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Limiting the spread of invasive plants has become a high priority among natural resource managers. Yet in some regions, invasive plants are providing important habitat components to native animals that are at risk of local or regional extirpation. In these situations, removing invasive plants may decrease short-term survival of the at-risk taxa. At the same time, there may be a reluctance to expand invaded habitats to benefit at-risk species because such actions may increase the distribution of invasive plants. Such a dilemma can result in “management paralysis,” where no action is taken either to reduce invasive plants or to expand habitats for at-risk species. A pragmatic solution to this dilemma may be to develop an approach that considers site-specific circumstances. We constructed a “discussion tree” as a means of initiating conversations among various stakeholders involved with managing habitats in the northeastern USA to benefit several at-risk taxa, including New England cottontails (Sylvilagus transitionalis). Major components of this approach include recognition that expanding some invaded habitats may be essential to prevent extirpation of at-risk species, and the effective control of invasive plants is dependent on knowledge of the status of invasives on managed lands and within the surrounding landscape. By acknowledging that management of invasive plants is a complex issue without a single solution, we may be successful in limiting their spread while still addressing critical habitat needs.  相似文献   
利用Northernblot方法分析了不同碳源条件下草菇切型纤维素酶基因(eg1)的表达.结果发现,在含有纤维素的液体培养基中生长10d,eg1在草菇菌丝中有高效表达;纤维二糖、α-乳糖、β-乳糖,也能诱导eg1的表达,但和纤维素相比,eg1的表达量相对较低,并且它们的诱导效应在加入这类糖12h后迅速减弱;槐糖和龙胆二糖的诱导作用非常弱.在天然稻草为基质的固体栽培料生长时,草菇eg1的表达和草菇菌丝生长与出菇相对应,在菌丝生长期(d8)可见eg1的表达,d12时菌丝已长满,表达减弱,在出菇及菇体的分化及增大期,eg1的表达量逐渐增强,在成熟期达到最高水平;表明在草菇菇体发育中需要更多碳源及能源的补充,eg1在这方面起着非常重要的作用.图4参14  相似文献   
Predictive models of wildlife-habitat relationships often have been developed without being tested The apparent classification accuracy of such models can be optimistically biased and misleading. Data resampling methods exist that yield a more realistic estimate of model classification accuracy These methods are simple and require no new sample data. We illustrate these methods (cross-validation, jackknife resampling, and bootstrap resampling) with computer simulation to demonstrate the increase in precision of the estimate. The bootstrap method is then applied to field data as a technique for model comparison We recommend that biologists use some resampling procedure to evaluate wildlife habitat models prior to field evaluation.  相似文献   
An Approach Toward Understanding Wildlife-Vehicle Collisions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Among the most conspicuous environmental effects of roads are vehicle-related mortalities of wildlife. Research to understand the factors that contribute to wildlife-vehicle collisions can be partitioned into several major themes, including (i) characteristics associated with roadkill hot spots, (ii) identification of road-density thresholds that limit wildlife populations, and (iii) species-specific models of vehicle collision rates that incorporate information on roads (e.g., proximity, width, and traffic volume) and animal movements. We suggest that collision models offer substantial opportunities to understand the effects of roads on a diverse suite of species. We conducted simulations using collision models and information on Blanding’s turtles (Emydoidea blandingii), bobcats (Lynx rufus), and moose (Alces alces), species endemic to the northeastern United States that are of particular concern relative to collisions with vehicles. Results revealed important species-specific differences, with traffic volume and rate of movement by candidate species having the greatest influence on collision rates. We recommend that future efforts to reduce wildlife-vehicle collisions be more proactive and suggest the following protocol. For species that pose hazards to drivers (e.g., ungulates), identify collision hot spots and implement suitable mitigation to redirect animal movements (e.g., underpasses, fencing, and habitat modification), reduce populations of problematic game species via hunting, or modify driver behavior (e.g., dynamic signage that warns drivers when animals are near roads). Next, identify those species that are likely to experience additive (as opposed to compensatory) mortality from vehicle collisions and rank them according to vulnerability to extirpation. Then combine information on the distribution of at-risk species with information on existing road networks to identify areas where immediate actions are warranted.  相似文献   
In the absence of reliable morphological characters, or in conjunction with morphology-based identifications, meiofaunal turbellarians may also be identified using the nucleotide sequence of a portion of the large subunit of the ribosomal RNA (26/28S rRNA). A 284 base pair-long region of the 26/28S rRNA has been identified by isolating genomic DNA from ten species of turbellarians belonging to four orders, namely, the Proseriata, Macrostomida, Prolecithophora and Acoela. The proseriates had been collected from localities in Europe and Israel and were preserved in ethanol. The remaining turbellarians were isolated from intertidal sediment samples collected from two sites on the Maine and New Hampshire coast, USA in 1992. Amplification of the genomic DNA was carried out using two primers designed to match the nucleotide sequence of a portion of the 26/28S rDNA gene of the terrestrial nematode,Caenorhabditis elegans (Maupas 1900). This area consists of a highly variable, about 150 base pair-long region, called the D3 expansion segment, followed by a very conserved stretch of sequence. When folded into its secondary structure, the conserved region will form stem structures that correspond to helices 15 to 18 of theC. elegans structural model. The sequence alignment program PILEUP was used to perform a cluster analysis (unweighted pair group method using arthmetic averages, UPGMA) on the sequences. This analysis revealed that the helices allow for the classification of the turbellarians at the level of families and above, whereas if the D3 expansion segment itself was included in the analysis, intrageneric and intraspecific groupings could be established.  相似文献   
利用Northern blot方法分析了不同碳源条件下草菇內切型纤维素酶基因(eg1)的表达.结果发现,在含有纤维素的液体培养基中生长10 d,eg1在草菇菌丝中有高效表达;纤维二糖、α-乳糖、β-乳糖,也能诱导eg1的表达,但和纤维素相比,eg1的表达量相对较低,并且它们的诱导效应在加入这类糖12 h后迅速减弱;槐糖和龙胆二糖的诱导作用非常弱.在天然稻草为基质的固体栽培料生长时,草菇eg1的表达和草菇菌丝生长与出菇相对应,在菌丝生长期(d 8)可见eg1的表达,d 12时菌丝已长满,表达减弱,在出菇及菇体的分化及增大期,eg1的表达量逐渐增强,在成熟期达到最高水平;表明在草菇菇体发育中需要更多碳源及能源的补充,eg1在这方面起着非常重要的作用. 图4 参14  相似文献   
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