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针对四川石油天然气工业环境统计中存在的非稳定污染源监测数据的统计价值不高,统计调查方法单一,个别统计指标计算未使用国家统一标准等现状,从环境监测站改组入手,改革统计调查方法,建立以必要的周期性普查为基础,以经常性的抽样调查为主体,同时辅之以全面统计报表,重点调查和科学推算综合运用的统计调查方法体系。  相似文献   
本文介绍采用德国进口的LB9100D监测系统对80m烟囟排放的α放射性气溶胶浓度进行连续、自动监测。并与国产FJ-367,FH-463A装置进行了对比则量,两套装置的测量结果符合得较好。  相似文献   
气象卫星遥感在干旱监测中的应用   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
居为民  孙涵 《灾害学》1996,11(4):25-29
本文根据NOAA极轨气象卫星AVHRR资料计算生成植被指数相对距平图用于旱情监测,并在江苏省1994年特大干旱中进行了应用服务  相似文献   
A data analysis of three major Korean cities was conducted to assess roadside inhalable particulate matter 10 μm or smaller in aerodynamic diameter (PM10), including temporal and meteorological variations, over a recent period of 4 to 6 years. The yearly roadside PM10 concentrations presented a well-defined increasing trend or no trend depending on the roadside monitoring station. Most mean values exceeded or approximated the Korean standard of 70 μg/m3 per year for PM10. A representative roadside diurnal trend was characterized by a distinct morning maximum. In most cases, the Sunday roadside concentrations were similar to or somewhat lower than the weekday concentrations, and the PM10 concentrations presented a well-defined seasonal variation, with the maximum concentration in March. The monthly maximum concentrations observed in March were most likely attributable to Asian dust storms. In two metropolitan cities (Seoul and Busan), the frequency of days with roadside PM10 concentrations exceeding the standard of 150μg/m3 per 24 h was much lower for the roadside monitoring stations than for the residential monitoring station, whereas in the third city (Daegu), this result was reversed. Interestingly, the average maximum concentrations observed for the roadside sites in Seoul and Busan during March were higher than those for the residential sites, suggesting that the roadside concentrations responded more to the dust storms than the residential areas. The relationship between the pollutant concentrations and five important meteorological parameters (solar radiation, wind speed, air temperature, relative humidity, and precipitation) showed that the number and type of meteorological variables included in the equations varied according to the monitoring station or season. Finally, the current results confirmed that attention should be given to the PM10 exposure of residents living near roadways.  相似文献   
In this paper we summarize research issues for spatial environmental sampling stemming from a NISS/USEPA workshop held on 21-22 September 1994 at Chapel Hill, NC.  相似文献   
Comprehensive temperature monitoring was done in an in-vessel forced-aeration static-bed composting process using sewage sludge. The three layers that divided the compost pile horizontally showed different temperature distributions. The temperature of the top layer appeared not to be influenced by the ambient temperature. The temperature of the center area of the top layer was taken to be the representative temperature for evaluating composting start-up performance. The temperature of the bottom layer was strongly influenced by the ambient temperature, and the temperature of the center area of the bottom layer was taken to be the representative temperature for pathogen control as it was the minimum temperature in the reactor. Composting start-up performance was influenced by several factors when the ambient temperature was either below or above 20°C. When the ambient temperature was below 20°C, the time taken to reach 65°C (T 65) was influenced by the temperature of inflowing air, but when the temperature was higher than 20°C, it was influenced by the ratio of sewage sludge to seed compost (F/S). T 65 was least when F/S was 1–2. Received: January 9, 2001 / Accepted: October 10, 2001  相似文献   
实行年度目标考核是促进监测工作发展的有效方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实行年度目标责任制考核 ,为监测站的改革和发展找到了一条有效途径。文章通过对年度目标考核责任制的方式、方法及实施后所取得成效的介绍 ,为监测站的改革与发展提供了借鉴  相似文献   
电磁辐射技术作为一种非接触式监测煤岩动力灾害的方法已得到广泛应用.为了提高监测数据的利用率,更加准确的预测冲击地压,从千秋煤矿的地质构造、煤层赋存等方面分析了其发生冲击地压的主要原因,在此基础上研究了基于电磁辐射技术的冲击地压区域监测预报方法.结果表明,区域性电磁辐射不仅能够在较大尺度上反映煤岩体内部应力分布及演化规律,同时能够在一定程度上避免单个测点数据异常的干扰,从而有效地提高了冲击地压监测预报的准确性.研究成果对千秋煤矿及相似条件矿井的冲击地压监测预报工作具有重要的现实意义及应用价值.  相似文献   
分析油罐区危险特性和事故模式,将三维GIS系统、日常管理、监控预警、应急指挥与辅助决策等功能进行集成,建立基于三维GIS的油罐区一体化应急管理平台。该平台利用数据融合技术,将液位、可燃气体、温度等多参数进行了融合,提高了报警可靠性。同时构建了DEA-BP应急资源配置模型,结合罐区事故类型,实现了罐区重大事故应急资源的优化配置。平台还提供数字化预案和三维应急演练,为油罐区员工提高应急安全技能提供了培训环境。  相似文献   
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