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BaP is one of the most studied PAH, due to its ubiquitous presence in aquatic environments and toxicity to aquatic organisms. The main goal of this study was to assess BaP effects in Nile Tilapia after waterborne and dietary exposures, through the evaluation of EROD and GST activities in liver, gills and intestine, and BaP metabolites in bile; and also to evaluate the usefulness of these commonly used biomarkers after two different routes of exposure. Waterborne exposure to BaP led to a significant induction of EROD in all tissues analyzed (644%, 1640% and 2880% in relation to solvent in liver, gill and intestine respectively) while in dietary exposures EROD was induced only in intestine (3143%) after exposure to high BaP concentrations. GST activities with CDNB were slightly induced in liver (40%) and in gill (66%) after water exposure to BaP, and in intestine after dietary exposure to low BaP concentrations (182%). BaP metabolites in bile increased after both exposure routes, and were highly correlated with EROD activity after water exposure. In summary, this work has shown that the effects of BaP on biotransformation pathways depend on the route of exposure. Moreover, barrier tissues like gills and intestine also have an important role in the first-pass metabolism of BaP, reducing the amount of parent compound that reaches the liver to be metabolized. For that reason, EROD activity as a biomarker of exposure should also be applied in extrahepatic organs, like gills and intestine, in monitoring studies. Biliary BaP type metabolites are good reflectors of contamination levels under both exposure routes, while GST activity with CDNB as substrate, as a phase II enzyme, does not seem a reliable biomarker of exposure to BaP regardless the route of exposure.  相似文献   
转野生荠菜凝集素基因棉花对赤子爱胜蚓的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在实验室条件下分别给赤子爱胜蚓(Eisenia foetida)饲喂在自然状况下可能接受的棉叶最高添加量和2倍最高添加量的转野生荠菜凝集素(WSA)基因棉花(Gossypium hirsutum)叶片,并以其亲本棉花叶片为对照,以牛粪为阴性对照,以农药为阳性对照,研究种植转WSA基因棉花对赤子爱胜蚓死亡率、生长及繁殖的影响。结果表明,在49 d的试验周期内,与取食亲本棉花叶片的赤子爱胜蚓相比,取食转WSA基因棉花叶片的赤子爱胜蚓的死亡率,体质量,GST、SOD、纤维素酶活性以及蚓茧数和小蚯蚓数均无显著差异,未发现转WSA基因棉花对赤子爱胜蚓有不利影响。  相似文献   
多溴联苯醚(PBDEs)是广泛存在于环境中的一种新型持久性有机污染物.四溴联苯醚同分异构体中的BDE-47是多溴联苯醚中最重要的单体之一.试验采用人工土壤培养法,通过亚急性试验,研究了在不同暴露时间阶段下,不同BDE-47剂量对赤子爱胜蚓(Eisenia fetida)抗氧化酶(过氧化氢酶CAT)、代谢酶(谷胱甘肽转移酶GST)以及二者基因表达的影响.结果表明,在暴露14 d和28 d时,CAT活性被诱导上升并且差异显著;GST活性变化差异不显著;CAT基因表达水平在第14 d时呈现抑制效应,在后续的第28 d和第42 d基因表达水平上调;GST基因表达水平整体呈现诱导效应,并且差异显著,随着暴露时间的增加,低毒处理组(10、50 mg·kg-1)的基因表达水平逐渐下调至低于对照组的水平,高毒处理组(100、200 mg·kg-1)的基因表达量仍高于对照组水平;在BDE-47的暴露试验中,CAT与GST活性及其基因表达水平两项指标对低毒处理组较高毒处理组更为敏感.  相似文献   
三丁基锡对蓝子鱼的激素和酶指标及组织显微结构的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用静态暴露方式研究三丁基锡氯化物(TBTCl)对黄斑蓝子鱼(Siganus oramin)的毒性效应.当蓝子鱼暴露于40~4000 ng·L-1 TBTCl中10d或20d后,雌鱼和雄鱼的肝体指数显著升高,鳃、肝脏、脾脏、心脏、皮肤等组织的显微结构发生明显的病理变化;上述病变随毒物暴露剂量或暴露时间的增加而加剧.与对照组相比,暴露10d后,40 ng·L-1组的血浆睾酮水平和400 ng·L-1组的血浆皮质醇水平显著升高,4000ng·L-1组的血浆皮质醇水平显著降低、肝脏谷胱甘肽-S-转移酶(GST)活性极显著升高;暴露20d后,各处理组的血浆睾酮和皮质醇水平无显著变化,但40、400 ng·L-1组的肝脏GST活性显著升高.结果提示,肝体指数、肝脏代谢酶活性、血浆皮质醇水平,以及有关组织的病理变化可以作为评估三丁基锡等环境污染物毒性效应的生物指标.  相似文献   
预先给小鼠灌胃不同剂量的京尼平甙后,以四氯化碳造模,通过测定小鼠血清中丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)、天氡氨酸氨基转移酶(AST)以及肝脏内GSH的含量并制作组织病理切片,研究了京尼平甙对四氯化碳肝损伤小鼠的保护作用,结果表明,京尼平甙能抑制四氯化碳肝中毒小鼠血清中ALT和AST的活性以及增加肝脏内GSH的含量.然后研究了京尼平甙对正常小鼠肝微粒体内细胞色素P4502E1和细胞色素P4503A活性的影响以及肝脏内谷胱甘肽(GSH)系统的影响,表明京尼平甙对正常小鼠肝微粒体内CYP4502E1具有明显的抑制作用,并能增强肝脏内谷胱甘肽还原酶(GR)以及谷胱甘肽-S-转移酶活性.以上3个酶与自由基形成以及清除有关.图1表3参16  相似文献   
Gao QT  Tam NF 《Chemosphere》2011,82(3):346-354
The effect of nonylphenol (NP) on growth, photochemistry and biochemistry of two green microalgae, Chlorella vulgaris and Selenanstrum capricornutum, and their ability to degrade NP were compared. The 96 h EC50 of C. vulgaris and S. capricornutum were greater than 4.0 and 1.0 mg L−1 NP, respectively, suggesting that the former species was more tolerant to NP. Both microalgae acclimated to NP stress through down-regulating their photosynthetic activities, including antenna size (chlorophyll a content), maximal photochemistry (Fv/Fm) and the light absorbed by PSII (ABS/CS0), but the dissipation of energy from reaction centres (DI0/RC) increased with the increase of NP concentrations. In C. vulgaris, the changes of these parameters were more significant than in S. capricornutum and recovered completely after a 96 h exposure. The antioxidant responses, such as GSH content, CAT and POD activities in C. vulgaris increased with the increase of NP concentrations after a 24 h exposure, but these changes disappeared with exposure time and recovered to the control levels after 96 h. In S. capricornutum, although GSH content, CAT and POD activities also increased when exposed to low- to moderate-NP concentrations, these values were significantly reduced at a high concentration (4 mg L−1) even after a 96 h exposure, indicating its antioxidant responses were significantly delayed. It is clear that the more NP-tolerant species, C. vulgaris, acclimated better with a faster recovery of its photosynthetic activity from the NP-induced damage, and exhibited more efficient and rapid responses to NP-induced oxidative stress. C. vulgaris also had a higher NP degradation ability than S. capricornutum.  相似文献   
鲫鱼肝脏代谢酶和血清性激素对低浓度五氯酚的响应   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
研究了低浓度五氯酚暴露后鲫鱼体中几种重要分子生态毒理学指标的响应。结果表明,暴露7和15d后,五氯酚对鲫鱼血清睾酮含量产生了显著的诱导作用,并且暴露15d的睾酮含量高于暴露7d的睾酮含量,对鱼体造成了一定的繁殖损伤。暴露7d后,EROD和GST活性无显著升高,但暴露15d后,EROD和GST活性随浓度增加显著被诱导,其活性增高。研究结果也可揭示睾酮、EROD和GST对低浓度五氯酚具有高度的响应,建议作为监测和评价低浓度五氯酚对水生生态系统污染的生物标志物。   相似文献   
To assess the sublethal toxicity of the herbicide acetochlor to earthworms and to find out biomarkers possible inducted under acetochlor exposure, Eiseniafetida was exposed to artificial soils supplemented with different concentrations of acetochlor(5, 10, 20, 40 and 80 mg/kg soil). Effects of the acetochlor on cytochrome P450 monooxygenases p-nitroanisole O-demethylase(ODM), aldrin epoxidase(AE) and glutathione-S-transferases (GSTs) activities were determined. The results revealed cytochrome P450 monooxygenases were elevated with increasing concentrations of acetochlor, and the AE activity increased significantly compared with control at the concentration of 80 mg/kg (P〈0.05). However, ODM activity from E. fetida was not induced significantly by acetochlor at all treatments(P〉0.05). Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacryamide gel electrophoresis(SDS-PAGE) showed that one protein band was visualized and no evident differences were found in protein profiles between treatments and control. The GST activity increased significantly with longer duration(P〈0.05) and increasing concentrations of acetochlor exposure(P〈0.05). This study showed that the monooxygenases and GSTs activities in E. fetida could be induced by acetochlor, and thus, the AE and GST could be used in sublethal assays for soil contamination surveys and GST could be used as biomarkers of acetochlor exposure in E. fetida.  相似文献   
随着碳纳米管的广泛应用,其将不可避免地进入环境中.由于其具有极好的吸附亲和力和吸附容量,碳纳米管可以充当环境中持久性有毒污染物的载体,从而改变共存污染物的生物有效性和生态毒性.为评价淡水沉积物中不同多壁碳纳米管(MWCNTs)对Cd和BDE-47生态毒性的影响,采用沉积物慢性生物测试研究了不同浓度MWCNTs存在下Cd和BDE-47对铜锈环棱螺肝胰脏抗氧化防御系统关键成分超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)与Ⅱ相解毒反应的关键酶谷胱甘肽-S-转移酶(GST)以及脂质过氧化损伤指标丙二醛(MDA)的影响.结果表明,沉积物中低浓度MWCNTs(0.5 mg·g~(-1))增强Cd对铜锈环棱螺的氧化胁迫,中、高浓度(5、50 mg·g~(-1))MWCNTs引起Cd对铜锈环棱螺的氧化损伤,MWCNTs的存在显著增强了沉积物中Cd对铜锈环棱螺的毒性,而且具有浓度-效应关系;低浓度MWCNTs不影响BDE-47对铜锈环棱螺的毒性,中、高浓度MWCNTs显著降低BDE-47的毒性,同样具有明显的浓度-效应关系.因此,在评价MWCNTs的潜在环境风险时,不仅考虑MWCNTs自身的毒性,还应当考虑MWCNTs的浓度、共存污染物的种类和MWCNTs与共存污染物之间的相互作用.  相似文献   
SO2吸入对小鼠组织谷胱甘肽氧化还原系统的影响   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
从SO2吸入对雄性小鼠组织谷胱甘肽氧化还原系统中的抗氧化酶谷胱甘肽硫转移酶(GST)和葡萄糖6-磷酸脱氢酶(G6PD)以及还原型谷胱甘肽(GSH)和脂质过氧化物(TBARS)的影响探讨SO2的毒性作用机理.将昆明种纯系雄性小鼠60只随机分成3大组,每组20只,每一大组再随机分成SO2吸入组和对照组(SO2吸入组10只,对照组10只).吸入组吸入SO2浓度分别为(22±2)mg/m3,(64±3)mg/m3和(148±23)mg/m3.分别检测其脑、肺、心、肝、肾组织中GST、G6PD的活性以及GSH、TBARS的含量变化.当SO2浓度为(148±23)mg/m3时,脑、肺、心、肝、肾组织中GST和G6PD活性以及GSH含量均比对照组达到极显著(P<0.01)或显著降低(P<0.05),而脑和肺、心、肝、肾组织中TBARS水平则是显著(P<0.05)或极显著升高(P<0.01),且各指标与SO2浓度间有显著的剂量依赖关系.SO2吸入可使谷胱甘肽氧化还原系统中的关键性酶GST和G6PD活性发生显著降低,可使抗氧化物质GSH含量显著下降,而脂质过氧化物TBARS则显著升高,最终使谷胱甘肽氧化还原系统发生大的变化,导致氧化损伤.图2表2参16  相似文献   
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