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Zusammenfassung   Hintergrund, Ziel und Zweck Borkenbewohnende (epiphytische) Flechten reagieren sehr empfindlich auf verschiedene Umwelteinflüsse wie Stoffgehalte in der Atmosph?re und Temperaturen. Sie haben als Bioindikatoren für Luftverunreinigungen einen hohen Stellenwert bei Umweltuntersuchungen. Basierend auf einer 1989 durchgeführten Kartierung borkenbewohnender (epiphytischer) Flechten in einem landwirtschaftlich intensiv genutzten Raum Nordwestdeutschlands erfolgte 2007 eine Wiederholungsuntersuchung. Dabei galt es, m?gliche Ver?nderungen der Immissionssituation und des Klimas zu erkennen. Material und Methoden Die Studie basiert auf einer vergleichenden Kartierung epiphytischer Flechten von 355 Tr?gerb?umen an 45 Monitoringpunkten. Die angewandte Methode orientiert sich an der 1989 angewandten halb-quantitativen Erfassung. Ergebnisse Es stellten sich gravierende Ver?nderungen in der Vegetation rindenbewohnender Flechten heraus. Insgesamt war eine Erh?hung der Artenzahl an nahezu allen Monitoringpunkten festzustellen. Es wurde eine sehr starke Abnahme s?uretoleranter Arten und eine deutliche Zunahme basen- und n?hrstofffordernder Flechtenarten festgestellt. Darüber hinaus zeigte sich eine deutliche Zunahme w?rmeliebender Flechtenarten mit einem Verbreitungsschwerpunkt in Südeuropa bei gleichzeitigem Rückgang von Arten mit einem boreal-montanem Verbreitungsschwerpunkt. Diskussion Die festgestellte Entwicklung steht im Einklang mit überregionalen Beobachtungen. Sie wird im Wesentlichen auf eine gro?r?umig ver?nderte Immissionssituation, d. h. einer Abnahme der atmosph?rischen SO2-Belastung und Zunahme der Ammoniakbelastung zurückgeführt. Ebenso treten deutliche Auswirkungen der Klimaerw?rmung hervor. Schlussfolgerungen Mit relativ geringem Untersuchungsaufwand lie?en sich Ver?nderungen bei den epiphytischen Flechten in den letzten 18 Jahren aufzeigen. Diese sind relevant für die Beurteilung regional und kleinr?umig ver?nderter Umweltbedingungen, die auch für andere Organismen und ?kosysteme l?ngerfristig von gro?er Bedeutung sind. Empfehlungen und Ausblick Unter Verwendung standardisierter Methoden vermitteln epiphytische Flechten ein differenziertes Bild der Luftbelastungssituation in Ballungsr?umen und in landwirtschaftlich genutzten Regionen. Darüber hinaus sind sie offensichtlich gute Indikatoren für Temperatur?nderungen ihrer Umgebung. Weiterer Forschungsbedarf besteht für die Verwendung epiphytischer Flechten zum Biomonitoring von Klimaver?nderungen.   相似文献   
Agrochemical spray drift; assessment and mitigation--a review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During application of agrochemicals spray droplets can drift beyond the intended target to non-target receptors, including water, plants and animals. Factors affecting this spray drift include mode of application, droplet size, which can be modified by the nozzle types, formulation adjuvants, wind direction, wind speed, air stability, relative humidity, temperature and height of released spray relative to the crop canopy. The rate of fall of spray droplets depends upon the size of the droplets but is modified by entrainment in a mobile air mass and is also influenced by the rate of evaporation of the liquid constituting the aerosol. The longer the aerosol remains in the air before falling to the ground (or alternatively striking an object above ground) the greater the opportunity for it to be carried away from its intended target. In general, all size classes of droplets are capable of movement off target, but the smallest are likely to move the farthest before depositing on the ground or a non-target receptor. It is not possible to avoid spray drift completely but it can be minimized by using best-management practices. These include using appropriate nozzle types, shields, spray pressure, volumes per area sprayed, tractor speed and only spraying when climatic conditions are suitable. Field layout can also influence spray drift, whilst crop-free and spray-free buffer zones and windbreak crops can also have a mitigating effect. Various models are available to estimate the environmental exposure from spray drift at the time of application.  相似文献   
This work examines the effect of butanol (higher alcohol) on the emission pattern of neat neem oil biodiesel (NBD100) fueled diesel engine. Single-cylinder, 4-stroke, research diesel engine was employed to conduct the trial. Blends comprising the mixture of biodiesel and higher alcohol were prepared by employing an ultrasonic agitator. Four test fuels such as neat neem oil biodiesel, diesel, and two blends of higher alcohol/neem oil biodiesel: 10% and 20% (by volume). Experimental result showed that increasing alcohol content to biodiesel brought down the various emissions such as Smoke, NOx, HC, and CO by 6.8%, 10.4%, 8.6%, and 5.9%, respectively, at all loads. It was also concluded from the trail that a 20% higher alcohol/neem oil biodiesel blends show the promising signs in reducing all the emissions associated with biodiesel fuelled diesel engine.  相似文献   
Epiphytic lichens as indicators for changes in air pollution and climate. Results of a comparative survey 1989/2007 in north-west Germany Background, aim, and scope Lichens growing on tree bark (epiphytic lichens) respond very sensitively to environmental effects such as chemical substances and air temperature. Therefore, they are used as biomonitors for atmospheric pollution in environmental assessments. Based on a survey of epiphytic lichens in 1989, a repetition was performed in an intensively-used agricultural area of north-west Germany in 2007. The objective of this study was to assess possible changes in air pollution and climate. Materials and methods The study is based on a comparative inventory of epiphytic lichens, growing on 335 trees at 45 monitoring sites. A simplified half quantitative survey technique of the first survey was used. Results Indeed, major changes to the epiphytic lichen flora were found. Overall, nearly all monitoring points showed an increase in the level of lichen species. A sharp decrease in acidophileous species and a sharp increase in basidophileous and nitrophileous species were detected. In addition, an increase in thermophileous species which are mainly inhabitants of southern European countries was observed, combined with decreases in boreo-montanic species. Discussion These trends correspond with supra-regional observations. They are primarily attributed to changes in air pollution involving a decrease in SO2 and an increase in NH3 concentrations. Clear effects from climate change are evident as well. Conclusions Changes to epiphytic lichens over a 18-year period could be demonstrated using a relatively low-cost investigation. They are relevant for assessing the changing environmental situation, which is of great importance for other organism groups and ecosystems. Recommendations and perspectives Using standardized techniques epiphytic lichens are suitable bioindicators for obtaining different types of information about the air pollution in urban areas and in intensively-used agricultural regions. Furthermore they are obviously good indicators of temperature changes in their environment. More research is needed about the suitability of epiphytic lichens for a biomonitoring of climate changes.  相似文献   
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