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长江下游地区是稻作农业的主要起源地之一。然而,水稻对长江下游新石器时代人群饮食的贡献程度仍不清晰。稳定同位素混合模型能够量化揭示长江下游地区史前人群的摄食策略。系统收集长江下游地区已发表的人骨、动物骨和植物稳定碳氮同位素数据,基于稳定同位素混合模型,对长江下游地区新石器时代人群的摄食策略进行研究。结果发现:距今7.0—5.3 ka长江下游地区人群可能摄食多种动植物资源,该时期水稻对人类饮食的贡献与其他植物资源基本相当。距今5.3—4.3 ka,水稻已超过其他动植物资源,成为美人地遗址人群的主要食物资源。研究揭示了长江下游新石器时代文明化进程与稻作农业发展具有同步性,狩猎采集经济则为该区域文明化进程起到基础支撑作用。  相似文献   
不同来源的气溶胶中正构烷烃稳定碳同位素的分布特征有比较明显的区别,以低陆生植物为主的高原清洁区,其气溶胶中正构烷烃δ^13C较轻,随碳数的增加,δ^13C较平平缓的曲线,以高等植物为主的海滨清洁区,正构烷烃δ^13C分布亦为较平缓的英线,但δ^13C较前者稍重,为-28‰--27‰;人为污染严重的城市区,气溶胶正构烷烃δ^13C为-29‰--25‰,且随碳数的增加有较大的变化。  相似文献   
When using stable enzyme genes from a thermophile to create a biosensor in Escherichia coli, it is vital that these genes be overexpressed in order to provide a sufficient supply of enzymes. In this study, overexpression of the NADH oxidase (Nox) gene from the thermophile Deinococcus geothermalis was successfully achieved with the aim of creating a stable biosensor active at room temperatures. To do so, modification of 10 nucleotides, GAAATTAACT, upstream of the start codon of the Nox gene was necessary.  相似文献   
Achievement of at least “good ecological status” in all waterbodies under the EU Water Framework Directive by 2015 will in some cases be a challenge. The twin challenge is to manage expectations of policy makers for such waterbodies as to a realistic length of time required for improvement in water quality. Hence, understanding the source, transformation processes and residence time of nitrate in a hydrological system is an essential part of meeting such challenges. On a dairy farm with 24 shallow groundwater wells, the dual isotopic composition of nitrate (δ15N and δ18O) was used to clarify nitrate sources, to assess spatial and temporal variability in nitrate concentrations and to determine if and where denitrification was occurring. Vertical travel time was estimated to correlate nitrate concentrations with management practices. Organically derived nitrogen was the predominant source contributing to groundwater nitrate concentrations. Denitrification was identified as prevalent within specific regions of the study site. The distinct low temporal variability in the isotopic data suggests constancy among nitrate sources and processes over time across the study site. Vertical travel times of up to 3 years were estimated on site indicating the influence of recent management practices on nitrate concentrations. Very slow horizontal migration of groundwater (decades) indicates a legacy of older management practices. Stable isotope techniques, together with an understanding of time lag, provide an extra mechanism to test the efficacy of monitoring and mitigation programmes.  相似文献   
铜锌同位素方法在环境地球化学研究中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来,随着多接收电感耦合等离子体质谱(MC-ICP-MS)逐渐应用,过渡族金属(Cu,Zn和Fe等)同位素测试方法逐渐成熟,测定精度可达0.04‰,使得铜锌铁等同位素地球化学研究成为近年来国际地学研究领域的热点。本文对铜锌同位素的测试方法、分馏机理及其在环境地球化学研究领域的应用进行了较系统综述。  相似文献   
In the Ohio River (OR), backwater confluence sedimentation dynamics are understudied, however, these river features are expected to be influential on the system’s ecological and economic function when integrated along the river’s length. In the following paper, we test the efficacy of organic and inorganic tracers for sediment fingerprinting in backwater confluences; we use fingerprinting results to evidence sediment dynamics controlling deposition patterns in confluences used for wetland and marina functions; and we quantify the spatial extent of tributary drainages with wetland and marina features in OR confluences. Both organic and inorganic tracers statistically differentiate sediment from stream and river end‐members. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes produce greater uncertainty in fingerprinting results than inorganic elemental tracers. Uncertainty analysis of the nonconservative tracer term in the organic matter fingerprinting application estimates an apparent enrichment of the carbon stable isotopes during instream residence, and the nonconservativeness is quantified with a statistical approach unique to the fingerprinting literature. Wetland and marina features in OR confluences impact 42% and 11% of tributary drainage areas, respectively. Sediment dynamics show wetland and marina confluences experience deposition from river backwaters with longitudinally linear and nonlinear patterns, respectively, from sediment sources.  相似文献   
A forensic approach was used to evaluate sediments from Portão Stream, including analysis of metals, carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) stable isotopes, and C:N ratios. Samples collected at various points located along the stream were tested in order to investigate a possible illegal leachate input. The studied stream is heavily impacted by sewage and industrial discharges from two cities along its course. Among the metals analyzed, chromium (Cr) was noticeably the main pollutant, showing the highest levels, above regulatory limits, downstream from some potential sources of effluents enriched with this metal. Isotope analyses revealed a general trend of depletion in the heavier isotope along the stream for C and N. The exception was one point near a hazardous waste landfill, where relatively more enriched δ13C and δ15N values were found. The isotope and metal analysis results indicated that this site was affected by a particular source, demonstrating the combination of these parameters could be used for the discrimination of sources in a heavily polluted stream. Nevertheless, further investigations are necessary to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the biogeochemical processes involved in the incorporation of leachate in sediments to use this analysis as evidence for the illegal leachate discharge.  相似文献   
北山地区大气降水中水化学及稳定同位素特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为揭示甘肃北山地区大气降水的水化学及同位素特征,利用2012~2019年度采集的97件大气降水样品,采用相关性分析,富集因子,气团后向轨迹分析等多种方法对北山地区稳定同位素变化特征及其影响因素,降水中主要离子变化特征,不同离子来源及贡献,水汽来源进行了分析.结果表明,北山地区区域降水线的斜率与截距均高于张掖地区大气降水线;该区降水中稳定同位素比率明显受季节性,温度和高程效应的影响,在年尺度下,降雨量效应不明显;该区降水中氘盈余变化较大,雨季降水中氘盈余显著小于旱季降水中氘盈余值;北山地区大气降水的水化学型主要为HCO3·SO4-Ca和HCO3-Ca型,降水中离子浓度具有明显的季节性变化,降雨量的增加对离子浓度具有一定的稀释作用;Na+受海源和陆源物质的双重影响;绝大部分的Ca2+,K+,HCO3-和部分Mg2+来源于陆源,SO42-与NO3-的主要来自于人类活动输入;区内冬夏季水汽来源基本一致,来源于西北方向的季风源是北山地区最主要的水汽来源.研究成果可为我国高放废物地质处置库选址和性能评价以及未来地下处置库建设提供依据,也有助于丰富西北干旱区的水文循环过程研究.  相似文献   
长沙地区近地面水汽中氢氧稳定同位素的变化特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于在长沙地区2014年10月—2015年10月监测的近地面水汽中氢氧稳定同位素组成(δv)及相关气象要素,对水汽中氢氧稳定同位素的变化特征、影响因素及与降水中稳定同位素(δp)的相互关系进行了分析.结果表明:大气水汽中氢氧稳定同位素存在显著的季节变化和日变化,冬、春季值高于夏、秋季值,夜晚值高于白天值.δv~(18)O的季节变化与大尺度水汽输送的季节性变化有关,日变化则与地表蒸散发、大气湍流等局地气象条件有关.通过对δv~(18)O的平衡模拟发现,水汽中和降水中稳定同位素在暖季处于或接近平衡状态,在冷季处于非平衡状态.不同季节的大气水汽线和大气水线具有一定程度的相似性,两者的斜率均为暖季大于冷季;受下垫面新降水蒸发的影响,降水日大气水汽线的斜率和截距相对于无降水日均有增加,暖季分别增加0.11和3.52‰,冷季分别增加0.07和0.14‰.  相似文献   
不同水体中稳定同位素的差异性组成对认识区域水文过程,如水体的补给机制、不同水体间的相互作用具有重要意义。论文基于2010—2013年湘江流域岳麓山周边地区降水、地表水、浅层土壤水和地下水中δD和δ18O的逐日数据及相关气象资料,分析了不同水体中稳定同位素的组成,揭示了不同水稳定同位素间的相互作用关系。结果表明:地表水、浅层土壤水和地下水中δD和δ18O对日降水中δD和δ18O的响应存在时滞,地表水和浅层土壤水的滞后时间较短,地下水的滞后时间较长;在天气尺度下,降水中δD和δ18O存在很好的线性关系,二者的相关系数达0.98;地表水、浅层土壤水和地下水中δD和δ18O的线性相关系数分别为0.95、0.90和0.90,均超过0.001的信度;在δD-δ18O关系中,地表水水线(SWL)、浅层土壤水水线(SSWL)和地下水水线(GWL)的斜率及截距都小于长沙大气水线(LMWL),表明降水是区域地表水、浅层土壤水和地下水的主要补给水源,且在补给过程中,存在一定程度的蒸发,同时与其他水体存在混合交换作用;在季节尺度下,同一水体的水线斜率与截距具有正比关系,即斜率越大,截距越大;但LMWL斜率和截距的关系存在季节和年际的差异;对比同一类水线旱雨季的斜率,仅有LMWL的斜率旱季小于雨季,反映出旱季干燥的大气条件下,降落雨滴云下二次蒸发强烈的特点。  相似文献   
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