型的建立需要先对空间做相应的区划.本文以ArcGIS软件为平台,通过有空间约束的聚类方法和水文分析方法相耦合,建立全国范围的综合分区.全国范围分为华南综合大区、华北综合大区、西北综合大区、华东综合大区、东北综合大区和西南综合大区6个综合大区.每个综合大区又分别包含了若干个综合小区,小区总数为38个.该研究为我国暴露评估的综合分区提供了一个方案,在多介质模型的建立中起着重要的作用.  相似文献   
本文基于WRF-CMAQ模型定量分析了气象条件变化对PM2.5的影响.全国337个城市2018~2019秋冬季气象条件转差导致PM2.5平均浓度同比上升约5.55%.24个省市气象条件同比转差,北京气象转差致使PM2.5同比上升约3.66%.从重点区域来看,京津冀及周边“2+26”城市气象条件转差最显著,汾渭平原次之,长江三角洲(以下称长三角)基本持平,分别导致PM2.5浓度同比上升约9.4%、8.3%、1.1%.“2+26”城市和汾渭平原气象条件在11月、1月、2月转差,10月、3月气象条件转好.长三角则10月、11月、3月气象条件转差;12月、1月、2月转好.“2+26”城市2018~2019秋冬季PM2.5浓度同比上升主要为气象条件转差所致;汾渭平原PM2.5同比变化较小,人为减排有效抵消了气象条件转差带来的不利影响;长三角PM2.5浓度同比下降,与气象条件变幅小且污染排放较去年同期降低有关.  相似文献   
Channel dimensions are important input variables for many hydrologic models. As measurements of channel geometry are not available in most watersheds, they are often predicted using bankfull hydraulic geometry relationships. This study aims at improving existing equations that relate bankfull width, depth, and cross‐sectional area to drainage area (DA) without limiting their use to well‐gauged watersheds. We included seven additional variables in the equations that can be derived from data that are generally required by hydrologic models anyway and conducted several multiple regression analyses to identify the ideal combination of additional variables for nationwide and regional models for each Physiographic Division of the United States (U.S.). Results indicate that including the additional variables in the regression equations generally improves predictions considerably. The selection of relevant variables varies by Physiographic Division, but average annual precipitation (PCP) and temperature (TMP) were generally found to improve the models the most. Therefore, we recommend using regression equations with three independent variables (DA, PCP, and TMP) to predict bankfull channel dimensions for hydrologic models. Furthermore, we recommend using the regional equations for watersheds within regions from which data were used for model development, whereas in all other parts of the U.S. and the rest of the world, the nationwide equations should be given preference.  相似文献   
Bankfull hydraulic geometry relationships are used to estimate channel dimensions for streamflow simulation models, which require channel geometry data as input parameters. Often, one nationwide curve is used across the entire United States (U.S.) (e.g., in Soil and Water Assessment Tool), even though studies have shown that the use of regional curves can improve the reliability of predictions considerably. In this study, regional regression equations predicting bankfull width, depth, and cross‐sectional area as a function of drainage area are developed for the Physiographic Divisions and Provinces of the U.S. and compared to a nationwide equation. Results show that the regional curves at division level are more reliable than the nationwide curve. Reliability of the curves depends largely on the number of observations per region and how well the sample represents the population. Regional regression equations at province level yield even better results than the division‐level models, but because of small sample sizes, the development of meaningful regression models is not possible in some provinces. Results also show that drainage area is a less reliable predictor of bankfull channel dimensions than bankfull discharge. It is likely that the regional curves can be improved using multiple regression models to incorporate additional explanatory variables.  相似文献   
基于“三调”数据分析我国东部地区XX地级市永久基本农田保护变化,从流失去向与流失空间分布两个方面深入分析了其真实境况,从而提出切实的保护政策建议。结果表明:①流失去向包括农业结构调整、建设占用和自然损毁,其中农业结构调整占用为主导。②城市圈内比圈外占用普遍严重,尤其是城乡建设占用了大量基本农田。③永久基本农田存在空间错配现象,未做到“应划尽划”。据此,提出构建农户补偿机制、县级保护任务量与存量建设指标相挂钩、协同基本农田—生态—城镇空间布局,实施圈内基本农田动态监测机制等系列措施,以提升保护效果。  相似文献   
2013—2015年中国PM2.5污染状况时空变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
自2013年我国首次开展全国范围PM2.5近地面监测以来,少有研究从全国空间尺度分析近3年全国PM2.5污染状况时空变化的总体特征,识别PM2.5污染加剧或缓解的空间范围,更缺乏直接对比评估国家大气污染重点防控区内外PM2.5污染特征变化的差异.基于2013—2015年PM2.5监测数据,综合运用时空统计分析与空间插值制图手段,揭示近3年ρ(PM2.5)及不同等级污染天数的时空变化格局,并着重对比分析“三区十群”区域内外ρ(PM2.5)的变化差异.结果表明,2013—2015年,全国持续监测的413个站点中有335个监测站点ρ(PM2.5)年均值下降,其中218个站点实现连续两年年均浓度降低,74个站点ρ(PM2.5)年均值降至符合国家二级标准;全国大部分地区ρ(PM2.5)年超标率由50%以上降至30%以下,重度污染站点占比由88.38%降至73.77%,严重污染站点占比由65.86%降至36.35%;长三角城市群、长株潭城市群、武汉及周边城市群、陕西关中城市群PM2.5污染呈现明显好转趋势;西藏、云贵高原以及海峡西岸城市群、珠三角城市群等沿海地区ρ(PM2.5)一直较低,空气质量相对优良;但与此同时,京津冀城市群、山东半岛城市群及河南中部和北部地区仍是中国PM2.5重污染区域,新疆西南部、合肥、南昌等地区逐渐形成新的PM2.5重污染格局.   相似文献   
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